dr. B. (Bart) Hollebrandse

Curriculum Vitae (April 2019)
Center for Language and Cognition Groningen
School of Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience
University of Groningen
Oude Kijk in ‘t Jatstraat 26
NL 9712 EK Groningen
The Netherlands
+31 50 363 5631
Botanicuslaan 32
9751 AD Groningen
31 50 360 4581
e-mail: b.hollebrandse@rug.nl, bart.hollebrandse@gmail.com
web-page: http://www.rug.nl/staff/b.hollebrandse/
date of birth: May 30, 1964
nationality: Dutch
1993-2000 PhD in Linguistics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Mass, U.S.A.,
May 30, 2000
Dissertation title: “The Acquisition of Sequence of Tense”.
Chair: Thomas Roeper. Other committee members: Jill de Villiers (Smith College), Angelika Kratzer, Peggy Speas.
1987-1993 MA in Linguistics, University of Tilburg, The Netherlands, MA-thesis title: “Dutch Light Verb Constructions”. Advisor: Prof. Henk van Riemsdijk.
1984-1985 Civil Engineering, University of Delft, The Netherlands.
Academic Employment
2017-now Assistant Professor (tenured), Faculty of Arts, Linguistics Department, Groningen.
2012-2017 Assistant Professor (tenured), Faculty of Arts, Dutch Department, Groningen.
2009-2012 Senior Researcher (tenured) Dutch Department; VICI project Asymmetries in Grammar to Prof. Petra Hendriks.
2011-2012 Teaching Semantics (temporary) Dutch Department (Feb1 2011 – Jan 31 2012)
2006-2009 Senior Researcher (tenured), Linguistic Department; EU 6th Framework project: Characterizing Human Language by its Structural Complexity, Groningen part to Bart Hollebrandse and Angeliek van Hout, University of Groningen
2006-2007 Visiting Faculty at Smith College, Northampton.
Visiting Faculty at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
2003-2005 Assistant professor (non-tenured) Linguistics Department, Groningen University Teaching semantics and language acquisition
2003-2005 Senior Researcher, Dutch Department: Alpha-stimulation Grant to Bart Hollebrandse, University of Groningen
Spring 2003 Substitute teaching Prof. Dr. Alice ter Meulen (English Dept. RUG) Teaching semantics and Introduction to Linguistics
2000-2003 Associate Editor at the SynCom project (NWO funded project to explore digital publication of state-of-the-art papers on syntax).
2000-2003 Junior Researcher at the University of Groningen, Dutch Department on the NWO project “Interfaces in L1 and L2 acquisition”, specific project “Presuppositional quantifiers in L1 and L2 acquisition” (360-70-010).
2000-2001 Substitute teaching Dr. Gerard Bol (Linguistics, University of Groningen) Teaching language acquisition and language disorders
2000-2001 Junior Researcher “Language in Use” program at the University of Utrecht, focusing on the L1 and L2 acquisition of existential quantifiers.
1999-2000 Research coordinator at the Utrecht institute of Linguistics UiL-OTS, coordinating graduate and post-graduate research
1995 Publishing Company Houghton-Mifflin (Boston) beta-tester grammar-checker Word.
1993-1999 Research and Teaching Assistant at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Professional Activities
National board member (secretary) of the union VAWO, Vakbond voor de Wetenschap and Chair of the Landelijk Postdoc en Promovendi Platform.
Member (secretary since 2014; chair since 2018) of Program Committee Linguistics.
Event at the NEMO Science Museum in Amsterdam: people could participate in Serious Gaming and listen to informal lectures on Linguistics (April 28 – May 6).
Event at the NEMO Science Museum in Amsterdam: people could participate in Serious Gaming and listen to informal lectures on Linguistics (August 29 –September 4).
Advising Record (Highlights)
Luigi Palumbo, joint degree Greenwich University
Elizabeth Heredia Murillo joint degree University of Nantes
Member of the PhD Committee at The University of Nantes, France, Doctoral Dissertation by Ana Bosniç.
Member of the PhD Committee at The University of Nantes, France, Doctoral Dissertation: Numéraux et distributivité en Serb : syntaxe, sémantique et acquisition by Natasa Knezevic.
Member of the PhD Committee at The University of Nantes, France, Doctoral Dissertation: Le temps en contexte subordonné de la perspective de l’acquisition du français langue maternelle by Oana Lungu.
Co-promotor Doctoral Dissertation, The Acquisition of Quantification. Children's use of semantics and pragmatics to constrain meaning by Erik-Jan Smits, University of Groningen.
Outside examiner on the PhD Committee at The University of Western Australia, Doctoral Dissertation: The Acquisition of the Meanings and Uses of the Past Form –ta by First and Second Language Learners of Japanese by Kazumi Kubo.
2000-till now
Supervised over 50 MA and BA theses in Linguistics
Awards, Grants and Fellowships
Grants Awarded
Characterizing Human Language by its Structural Complexity (CHLaSC), European Grant (NEST-STREP), main p.i.s: M. Krifka and U. Sauerland (ZAS, Berlin), 1,5 million Euro, Groningen part to B. Hollebrandse and A. van Hout, 400.000 Euro, duration: 3 years.
University of Groningen, Alpha-stimulation grant (75.000 Euros)
1995 - 1996
University of Massachusetts Amherst Fellow ($6000).
Grants Shortlisted
VIDI research grant Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). Title: Connecting Nominal, Temporal and Question-Variables in Semantics and Acquisition.
VIDI research grant Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). Title: The Acquisition of Variables, with a focus on temporal, nominal and wh-variables.
Drongo Award, testing at Research@ScienceLive at Science Center Nemo, Amsterdam.
2014 – now
Collaboration with University of Massachusetts Amherst with Tom Roeper on Recursion
Collaborating with the Science Nemo in Amsterdam, Boston Science Museum, Boston and the Cosmo Caixa Science Museum in Barcelona (with Wolfram Hinzen).
2016 – now
Advising students of the Game Design and Architecture program at the Alfa College (Groningen).
2010 – now
Collaboration with the University of Nantes with Hamida Demirdache and Orin Percus on the acquisition of quantification, tense and negation.
Collaborations and Associations to Grants
“Science Live” Workshop on the Acquisition of Recursion Across Languages to Thomas Roeper and Barbara Pearson (UMass, Amherst), funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF).
Grasping Meaning across Languages and Learners (GraMALL) to Angeliek van Hout, funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO).
The syntax and semantics of affectedness in natural languages to František Kratochvíl en Francis Bond (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), funded by the Singaporean Minstery of Education.
VICI project Asymmetries in Grammar to Prof. Petra Hendriks
COST European Grant (COST), ESF-grant, main p.i. U. Sauerland (ZAS, Berlin), Chair of the Tense & Aspect subgroup, 2005-2006
NWO (Dutch National Science Foundation) internationalization grant #235-70-006 to Dr. Angeliek van Hout (Groningen University), with Jill de Villiers (Smith College), Thomas Roeper (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
NWO project “Interfaces in L1 and L2 acquisition”, specific project “Presupposition quantifiers in L1 and L2 acquisition” (360-70-010).
National Institute of Health grant “Acquisition of the language for mental events” to Jill de Villiers, Smith College, Northampton and Thomas Roeper, University of Massachusetts Amherst (#R01DH32442).
National Institute of Health grant “African American English” to Prof. Harry Seymour of the department of communication disorders, Prof. Thomas Roeper University of Massachusetts Amherst and Prof. Jill de Villiers Smith College Northampton (# R01DC02172-03).
