prof. dr. A.E. (Aleid) Brouwer

Name: Aleid Elizabeth Brouwer
Who am I?
I am an enthusiastic and engaged academic/researcher, who profoundly enjoys to link research to daily life experiences, SME's realities, design, policies and strategies.
My research focuses on wellbeing and (in)equalities. The contextual mechanisms that are the basis of wider wellbeing for all and how policies and (local) governmental actors can influence these are of my particular interest. I publish in international peer reviewed journals, professional journals and write research reports. Furthermore I teach in the Master of Economic Geography and am a supervisor for MSc and PhD students. I am available for lectures, presentations and workshops on the topic(s) (related to) wider welfare and (in)equalities.
In my research I use mixed methods but have a preference for quantitative methods using survey and or panel data. Valorisation within the educational system, the work field and academic peers are of equal importance.
Ph.D. Spatial Science : (24 February 2005) University of Groningen, Faculty of Spatial Sciences, The Netherlands.
March 2023 - current: Professor by special appointment Faculty of Spatial Sciences, Univeristy of Groningen, Netherlands
March 2023- current: Senior Researcher. CMO Stamm, Groningen, The Netherlands
January 2018- February 2023: Full Professor. Academy of International Business Administration. NHL Stenden UNiverity of Applied Sciences, Leeuwarden, Netherlands
September 2008 - February 2023: Assistent Professor. Economic Geography, Spatial Science / Urban and Regional Studies Institute, University of Groningen, Netherlands
March 2005 – August 2008: Post-doc / Assistant Professor. Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research / Department of Economics, International Economics and Business, University of Groningen, Netherlands
Current Teaching:
Supervision Msc Theses
Entrepreneurship & Regional Development
Supervision PhD students:
Harro Prins in the PhD project "Media entrepreneurship in coworking spaces" Unieristy of Groningen, Faculty of Spatial Sciences (promotor) Togethers with M. van Diggelen (NHL Stenden UAS - daily supervisor).
P. de Jong in the PhD project: "Housing an ageing population: more of the same or something different?" together with J. van Dijk & P. McCann. University of Groningen, Faculty of Spatial Sciences (daily supervisor). Defended September 2021.
M. Gelormini in the PhD Project: "Urban mobility and ageing in Italian cities" together with I. Mariotti, Department of Architecture and Urban Studies (DASTU) – Politecnico of Milan (external supervisor)
Special projects:
Local Organizing Committee European Regional Science Association Summerschool in Groningen, August 2021.
Local Organizing Committee European Regional Science Association conference in Groningen August 2017.
European Network for Housing Studies, annual conference special workshop organization 'Housing an ageing population".
Konnect experiment. 'Leven lang Ontwikkelen', funded by Konnect. In cooperation with Arjen Edzes and Bjorn de Kruijf. Total budget 142.572 euro, 01 January 2023
Digilink, funded by Ministery of Economic Affairs. in cooperation with NHL Stenden UAS. Total Budget 430.000 euro, September 2021
Make IT work in the North. Funded by ERFO HC research into sideways inflow into the IT labour market for non IT trained personnel. A.E. Brouwer, H. van Lieshout (Hanze University of Applied Sciences) and IT Academy North Netherland. Total budget: 1.221.114 euro, NHL Stenden: 236.052 euro, 01 January, 2019
Futures by Design INTERREG North Sea Region. Generation future proof sme’s in hinterland regions by the use of big data. Lead partner in cooperation with Provinsje Fryslân . Total budget: 4.376.407 euro, NHL Stenden/ Provinsje Fryslân 778.596 euro, 01 January 2019
COST European cooperation in Science and Technology: The geography of New Working Spaces and the impact on the periphery. Project leader I. Mariotti (Politecnico di Milano). Total budget: 140.000 euro. 01 July 2019
Kibele, E (projectleider), A.E. Brouwer & G. de Kam: Kwaliteit van Leven van zelfstandig wonenende kwetsbare ouderen: de rol van mantelzorg en leefomgeving. start 01 January 2015.
RUG onderwijsvernieuwing (17.500 euro) "Virtual Veldwerk app", developing an app for mobile devices for supporting the (virtual) fieldwork in the 10 point Economic Georgaphy course, Bsc Human Geography & Planning
Brouwer, AE (projectleider), E. Kibele, G. de Kam & D. Lager: Bewustwording bij ouderen mbt lifeplanning. Start Oktober 2015. In opdracht van Ministerie van Binnenlandse zaken & Koninkrijksrelaties.
