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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons A.F. (Alexander) Martin, Dr


A Universal Cognitive Bias in Word Order: Evidence From Speakers Whose Language Goes Against It

La microvariation socio-pragmatique: Une étude du sens social de la liaison variable en France et au Québec

Bilingual phonological contrast perception: The influence of Quanzhou Southern Min on Mandarin non-sibilant fricative discrimination

Indexicalité et interprétation du monde social: une analyse socio-pragmatique de la liaison variable

Assimilation perceptive des fricatives non-sibilantes du mandarin par les locuteurs du Quanzhou Southern Min

Marginal contrast in loanword phonology: Production and perception

Vowel Harmony and Disharmony Are Not Equivalent in Learning

Experimental evidence for the influence of structure and meaning on linear order in the noun phrase

Phonetically natural rules benefit from a learning bias: A re-examination of vowel harmony and disharmony

Revisiting the Suffixing Preference: Native-Language Affixation Patterns Influence Perception of Sequences

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