dr. A. (Anne) Benjaminse

2004: Bachelor’s degree Physical Therapy, Hanze University Groningen, the Netherlands
2005-2006: student researcher American Sports Medicine Institute in Birmingham, AL, USA.
2008: Master’s degree Sports Medicine, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Department of Sports Medicine and Nutrition, University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA
2006-2008: student researcher Neuromuscular Research Laboratory, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
2015: PhD, Faculty of Medical Science, Department of Human Movement Sciences, University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen
2023: UEFA medical research grant: €30.000,-
Psychosocial stress as a predictor of ACL injury in female football players - Let’s take care of our athletes’ wellbeing.
2018: European Erasmus+ grant €400.000,-
Move healthy: Improving health and sustaining participation in youth in sports around Europe
2017: NWO-ZonMw Veni grant €250.000,-
Understanding motor learning to prevent ankle and knee injuries in sports: a novel approach.
Peer reviewed scientific publications
Gondwe B, Heuvelmans P, Benjaminse A, Büchel D, Baumeister J, Gokeler A. Unveiling the Distinctions: Computer versus Sport-Specific Neurocognitive Tests. J Sport Rehab. 2024.
Rikken KTH, Panneman T, Vercauteren F, Gokeler A, Benjaminse A. Increased Visual Attentional Demands Alter Lower Extremity Sidestep Cutting Kinematics in Male Basketball Players. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2024;19(11):1304-1313.
Grooms DR, Bizzini M, Silvers-Granelli H, Benjaminse A. Neurocognitive & Ecological Motor Learning Considerations for the 11+ ACL Injury Prevention Program: A Commentary. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2024;19(11):1362-1372.
Benjaminse A, Nijmeijer EM, Gokeler A, Broekhaar D, Cortes N. Motivation unraveled: giving choice to male football players to improve ACL injury prevention. J Strength Cond Res. 2024
Benjaminse A, Nijmeijer EM, Gokeler A, Di Paolo S. Application of Machine Learning Methods to Investigate Joint Load in Agility on the Football Field: Creating the Model, Part I. Sensors (Basel). 2024; 24(11):3652.
Nijmeijer EM, Kempe M, Elferink-Gemser MT, Benjaminse A. Observe, Practice, and Improve? Enhancing Sidestep Cutting Execution in Talented Female Soccer Players: A Four-Week Intervention Program With Video Instruction. J Strength Cond Res. 2024;38(8):e430-e439
Heuvelmans P, Di Paolo S, Benjaminse A, Bragonzoni L, Gokeler A. Relationships between task constraints, visual constraints, joint coordination and football-specific performance in talented youth athletes: an ecological dynamics approach. Percept Mot Skills. 2024;131(1):161-176
Nijmeijer EM, Elferink-Gemser MT, McCrory S, Cortes N, Benjaminse A. How to improve movement execution in sidestep cutting? Involve me and I will learn. Hum Mov Sci. 2023
Nijmeijer EM, Heuvelmans P, Bolt R, Gokeler A, Otten E, Benjaminse A. Concurrent validation of the Xsens IMU system of lower-body kinematics in jump-landing and change-of-direction tasks. J Biomech. 2023
Di Paolo S, Nijmeijer EM, Bragonzoni L, Gokeler A, Benjaminse A. Definition of high-risk motion patterns for female ACL injury based on football-specific field data: a wearable sensors plus data mining approach. Sensors (Basel). 2023;15;23(4):2176
Gokeler A, Grassi A, Zaffagnini A, Hoogeslag R, van Houten A, Lehmann T, Bolling C, Buckthorpe M, Norte G, Benjaminse A, Heuvelmans P, Di Paolo S, Tak I; Della Villa F. Return to sports after ACL injury 5 years from now: 10 things we must do. J Exp Orthop. 2022;30;9(1):73
Nijmeijer EM, Elferink-Gemser MT, Otten E, Benjaminse, A. Optimal and suboptimal video instructions change movement execution in young talented basketball players. Int J Sports Sci Coach. 2022.
Ageberg E, Brodin E, Linnéll J, Moesch K, Donaldson A, Adébo E, Benjaminse A, Ekengren J, Granér S, Johnson U, Lucander K, Grethe Myklebust G, Møller M, Tranaeus U, Bunke S. Co-creating injury prevention training for youth team handball: Bridging theory and practice. BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med. 2022;4;8(2):e001263.