Hollebrandse, B. (2000). The Acquisition of Sequence of Tense. Doctoral Dissertation University of Massachusetts, Amherst, U.S.A.
Editor Journals
TABU, Bulletin voor Taalwetenschap (Dutch journal on linguistics)
Reviewed Journal Papers
Veenstra, A., Hollebrandse, B & Katsos, N. (2018). ‘Why some children accept under-informative utterances’.Pragmatics & Cognition 24:2, 297-313.
Arslan, B., Verbrugge, R., Taatgens, N. & Hollebrandse, B. (2018). Accelerating the development of second-order false belief reasoning: A training study with different feedback methods. Child Development.
Katsos, N., Cummins, C., Ezeizabarrena, M.J. Gavarró, A., Kuvač Kraljević, J. Hrzica, G., Grohmann, K. Skordi, A., Jensen de López, K., Sundahl, L., Van Hout, A., Hollebrandse, B., Overweg, J., Faber, M., Van Koert, M., Smith, N, Vija, M., Zupping, S., Kunnari, S, Morisseau, T., Rusieshvili, M, Yatsushiro, K., Fengler, A., Varlokosta, S, Konstantzou, K, Farby, S., Guasti, M.T., Vernice, M., Okabe, R., Isobe, M., Crosthwaite, P., Hong, Y., Balčiūnienė, I., Ahmad Nizar, Y.M., Grech, H., Gatt, D., Cheong, W.N., Asbjørnsen, A., Von Koss Torkildsen, J., Haman, E., Miękisz, A., Gagarin, N., Puzanova, J., Anđelković, D., Savić, M., Jošić, S., Slančová, D., Kapalková, S., Barberán, S., Özge, D., Hassan, S., Chan, Y.C.H, Okubo, T., Van der Lely, H.,2, Sauerland, U., & Noveck, I. (2016). Cross-linguistic patterns in the acquisition of quantifiers. Proceedings of National Academy of Science of America (PNAS). vol. 113 no. 33, 9244–9249, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1601341113.
Hollebrandse, B., Van Hout, A. and Hendriks, P (2014). Children's first and second-order false-belief reasoning in a verbal and a low-verbal task. Synthese, 1-13.
Van Koert, M, B. Hollebrandse and A. van Hout, Gaan ‘go’ as dummy auxialiary in Dutch children’s tense production, Groninger Arbeiten zur germanistischen Linguistik. 51 (2011), 43-54.
Van Maastricht, L. and B. Hollebrandse, ‘Tense and acquisition in French five-year olds’, Groninger Arbeiten zur germanistischen Linguistik. 51 (2010), 75-86.
‘Van enkelvoudige inbedding naar meervoudige inbedding: een tegelzetters-probleem?’ TABU 38ste jaargang 2009/2010.
Hollebrandse, B. (2007). A Special Case of Wh-Extraction in Child Language. Lingua 117 (11), Elsevier, 1897-1906.
Lorusso, M. L., R. Galli, L. Libera, C. Gagliardi, R. Borgatti, and B. Hollebrandse (2007). Indicators of theory of mind in narrative production: a comparison between individuals with genetic syndromes and typically developing children. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 1-17.
Hollebrandse, B. and E.J. Smits, ‘The Acquisition of the Weak-Strong Distinction: The Case of the Dutch Quantifier allemaal’, Belgian Journal of Linguistic 19, John Benjamin Publishing, 243-261.
Hollebrandse, B. (2004). Topichood and Quantification in L1 Dutch’, International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 42, Mouton de Gruyter, 203-215.
Model, J. (1991). Incorporatie, Gramma 15, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. (collaboration between Henk van Riemsdijk, Emile Kramer and Marc van Oostendorp)
Hollebrandse, B. Kim, J. Pérez-Leroux, A. T. and Schulz, P. (2018). UMOP 41: T.O.M. and Grammar, Thought on Mind and Grammar: A Festschrift to Tom Roeper. Amherst, Mass: G.L.S.A.
Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2008, edited by Reineke Bok-Bennema, Brigitte Kampers-Manhe and Bart Hollebrandse, 2010, John Benjamins, Amsterdam/Philadelphia.
The Blackwell Companion to Syntax, volume 1-5, M. Everaert and H. van Riemsdijk (ed) and R. Goedemans and B. Hollebrandse (Associate Editors). Both book and digital version.
Cahiers Chronos, B. Hollebrandse, A. van Hout and C. Vet (eds.), Rodopi, Amsterdam.
Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2002, edited by Reineke Bok-Bennema, Bart Hollebrandse, Brigitte Kampers-Manhe en Petra Sleeman, 2004, John Benjamins, Amsterdam/Philadelphia.
Interfaces, P. Bos, B. Hollebrandse and P. Sleeman (eds.), special issue of the International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, Mouton de Gruyter.
Hollebrandse, B. (1998). New Perspectives on Language Acquisition, University of Massachusetts Occasional Papers in Linguistics, G.L.S.A. Amherst.
Reviewed Book Chapters
Roeper, T. and Hollebrandse, B. (accepted). Recursion. In: M. Aranoff (ed.). Oxford Bibliographies in Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hollebrandse, B. (2018). Some puzzling thoughts on recursion in counting. In: B. Hollebrandse, J. Kim, A. T. Pérez-Leroux and P. Schulz (eds.). UMOP 41: T.O.M. and Grammar, Thought on Mind and Grammar: A Festschrift to Tom Roeper. Amherst, Mass: G.L.S.A. p. 61-66.
Hollebrandse, B. (2018). Indirect Recursion, The importance of second-order embedding and its implications for cross-linguistic research. In: L. Amaral, A. Nevins, M. Maia & T. Roeper (eds.), Recursion and Embedding in Brazilian Languages and Beyond.
Van Rij, J., Hollebrandse, B. & Hendriks P. (2016). Children’s eye gaze reveals their use of discourse context in object pronoun resolution. In: A. Holler, C. Goeb & K. Suckow (Eds). Emperical Perspectives on Anaphora Resolution: Information structural evidence in the race for salience. Linguistische Arbeiten 563. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.
Rouweler, L. & Hollebrandse B. (2015). Distributive, collective and “everything” in between: interpretation of universal quantifiers in child and adult language. In: B. Köhnlein & J. Audring (Eds). Linguistics in The Netherlands 2015, 32. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 130-141.
Hollebrandse, B. & Roeper, T. (2014). Empirical results and formal approaches to recursion in acquisition. In: T. Roeper & M. Speas (Eds). Recursion: Complexity in cognition. Dordrecht: Springer, 179-220.
De Villiers, J., Hobbs, K. & Hollebrandse, B. (2014). Recursive complements and propositional attitudes. In: T. Roeper & M. Speas (Eds). Recursion: Complexity in cognition. Dordrecht: Springer, 221-242.
Hollebrandse, B, Van Koert, M. & Van Hout, A. (2013). Semantic dummy verbs in child Dutch. In: E. Blom, I. van de Craats & J. Verhagen (eds.). Dummy Auxiliaries in First and Second Language Acquisition. De Gruyter Mouton,75-100.
van Koert, M., Van Hout, A. & Hollebrandse, B. (2013). Dutch children’s overgeneralization of the dummy auxiliary /gaan/ ‘go’. In: S. Stavrakaki, M. Lalioti, P. Konstantinopoulou (Eds), Advances in Language Acquisition. Cambridge Scholars Press, Newcastle upon Tyne,pp. 208-215.
