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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. A.M. (Anne) van Valkengoed


Good intentions, limited action: When do farmers’ intentions to adopt sustainable farming practices turn into actual behaviour?

From believing in climate change to adapting to climate change: The role of risk perception and efficacy beliefs

Climate Anxiety: A Research Agenda Inspired by Emotion Research

Climate anxiety is about more than just personal risks

Climate anxiety is not a mental health problem. But we should still treat it as one

Eco-stress onder milieuprofessionals: risico voor de mentale gezondheid?

The psychological distance of climate change is overestimated

Are subsidies for climate action effective? Two case studies in the Netherlands

Reality, causes, consequences: the role of climate change perceptions in climate adaptation

Relationships between climate change perceptions and climate adaptation actions: policy support, information seeking, and behaviour


Klimaatstress en solastalgia: nieuwe woorden voor de psychische effecten van klimaatverandering

Interviewreeks 'Gedragswetenschap en beleid: de volgende stap'

Des chercheuses se sont penchées sur les origines profondes de l'éco-anxiété

Navigating Polar Tourism and Climate Anxiety

Meeste mensen zijn het erover eens: klimaatverandering is hier en nu

‘People often underestimate the support for climate policy and concerns about climate change’

Non, pour la plupart des gens, le changement climatique n’est pas loin du tout

Nee, voor de meeste mensen voelt klimaatverandering helemaal niet ver weg

No, for most people climate change doesn’t feel far away at all

Klimaatverandering en gezondheid, wat kunnen we doen?