DiPaolo S, Nijmeijer EM, Bragonzoni L, Dingshoff EY, Gokeler A, Benjaminse A. Comparing lab and field agility kinematics in young football girls: implications for ACL injury prevention on the field. Eur J Sport Sci 2022;3;1-10
Heuvelmans P, Benjaminse A, Bolt R, Baumeister J, Otten E, Gokeler A. Concurrent validation of the Noraxon MyoMotion wearable inertial sensors in change-of-direction and jump-landing tasks. Sports Biomech. 2022;3:1-16
Welling W, Gokeler A, Benjaminse A, Verhagen EALM, Lemmink KAPM. Have we forgotten our patient? An exploration of patient experiences after ACL reconstruction. J Sport Rehabil. 2022;19;31(8):993-999
Benjaminse A, Verhagen EALM. Implementing injury prevention in daily sports practice. It’s not just the program. Let’s build together; involve the context; and improve the content. Sports Med. 2021;51:2461-2467
Bolt R, Heuvelmans P, Benjaminse A, Robinson MW, Gokeler A. An ecological dynamics approach to ACL injury risk research. Sports Biom. 2021;10;1-14
Singh H, Gokeler A, Benjaminse A. Effective attentional focus strategies after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a commentary. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2021;16(6):1575-1585.
Gokeler A, Benjaminse A, Della Villa F, Tosarelli F, Verhagen E, Baumeister J. Anterior cruciate ligament injury mechanisms through a neurocognition lens: implications for injury screening. BMJ Open Sport & Exerc Med 2021;7.
Pishkin D, Benjaminse A, Dimitrakis P, Gokeler A. Neurocognitive and neurophysiological functions related with ACL injury: A framework for neurocognitive approaches in rehabilitation and return to sports tests. Sports Health 2022;14(4):549-555
Tassignon B, Verschueren J, Baeyens JP, Benjaminse A, Gokeler A, Serrien B, Clijsen R. An Exploratory Meta-Analytic Review on the Empirical Evidence of Differential Learning as an Enhanced Motor Learning Method. Front Psychol. 2021;12(7);12
Keizer MNJ, Hijmans, JM, Gokeler A, Benjaminse A, Otten E. Healthy subjects with lax knees use less knee flexion rather than muscle control to limit anterior tibia translation during landing. J Exp Orthop. 2020;7:32.
Welling W, Benjaminse A, Lemmink K, Gokeler A. Passing return to sports tests after ACL reconstruction is associated with greater likelihood for return to sport but fail to identify second injury risk. Knee. 2020;27(3):949-957.
Welling W, Benjaminse A, Lemmink K, Dingenen B, Gokeler A. Progressive strength training restores quadriceps and hamstring muscle strength within 7 months after ACL reconstruction in amateur male soccer players. Phys Ther Sport. 2019;40:10-18.
Gokeler A, Neuhaus D, Benjaminse A, Grooms DR, Baumeister J. Principles of Motor Learning to Support Neuroplasticity After ACL Injury: Implications for Optimizing Performance and Reducing Risk of Second ACL Injury. Sports Med. 2019;49(6):853-865
Benjaminse A, Webster KE, Kimp A, Meijer M, Gokeler A. Revised Approach to the Role of Fatigue in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Prevention: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analyses. Sports Med. 2019;49(4):565-586
Popovic T, Caswell SV, Benjaminse A, Siragy T, Ambegaonkar J, Cortes N. Implicit video feedback produces positive changes in landing mechanics. J Exp Orthop. 2018;2;5:12
Welling W, Benjaminse A, Seil R, Lemmink KAPM, Zaffagnini S, Gokeler A. Low rates of patients meeting return to sport criteria 9 months after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a prospective longitudinal study. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2018;26(12):3636-3644
Welling W, Benjaminse A, Seil R, Lemmink KAPM, Gokeler A. Altered movement during single leg hop test after ACL reconstruction: implications to incorporate 2-D video movement analysis for hop tests. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 2018;26(10):3012-3019
Benjaminse A, Holden S, Myer GD. ACL rupture is a single leg injury but a double leg problem: too much focus on 'symmetry' alone and that's not enough! Br J Sports Med 2018;52(16):1029-1030