Hollebrandse, B. and A. van Hout (2008). Acquiring recursion in language and thought, BCN Annual Report 2006-2007, 102-104.
Hollebrandse, B. and Visser, S. (2006). Temporal Quantification and Events in Dutch Child Language. In: J. van de Weijer and B. Los (eds.), Linguistics in the Netherlands 23, John Benjamins, Amsterdam.
Hollebrandse, B. (2005). Sequence of Tense: new insights from cross-linguistic comparisons. In: Cahiers Chronos, in: Crosslinguistc views on Tense, Aspect and Mood, B. Hollebrandse, A. van Hout and C. Vet (eds.), Rodopi, Amsterdam, 49-59.
Hollebrandse, B. (2000). State - non-state differences in Dutch L2 acquisition of English. In: H. de Hoop and T. vander Wouden (eds.), Linguistics in the Netherlands, John Benjamins, Amsterdam, 133-142.
Van Hout, A. and Hollebrandse, B. (1998).Aspectual bootstrapping via light verbs. In: Z. Penner and N. Dittmar (eds), Acquisition Mechanisms: A festschrift for Jűrgen Weissenborn. Peter Lang AG, Berlin, 113-134.
Hollebrandse, B. and Van Hout, A. (1996). Light-verb learning is light verb-learning. In: M. Dickey and S. Tunstall (eds), Linguistics in the Laboratory, University of Massachusetts Occasional Papers in Linguistics 19, G.L.S.A., 261-288.
Hollebrandse, B. and Everaert, M. (1995). The lexical representation of light verb constructions. In: Proceedings of the 21st annual meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, February 17-20 1995, 94-104.
Hollebrandse, B. and Van Hout, A. (1994). Light verb learning in Dutch. In: Verrips, M. and F. Wijnen (eds), Papers from the Dutch-German Colloquium on Language Acquisition, Amsterdam Series in Child language Development, 65-90.
Proceedings Reviewed Conferences
Hollebrandse, B & Van Hout, A. (2015). Comprehension and production of double embedded structures: A kindergartenpath in long-distance dependencies in Dutch school-aged children? In: C. Hamann & E. Ruigendijk (Eds). Language Acquisition and Development: Proceedings of GALA 2013. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 190-204.
Lindenbergh, C., Van Hout, A. & Hollebrandse, B. (2015). Extending ellipsis research: The acquisition of sluicing in Dutch. BUCLD 39 Online Proceedings Supplement, Vol. 39, 1-22.
Arslan, B., Verbrugge, R., Taatgen, N. & Hollebrandse, B. (2015). Teaching children to attribute second-order false belief: A training study with feedback. In: Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Austin: Cognitive Science Society, 108-113.
Napoleon Katsos, Maria-José Ezeizabarrena, Anna Gavarró, Bart Hollebrandse, and Angeliek van Hout and 44 more authors (2013). The acquisition of quantification across languages: Some predictions. In Alia K. Biller, Esther Y. Chung, and Amelia E. Kimball (eds.). Proceedings of the 36th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, pages 258–268, Somerville, Massachusetts: Cascadilla Press.
Hollebrandse, B. A. van Hout and P. Hendriks (2011). First and second-order false-belief reasoning: Does language support reasoning about the beliefs of others? TARK 2011. In: J. van Eijck and R. Verbrugge (eds.). ROAM 2011, Reasoning about Other Minds. Logical and cognitive perspectives, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 93-107,
Hollebrandse, B. K. Hobbs, J. de Villiers and T. Roeper (2008). Second order embedding and second order false belief. In: A. Gavarro and M.J. Freitas (eds.), Language Acquisition and Development, proceedings of GALA 2007 Cambridge Scholar Press, 270-280.
Smits, E.J. and B. Hollebrandse (2008). ‘Set comparison and child language”, in: A. Gavarro and M.J. Freitas (eds.), Language Acquisition and Development, proceedings of GALA 2007 Cambridge Scholar Press.
Smits, E.J., T. Roeper and B. Hollebrandse, ‘Children’s ambiguous understanding of weak and strong quantifiers’, Papers from the Language Acquisition Workshop, SCL 2006 Edited by M. Anderssen and M. R. Westergaard (eds.), Nordlyd 34 (3), Tromsø.
Kremers, L. and B. Hollebrandse, ‘Visible versus invisible extraction or gap interpretation?’, in:, A. Belletti, E. Bennati, C. Chesi, E. Di Domenico, I. Ferrari (eds.), Language Acquisition and Development, proceedings of GALA 2005, Cambridge Scholars Press, 318-329.
Hollebrandse, B. (2007). Temporal Quantification in Child Language, A Supplement to the Proceedings of the 31st Boston University Conference on Language Development, H. Caunt-Nulton, S. Kulatilake and I-H.Woo (eds.). Proceedings of the 30th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, Somerville, Massachusetts: Cascadilla Press.
Hollebrandse, B. (2003). Long Distance Wh-Extraction Revisited. In: B. Beachley, A. Brown and F. Conlin (eds.), Proceedings of the 27th Boston University Conference on Language Development, Cascadilla Press, Somerville, 311-320.
Van Hout, A. and Hollebrandse, B. (2002). On the acquisition of the aspects in Italian. In: J. Costa and J.M. Freitas (eds.) Proceedings of GALA 5. University of Lisbon.
Hollebrandse (2001). The acquisition of Sequence of Tense and Point of View, part of the Language acquisition, point of view and possible worlds organized by J. de Villiers as part of the IASCL 8, in M. Almgren, A. Barreña, M.J. Ezeizaberrena, I. Idiazabal and B. MacWhinney, Proceedings of the 8th Conference of the International Association for the Study of Child Language, Cascadilla Press, Somerville, 1038-1045.
Hollebrandse, B. and Van Hout, A. (2001). On the acquisition of the aspects in Italian. In: J.‑Y. Kim & A. Werle (eds.), The proceedings of SULA, The semantics of under-represented Languages in the Americas, UMOP 25, 111-120. GLSA, Amherst. 2001.
Hollebrandse, B., Delfitto, D., Van Hout, A. and De Vroeg, A. (2001). Italian Sequence of Tense: Complementation or Imperfectivity? In: A. H.J Do, L. Dominguez and A. Johansen (eds.), Proceedings of the 25th Boston University Conference on Language Development, Cascadilla Press, Somerville, 343-352.
Republished in: Van Oostendorp, M. and Anagnostopoulou, E. (eds.). Progress in Grammar, Articles at the 20th Anniversary of the Comparison of Grammatical Models Group in Tilburg. Royal Dutch Academy Meertens Institute, digital publication.
Hollebrandse, B. (2000). Imperfectives in Dutch L2 acquisition of English. In: A. Okrent and J. Boyle (eds.), The Proceedings from the Main Session of the Chicago Linguistic Society's Thirty-sixth Meeting, Chicago Linguistic Society, Chicago University, 157-166.
Hollebrandse, B. (2000). Temporal Dependencies: complement and relative clauses compared. In: S.C. Howell, S.A. Fish and T. Keith-Lucas (eds.), Proceedings of the 24th Annual Boston University Conference on Child Development, Cascadilla press, Somerville, 430-437.
Hollebrandse, B. and Matsuo, A. (1999). The acquisition of Sequence of Tense in Japanese. In: A. Greenhill, H. Littlefield and C. Tano (eds.), Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Boston University Conference on Child Development, vol 2, Cascadilla Press, Somerville, 431-442.
