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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. A.K.L. (An) Reyners


Evaluation of the recently established Dutch nationwide Archipelago of Ovarian Cancer Research biobank

Adverse events at the end of life of hospital patients with or without a condition relevant for palliative care: a nationwide retrospective record review study in the Netherlands

APOLLO: neo-adjuvant pembrolizumab for primary vulvar squamous cell carcinoma-a multicenter, single-arm, phase II, clinical proof-of-concept study

Assessing the clinical benefit of systemic anti-cancer treatments in the Netherlands: The impact of different thresholds for effectiveness

Characteristics of timely integration of palliative care into oncology hospital care for patients with incurable cancer: results of a Delphi Study

Drug-drug interaction perpetrators of oxycodone in patients with cancer: frequency and clinical relevance

Fear, anxiety and depression in gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) patients in the Netherlands: Data from a cross-sectional multicenter study

Financial difficulties experienced by patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GIST) in the Netherlands: data from a cross-sectional multicentre study

Hedgehog Pathway and Programmed Cell Death Protein-1 Inhibitors for Advanced Basal Cell Carcinoma


PASKWIL-2023 criteria voortgekomen uit testen diverse scenario’s

Ruim 6,6 miljoen subsidie van het KWF voor UMCG-onderzoekers

Onderzoekers UMCG krijgen 6,6 miljoen euro van KWF Kankerbestrijding

Lat omhoog voor nieuwe kankermedicatie

LUMC Prijzen, subsidies en benoemingen

Hoe voeg ik leven toe aan mijn dagen?

‘Meer awareness over het belang van palliatieve zorg blijft nodig’