A.M. (Lydia) Laninga-Wijnen, M

Scientific C. V. Lydia Laninga-Wijnen
Work experience
2021 – present: Postdoctoral senior fellow at University of Turku, INVEST flagship (main position)
2020 – present: Postdoctoral researcher at University of Groningen, Sociology (part time). Data-collection and research to evaluate the Dutch Meaningful Roles Program in primary education. Co-promotor of Xingna Qin, 2nd year PhD-candidate.
2020 – present: Postdoctoral fellow at Utrecht University (part-time). Research on the SNARE (Social Networks and Risk Behavior in Early Adolescence) project. Data-manager.
Previous work experience
2018 – 2021: Professional Foster Parent (Family house; Shelterzorg B. V. Wijchen).
2014 – 2020: PhD candidate (part-time), Utrecht University, the Netherlands, Interdisciplinary Social Science
2018 – 2020: Researcher at Spirit! Amsterdam (part-time). Institution for Youth Care.
2015: Visiting scholar for one month to Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, collaboration with Allison Ryan and her research lab
2014 – 2020: Teacher at the Bachelor’s degree program in Interdisciplinary Social Science (Utrecht University): Risk Behavior and Addiction during Adolescence; and Bachelor Theses. Teaching bacherlor theses and master theses at department of sociology, University of Groningen.
2013 – 2015: Altrecht Youth Institute; Department of Autism. researcher and clinical psychologist. I developed and provided Social Skills Training and Floorplay and monitored the effectiveness of these trainings.
2011 – 2013: Teacher assistant, Utrecht University, the Netherlands, Department of Methods and Statistics. Teaching in Summer School on Applied Multivariate Statistics in SPSS (Ellen Hamaker), Conference on Mediation and Moderation using Spss and Mplus (Rens van der Schoot), multiple statistical courses (Nijs Lagerweij) and Bachelor Theses.
2012 – 2013: Junior Researcher, University Utrecht, the Netherlands. Projects: Conamore, Radar 2.0 (Wim Meeus, Susan Branje) and SAD (Yvonne Stikkelbroek)
Scientific Education
2014-2020: PhD. Approval Thesis: December 2019. Defense: 27-11-2020.
2013-2014: Msc., Utrecht University, the Netherlands, Faculty of Social Sciences
Program: Orthopedagogics (academic master’s program). GPA 4.0
2012-2014: MSc., Utrecht University, the Netherlands, Graduate School of Social and Behavioral Sciences Program: Development and Socialisation in Childhood and Adolescence (research master). Thesis: Conflict Resolution Development: Change and Stability of Conflict Resolution Types across Adolescence. GPA 4.0; cum laude, received award for Best Student of the Year
2008 - 2011: BSc., Utrecht University, the Netherlands, Faculty of Social Sciences. Program: Pedagogical Sciences; minor in Education. Thesis: “The Association between Parental Cognitive Stimulation and Toddler’s Social-Emotional Development”. GPA 4.0.
Research output
A – Peer-reviewed scientific publications
A1 - Scientific articles and chapters
- Veenstra, R. & Laninga-Wijnen, L. (in press). Peer network studies and interventions in adolescence. Current Opinions in Psychology.
- Salmivalli, C., Laninga-Wijnen, L., Malamut, S. T., & Garandeau, C. F. (in press). Bullying prevention in adolescence: Solutions and new challenges from the past decade. Journal of Research on Adolescence.
- Laninga-Wijnen, L., Van den Berg, Y., Garandeau, C. G., Mulder, S., & Orobio de Castro, B. (in press). Does being defended relate to decreases in victimization and improved psychosocial adjustment among victims? Journal of Educational Psychology. Doi: 10.1037/edu0000712
- Laninga-Wijnen, L., & Veenstra, R. (2021). Peer similarity in adolescent social networks: Types of selection, influence, and factors contribution to openness to peer influence. In B. Halpern-Felsher (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Health. Elsevier.
- Garandeau, C. F., Laninga-Wijnen, L., & Salmivalli, C. (2021). Effects of the KiVa anti-bullying program on affective and cognitive empathy in children and adolescents. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology. Advance online publication. Doi: 10.1080/15374416.2020.1846541
- Veenstra, R., & Laninga-Wijnen, L. (2021). The prominence of peer interactions, relationships, and networks. In L. Crockett, G. Carlo, & J. Schulenberg (Eds.), Handbook of Adolescent and Young Adult Development. American Psychological Association.
