A. (Ana) Vilotijevic, MSc

2021 – present Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands
Ph.D. in Experimental Cognitive Psychology (Visual perception)
Project: Tuning the senses: How cognition shapes sensation at the gate
Supervised by dr. Sebastiaan Mathôt
2019 – 2021 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
MSc in Research Cognitive Neuropsychology
GPA: 8.32/10 (120 ECTS)
2015 – 2019 University of Belgrade, Serbia
BSc (Honours) in Research Psychology
GPA: 9.51/10 (240 ECTS)
Vilotijević, A. & Mathôt, S. (2024). The effect of covert visual attention on pupil size during perceptual fading. Cortex. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cortex.2024.10.008
Vilotijević, A., Mathôt, S. (2024). Non-image-forming vision as measured through ipRGC-mediated pupil constriction is not modulated by covert visual attention, Cerebral Cortex, Volume 34, Issue 3, March 2024, bhae107, https://doi.org/10.1093/cercor/bhae107
Vilotijević, A., Mathôt, S. (2023). Functional benefits of cognitively driven pupil-size changes. WIREs Cognitive Science. doi:10.1002/wcs.1672
Mathôt, S., Berberyan, H., Büchel, P., Ruuskanen, V., Vilotijević, A., & Kruijne, W. (2023). Effects of pupil size as manipulated through ipRGC activation on visual processing. NeuroImage. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2023.120420
Vilotijević, A., & Mathôt, S. (2023). Emphasis on peripheral vision is accompanied by pupil dilation. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. doi:10.3758/s13423-023-02283-5
Mathôt, S., & Vilotijević, A. (2022). Methods in cognitive pupillometry: design, preprocessing, and statistical analysis. Behavior Research Methods. doi:10.3758/s13428-022-01957-7
Huang, C., Vilotijević, A., Theeuwes, J., & Donk, M. (2021). Proactive distractor suppression elicited by statistical regularities in visual search. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, doi: 10.3758/s13423-021-01891-3
Gligorić, V., Vilotijević, A., & Većkalov, B. (2021). Does the term matter? The labeling effect on the perception of ethnic minorities: The case of The Romani in Serbia. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 85, 69-81. doi:10.1016/j.ijintrel.2021.09.007
Gligorić, V. & Vilotijević, A. (2020). “Who said it?” How contextual information influences perceived profundity of meaningful quotes and pseudo-profound bullshit. Applied Cognitive Psychology,34(2), 535–542. doi: 10.1002/acp.3626
Vilotijević, A., & Mathôt, S. (2024, November). The effect of covert visual attention on pupil size during perceptual fading. Talk presented at the Perception Day 2024, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Vilotijević, A., & Mathôt, S. (2024, March). Non-image forming vision as measured through ipRGC-mediated pupil constriction is not modulated by covert visual attention. Poster presented at the VSS 2024, St.Pete Beach, Florida
Vilotijević, A., & Mathôt, S. (2024, March). Non-image forming vision as measured through ipRGC-mediated pupil constriction is not modulated by covert visual attention. Talk presented at the first Dutch Pupillometry Meeting, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Vilotijević, A., & Mathôt, S. (2023, September). Decoding of attentional breadth and selection from target-evoked activity. Poster presented at the 23rd ESCOP Conference, Porto, Portugal
Vilotijević, A., & Mathôt, S. (2023, August). Non-image forming vision as measured through ipRGC-mediated pupil constriction is not modulated by covert visual attention. Poster presented at the ECVP Conference, Paphos, Cyprus
Vilotijević, A., & Mathôt, S. (2023, February). Emphasis on peripheral vision is accompanied by pupil dilation. Poster presentation at the BCN Winter Meeting, The Netherlands
Vilotijević, A., & Mathôt, S. (2022, August). Emphasis on peripheral vision is accompanied by pupil dilation. Talk presented at the 22nd ESCOP Conference, Lille, France
Vilotijević, A., Huang, C., Theeuwes, J., & Donk, M. (2022, April). Proactive distractor suppression elicited by statistical regularities in visual search. Talk presented at 18th NVP Dutch Society for Brain and Cognition Winter Conference, The Netherlands
Vilotijević, A. (2021, February). Visual attention. Invited lecture presented at Sensation and Perception course (dr. Louisa Bogaerts), Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Gligorić, V., Vilotijević, A, & Većkalov, B. (2021, July 18–23). Social category label effect on the perception of ethnic groups: an investigation of political correctness [Conference presentation]. Abstract accepted for the presentation at the 32nd International Congress of Psychology in Prague, Czech Republic
Vilotijević, A., Huang, C., Theeuwes, J., & Donk, M. (2020, September). Proactive distractor suppression elicited by statistical regularities in visual search. Talk presented at Vrije University Research Fellow Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Vilotijević, A. (2020, December). The role of ERP in attention research. In V.Ković (Chair). Beyond behaviour: Using technology to inform applied psychology. Symposium conducted at the meeting of 16th conference Days of Applied Psychology – Psychology in the world of science, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Niš, Niš, Serbia. The book of abstracts is available here.