Hollebrandse, B. (1998). On Theory of Mind and Sequence of Tense in Dutch. In: B. Hollebrandse (ed), New Perspectives on Language Acquisition, University of Massachusetts Occasional Papers in Linguistics, G.L.S.A. Amherst.
Hollebrandse, B. (1998). On the Relation between the Acquisition of Sequence of Tense and Theory of Mind. In: A. Greenhill, M. Hughes, H. Littlefield and H. Walsh (eds.), Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Boston University Conference on Child Development, vol 1, Cascadilla Press, Somerville, 374-384.
Hollebrandse, B. (1998). The Split C-projection: evidence from the acquisition of Sequence of Tense. In: R. Shillcock, A. Sorace and C. Heycock (eds.), Proceedings of GALA ‘97.
Hollebrandse, B. and Roeper, T. (1996). The concept of DO-insertion and the theory of INFL in acquisition. In: C. Koster and F. Wijnen (eds) Proceedings of GALA 1995.
Jackson, J., Ramos, E., Hall, F., Coles, J., Seymour, H., Dickey, M., Broderick, K. and Hollebrandse, B. (1996). They be taggin’, don’t they?: the acquisition of invariant be. In: A. Stringfellow, D. Cahana-Amitay, E. Hughes and A. Zukowski, Proceedings of the 20th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, Cascadilla Press, Sommerville, 364-373.
Reviews and Introductions
Pérez-Leroux, A., Hollebrandse, B., Jaieun, K. and Schulz, P. (2018). Foreword to T.O.M. and grammar. In: B. Hollebrandse, J. Kim, A. T. Pérez-Leroux and P. Schulz (eds.). UMOP 41: T.O.M. and Grammar, Thought on Mind and Grammar: A Festschrift to Tom Roeper. Amherst, Mass: G.L.S.A.
Bok-Bennema, Kampers-Manhe and Hollebrandse (2010) Foreword to Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2008 in: R. Bok-Bennema, B. Kampers-Manhe and B. Hollebrandse (eds.), RLLT 2008, Selected papers from 'Going Romance' Groningen 2008 John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Bos, P. Sleeman, P. and Hollebrandse, B. (2004). Introduction: The pragmatics-syntax and the semantics-syntax interface in acquisition. In: Interfaces, P. Bos, P. Sleeman and B. Hollebrandse (eds.), special issue of the International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, Mouton de Gruyter, 101-110.
Hollebrandse, B. (2002). Review ‘Getting the Facts: Finite Complements Factive Verbs and their Acquisition A dissertation by Petra Schulz, GLOT International, Vol. 6, No. 9/10, November/December 2002 (1-5).
Invited Talks
Hollebrandse, B. (2015). Distribributivity of nouns (and verbal semantics). Affectedness Workshop 2015. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, August 13 and 14.
Hollebrandse, B. (2012), Focus particles and contrastive stress: an eye-tracking study with children, Spracherwerbskolloquiums, University of Potsdam, March 28.
Hollebrandse, B. (2012), Keeping track of focus particles and contrastive stress, University of Amsterdam, Netwerk Eerste Taalverwerving (NET), March 9.
Hollebrandse, B. (2012), First and second-order false-belief reasoning: Does language support reasoning about the beliefs of others?, Language development in children and adolescents, Leiden University, Jan 12.
Hollebrandse, B, J. van Rij and P. Hendriks. Children's eye gaze patterns reveal non-adult processing of object pronouns in discourse. Child Language & Eye tracking: Analysis and Rationale 2011 (CLEAR 2011), University of Potsdam, October 7.
Is there something to learn about second order embedding? Syntax Circle, Learnability and the acquisition of syntax, University of Amsterdam, April 8 2011.
Denk jij wat ik denk? Over taal, Theory of Mind en spreker en hoorders. Het Taalcafé, Studievereniging Helios, P.C.Hoofthuis, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 7 april 2011.
What Children’s Eye Gaze can tell us about Processing of Object Pronouns, Mar 10, Lingforum, Linguistics, University of Ghent.
The Mystery of Second Order Theory of Mind, Mindreading, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Jan 28 – 29.
Effects of discourse on children’s interpretation of anaphora. Insights from an eye tracking study,Quantification and Beyond, University of Groningen, Sept 15.Acquiring Tense Crosslinguistically, Jan 23, Let the Children Speak: Learning of Critical Language Skills across 25 Languages, University College London.
How to Test Tense in 22 Languages, Dec 9, Language Acquisition Group, Univ. of Potsdam, Germany.
Recursion, The cornerstone of language and cognition, Language and Cognition, Behavioral and Cognitive Neurosciences, Oct 16, University of Groningen.
The Mystery of 2nd Order Embedding, Oct 10, Linguistic Reading Group, University of Athens, Athens, Greece.
Recursion: From First to Second Order Embedding, Sept 25, CLCG Linguistic Colloq, University of Groningen.
with F. Kratochvíl (La Trobe University, Australia) and U. Sauerland (ZAS, Germany) Complementation in Teiwa: Clauses as Complementizers, June 19-20, Conference on Human Language and Structural Complexity, ZAS, Berlin.
with R. Plat and A. van Hout (Univ. of Groningen), Second Order comparing Theory of Mind and Language in the Acquisition of Dutch spoken and Sign Language, June 19-20, Conference on Human Language and Structural Complexity, ZAS, Berlin.
with Linda Koning and A. van Hout (Univ. of Groningen), Second Order Embedding in Non-embedding Languages: Teiwa and Dutch Sign Language, June 19-20, Conference on Human Language and Structural Complexity, ZAS, Berlin.
The Role and Representation of Recursion in Human Cognition, May 26-28, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Dubbel Geluk bij Inbeddingen, Netwerk Eerste Taalverwerving, Nijmegen, February 13.
with T. Roeper, Recursion as a Restrictive Semantic Interface, Biosemantics, September 14, University of Amsterdam.
Recursion the Cornerstone of Language and Cognition, Language and Cognition, Behavioral and Cognitive Neurosciences, September 5, University of Groningen.
Recursion in Language and Belief, Artificial Intelligence Orientation, Behavioral and Cognitive Neurosciences, October 12, University of Groningen.
Experimental Methods in Language Acquisition Research, EMLAR IV, 6th-8th November 2007, Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS, Utrecht University
‘The True Nature of Recursion’, Colloq Talk, University of Tromsø, Norway, September 27.
‘Experimental Linguistics, The acquisition of Sequence of Tense and the development of a Theory of Mind’, lecture, University of Tromsø, Norway, September 27.
Linguistic and Cognitive Recursion, parallels between Sequence of Tense and Theory of Mind, LingLunch-talk at the University of Connecticut, Storrs, October 24.
“On Event Spreading”, lecture at University of Massachusetts, Amherst, November 11.
“Wh-extraction in Child Language syntax or discourse?”, Language Acquisition between Sentence and Discourse workshop, Radboud University, Nijmegen, May 12-13.
B. Hollebrandse and A. van Hout, “Verwerving van Sequence of Tense in het Italiaans”, talk at the retirement Colloq for Prof. Dr. Co Vet, Groningen University, 19 November.
“Topics and Quantifiers in Dutch Child Language”, talk at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst Child Language Workshop, November 8.
B. Hollebrandse and E.J. Smits, “The acquisition of the weak-strong distinction and the Dutch quantifier allemaal”, talk at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst Child Language Workshop, November 8.