- Laninga-Wijnen, L., Van den Berg, Y. H. M., Mainhard, T., & Cillessen, A. H. N. (2021). The role of aggressive peer norms in elementary school children’s perceptions of classroom peer climate and school adjustment. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 50, 1582-1600. Doi: 10.1007/s10964-021-01432-0
- Peeters, M., Laninga-Wijnen, L., & Veenstra, R. (2021). Differences in adolescents’ alcohol use and smoking behavior between educational tracks: do popularity norms matter? Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 50, 1884-1895. Doi: 10.1007/s10964-021-01467-3
- Laninga-Wijnen, L., Van den Berg, Y. H. M., Mainhard, T., & Cillessen, A. H. N. (2021). The role of defending norms in victims’ classroom climate perceptions and psychosocial maladjustment in secondary school. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, 49, 169-184. doi: 10.1007/s10802-020-00738-0
- McKellar, S., E., Ryan, A., North, E. A., Rausch, N. R., & Laninga-Wijnen, L. (2021). Teachers' emphasis on mastery goals moderates the behavioral correlates of popularity in early adolescent classrooms. Merrill Palmer Quarterly, 2, 203-235.
- Qin, X., Kaufman, T. M. L., Laninga-Wijnen, L., & Yunyun, C., & Chen, X. (2021).The impact of academic achievement, parental control and support on depressive symptom trajectories among Chinese early adolescents. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, 49, 1359-1371. Doi: 10.1007/s10802-021-00826-9
- De Vries, E., Kaufman, T. M. L., Veenstra, R., Laninga-Wijnen, L., & Huitsing, G. (2021). Bullying and victimization trajectories after the school transition to secondary education: Implications for status and affection. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 50 1995-2006. Doi: 10.1007/s10964-020-01385-w
- Stevens, G., Veldkamp, C., Harakeh, Z., & Laninga-Wijnen, L. (2020). Associations between ethnic minority status and popularity in adolescence: the role of ethnic classroom composition and aggression. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 49, 605-617. Doi: 10.1007/s10964-020-01200-6
- Laninga-Wijnen, L., Harakeh, Z., Dijkstra, J. K., Veenstra, R., & Vollebergh, W. A. M. (2020). Who sets the aggressive popularity norm? It’s the number and strength of aggressive, prosocial and bi-strategic adolescents in classrooms. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 48, 13-27. Doi: 10.1007/s10802-019-00571-0
- Laninga-Wijnen, L., Steglich, C. E. G., Harakeh, Z., Veenstra, R., Vollebergh, W. A. M. Dijkstra, J. K. (2020). The role of prosocial and aggressive popularity norm combinations in prosocial and aggressive friendship processes. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 49, 645-663. Doi: 10.1007/s10964-019-01088-x
- Nijhof, K. S., Laninga-Wijnen, Konijn, C., L., Van Domburgh, L., Popma, A., & Mulder, E. (2020). Small groups in youth care: an exploratory study. Kind en Adolescent Praktijk, 41, 187-204.
- Laninga-Wijnen, L., Harakeh, Z., Garandeau, C. F., Dijkstra, J. K., Veenstra, R., & Vollebergh, W. A. M. (2019). Classroom popularity hierarchy predicts prosocial and aggressive popularity norms across the school year. Child Development, 90, e637-e635. Doi: 10.1111/cdev.13228
- Laninga-Wijnen, L., Gremmen, M. C., Dijkstra, J. K., Veenstra, R., Vollebergh, W. A. M., & Harakeh, Z. (2018). The role of academic status norms in friendship selection and influence processes related to academic achievement. Developmental Psychology, 2, 337-350. Doi: 10.1037/dev0000611
- Laninga-Wijnen, L., Ryan, A. M., Harakeh, Z., Shin, H., & Vollebergh, W. A. M. (2018). The moderating role of popular peers’ achievement goals in 5th- and 6th-graders’ achievement-related friendships: A social network analysis. Journal of Educational Psychology, 110, 289-307. Doi: 10.1037/edu0000210
- Laninga-Wijnen, L., Harakeh, Z., Dijkstra, J. K., Veenstra, R., & Vollebergh, W. A. M. (2018). Aggressive and prosocial peer norms: Change, stability and associations with adolescent aggressive and prosocial behavior development. Journal of Early Adolescence, 38, 178-203. Doi: 10.1177/0272431616665211
- Laninga-Wijnen, L., Harakeh, Z., Steglich, C. E. G., Dijkstra, J. K., Veenstra, R., & Vollebergh, W. A. M. (2017). The norms of popular peers moderate friendship dynamics of adolescent aggression. Child Development, 88, 1265 – 1283. doi: 10.1111/cdev.12650
- Laninga-Wijnen, L., Harakeh, Z., Steglich, C. E. G., Dijkstra, J. K., Veenstra, R., & Vollebergh, W. A. M. (2017). Populaire jongeren zetten een norm voor vriendschappen en agressie in de klas. Kind & Adolescent, 38, 212-232.
