A. (Agnieszka) Postepska, PhD

Ph.D. in Economics, 2007-2015 Georgetown University
Master in Psychology 2002-2007 Warsaw University (Summa Cum Laude)
Master in Economics 2001-2006 Warsaw University (Summa Cum Laude)
Professional Experience
Associate Professor University of Groningen (November 2021- present)
Assistant Professor University of Groningen (August 2016-2021)
Research Affiliate Georgetown University (01.2016 - Present)
Consultant at SMJData 2019-present
Research Analyst World Bank Office of the Chief Economics for Africa Region (2016-2018); Research Assistantship Summer 2010 DIWDC, Summer 2009 Georgetown University, Prof. Arik Levinson, Spring 2008 Georgetown University, Prof. Antara Dutta
Spring 2008 Economic Division of the Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw
August 2006 Economic Division of the Embassy of Poland, Washington, DC
July 2006 Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the EU
Teaching Experience
At the RUG: Microeconometrics, Introduction to Econometrics, Labour Economics, Numerical Methods
Instructor at Georgetown University:
Fall 2013, 2014, 2015 Data Analysis (Masters level)
Summer 2012 Principles of Microeconomics
Summer 2011 Principles of Econometrics
Teaching Assistant at Georgetown University:
August 20-21 2015 Lab in Program Evaluation Methods (Georgetown Center
for Econometric Practice)
Spring 2013 Undergraduate Thesis Seminar
Fall 2012 Econometrics (Graduate level)
Summer 2010 Econometrics
Spring 2009 Microeconomic Theory
2008/2009/2010 Microeconomic Principles
Ethnic capital and intergenerational transmission of educational attainment. 2019, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 34(4), 606-611.
Understanding the barriers to electricity access in SSA (joint with Moussa P. Blimpo and Yanbin Yu). 2020, World Development, 133
Willingness to pay for reliable electricity among households and enterprises in Senegal (joint with Leopold Sarr, SMJdata, and Joshua Deutschman, University of Wisconsin-Madison) forthcoming in World Development
Submitted papers
Gender heterogeneity and the role of ethnic capital in the intergenerational transmission of educational attainment (submitted to Journal of Population Economics)
Flexible jobs make parents happy. Evidence from Australia. (with Shuye Yu; submitted to Labour Economics)
Work in progress & working papers
Persistent Occupational Hierarchies among Immigrant Worker Groups in the United States Labor Market (joint with Francis Vella). IZA working paper 2017
Conferences and Presentations
DIW DC Economics Seminar 2010, Population Association of America 2011, 2020 (canceled); Midwest Economic Association 2012, 16th IZA European Summer School in Labor Economics, 2013; Society of Government Economists Annual Conference 2013, 2015, 2019; Warsaw International Economic Meeting, 2014; Applied Microeconomics Seminar, Georgetown University 2015; Econometrics Seminar, Georgetown University 2015; Groningen University Seminar series 2017, 2019, 2020; World Bank Authors Workshop 2017; CSAE Oxford 2018, 2020 (canceled); European Association of Labor Economics 2018; European Association of Population Economics 2018, 2020 (canceled); U4 SSEL Cluster Conference on Current Challenges for a Sustainable Future 2018; XXI Applied Economics Meeting 2018; European Association of Applied Econometrics 2019
Invited seminars
Navarra Center for International Development; University of Navarra (scheduled)
Awards, Scholarships and Grants
Graduate School Fellowship Georgetown University 2008-2015
Grant from DIW DC towards doctoral research 2011
Graduate School Scholarship Georgetown University 2010/2011
Fulbright Scholarship 2007/2008
2nd Semkow Award for Master Thesis, Warsaw University 2007
Erasmus-Socrates Scholarship (KUL, Belgium) 2003/2004
Warsaw University Scholarship for outstanding results 2002-2006
Professional Affiliations
Aletta Fellow; IZA Research Affiliate; GLO Research Affiliate
Referee IZA Journal of Migration, Journal of Population Economics, De Economist, Development Policy Review
Computing: STATA, GAUSS, Matlab, SPSS, R, Excel
Languages: Polish (Fluent), English (Fluent), German (Intermediate), Spanish (Intermediate)
Professor Francis Vella
Department of Economics
Georgetown University
Professor John Rust
Department of Economics
Georgetown University
Professor Mary Ann Bronson
Department of Economics
Georgetown University
(310)- 592-8049
Professor Rajeev Bhattacharya
(Teaching references)
Department of Economics
Georgetown University
Rajeev. Bhattacharya@georgetown.edu
Last modified: | 25 June 2022 3.46 p.m. |