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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. B. (Barbara) Postema

Research interests

Barbara Postema is a Lecturer in English for Academic Purposes at Groningen University in the Netherlands. Her monograph Narrative Structure in Comics was published in a Brazilian translation in 2018. She has contributed work on comics to Image and Narrative, the Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics, and the International Journal of Comic Art, as well as collections such as Keywords for Comics StudiesThe Routledge Companion to Comics and Graphic NovelsThe Cambridge History of the Graphic Novel, and Abstraction and Comics. Dr. Postema is working on a project on wordless comics, considering their history, their thematics, and the ways this form allows readers to navigate non-verbal narration through sequences of images. She is co-editor of Crossing Lines: Transcultural/Transnational Comics Studies, a book series from Wilfrid Laurier University Press, a former President of the Canadian Society for the Study of Comics, and a current Member-at-Large for the Comics Studies Society.


Haunted by Tradition: Ilan Manouach and the Ghosts of BD Past

Introduction issue 2: Humanities in the Time of ChatGPT and Other AI

Special issue: Teaching in the Time of ChatGPT and Other AI

“The Hard Work of Programming Germinates Soft Pleasures”: Creating Synthetic Comics with AI Collaboration

Humanities in the Time of ChatGPT and Other AI

Special issue: Humanities in the Time of ChatGPT and Other AI

Abstract Comics

European comics festivals return to Angoulême and Haarlem

Experimental Comics



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