- Busch V., Laninga-Wijnen L., Schrijvers A. J. P., De Leeuw J. R. J. (2015). Associations of health behaviors, school performance and psychosocial problems in adolescents in The Netherlands. Health Promotion International, 32, 280-291. Doi: 10.1093/heapro/dav058.2015
- Busch, V., Laninga-Wijnen, L., van Yperen, T. A., Schrijvers, A. J. P., & De Leeuw, J. R. J. (2015). Bidirectional longitudinal associations of perpetration and victimization of peer bullying with psychosocial problems in adolescents: A cross-lagged panel study. School Psychology International, 36, 532–549. doi:10.1177/0143034315604018
- Branje, S., Laninga-Wijnen, L., Rongqin, Y., & Meeus, W. (2014). Associations among school and friendship identity in adolescence and romantic relationships and work in emerging adulthood. Emerging Adulthood, 2, 6 – 16.
A2 – Conference Proceedings
- Garandeau, C. F., Laninga-Wijnen, L., & Salmivalli, C. (2020, September). Effects of the KiVa anti-bullying program on empathy: Are bullies as responsive as others? In Marije van Meegen (Chair). Adolescents’ social world: what factors may facilitate adolescents’ empathic and prosocial tendencies in different contexts? Symposium presented at the EARA meeting, online [due to covid].
- Laninga-Wijnen, L., van den Berg, Y. H. M., Mainhard, T., & Cillessen, A. H. N. (2020, September). Aggressive peer norms relate to victimized students’ perception of classroom peer climate and school adjustment. In Claire F. Garandeau (Chair). Helping victims of school bullying. Symposium presented at the EARA meeting, online [due to covid].
- Laninga-Wijnen, L. (2020, September). Invited presentation. Popular peers matter! The role of peer networks and norms in adolescent development. Symposium presented at the EARA meeting, online [due to covid].
- Laninga-Wijnen, L., Harakeh, Z., Garandeau, C. F., Dijkstra, J. K., & Veenstra, R. (2019, September). Classroom popularity hierarchy predicts prosocial and aggressive popularity norms across the school year. In L. Laninga-Wijnen (Chair), What does it take to stop school bullying? The complex interplay between individual, dyadic, and contextual factors in understanding prosocial and antisocial behavior of youth. Symposium presented at the Biennial Meeting of the European Society for Developmental Psychology, Athens, Greece.
- Laninga-Wijnen, L., Harakeh, Z., Dijkstra, J. K., & Veenstra, R. (2019, September). Who sets the aggressive popularity norm in classrooms? It’s the number and strength of aggressive, prosocial, and bi-strategic adolescents. In I. Skoczen (Chair), The role of peer relations in adolescent development. Symposium presented at the Biennial Meeting of the European Society for Developmental Psychology, Athens, Greece.
- Laninga-Wijnen, L., Steglich, C. E. G., Harakeh, Z., Vollebergh, W. A. M., Veenstra, R., & Dijkstra, J. K. (2018, April). The norms of popular peers strengthen the co-evolution of friendships and aggressive and prosocial behavior in the classroom. In J. K. Dijkstra (Chair), Peer norms matter for aggressive and prosocial behavior. Symposium presented at the SRA Biennial Meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota, U. S. A.
- Laninga-Wijnen, L., Gremmen, M., Vollebergh, W. A. M., Veenstra, R., & Dijkstra, J. K., & Harakeh, Z., (2018, April). The Role of Academic Norm Salience in Friendship Selection and Influence related to Academic Achievement: The SNARE study. Poster presented at the SRA Biennial Meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota, U. S. A.
- McKellar, S., Ryan, A., North, E., Brass, N., & Laninga-Wijnen, L (2018, April). Teachers’ Emphasis of Mastery Goals Moderates the Behavioral Correlates of Popularity in Early Adolescent Classrooms. Poster presented at the SRA Biennial Meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota, U. S. A.
- Laninga-Wijnen, L., Gremmen, M., Dijkstra, J. K., Veenstra, R., Vollebergh, W. A. M., & Harakeh, Z. (April, 2017). The role of status norms and rejection norms in friendship dynamics related to adolescent achievement. In L. Laninga-Wijnen (Chair), What do the popular ones do? Implications for peer relations and adolescent academic performance. Symposium presented at the SRCD Biennial Meeting in Texas, Austin, U. S. A.
