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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons A. La Marca, M


Euclid. I. Overview of the Euclid mission

Euclid preparation. Measuring detailed galaxy morphologies for Euclid with Machine Learning

Euclid preparation XLIII. Measuring detailed galaxy morphologies for Euclid with machine learning

Galaxy merger challenge: A comparison study between machine learning-based detection methods

Object classification with Convolutional Neural Networks: from KiDS to Euclid

Probabilistic and progressive deblended far-infrared and sub-millimetre point source catalogues: I. Methodology and first application in the COSMOS field

The TNG50-SKIRT Atlas: Post-processing methodology and first data release

The TNG50-SKIRT Atlas: Wavelength dependence of the effective radius

A multi-band AGN-SFG classifier for extragalactic radio surveys using machine learning

Euclid preparation: XXVI. the Euclid Morphology Challenge: Towards structural parameters for billions of galaxies

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