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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. A.J.M. (Annette) Scheepstra


Roadmap to Decolonial Arctic Research: CO-CREATE Comprehensive Policy-Brief to the EU Commission.

Towards Arctic Research Upholding Indigenous Peoples’ Rights: Recommendations for ICARP IV, the International Conference on Arctic Research Planning

Improving the relationships between Indigenous rights holders and researchers in the Arctic: an invitation for change in funding and collaboration

Shaping Arctic’s Tomorrow through Indigenous Knowledge Engagement and Knowledge Co-Production

Co-creating research projects - some personal experiences from Saami Council and Arctic researchers

Tell us how to engage you!: Asking polar stakeholders about their engagement preferences

The SDGs and the Arctic: The need for polar indicators

Local and regional perspectives on adaptation

Door de kou bevangen: vijftig jaar Nederlands onderzoek in de poolgebieden

Door de kou bevangen: vijftig jaar Nederlands poolonderzoek


Polar tourism

Ski-trips op de noordpool? ‘Laat het geen massatoerisme worden’

Interview about SEES expedition in Noord Vandaag (RTVNoord

SEES.NL Expedition to Spitsbergen