- Laninga-Wijnen, L., Harakeh, Z., Steglich, C. E. G., Dijkstra, J. K.,Veenstra, R., & Vollebergh, W. A. M. (2016, September). The norms of popular peers moderate friendship dynamics of adolescent aggression. In H. Hadiwijna (Chair), As our lives change, come whatever, will we still be friends forever? Symposium presented at the EARA meeting, Spain
- Laninga-Wijnen, L., Harakeh, Z., Dijkstra, J. K.,Veenstra, R., & Vollebergh, W. A. M. (2015, March). Antisocial and prosocial peer norms: Emergence, stability, and impact on adolescent individual development. In J. A. Rambaran (Chair). Follow the leader(s)?! Peer influence on the development of behavior and friendships in in the school context. Symposium presented at the SRCD Biennial Meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U. S. A.
- Laninga-Wijnen, L., Harakeh, Z., Dijkstra, J. K.,Veenstra, R., & Vollebergh, W. A. M. (2014, June). The influence of peer norms on individual prosocial and antisocial behavior development. Individual presentation at the Prague Presents Psychology meeting. Czech, Prague.
E – Publications intended for general public, linked to the applicant’s research
Laninga-Wijnen, L. (2021). Does being defended really help victims of bullying? Quest Magazine, The Netherlands.
Laninga-Wijnen, L. (2021). Popular peers set the norm. UU news, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Retrieved from https://www.uu.nl/nieuws/positieve-of-negatieve-klas-populaire-jongeren-zetten-een-norm
Laninga-Wijnen, L., & Overbeek (2021). Wie zet de norm?! Populaire jongeren als mogelijke sleutel naar positievere klassen in het middelbaar onderwijs Retrieved from: https://www.schoolenveiligheid.nl/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Populaire-jongeren-zetten-de-norm-in-het-middelbaar-onderwijs_webversie_pdf.pdf
Laninga-Wijnen, L. (2020). Vriendschappen. Financieel dagblad.
Laninga-Wijnen, L. (2020). What makes someone popular? Quest Psychology Magazine, The Netherlands.
Laninga-Wijnen, L. (2020). How students form a pecking order. Tesnews, U. K., retrieved from https://www.tes.com/magazine/article/how-students-form-pecking-order
Laninga-Wijnen, L. (2019). Friends. Magazine Cosmogirl, The Netherlands.
Laninga-Wijnen, L. (2019). Friendships matter! Magazine Jente, The Netherlands.
Laninga-Wijnen, L. (2018). Friendship. UU news, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Retrieved from https://www.uu.nl/nieuws/gaan-vrienden-op-elkaar-lijken
G- Theses
Laninga-Wijnen, L. (2020). They get the power! Consequences and antecedents of aggressive, prosocial, and academic popularity norms in adolescents’ classrooms. Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
I – audiovisual material
Laninga-Wijnen, L. (2017). Friendship. Radio interview 3FM, The Netherlands. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjZrrDUJ-hw
Prizes, Awards, Grants
2021: RUBICON Grant “Does being defended help or hurt victims of bullying?”
2020: EARA Young Scholar Award for best and most promising young researcher in Europe in the field of Youth Studies.
2020: Doi Community Grant to organize symposium on how popular peers can be a key factor to foster positive classrooms in adolescence.
2020: Child Development Award for being at the top 10% of mostly downloaded papers: Classroom popularity hierarchy predicts prosocial and aggressive popularity norms across the school year
2019: First prize “CAS-article of the Year”. Paper: “Classroom popularity hierarchy predicts prosocial and aggressive popularity norms across the school year”
2018: Second prize “CAS-article of the Year”. Paper: “The moderating role of popular peers’ achievement goals in 5th- and 6th-graders’ achievement-related friendships: A social network analysis.”
2017: Second prize “CAS-article of the Year”. Paper: “The norms of popular peers moderate friendship dynamics of adolescent aggression”
2013: Best Poster Award at the Symposium of the Graduate School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Utrecht University, the Netherlands
2013: Best Student of the Year Award
2011: Prize: Student visit to Baskent University, Ankara
2020 Open science community Utrecht University
2019 Member of the PhD student delegation of Utrecht University in the
national research assessment Pedagogical and Educational Sciences.
Computer Experience
Other MS Office, Open Office, Lightroom, Photoshop
Last modified: | 25 June 2022 11.09 a.m. |