Benjaminse A, Welling W, Otten A, Gokeler A. Transfer of improved movement technique after receiving verbal external focus and video instruction. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 2018;26:955-962
Benjaminse A, Postma W, Janssen I, Otten E. Video Feedback and 2-Dimensional Landing Kinematics in Elite Female Handball Players. J Athl Train 2017;52:993-1001
Welling W, Benjaminse A, Gokeler A, Otten E. Retention of Movement Technique: Implications for Primary Prevention of ACL Injuries. Int J Sports Phys Ther 2017;12:908-920
Schreurs M, Benjaminse A, Lemmink KAPM. Sharper angle, higher risk? The effect of cutting angle on knee mechanics in invasion sport athletes. J Biom 2017;63:144-150
Benjaminse A, Otten E, Gokeler A, Diercks RL, Lemmink KAPM, Motor Learning Strategies in Basketball Players and its Implications for ACL Injury Prevention: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 2017;25:2365-2376
Gokeler A, Welling W, Benjaminse A, Lemmink KAPM, Seil R, Zaffagnini S. A Critical Analysis of Limb Symmetry Indices of Hop Tests in Athletes After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. A Case Control Study. Orthop Traumatol Surg Res 2017;103:947-951
Dallinga JM, Benjaminse A, Gokeler A, Cortes N, Otten E, Lemmink K. Innovative Video Feedback on Jump Landing Improves Landing Technique in Males. Int J Sports Med 2017;38:150-158
Popovic T, Caswell S, Ambegaonkar J, Siragy T, Onate J, Benjaminse A, Cortes N. Effects Of Reduced Relative Implicit And Explicit Feedback On Lower Extremity Jump-landing Mechanics: A Preliminary Analysis. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2016;48:736-737
Fleishman-Allison K, Sell TC, Benjaminse A, Lephart SM. Force sense of the knee is not affected by fatiguing the knee extensors and flexors. J Sport Rehab 2016;25:155-163
Welling W, Benjaminse A, Gokeler A, Otten B. Enhanced retention of drop vertical jump landing technique: A randomized controlled trial. Hum Mov Sci 2016;45:84-95
Gokeler A, Bisschop M, Myer GD, Benjaminse A, Dijkstra PU, van Keeken HG, van Raay JJ, Burgerhof JG, Otten E. Immersive virtual reality improves movement patterns in patients after ACL reconstruction: implications for enhanced criteria-based return-to-sport rehabilitation. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 2016;24:2280-2286.
Shultz SJ, Schmitz RJ, Benjaminse A, Collins M, Ford K, Anthony S. Kulas AS. ACL Research Retreat VII: An Update on ACL Injury Risk Factor Identification, Screening and Prevention March 19th - 21st, 2015; Greensboro, NC. J Athl Train 2015;50:1076-1093
Dallinga JM, van der Does HTD, Benjaminse A, Lemmink KAPM. Dynamic postural stability differences between male and female players with and without ankle sprain. Phys Ther Sport 2016;17:69-75
van der Does, HTD, Brink MS, Benjaminse A, Visscher C, Lemmink KAPM. Jump landing characteristics predict lower extremity injuries in indoor team sports.cInt J Sports Med 2015;37:251-256
Benjaminse A, Welling W, Otten E, Gokeler A. Novel methods of instruction in ACL injury prevention programs, a systematic review. Phys Ther Sport 2015;16:176-186
Gokeler A, Benjaminse A, Welling W, Alferink M, Eppinga P, Otten E. The effects of attentional focus on jump performance and knee joint kinematics in patients after ACL reconstruction. Phys Ther Sport 2015;16:114-120
Benjaminse A, Gokeler A, Dowling AV, Faigenbaum A, Ford KR, Hewett TE, Onate JA, Otten E, Myer GD. Optimization of the anterior cruciate ligament injury prevention paradigm: novel feedback techniques to enhance motor learning and reduce injury risk. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2015;45:170-182
Gokeler A, Bisschop M, Benjaminse A, Myer GD, Eppinga P, Otten E. Quadriceps function following ACL reconstruction and rehabilitation: implications for optimisation of current practices. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 2014;22:1163-1174
Gokeler A, Eppinga P, Dijkstra PU, Welling W, Padua, DA, Otten E, Benjaminse A. Effect of fatigue on landing performance assessed with the landing error scoring system (less) in patients after ACL reconstruction. A pilot study. Int J Sports Phys Ther 2014;9:302-311