“On Quantifiers”, lecture at University of Massachusetts, Amherst, November 1.
“Topics and the Interpretation of Quantifiers in Dutch Child Language”, Nijmegen Colloquium Series, May 26.
“Topichood and Quantification”, workshop Modular Interaction in Language Acquisition, Free University Amsterdam.
“Acquiring Distributive Properties of Wh- words”, Acquiring Language Workshop, Groningen, March 12.
“The emergence of exhaustivity in wh-questions: Evidence from normal language acquisition in Dutch”, SLI Workshop, Groningen, December 14-15
"Sequence of Tense: complementation or imperfectivity", Tübingen University, June 12.
“Quantifiers in Child Language: Syntax and Pragmatics?”, workshop Acquisition Perspectives on Interfaces, Utrecht University, September 7-8.
“Topics and set formation in L1 acquisition of quantifiers”, workshop Variation in Topic Marking and Acquisition, Utrecht University, June 12.
‘The Acquisition of Sequence of Tense and Theory of Mind’, Linguistic Colloquium, Leiden University, May 2.
‘Acquisition and the problem of evaluating sets’, NWCL/LOT Expert Seminar The Interface between Syntax and the Lexicon in Second Language Acquisition University of Amsterdam, March 30 and 31.
with Angeliek van Hout, ‘On the Acquisition of the Aspects in Italian’, at Making Sense, From lexeme to discourse, November 6-8, Groningen University, Groningen.
with Angeliek van Hout, ‘Italian Sequence of Tense’, October 20, Groninger Colloq, Groningen University, Groningen.
‘The Acquisition of Italian Sequence of Tense’, University of Massachusetts Child Lab Meeting, October, Amherst, Massachusetts.
‘The Role of Imperfective in Sequence of Tense’, Semantics meets Acquisition, Max Planck Institute, March 31, April 1, Nijmegen.
‘On Relative Clauses’, University of Massachusetts Child Lab Meeting, October, Amherst, Massachusetts.
‘Temporal dependencies in Syntax and Discourse’, NWO expert meeting, May, Utrecht University.
with A. Matsuo, ‘The Acquisition of Sequence of Tense and Theory of Mind in Japanese, Psychology Department McGill University, Montreal.
‘On the Acquisition of Sequence of Tense’, UCLA Workshop on Tense and Aspect, May 17-19.
‘On the Acquisition of Sequence of Tense and Theory of Mind’, Groningen University Colloq.
‘Sequence of tense in Child language’, the University of Potsdam Germany.
‘Sequence of tense in Child language’, the Max Planck Institute Nijmegen.
‘Dutch light verbs’, Syntax Lunch, City University of New York.
Talks and Posters
Drozd, K., Andjelkovic, D., Savic, K., Toskovic, O., Gavarro, A., Lite, A., Hrzica, G., Kovacevic, M., Skordi, A., Jensen de Lopez, K., Sundahl Olsen, L., van Hout, A., Hollebrandse, B., van Koert, M., Fabre, E., Hubert, A., Noveck, I., Ott, K., Yatsushiro, K., Balcuniene, I., Ruzaite, J., Vija, M., Gatt, D., Grech, H., Hamann, E., Kiebzak-Mandera, D., Miekisz, A., Gagarina, N., Puzanova, J., Popovic, J., Popovic, M., Kapalova, S., Slancova, D., Smith, N., Sauerland, U. & van der Lely, H. (2018). A cross-linguistic investigation of symmetrical judgments. Boston University Child Language Development 43, Boston University, Boston, Nov 2-4.
Hollebrandse, B. (2018). Grenzeloos Nederlands. Talk in Dutch Studies Series Nederlandse Cultuur en Maatschappij, Groningen, September 19.
Hollebrandse, B. (2018). Taal is echt helemaal mijn ding …… niet zo. Talk Presented at the series Kroegcollege of the Student Society Twist, Groningen, April 16.
Knežević, N., A. Bosnić, J. Spenader, H. Demirdache, and B. Hollebrandse. 2016. Testing Spatial Distribution and Exhaustivity in Serbian. Talk Presented at (Co-)distributivity 2016, UMR 7023, CNRS/Paris 8, Feb 11–12.
Bosnić, A., N. Knežević, J. Spenader, H. Demirdache, and B. Hollebrandse. 2016. Spatial Distribution and Exhaustivity Requirement in Serbian. Talk Presented at Psycholinguistic Investigations into Number and Quantification in Natural Language, Wroclaw Aug 29–30.
Kremer, M., Van Hout, A. & Hollebrandse, B. (2016). Dutch children’s comprehension and production of definiteness. Boston University Child Language Development Conference 41, Boston University, Boston, November 5-6.
Rouweler, L. & Hollebrandse B. (2015). Distributive, collective and “everything” in between: interpretation of universal quantifiers in child and adult language. Taalkunde in Nederland Dag. Utrecht University, Utrecht, February 7.
Kremer, M., Van Hout, A. & Hollebrandse, B. (2015). Dutch children’s comprehension and production of definiteness. Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition 12. Nantes, September 12–14.
Lindenbergh, C., van Hout, A. & Hollebrandse, B. (2014). The acquisition of sentence ellipsis in Dutch preschoolers, Boston University Child Language Development Conference 39, Boston University, Boston, November 5-6.
Hollebrandse, B. (2013). Indirect Recursion, the importance of second-order embedding and its implications for cross-linguistic child language acquisition. Recursion in Brazilian Languages and Beyond, UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, August 7-9.
Hollebrandse, B., P. Hendriks and J. van Rij (2012). Eye gaze patterns reveal subtle discourse effects on object pronoun resolution. GLOW-workshop The Timing of Grammar, Potsdam, March 27
Weiffenbach, Edgar and Bart Hollebrandse (2011). Understanding and producing focus-sensitive sentences. Tabu dag, University of Groningen, June 17-18.
Arosio, Fabrizio, Bart Hollebrandse and Wolfgang Dressler (2011), Tense in 17 languages, Boston University Child Language Development, Boston University, Nov 4-6.
Katsos, Napoleon, Hollebrandse, Bart Hollebrandse and 47 other COST participants (2011). To what extent does the development of conceptual categories depend on language. Boston University Child Language Development, Boston University, Nov 4-6.
Hollebrandse, Bart, Margreet van Koert and Angeliek van Hout (2011). Semantic dummy verbs in child Dutch. Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition, University of Thessaloniki, Greece, Sept 6-8.
Hollebrandse, Bart, Fabrizio Arosio and Wolfgang Dressler (2011). The acquisition of tense in 17 languages, poster at Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition, University of Thessaloniki, Greece, Sept 6-8.
Hollebrandse, Bart and Petra Hendriks (2011). Effects of Discourse on Pronoun Resolution. Taalkunde in Nederland dag, Utrecht University, Feb 2.
Hendriks, Petra, Jennifer Spenader and Bart Hollebrandse (2011). Reflexive choice in Dutch and German. Taalkunde in Nederland dag, Utrecht University, Feb 2.
Hollebrandse, Bart, Fabrizio Arosio and Wolfgang Dressler (2011). ‘The acquisition of tense in 17 languages’. The 37th Incontro di Grammatica Generativa. Feb 24-26. University of Rome, Italy.
