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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons A. (Anastasia) Pattemore, PhD


Exploring repeated captioning viewing as a way to promote vocabulary learning: time lag between repetitions and learner factors

Fatal and non-fatal flaws in early-career researchers’ conference abstracts

Maximising the potential of plurilingual subtitled audiovisual input: learning L3 words and multiword units with L2 audio

Perceptions of learning from audiovisual input and changes in L2 viewing preferences: The roles of on-screen text and proficiency

The role of language aptitude in learning L2 constructions from captioned and uncaptioned audiovisual input

Audio-visual input for learning L2 vocabulary and grammatical constructions

The effects of binge-watching and spacing on learning L2 multi-word units from captioned TV series

Captions and learnability factors in learning grammar from audio-visual input

Exploring L2 TV mode preferences and perceptions of learning

Learning L2 constructions from captioned audio-visual exposure: The effect of learner-related factors