Gligorić, V., Vilotijević, A., & Većkalov, B. (2020, July). Social category label effect on the perception of ethnic groups: an investigation of political correctness [Conference presentation]. Talk presented at International Society of Political Psychology 2020 Annual Meeting in Berlin, Germany. The full program is available here.
Gligorić, V. & Vilotijević, A. (2019). Contextual information and pseudo-profound bullshit. Talk presented at 27th Annual Meeting of European Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Athens, Greece. The book of abstracts is available here.
Milosavljević, N., Stojanov, J., Stanisavljević, S., & Vilotijević, A. Lying and cognitive biases: Conscious cognitive deception and unconscious cognitive illusions. Talk presented at 8th conference Current Trends in Psychology 2019 (STuP 2019), Novi Sad, Serbia. The full program is available here.
Milosavljević, N., Stojanov, J., Stanisavljević, S. &, Vilotijević, A. (2019). Examining the interaction between the current emotional state and word valence: The influence on working memory efficacy. Talk presented at 25th conference Empirical Studies in Psychology, Belgrade, Serbia. The book of abstracts is available here.
Gligorić, V. & Vilotijević, A. (2019). Who said it: How contextual information influences perceived profundity of real quotes and pseudo-profound bullshit. Talk presented at 25th Conference Empirical Studies in Psychology, Belgrade, Serbia. The book of abstracts is available here.
Vilotijević, A., Gligorić, V., Styles, S., & Ković, V. (2018). Grapheme-colour association in Serbian: the case of the bi-orthographic language system. Talk presented at 13th Alps-Adria Psychology Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia. The book of abstracts is available here.
Gligorić, V., Vilotijević, A., Jevtović, M., Holmqvist, K., Ković, V., & Šoškić, A. (2018). Association between latency in the anti-saccade task and the age of second language acquisition. Talk presented at 13th international scientific conference Alps Adria Psychology Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia. The book of abstracts is available here.
Vilotijević, A., & Gligorić, V. (2018). Eye-tracking methodology: an example of a study. Talk presented at the conference Empirical Studies in Psychology, Belgrade, Serbia.
Vilotijević, A. (2017). The social brain in adolescence. Talk presented at students’ at the conference Empirical Studies in Psychology, Belgrade, Serbia.
Popović, T, Nedimović, P., Avramović, A., Vilotijević, A., .... & Pantelić, S.(2017).The Influence of feedback on the effect of frequency in the lexical decision.Talk presented at the third meeting of Young researchers in Experimental Psychology, Belgrade, Serbia.The full program is available here.
2023 Behavioural and Cognitive Neurosciences (Poster award)
2020–2021 The Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Research Fellowship €10.000
2019–2021 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Fellowship Program (VUFP) €29.200
2019–2021 Foundation for Young Talents - Dositeja €10.000
2019–2020 The Holland Scholarship Programme (HSP) €5.000
2019–2020 Foundation for Young Talents - Dositeja €2.500
2017–2019 Studenica Foundation €2.400
2016–2019 Serbian Ministry of Education €2.400
2022 - present Lecturer | Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands
Master’s Thesis Supervision
Experimental Skills (Dr. Sebastiaan Mathôt)
Data Collection and Analysis for Cognitive Neuroscience (Dr. Mark Span)
Programming for Psychologists (Dr. Mark Span)
Statistics II (Dr. Anja Ernst)
2019-2022 Tutor (coordinator) | PPLE, University of Amsterdam
Decision Making II (Dr. Giel Dik and Dr. Cameron Brick)
Doing Research (Dr. Suzanne Oosterwijk)
Introduction to Statistical Analysis (Dr. Johannes von Engelhardt)
2020 – 2022 Research and teaching assistant | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Seminar Attention (Prof. dr. Jan Theeuwes)
2018 Field Examiner | UNICEF
2016 – 2019 Tutor | Laboratory of Experimental Psychology, University of Belgrade
Behavior Research Methods
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics
Scientific Reports
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance
Journal of Vision
Royal Society Open Science
International Journal of Psychophysiology
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