2010 Van Koert, Margreet, Bart Hollebrandse and Angeliek van Hout (2010). ‘Gaan ‘go’ as dummy auxiliary in Dutch children’s tense production’. Workshop Dummy Auxiliaries in (A)Typical First and Second Language Acquisition, 1-2 July 2010, Radboud University Nijmegen .
Hollebrandse, Bart, Fabrizio Arosio and Wolfgang Dressler (2010). ‘Acquiring Tense a crosslinguistic comparison in 17 languages’. poster at GALANA 2010, Toronto, Canada.
Spijkerman, Susanne and Bart Hollebrandse (2010). ‘Language and second order reasoning in high educated young adults with autism. June 4, TABU-dag, Groningen.
2009 with T. Roeper, Apr 15-19, Indirect Recursion as a Restriction on the Syntax-Semantic Interface, Univ. of Nantes, France.
with A. van Hout, What did who say about who? The acquisition of double embedding, Taalkunde in Nederland dag, February 7.
2007 ‘Verbal and non-verbal second order false belief’ CHLaSC meeting, Manchester, August 29.
with K. Hobbs, Jill de Villiers and T. Roeper, ‘Second order embedding and second order false belief’, GALA 2007 subordination workshop, Barcelona, September 6.
with E. J. Smits, ‘Set comparision in child language’, poster at GALA 2007, Barcelona, September 7.
with A. van Hout, L. Green and T. Roeper, ‘Aspectual BE and Nominal Quantification’, UUSLAW, University of Connecticut, Storrs, May 21.
with Tom Roeper, ‘Recursion and propositional exclusivity’, Recursion in Human Languages conference, University of Illinois, Normal, Illinois, April 27 – 29.
with K. Harrigan and J. de Villiers, ‘Acquisition of English in a Dutch Preschooler’, poster at Celebrating Collaborations, Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts, April 12.
2006 ‘Cross-linguistic acquisition of temporal dependencies, COST European Science Foundation, Lisbon, July 7.
with A. van Hout ‘Cross-linguistic acquisition of aspect, COST European Science Foundation, Lisbon, July 7.
with E.J. Smits, T. Roeper, “Domain Restriction in Child Language, or the existence of Westerståhl children” Workshop on Language Acquisition at the Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics 2006" in Aalborg, June 20 and 21.
with K. Hobbs, J. de Villiers and T. Roeper, ‘Second Order Things’, UUSLAW, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, December 9.
‘Recursion and Theory of Mind’, CHLaSC meeting, ZAS, Berlin, February 8-9.
‘Tense and Aspect’, COST European Science Foundation, Brussels, January 31.
2005 with L. Kremers, “Visible and Invisible Extraction?”, Generative Assembly of Language Acquisition 2005, University of Sienna, Italy, September.
with L. Kremers, “Visible and Invisible Extraction”, International Association for the Study of Child Language, Berlin, July 27.
with L. Kremers, “Visible and Invisible Extraction”, TaBu dag, University of Groningen, June 4.
with E.J. Smits, “The Acquisition of Quantification and the Dutch Quantifier Allemaal”, International Association for the Study of Child Language, Berlin, July 26.
with E.J. Smits,, “The Acquisition of the Weak-Strong Distinction”, Indefinites and Weak Quantifiers, Brussels, January 8.
2003 “Topics and the Interpretation of Universal Quantifiers in Dutch Child Language”, TaBu dag, University of Groningen, June.
“Distributive Qualities of Wh-words in Dutch”, Taalkunde in Nederland dag, Utrecht University, February 1.
2002 “Long distance Wh-extraction revisited”, Boston University Child Language Development conference.
“The Acquisition of Dutch Quantifiers”, lecture at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, November 5.
with Toya Wyatt and Mike Dickey, “Acquiring Temporal Relations in AAE”, part of the symposium “Tense and Aspect in African American English” at the International Association for the Study of Child Language, Madison, Wisconsin, July 19.
"Wat allemaal allemaal betekenen kan? A talk about all", TaBu-dag, Groningen University, June 28.
"Sequence of Tense: new insights from cross-linguistic comparisons", Chronos, Groningen University, June 21.
‘A syntactic side to the acquisition of quantifiers’, Taalkunde in Nederland dag, January 26.
2001 with Maria Luisa Lorusso, "Sequenze tempoarali e teoria della mente in bambini conritardo mentale: correlazioni e dissociazioni", "X Congresso Nazionale sui Disturbi dell'Apprendimento" (tenth National Congress on Learning Disabilities) of the AIRIPA= Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca e l' Intervento nella Psicopatologia dell'Apprendimento (Italian Association for Research and Intervention on Learning Disabilities) Republica of San Marino, October 19-20.
with Angeliek van Hout, 'On the acquisition of the aspects in Italian', GALA 2001, Palmela, Portugal, September 14-16.
'Interpretation of Quantifiers, Set Formation and Topic Hood in Child Language', TABU-dag, Groningen University, June 22.
with Maria Luisa Lorusso, 'Temporal Sequences and Theory of Mind in Children with Mental Retardation: Correlations and Dissociations', TABU-dag, Groningen University, June 22.
‘Semantische kenmerken van het Zeeuws’, Taalkunde in Nederland dag, Universiteit Utrecht, February 3.
2000 ‘On the Acquisition of Aspects in Italian’,with Angeliek van Hout, Sinn und Bedeutung 2000, UvA Amsterdam.
‘The Acquisition of Sequence of Tense and Point of View’, part of the symposium ‘Language acquisition and point of view: Truth, reference, and time’, organized by Jill de Villiers, Peter de Villiers and Bart Hollebrandse at the conference Language in the Mind?, September 5, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
‘Sequence of Tense: a cross-linguistic classification’, TABU dag, June 16, Groningen University.
1999 ‘Temporal dependencies: complement and relative clauses compared’ General Assembly for Language Acquisition September 8, Potsdam, Germany.
‘Quotation and Extractibility’, poster at the International Association for Study of Child Language meeting, July 16.
‘The role of Points of View in Child Language’, the Dutch Linguistics Society Meeting, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
‘The acquisition of Sequence of Tense’, the Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Los Angeles.
with A. Matsuo, ‘The Acquisition of Sequence of Tense in Japanese, Chronos workshop on Tense, Aspect and Mood, Lesbos, July 16-18.
1998 ‘The Acquisition of SoT in Japanese’, with A. Matsuo, 2nd UConn-UMass Workshop, May 1.
‘The interpretation of Tense in Relative Clauses in Dutch Child Language’, 2nd UConn-UMass Workshop, May 1.
‘Point of View Operators, Features and a Theory of Barriers’, with T. Roeper, Penn Linguistic Colloq, March 1.
‘Quotation and Extractibility in Child Language’, Dutch Linguistic Society Meeting, January 17.
1997 ‘The acquisition of Sequence of Tense’, Umass-UConn Acquisition Workshop, November 1.
‘On sequence of tense and language acquisition, presented at the Psycholinguistics Meeting, April 14.
‘Aspectual bootstrapping via light verbs’, with A. van Hout, presented at the Cheese meeting, University of Pennsylvania, April 3.
‘Sequence of tense in kindertaal’, presented at Taalkunde in Nederland dag, Utrecht, Januray 18.
‘Sequence of tense in Dutch Child language’, presented at the Annual Conference of the Linguistic Society of Belgium, Second Chronos Conference, Institute Libre Marie Haps, Brussels, January 10.