Recent papers and publications:
Naaijer-Ciff, T. & A.E. Brouwer (2022) Underrepresentation of Women in the ICT industry in the North of the Netherlands. Gepresenteerd op Symposium Werken aan Talent in de Regio, Hanzehogeschool Groningen , 11 mei 2022
Naaijer-Ciff, T. & A.E. Brouwer (2022) Student well-being: before, during and after the Pandemic
Brouwer, A.E., & M. Akhaven (2022) Co-working in a female-only environment: wellbeing on the work floor. To be presented at Rural Geographies 2023
Markowicz, M., A.E. Brouwer & A. Storlazzi (2022) Sustainable Business Models: a systematic literature review. Gepresenteerd op New Business Models Conference, Rome, juni 2022
Markowicz, M., A. Storlazzi & A.E. Brouwer (2022) A circulair and embedded business: the case of Cartasar, Italy. Gepresenteerd op New Business Models Conference, Rome, juni 2022
Peer reviewed
Smit, M., V. Schutjens & A.E.Brouwer (2023) Not going back to the office any time soon: coworking spaces in the Netherlands. Akhaven, M. (ed.) Remote working and New working spaces. Springerbrief open access. Accepted.
Brouwer, A.E.& I. Mariotti (2023) Remote working in Italy; coworking spaces in the periphery. Akhaven, M. (ed.) Remote working and New working spaces. Springerbrief open access. Accepted.
Seong, M. H., A.E. Brouwer, M. Barzotto, & I. Mariotti (2022) , Coworking spaces and Covid-19: A South-Korean perspective. Mariotti, I., M. DiMarino, & P. Bednar, P. (eds.) The COVID-19 pandemic and Future of Working Spaces, Routledge , (Regions and Cities). Accepted.
Rietveld, J. R., D. Hiemstra, A.E. Brouwer & J. Waalkens (2022) Motivation and Productivity of Employees in Higher Education during the First Lockdown , In: Administrative Sciences. 12(1): 11 p.
Brouwer, A.E., M. Smit, &; H. Westlund (2022) Perspectives on the dynamics of third spaces. Mariotti, I., M. DiMarino &; P. Bednar (eds.). The COVID-19 pandemic and Future of Working Spaces, Routledge , (Regions and Cities). Accepted. Routledge, (Regions and Cities).
de Jong, P., J. Rouwendal & A.E.Brouwer (2022) Staying put out of choice or constraint? The residential choicebehaviour of Dutch older adults . Population Space and Place. 28(4): 2553-2567.
Van der Giessen, M., A.E.Brouwer, L. Nijhuis, & D. Schulz (2021) , Being Aware: Responsible Consumers Asking for Purposeful Products and Services. Designing an Interdisciplinary Research Minor at NHL Stenden. In: Coelen, R., G. Geitz, A. Donker & H. Assen (eds.) Stepping into Design-Based Education. NHL Stenden Hogeschool, 41-50.
Brouwer, A.E. (2020) Senior Ondernemerschap: motivaties om ondernemer te worden na je 50e levensjaar. Geron, tijdschrift over ouder worden & samenleving. 22(4):1-5.
Koster, S., A.E. Brouwer & E. van Leeuwen (2019) Diversity as the key to success? Sector diversity and its effect on employment dynamics in urban and rural municipalities in the Netherlands. Regional Studies, forthcoming
Enthoven, M.P.M & A.E. Brouwer (2019) It is all about good food: spatial concentration of sustainable restaurants. Annals of Regional Science, ONLINE
Brouwer, A.E. & M.P.M. Enthoven (2019) The choice for a sustainable cuisine: passion and self-transcendence in the restaurant business. Research in Hospitality Management Journal, 9 (1): 69-76
Musolino, D., I. Mariotti & A.E. Brouwer (2019) Introduction: Stated and revealed locational preferences: a national scale. Annals of Regional Science, forthcoming
Mariotti, I. , A.E. Brouwer & M. Gormalini (2018) Is Milan a city for the elderly? Mobility for aging in place. Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, open access
Bricocoli, M., Brouwer, A. E., & Gargiulo, C. (2018). Special Issue 2.2018 Elderly Mobility PREFACE. Tema-Journal of land use mobility and environment, 3-8, open access
Abreu, M., O.Oner, A.E. Brouwer & E. van Leeuwen (2018) Well-being effects of self-employment: a spatial inquiry. Journal of Business Venturing. 34(40):589-506.
Brouwer, A.E., & B. Tool (2018) Eenzijdig aanbod van winkels leidt tot meer winkelleegstand. Real Estate Research Quarterly.