Ter Stege MH, Dallinga JM, Benjaminse A, Lemmink KA. Effect of interventions on potential, modifiable risk factors for knee injury in team ball sports: a systematic review. Sports Med 2014;44:1403-1426
Gokeler A, Benjaminse A, Hewett TE, Ford KR, Paterno MV, Otten E, Myer GD. Feedback techniques to target functional deficits following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: implications for motor control and reduction of second injury risk. Sports Med 2013;43:1065-1074
Gokeler A, Benjaminse A, van Eck CF, Webster KE, Schot L, Otten E. Return of normal gait as an outcome measure in anterior cruciate ligament reconstructed patients. A systematic review. Intl J Sports Phys Ther 2013;8:441-451
Shultz, SJ, Schmitz RJ, Benjaminse A, Chaudhari AM, Collins M, Padua DA. ACL Research Retreat VI: An Update on ACL Injury Risk and Prevention. March 22–24, 2012; Greensboro, NC. J Athl Train 2012;47:591-603
Dallinga JM, Benjaminse A, Lemmink KAPM. Which screening tools can predict injury to the lower extremities in team sports? A systematic review. Sports Med 2012;42:791-815
Gokeler A, Benjaminse A, Hewett TE, Lephart SM, Engebretsen L, Ageberg E, Engelhardt M. Arnold MP, Postema K, Otten E, Dijkstra PU. Proprioceptive deficits after ACL injury. Are they clinically relevant? A systematic review. Br J Sports Med 2012;46:180-192
Benjaminse A, Otten E. ACL injury prevention, more effective with a different way of motor learning? Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 2011;19:622-627
Benjaminse A, Gokeler A, Fleisig GS, Sell TC, Otten E. What is the true evidence for gender related differences in ACL injury during plant and cut maneuvers? A systematic review. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 2011;19:42-54
Benjaminse A, Lemmink KAPM, Diercks RL, Otten E. An investigation of motor learning during side-step cutting, design of a randomised controlled trial. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2010;13:235
Benjaminse A, Sell TC, Abt JP, House AJ, Lephart SM. Reliability and Precision of Hip Proprioception Methods in Healthy Individuals. Clin J Sports Med 2009;19:457-463
Benjaminse A, Habu A, Sell TC, Abt JP, Fu FH, Myers JB, Lephart SM. Fatigue and sex differences during lower extremity kinematics of a single-leg stop-jump task. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 2008;16:400-407
Benjaminse A, Gokeler A, van der Schans CP. Clinical Diagnosis of an Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rupture. A Meta-Analysis. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2006; 36:267-288
2018 GOTS “Paper of highest public interest” Award €250,- for paper: Using principles of motor learning to enhance ACL injury prevention programs. Gokeler A, Benjaminse A, Seil, Kerkhoffs G, Verhagen EALM. Sports Orthop Traum 2018;34:23-30.
International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy “Outstanding Research Manuscript” Award for 2017, for paper: Retention of Movement Technique: Implications for Primary Prevention of ACL Injuries. Welling W, Benjaminse A, Gokeler A, Otten E. Int J Sports Phys Ther 2017;12:908-920
Best Sports Medicine Dissertation Award ‘TulipMed Prijs voor Sportgeneeskunde 2016’
2015 JOSPT George J. Davies - James A. Gould Excellence in Clinical Inquiry Award for paper: Optimization of the anterior cruciate ligament injury prevention paradigm: novel feedback techniques to enhance motor learning and reduce injury risk. Benjaminse A, Gokeler A, Dowling AV, Faigenbaum A, Ford KR, Hewett TE, Onate JA, Otten E, Myer GD. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2015;45:170-182.
Best Poster Price. 11th Groningen Sports Medicine Symposium. van der Does H. Dallinga JM, Benjaminse A, Brink MS, Visscher C, Lemmink KAPM. Dynamic ankle stability and ankle sprain occurrence in elite ball team athletes: a one season prospective study. January 2013. Groningen, the Netherlands.
