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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. B. (Bert) Poolman


Bacterial cell volume regulation and the importance of cyclic di-AMP

Chemiosmotic nutrient transport in synthetic cells powered by electrogenic antiport coupled to decarboxylation

Construction of Out-of-Equilibrium Metabolic Networks in Nano- and Micrometer-Sized Vesicles

Dynamic structure of E. coli cytoplasm: supramolecular complexes and cell aging impact spatial distribution and mobility of proteins

Ergosterol promotes aggregation of natamycin in the yeast plasma membrane

Exploring the Ligand Binding and Conformational Dynamics of the Substrate-Binding Domain 1 of the ABC Transporter GlnPQ

Fitness landscape of substrate-adaptive mutations in evolved amino acid-polyamine-organocation transporters

Macromolecular Crowding, Phase Separation, and Homeostasis in the Orchestration of Bacterial Cellular Functions

Membrane-embedded CdaA is required for efficient synthesis of second messenger cyclic di-AMP

Probing the stability and interdomain interactions in the ABC transporter OpuA using single-molecule optical tweezers


Het recept voor leven uit het niets: Nederlandse wetenschappers zetten eerste stap

ERC Synergy subsidie van vijf miljoen voor synthetisch celonderzoek

Five million ERC Synergy Grant for synthetic cell research

Simpel leven maken - RUG-wetenschappers bouwen modules voor synthetische cel

Creating a simplified form of life - Scientists build modules for synthetic cell

Creating a simplified form of life: Scientists build modules for a synthetic cell

NWO Summit subsidie voor onderzoek naar moleculaire basis van leven

NWO Summit grant for research into the molecular basis of life

De kunstmatige cel - een vliegtuig bouwen zonder tekening

Artificial cells - building an airplane without a blueprint