1996 Jackson, J., E. Ramos, H. Seymour, D. Coles, F. Hall, M. Dickey and K. Broderick, ‘Acquisition of invariant “be” in African American English as measured by tag questions’, poster presentation at the Memphis Research Symposium, Communication in African-American Children and Youth, June 21-22.
with Hall, F., H. Seymour, J. Jackson, E. Ramos, D. Coles, M. Dickey and K. Broderick, ‘They be taggin’, don’t they?: the acquisition of invariant BE’ presented at the Memphis Research Symposium, Communication in African-American Children and Youth, June 21.
‘Embedded past tense’, presented at Psycholinguistics Meeting, February 12.
1995 ‘The rightness of right dislocation’ presented at the First Annual Umass Miniconference on Current Issues in Linguistics, May 12.
1992 ‘Argument Unification and Light Verb Constructions’, Linguistics in the Netherlands, Utrecht, January.
1991 ‘Light verbs: a lexical approach’, Staff meeting talks, K.U.B., October.
‘Light verb constructions’, Argument Structure Group meeting, Institute for Language and Speech, Utrecht University, August.
‘Dutch light verbs as composition verbs’, Syntax Workshop, Summerschool "Generative Grammar and Slavic Languages", Interuniversity Centre Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, June.
Advising Record
Member of the PhD Committee at The University of Nantes, France, Doctoral Dissertation: Numéraux et distributivité en Serb : syntaxe, sémantique et acquisition by Natasa Knezevic.
Member of the PhD Committee at The University of Nantes, France, Doctoral Dissertation: Le temps en contexte subordonné de la perspective de l’acquisition du français langue maternelle by Oana Lungu.
Supervising MA-thesis (Research Master Linguistics) Interpreting contrastive stress: An eye-tracking study on the interpretation of contrastive stress in only-sentences by Edgar Weiffenbach, University of Groningen.
2nd Reader MA-thesis (Research Master Linguistics) Narrative abilities of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in a structured and an unstructured narrative condition by Tineke Prins, University of Groningen.
2nd Reader MA-thesis (Research Master Linguistics) Mastering second-order false belief understanding condition Differences in offline responses and online eyetracking data between children with autism and typically developing children by Jessica Overweg, University of Groningen.
Supervising a stage on Experimental Eye-Tracking by Edgar Weiffenbach.
Co-promotor Doctoral Dissertation, The Acquisition of Quantification. Children's use of semantics and pragmatics to constrain meaning by Erik-Jan Smits, University of Groningen.
Supervising MA-thesis (Research Master Linguistics) Pragmatic Tolerance and Theory of Mind in Children’s Comprehension of Under-Informativeness by Alma Veenstra, University of Groningen
Supervising BA-thesis Embedding, Theory of Mind and Autism by Susanne Spijkerman
2nd Reader MA-thesis (Research Master Linguistics) Object Pronouns and Eye tracking by Sabine van der Ham
Supervising a stage on Experimental Eye-Tracking by Maaike Veeninga.
Supervising a stage on Experimental Eye-Tracking by Ellis Wierenga.
Member of the PhD Committee at The University of Western Australia, Doctoral Dissertation: The Acquisition of the Meanings and Uses of the Past Form –ta by First and Second Language Learners of Japanese by Kazumi Kubo.
Supervising a stage on Experimental Eye-Tracking by Rika Plat.
2006 Supervising MA-thesis (Research Master Linguistics) Distributive and Collective Readings by Leontine Kremers.
Supervising MA-thesis Temporal Quantification in Dutch Child Language by Silvia Visser.
2005 Supervising MA-thesis by Julia Bleeker on Het effect van topics op de interpretatie van universeel gekwantificeerde uitingen door dyslectische en niet-dyslectische kinderen, in collaboration with the Dyslexia Project (BCN).
Supervising Erik-Jan Smits on his PhD-thesis (jointly with Angeliek van Hout and Jack Hoeksema), duration: 4 years
2004 Supervising a stage on Influences of Papiamentu on Dutch, in collaboration with Leonie Cornips (Meertens Institute).
2003 Supervising MA-thesis De Acquisitie van Allemaal by Erik-Jan Smits (now PhD student in Groningen), Dutch Department Groningen.
Supervising MA-thesis The Acquisition of –er by Andrea Bos, English Department Groningen (with Angeliek van Hout).
2002 Supervising a stage student in an experiment on the variability of wh-words.
2001 Supervising MA-thesis Relationship between Theory of Mind, cognitive abilities and linguistic skills in Cornelia de Lange syndrome by Paola Lorusso (now PhD student in Milan) in Clinical Linguistics.
1999 Supervising MA-thesis Andrea Vroeg The Acquisition of Sequence of Tense in Italian, Italian Department, Utrecht University (with Denis Delfitto).
Experimental History
iPad-game testing at Science Center Nemo, Amsterdam (650 participants).
Experiments on Quantification, Recursion and Sluicing
Several experiments on object pronouns using eye-tracking (55 children, 35 adults).
Experiment on testing contrastive stress in focus construction using eye-tracking (38 adults, currently running children).
Experiment on interpretation of quantification and focus particles (36 children).
Experiment on second order phenomena, battery of 4 experiments, including verbal and non-verbal Theory of Mind and syntactic embedding, normal developing children and Dutch Sign Language.
Experiments on Tense and Aspect by Dutch normal developing children.
Experiment on embedding and Theory of Mind in Teiwa, Indonesia (12 children).
Experiment on embedding in Teiwa, Indonesia (34 adult Teiwa speakers).
Experiment on Artificial Grammar Learning by adult Dutch Sign Language speakers (16 Dutch Sign Language and 21 Dutch speakers).
Experiment on second order phenomena, battery of 4 experiments, including verbal and non-verbal Theory of Mind and syntactic embedding, normal developing children and Dutch Sign Language.
Experiment on second order phenomena, battery of 5 experiments, including verbal and non-verbal Theory of Mind, syntactic and discourse embedding (35 children) with Kate Hobbs and Jill de Villiers.
Experiment on the interpretation of nominal quantifiers (28 children, 17 adults) with Erik-Jan Smits and Tom Roeper.
Experiment on the interpretation temporal quantifiers (22 children, 26 adults) with Sylvia Visser.
Experiment on wh-extraction abilities (36 children) with Leontine Kremers.
Experiment on quantifier interpretation and topichood (25 children).
Experiment on weak quantifier interpretation (25 children)
Experiment on Variable readings of wh-words in Dutch (15 children, 10 adults).
Experiment on Sequence of Tense, Imperfectives and Theory of Mind in Italian, with Denis Delfitto, Angeliek van Hout en Andrea Vroeg-Peixoto (53 children).
Experiment on discourse relation and Theory of Mind, with Maria Luisa Lorusso (3 Cornelia de Lange Syndrome patients).
Experiment on the acquisition of tense relations in African American English, with T. Wyatt and M. Dickey (10 Standard American English, 10 African American English, 10 Spanish English bilingual children), follow-up on the 1997 experiment.
Experiment on the L2 acquisition of English of states versus non-states.
Experiment on the acquisition of Dutch matrix past tense (62 children).
Experiment on the acquisition of Dutch past and present tense in relative clauses (62 children).
Experiment on the acquisition of embedded past and present tense in Japanese, with Ayumi Matsuo (32 children, 12 adults).
Experiment on the development of Theory of Mind in Dutch (72 children).
Experiment on the development of Theory of Mind in Dutch (32 children).
Experiment on the acquisition of Dutch embedded past tense (62 children).
Experiment on the acquisition of English embedded past tense (62 children).
