dr. B.G. (Bé) Poolman

After Bé Poolman (b. 1963) became a teacher, he studied orthopedagogiek (clinical pedagogy and education) at the University of Groningen. His master dissertation (1991) was about the evaluation of interventions in education, using single case study methodology. An article on this topic was published in the Nederlands Tijdschrift voor opvoeding vorming en onderwijs (Poolman en Van Gemert, 1991).
Following his master study Bé was employed as educational psychologist at ABCG, an educational service centre in Groningen. He coached teachers and parents in schools in socially deprived areas in the city of Groningen in helping children with learning and educational difficulties. In 1991 he published a reading test with his colleague drs. C.J. Wieringa (Wieringa & Poolman, 1991).
He also trained teachers in coping with differences between children in the classroom and in writing individual education plans (IEP’s) for children with special needs; and he trained remedial teachers in setting up a school attainment monitoring system.
In 2000 Bé qualified as GZ-psycholoog (public health service psychologist).
Since 2000 Bé was subsequently appointed ‘project leader’ at the ABCG in various projects, including a project on implementing early education programmes (e.g. Piramide & Kaleidoskoop). Another project concerned inclusive education: Bé initiated various activities, including setting up courses for Special Needs Coordinators (SENCO’s), developing a website for the Network Inclusive Education Groningen (NIOG) and arranging a trip to schools in London for teachers and ENCO’s.
In 2008 he became a member of the knowledge community or kenniskring for the Lectoraat Integraal Jeugdbeleid (Lectureship integral youth policy) of The Hanze University of Groningen.
In 2010, Bé became lecturer at the University of Groningen. In 2016 he finished his PhD research at the University of Groningen on differences in language development among young children in Northeast Netherlands. His (co)promotors were Prof. dr. A.E.M.G. Minnaert (RuG), Prof. dr. P.P.M. Leseman (UU) and dr. J.M. Doornenbal (Hanze University).
In 2016 he became lecturer at the Master Educational Needs (MEN) at Windesheim in Zwolle. His specialization was edcation in reading and language and education for young children. Meanwhile he guided many students with their practical studies.
In 2018 he became lecturer at the University of Groningen with the assignment to implement changes in education in order to intensify this education.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 10 februari 2023 07:41 |