De Jong, P., P. Van Hattum, J. Rouwendaal & A.E. Brouwer (2018) The older adult doesn’t exist: using values to differentiate older adults in the Dutch housing market. Housing Studies. 33(7): 1014-1037
Brouwer, A.E. & I. Mariotti (2014) Firm heterogeneity in Multinationals and Domestic firms in Italian Logistics. European Transport, 56, paper no 8, ISSN 1825-3997
De Jong, P., A.E. Brouwer & P. McCann (2016) Moving up and down the urban hierarchy. Age-articulated interregional migration flows in the Netherlands. The Annals of Regional Science, forthcoming
Kohl, T. & A.E. Brouwer (2014) The development of trade blocs in an era of globalisation. Environment & Planning A, 46, pp.1535-1553. (DOI: 10.1068/a46261)
Books & chapters in books
Brouwer, A.E. & T. Kohl (2019) Trade blocs: regional space of trade. In: Kobayashi, A. (ed). International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, 2nd edition. Kidlington: Elsevier, forthcoming
Brouwer, A.E. & H. Delfmann (2019) Grey entrepreneurship, A qualitative study toward understanding the motivation to and the effects on wellbeing of later life entrepreneurship. In: Karlsson, C., M. Backman & O. Kekezi (eds.) Handbook on Entrepreneurship and Ageing. Edward Elgar. Forthcoming
Brouwer A., Holl A., Mariotti I. (2012). What drives logistics growth? An empirical investigation in the EU, AP ARGOMENTI, pp. 1-11, ISSN: 2035-5815
Koster, S., A.E. Brouwer & E. van Leeuwen (2011) The welfare effect of economic diversity in rural regions. In: Alsos, G., S. Carter, E. Ljunggren & F. Welter (Eds). The Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship in Agriculture and Rural Development. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp.241-255.
National journals, bookreviews, research papers
Lager, D., A.E. Brouwer, G. de Kam & E. Kibbele (2016) Op tijd de drempel wegnemen? Inzicht in het bewustzijnover het preventief aanpassen van de woonsituatie om langer thuis te kunnen wonen. URSI onderzoeksrapport 355
Brouwer, A.E. (2013) Virtual Fieldwork in a course on Economic Geography. Regional Science Association Insternational Newsletter, May 2013: 13-17.
Brouwer, A.E. (2011) Bookreview ‘There's No Place Like Home: Place and Care in an Ageing Society, by Milligan, C., Ashgate 2009. European Spatial Research and Policy 18(1) pp. 103-104.
Sijtsma, F.J. & Brouwer, A.E. (2011) Bookreview ‘Revealed preference approaches to environmental valuation, by Herriges, J. and C. L. KLING, Ashgate, 2008 ’. European Spatial Research and Policy, 18(1) pp. 105-106.
invited presentations & guestlectureships:
3th Annual Healthiwise Confernece, 30th October 2015, Groningen, Ther Netherlands: 'The dream team!? Informal care provider, patient and professional'.
Panel member: Geo Promotion conference: 'Re-inventing the city'4 March 2016, Groningen, The Netherlands
Guest Lectur Msc Course Revitalisatie van de wijk (Planning), Univeristy Groningen, February 2016: Housing an ageing population
Invited lecture 'Training led by academics' on 'the flipped classroom', at the Blackboard Teaching and Learning Conference in Groningen, the Netherlands, 4-8 April, 2016
Invited speaker "flipped classroom; Teach Ex meeting", May 23rd. University of Groningen.
Invited presentation Zorg Innovatie Forum / anders oud in 2030, 11 oktober 2016, Assen.
Invited presentation Zorg Innovatie Forum / Anders oud in 2030, 25 oktober 2016, Beesterzwaag.
Invited lecture "Flipped classroom; experiences, pro's and con's". Blackboard Academic Leadership Tour. University of Groningen, December 2nd, 2016
Guest researcher Institutet för Näringslivsforskning, Stockholm Sweden, 4-11 May 2017
Invited lecture: 'Ageing in Europe', Northwestern politechnical university in Xi'an, 22 May 2017
Invited lecture: 'wonen voor ouderen, in co-creatie', for Mondria advies, Ijsselmuiden 9th June 2017
Guestspeaker: "Wonen voor ouderen', Who Cares? Netwerkcafe, Municipality of Groningen, 14th June 2017
Co-referent: 'Bouma Lezing: 'Wonen in de grote stad steeds meer een feestje voor de happy few'. 15th of June 2017.
Other academic activities:
- Editor European Spatial Research and Planning
- Reviewer Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie
- Reviewer Regional Studies
- Reviewer Papers in Regional Studies
- Nominationcommity Herta Mach MscThesis award 2005/2006 -2012
- Network for European and United Stated Regional and Urban Studies
- Network for research in 'Ageing & well-being'
- Reviewer for Journal for Housing and the build Environment
- Reviewer for Environment & Planning
- Reviewer for Journal of International Business Studies
- Reviewer for Papers in Regional Science
- Dutch Royal Geography Society (KNAG)
- Dutch and European Regional Science Association (RSA)
- Regional Science Association, Irish and British section (RSAIBIS)
- Regional Studies Association (RSA-I)
- European Network for Housing Research (ENHR)
- Network for research in 'Ageing & Wellbeing (FRW-A&W)
Laatst gewijzigd: | 03 maart 2023 12:44 |