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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. A. (Albert) Boonstra


Change management for digital transformation

The effects of treatment as usual versus a computerized clinical decision aid on shared decision-making in the treatment of psychotic disorders

Understanding variation in subunit adoption of electronic health records: facilitating and constraining configurations of critical dependencies

When workarounds aggravate misfits in the use of electronic health record systems

A Complexity Framework for Project Management Strategies

The Use of AI by Students in Higher Education: Embrace or Reject?

Influence of artificial intelligence on the work design of emergency department clinicians: a systematic literature review

Tailoring the implementation of digital business: A diagnostic framework

The effects of a computerized clinical decision aid on clinical decision-making in psychosis care

The influence of cultural values on Enterprise System adoption, towards a culture – Enterprise System alignment theory


AI in healthcare: revolution or reinforcement of the status quo?

The Use of AI by Students in Higher Education: Embrace or Reject?

Gevolgen AI laten zich niet makkelijk voorspellen

Can digitization bridge the healthcare gap?

Kan digitalisering de zorgkloof overbruggen?

Artificial Intelligence and the future of knowledge work. The case of radiology

Are video outpatient consultations the holy grail to modernize healthcare?

Rethinking work-life balance in an era of connectivity

Diagnosing projects based on complexity and predictability

Implementeren van innovaties: het managen van WAT- en HOE-tegenstellingen