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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. ir. B.J. (Bart J) Kooi

prof. dr. ir. B.J. (Bart J) Kooi

Voorzitter basiseenheid Nanostructured Materials and Interfaces, Professor
Profielfoto van prof. dr. ir. B.J. (Bart J) Kooi
050 36 34896 (secretariaat 050 363 4974)


Nitrogen-doped Ti3C2Tx coated with a molecularly imprinted polymer as efficient cathode material for lithium-sulfur batteries

The Photoinduced Response of Antimony from Femtoseconds to Minutes

3D Nanostructuring of Phase-Change Materials Using Focused Ion Beam toward Versatile Optoelectronics Applications

Additively manufactured high entropy alloys: microstructure and properties, current challenges, and future work

Atomically Resolved Phase Coexistence in VO2 Thin Films

Bridging the gap between high-entropy alloys and metallic glasses: Control over disorder and mechanical properties of coatings

Domains with Varying Conductance in Tensile Strained SrMnO3 Thin Films Using Out-of-Plane Electric Fields

Giant electrostriction-like response from defective non-ferroelectric epitaxial BaTiO3 integrated on Si (100)

Growth mechanism of oleylammonium-based tin and lead bromide perovskite nanostructures

Metavalent or Hypervalent Bonding: Is There a Chance for Reconciliation?


Molecular compass tracks tiny forces

Technical students and interesting jobs side by side