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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons A.M.H. (Anne) Gauthier, Prof


Understanding Narratives of Uncertainty in Fertility Intentions of Dutch Women: A Neural Topic Modeling Approach

Fertility preferences in China in the twenty-first century

Religiosity and trajectories of lifetime fertility intentions – Evidence from a German panel study

The quality of fertility data in the web-based Generations and Gender Survey

Gendered work-family life courses and late-life physical functioning: A comparative analysis from 28 European countries

Quantifying the sources of heterogeneity of fertility preferences in China

Understanding Narratives from Demographic Survey Data: a Comparative Study with Multiple Neural Topic Models

Costly children: the motivations for parental investment in children in a low fertility context

Do costs and benefits of children matter for religious people? Perceived consequences of parenthood and fertility intentions in Poland

Having a child within a cohabiting union in Europe and North America: What is the role of parents' socio-economic status?


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