Experiment on the acquisition of English quotation (69 children).
Experiment on the development of Theory of Mind in Dutch (62 children).
Experiment on the development of Theory of Mind in English (62 children).
Experiment on the acquisition of tense relations in African American English, with T. Wyatt and M. Dickey (only adults).
Pilot on the acquisition of English possessives for Prof. Kyle Johnson and Prof. Thomas Roeper.
assisted an experiment on the acquisition of English generics.
Experiment on the acquisition of Dutch embedded past tense (47 children, 45 adults).
Pilot on the acquisition of the English morpheme -er.
conducted experiment on Dutch auxiliary selection for Angeliek van Hout, Janet Randall and Jürgen Weissenborn.
Academic Collaborations
with Petra Hendriks
topic: online investigations in Binding and Focus Particles
with Marian Klamer (Leiden University), František Kratochvil (La Trobe, Australia) and Uli Sauerland (ZAS)
topic: embedding in Teiwa (spoken in Pantar, Indonesia)
with Tom Roeper (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
topic: recursion
with Tom Fritsche, Sylvana Poltrock, Oda Brandt (Potsdam), Tecumseh Fitsch (St. Andrews)
topic: learning an artificial grammar on the basis of artificial signs by Dutch signers
with Dagmar Bittner (ZAS, Berlin), Jan de Jong (University of Amsterdam), Fabrizio Arosio (University of Milan, Bicocca), Wolfgang Dressler (University of Vienna)
topic: testing tense in typical and non-typical developing children
with Jill de Villiers (Smith College), Jay Garfield (Smith College) and Hristo Kyuchukov (University of Veliko Tarnovo)
topic: evidentials and modals
NWO internationalization grant #235-70-006 to Dr. Angeliek van Hout (Groningen University), with Jill de Villiers (Smith College), Thomas Roeper (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
co-principle investigator, with Toya Wyatt (CalTech Fullerton, California) and Mike Dickey (Northwestern, Chicago, Illinois)
topic: the acquisition of temporal relations in standard American English and African American English
with Thomas Roeper (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
topic 1: the structure of quotation in relation to a theory of points of view
topic 2: recursion and embedding
with Angeliek van Hout (Groningen University)
topic: the acquisition of the tense-aspect system
with Leontine Kremers (Leiden University)
topic: wh-movement and quantifier scope
NWO research program Interfaces between L1 and L2
with Petra Bos (VU, Amsterdam) and Petra Sleeman (UvA, Amsterdam)
topic: pragmatics and grammar
with Jurgen Weissenborn (Potsdam University, Germany), Zvi Penner (Konstanz University, Germany), Thomas Roeper (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Petra Schulz (Von Humboldt University, Germany) and Angeliek van Hout (Groningen University)
goal: to set up international research on L1 and SLI development
with Maria Luisa Lorusso (IRCCS "E. Medea", Bosisio Parini)
topic: Theory of Mind and Retardation
Professional Activities
member of the Algemene Vereniging Taalkunde (AVT)
Groningen representative of the Landelijk Postdoc Platform (LPP), 2002-2005
Academic advising committee for the recognition of Zeeuws as a European regional language (2000)
Linguistic informant for Zeeuws for the Syntactic Atlas of Dutch Dialects at the Meertens Institute (2000)
Member of the Algemene Vereniging Taalkunde (AVT) 50th year anniversary board (1999)
Linguistics department representative for graduate students UMass, Amherst (1994/1995)
Student representative in the Buitenland committee at Tilburg University (1992)
Conference, workshop organizer
Child Language & Eye tracking: Analyses and Rationale (CLEAR I), University of Groningen, 10 september 2010
Netwerk Eerste Taalverwerving, University of Groningen 5 maart 2010
Going Romance, Language Acquisition Workshop. (2002, 2008)
Subordination, workshop at GALA 2007
Chair of the Tense and Aspect Working Group of COST (an ESF sponsored collaboration)
Groninger Linguistic Colloq, University of Groningen, year-round. (2000-2004)
Modularity workshop, Amsterdam (November 2003)
Acquisition Perspectives on Interfaces workshop at Utrecht University (2001)
Variation in Topic Marking and Acquisition, workshop at Utrecht University (2001)
Normal and impaired acquisition of temporal dependencies in relation to other dependencies, expert meeting at Utrecht University (2001)
Language in Use, UiL OTS, Utrecht University (2000)
Perspectives on Language Acquisition, University of Massachusetts (1997)
Paper reviewer for:
Language (1996/1998)
Language Acquisition (2005/2006, 2009)
Journal of Child Language (2008, 2009)
Linguistics (2004)
Brain and Language, Special issue on the Neurological Basis of Language. (2001)
EMLAR book, John Benjamins
Linguistic Variation Yearbook
UiL-OTS Anniversary Book (2008)
Linguistics in The Netherlands
Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2003 H. Jacobs (ed.) (2004)
Utrecht Aspect Conference (2002)
Kluwer book review (2002): Semantics meets Acquisition
N. Corver and H. van Riemsdijk (eds.), Semi-lexical Categories. On the function of content words and the content of function words, Mouton De Gruyter. (2000)
proceedings of the International Child Language Association meeting in San Sebastian (2000)
Grant reviewer
Reviewer National Science Foundation (NSF) (2004, 2010).
Nationaal Wetenschappelijk Organisatie (NWO) (Dutch NSF) (2003)
Conference abstract reviewer
Generative Assembly Language Acquisition of North America (GALANA) (since 2004)
Generative Assembly Language Acquisition (GALA) (since 1999)
The Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. (since 2000)
21st Colloquium on Generative Grammar, Seville
20th Colloquium on Generative Grammar, Barcelona
19TH Colloquium on Generative Grammar, Basque Country
Generative Linguistics in the Old World (GLOW)
Relating Asymmetries between Speech & Comprehension in the Acquisition of Language (RASCAL 2009)
Euro Conference on the Syntax of Normal and Impaired Language Corinth, Greece (2002)
Language Acquisition and Language Breakdown Utrecht University (1999)
Research Assistantships
Fall 1995 - Spring 1998
RA on the NIH grant #R01DH32442 “Acquisition of the language for mental events” to Jill de Villiers, Smith College, Northampton and Thomas Roeper, University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Fall 1997 - Spring 1998
RA on the NIH grant # R01DC02172-03 to Prof. Harry Seymour of the department of communication disorders and Prof. Thomas Roeper of the department of Linguistics and at the University of Massachusetts.
Spring 1993
student assistant for Jürgen Weissenborn at the Max Planck Institute, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
student assistant (Syntax) for Henk van Riemsdijk, Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands.
International Summer schools and Visits
Teaching at the Eastern Generative Grammar Summer School, Poznan, Poland.
Visiting Faculty at Smith College, Northampton.
Visiting Faculty at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Institute for Behavioral, Cognitive and Neuroscience, University of Groningen, The Netherlands, working on tense relation in Dutch Child Language, supervised by Prof. Frans Zwarts and prof. Ger de Haan, January, February and July.
Winter School Landelijke Onderzoeksschool Taalkunde (LOT), January.
Research Institute for Speech and Language, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, one year stay, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands supervised by Martin Everaert on light verb constructions.
Girona Summer School in Linguistics (GISSL), July.
Girona Summer School in Linguistics (GISSL), July.
Dutch: native speaker
English: near-native proficiency
Zeeuws: light dialect speaker
Last modified: | 25 June 2022 12.30 p.m. |