ir. B.M. (Bernadette) Boumans

Personal data
Name : Bernadette Boumans
Address : Socrateslaan 4
: 9404 ER Assen
Telephone : 0592-301596
Mobile phone : 06-48558369
E-mail : b.boumans
Date of birth : June 7th 1958
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen:
- 2012 - 2013 Master Leraar Voorbereidend en Hoger Onderwijs, geography 1e grade
Wageningen University:
- 1977-1985, landscape architecture
Work experience
Since 2016: lecturer landscape and water at the faculty of Spatial Sciences of Groningen University, department of Cultural Geography
2015 - 2016: coordination gas extraction / strategic development, Gemeente De Marne (temporary job)
2014 - 2015: teacher geography at the Lindenborg, Leek
2013 - 2014: teacher geography at PiterJelles De Dyk, Leeuwarden
2012 - 2015: freelance work for Bureau Siemer in Assen
- garden plans for monuments
Since 2012: guestlectures urbanism and landscape development at the Hanzehogeschool in Groningen, Academie voor Architectuur, Bouwkunde en Civiele Techniek, onderwerpen:
- Landschape development: geology, soil science and occupation history
- Urbanism grade 2: Stad en water
- Urbanism grade 3: Urban traffic
2012 - 2013: master internship: Fivelcollege,Delfzijl/Stellingwerf College, Oosterwolde:
2008 -2011: designer at BügelHajema Adviseurs, Assen:
- urban design(i.a. Roodeschool, Rouveen);
- writing of policy documents (agricultural development, bio-fermentation, code regarding the external appearance of buildings);
- designs for public space;
1997 -2007: senior advisor Gemeente ’s-Hertogenbosch departement Openbare Ruimte en Verkeer, Section Stadsontwikkeling:
- participation in projects concerning main urban infrastructure, urban water management, Grote Stedenbeleid;
- project management public space Vinex-location De Groote Wielen, Rosmalen.
1990 - 1997: senior designer and team leader Gemeente Utrecht departement Openluchtrecreatie en Groenvoorziening:
- participation in urban renewal projects;
- Designs for public space, public transport and Estate Amelisweerd;
- member ‘Commissie Beeldende Kunst in de Openbare Ruimte’;
1988 - 1990: designer BTL Planburo – Haaren, Noord-Brabant:
- garden design and policy plans.
1987 - 1988: teacher landscape architecture ‘Amsterdamse School voor Architectuur, Stedebouw en Landschapsarchitectuur’ (Master):
- subjects: i.a. Dutch history of garden design;
- organisation of excursion to Barcelona.
1985 - 1987: designer Gemeente Emmen departement Groen en Recreatie:
- writing of green structure plan and designs for public space.
Extracurricular activities
- since 2015: volunteer education IVN/Staatsbosbeheer: field practice for elementary school en secondary school students and excursion in Nationaal Park Drentsche Aa;
- 2013 - 2014: member of the committee Garden Festival Hortus Haren;
- 2012: workshop Mutual Gains Approach Provincie Drenthe
- Since 2012: member Deutsche Lesegruppe Groningen;
- 2011- 2014: member ‘Adviescommissie Beeldende Kunst en Vormgeving’ Gemeente Assen;
- 2011 - 2013: counselor urbanism at the ‘Commissie Ruimtelijke Kwaliteit en Cultuurhistorie’ of Drents Plateau/Libau Groningen;
- 2010: guest lecture 4th grade students ‘Atelier Mens en Omgeving’, Hanzehogeschool Groningen (project in context of population decline in Ulrum, Gemeente De Marne);
- 2009 - 2010: counselor urbanism at the ‘Monumentencommissie’ of Drents Plateau;
- 1994 - 1997: courses garden design given at ‘Creatief Centrum Drunen’;
- 1991: exam Visual Art at the ‘Open Universiteit’;
- 1990 - 1993: twice a year excursion to Paris with teacher of the ‘Open Universiteit’ to gardens around Paris;
- 1990: exam introduction to Cultural sciences at the ‘Open Universiteit’;
- 1987: guest lecture landscape architecture in Almería (Spain) in a course for Arquitectos Técnicos.
- English and German: professional working proficiency;
- French and Spanish: limited working proficiency.
And when I don’t work……
.... I love to spend time with my family, like to read a good (German) book, play the piano and volunteer as a guide for the National Park Drentsche Aa ……
Last modified: | 25 June 2022 4.33 p.m. |