Student honoree of the 32nd Annual Honors Convocation of the University of Pittsburgh. February 2008. Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Research Development Fund, University of Pittsburgh, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences: $1000.00. Benjaminse A, Sell TC, Abt JP, House AJ, Lephart SM. Reliability and Precision of Hip Proprioception Methods in Healthy Individuals. November 2007. Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Fu Graduate Research Award: $1500.00. Benjaminse A, Sell TC, Abt JP, House AJ, Lephart SM. Freddie H. Reliability and Precision of Hip Proprioception Methods in Healthy Individuals. May 2007. Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Best Presentation Award. Southeastern Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics Georgia Tech University, Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Applied Physiology. Presentation: Gender Differences in Knee Biomechanics in Athletic Tasks. A Critical Look at the Implications for ACL Injury. April 2006. Atlanta, GA, USA
Student Research Award. Second Place. Received at Annual Congress of the Royal Dutch Association of Physical Therapy (KNGF). November 2004. The Hague, the Netherlands
Invited / professional publications
Bouwmeester L, Janssen I, Benjaminse A. Bewegingspatronen van handbalsters tijdens een sportspecifieke veldtest. Een ecologische benadering. SportGericht 2022;76(6):28-33
Brede motorisch ontwikkeling van kinderen. Nut en noodzaak. Hoofwijk M, Koedijker J, Benjaminse A, Mombarg R. SportGericht 2020;6:19-23
Benjaminse A, de Groot W, Mombarg R. Motorisch leren en blessurepreventie bij de jeugd. Lichamelijke Opvoeding 2020;4:43-47
Benjaminse A. Motorisch leren en blessurepreventie. NLCoach 2020;1:31-33
Gokeler A, Benjaminse A. Applying the principles of motor learning to optimize rehabilitation and enhance performance after ACL injury. Aspetar Journal 2020;9:62-65
Benjaminse A. Van Anne mag iedereen een leven lang bewegen. HanzeMag 2020
Gokeler A, Benjaminse A. Verletzungsvorhersage und Risikoscreening bei Verletzungen des vorderen Kreuzbandes. Sportphysio 2019;7:76–82
Meijnderts A, Benjaminse A. Verbeteren van sprong- en landingstechniek. VolleyTechno 2018;6:7-9
Benjaminse A. Onderzoek naar leren. Niet te veel nadenken op het voetbalveld. De Voetbaltrainer 2018;231:68-71
Gokeler A, Benjaminse A. Implicaties voor preventie en revalidatie voorste-kruisbandletsel. Motorisch leren in de praktijk. FysioPraxis 2017;4:32-35
Benjaminse A. Twee vliegen in één klap: Blessurepreventie en beter presteren door motorisch leren. SportGericht 2016;1:10-17
Benjaminse A. Motor learning in ACL injury prevention - Moving Matters 2015;3:8
Benjaminse A, Lemmink KAPM, Diercks RL, Otten E. VKB blessure preventie, effectiever door een andere manier van motorisch leren? Sport & Geneeskunde. 2010;3:12-17
Benjaminse A. PhD Research: Preventing ACL injuries. Grasspoll, June 2010
Benjaminse A, Gokeler A, Fleisig GS, Sell TC, Otten E. What is the true evidence for gender related differences in ACL injury during plant and cut maneuvers? A systematic review. Pittsburgh Orthopaedic Journal 2010
Benjaminse A, Gokeler A, van der Schans CP. Klinische Diagnostiek van een Voorste Kruisband Ruptuur. Een Meta-Analyse. Stimulus 2007
Benjaminse A, Gokeler A, van der Schans CP. Meta-analyse zu klinischen Tests: Klinische Diagnostik einer vorderen Kreuzband-Ruptur. Sportverletzung Sportschaden 2007;21:108
Media exposure
NOS Jeugdjournaal. https://jeugdjournaal.nl/uitzending/73037-avondjournaal.html February 2023
NOS Sport. Grote zorgen om puber-voetbalsters: 'Er komt een tsunami aan knieletsel aan’. https://nos.nl/artikel/2464921-grote-zorgen-om-puber-voetbalsters-er-komt-een-tsunami-aan-knieletsel-aan February 2023
BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine blog Past, present and future of ACL injury prevention and rehabilitation. https://blogs.bmj.com/bmjopensem/2021/08/02/past-present-and-future-of-motor-learning-in-acl-injury-prevention-and-rehabilitation/ August 2021
Interview as Post-doctoral researcher in the SMART program - SHARE Ins&Outs. July 2021
