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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. A.W.J.M. (Andor) Glaudemans

Research interests

The main research line is “Imaging I3”: Infection, Inflammation, and (tumor)Immunology


  • Musculoskeletal: peripheral osteomyelitis, device-related infections such as prosthetic joint infections, diabetic foot infection, fracture-related infections

  • Cardiovascular: endocarditis, device-related infections such as vascular graft infections, intravascular prosthetic material infections

  • Sepsis/bloodstream infections: bacteremia, specific bacterial infections

  • Fungal infections

  • Infections in children



  • Amyloidosis

  • Sarcoidosis

  • Tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS

  • Atherosclerosis and vasculitis

  • Rejection and PTLD after organ transplantation

  • Inflammatory diseases in children

  • Sports injuries



  • Imaging autoimmune reaction/checkpoints in tumors

  • Imaging of lymphocytes

  • Imaging of macrophages


Societal impact:

  • Development of diagnostic and therapeutic flowcharts in infectious and inflammatory diseases

  • Publication of several Dutch (NFU, NVNG) and European (EANM) guidelines/recommendations

  • Development and implementation of new specific tracers in infectious and inflammatory diseases (IL-2, PD1/PDL1, sorbitol, labelled antibiotics, labelled antifungal drugs)

  • Improvement of existing techniques for infection imaging (new protocols for white blood cell scintigraphy and FDG-PET)

  • Role of nuclear medicine in therapy evaluation of infectious and inflammatory diseases and during/after immunotherapy


Besides this Imaging I3 research line, I also perform some research in the field of oncology (this is also the main differential diagnosis with infectious diseases in PET):

  • Imaging of hormonal receptors (FES-PET, FDHT-PET)

  • Imaging of brain tumors

  • Imaging of apoptosis

  • Imaging lymphomas

Other research tasks:

  • Co-chair research Medical Imaging Center

  • Responsible person for contract research Medical Imaging Center

  • Coordinator of the research line Oncology, Infection and Transplantation

  • Writing publications and grant applications

  • Writing Dutch (NFU, NVNG) and European (EANM) guidelines/recommendations

  • Reviewer of manuscripts

  • Collaboration with many external centers (Netherlands, Europe and worldwide) 


[ 18F]FDG PET/CT identifies infectious and inflammatory foci in persistent critical illness.

[18F]FDG PET/CT to diagnose inflammation in critically ill immunocompromised patients.

EANM/SNMMI guideline/procedure standard for [18F]FDG hybrid PET use in infection and inflammation in adults v2.0.

Evaluating Bone Healing with [ 18F]NaF PET/CT During Bone Segment Transport in Femoral Fracture Treatment.

Feasibility of the Absolute Quantification and Left Ventricular Segmentation of Cardiac Sympathetic Innervation in Wild-type Transthyretin Amyloidosis Cardiomyopathy with [ 123I]-MIBG SPECT/CT: the I-NERVE study.

Intrapatient 16α-[18F]Fluoro-17β-Estradiol PET Heterogeneity as a Prognostic Factor for Endocrine Therapy Response and Survival in Patients with Estrogen Receptor-Positive Metastatic Breast Cancer.

Long Axial Field of View PET/CT: Technical Aspects in Cardiovascular Diseases

11C-Methionine uptake in meningiomas after stereotactic radiotherapy.

[15O]H2O PET: Potential or Essential for Molecular Imaging?

A cutting-edge technology for the future of nuclear medicine


'Rol Rusland bij productie nucleaire medicijnen te groot, geplande fabriek bij Veendam biedt uitkomst'

“Nucleaire geneeskunde staat voor grote uitdagingen”

Netherlands grants permit to new nuclear reactor for medical isotopes

Hoogleraar: nieuwe reactor Petten helpt om levens te redden

Drie UMCG-onderzoeken krijgen subsidie van KWF

Belang van steun kernreactor Petten

Stilliggen reactor Petten treft mogelijk honderden kankerpatiënten