Van Anne mag iedereen een leven lang bewegen - HanzeMag. https://hanzemag.nl/van-anne-mag-iedereen-een-leven-lang-bewegen/ April 2020
Terwijl Depay herstelt van een knieblessure, kijken lotgenoten zijn proces af - de Volkskrant. https://www.volkskrant.nl/sport/terwijl-depay-herstelt-van-een-knieblessure-kijken-lotgenoten-zijn-proces-af~bb4042da/ February 2020
Sportblessures zijn op een leuke manier te voorkomen - TV-interview RTV Noord. https://www.rtvnoord.nl/nieuws/208804/sportblessures-zijn-op-een-leuke-manier-te-voorkomen May 2019
Triple play in ACL injury prevention: beyond the usual suspects - British Journal of Sports Medicine Blog https://blogs.bmj.com/bjsm/2018/10/04/triple-play-in-acl-injury-prevention-beyond-the-usual-suspects/ October 2018
Hoe kun je sportblessures voorkomen? - UMCG KennisInZicht. January 2018
Blessurepreventie op het veld - Radio-interview RTV Noord. November 2016
Doorbraak in preventie kruisbandletsel ? - Dagblad van het Noorden. December 2015
Uiteindelijk moet er op zaterdag wel worden gewonnen - MedZine. December 2015
Nieuwe methode om blessures voorste kruisband te voorkomen - UniFocus. https://www.rug.nl/about-ug/video/archive/2015/1811-unifocusbenjaminse November 2015
Blessures horen erbij? - Dutch Column Sport Science Institute Groningen. May 2015
Internal vs external focus: Effects on motor learning - Lower Extremity Review. http://lermagazine.com/article/internal-vs-external-focus-effects-on-motor-learning September 2014
Invited presentations/ community outreach
Explicit motor learning interventions are still relevant for ACL injury rehabilitation: do not put all your eggs in the implicit basket!: Letter to the Editor. Benjaminse A, Gokeler A. Augustus 2021
European Network Sport Education (ENSE) Digital Event - Move Healthy, Benjaminse A, September 2021
Topsport Topics Podcast S2#4: Motorisch leren en blessurepreventie - August 2021
Publiekslezing Studium Generale Groningen - Kenniscafé // (Top)sport en corona // Kom van die bank! van Yperen NW, Voorrips S, Kupers T, Benjaminse A, Mei 2021, Groningen
Webinar Lecture Incitus - Motorisch leren bij preventie van voorste kruisband letsel. Benjaminse A, April 2021, The Netherlands
Bijscholing JeugdTrainers GVAV-Rapiditas— Impliciet motorisch leren in het voetbal. Benjaminse A, November 2020, The Netherlands
Webinar workshop - NOC*NSF Embedded Scientist Dag - Keynote: Feedback & motorisch leren: Helping Coaches Teach and Athletes Learn. Benjaminse A, November 2020, The Netherlands
Voetbalmedisch Symposium 2020 - Keynote: Rol van motorisch leren bij de behandeling van voetbal blessures - casus VKB ruptuur. Benjaminse A, March 2020, Zeist, The Netherlands
Masterclass TrainerCoach voetbal ism FC Groningen, KNVB & Instituut voor Sportstudies: Motorisch leren: toepassing van nieuwste inzichten in preventie en prestatie. Talsma B, Benjaminse A. January 2020, Groningen, the Netherlands
Hardloopcongres - hardlopen en gezondheid - Keynote: Optimaliseren van het looppatroon via motorisch leren’. Benjaminse A, December 2019, Hoevelaken, The Netherlands
Masterclass TrainerCoach voetbal ism FC Groningen, KNVB & Instituut voor Sportstudies: Motorisch leren: toepassing van nieuwste inzichten in preventie en prestatie. Talsma B, Benjaminse A. May 2019, Groningen, the Netherlands
NLCoach congress - Wetenschap en innovatie voor de sportcoach. Workshop: Beschikbare effectieve maatregelen ter reductie van sportblessures. Gouttebarge V, Benjaminse A, March 2019, Doorn, the Netherlands
European master in health and physical activity. Erasmus+ Movement Therapy and Physical Activity for Elderly and Special Population - The Injured Athlete. University of Rome ‘Foro Italico’ Benjaminse A, January 2019, Rome, Italy
18th European Society of Sports Traumatology Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA) Congress. PT workshop - Autonomy and self-controlled learning in motor learning Benjaminse A May 2018. Glasgow, Great Britain
KNVB masterclass motorisch leren. KNVB Campus Sport Medisch Centrum ism. Vereniging van Fysiotherapeuten binnen het Betaald Voetbal (VFVB). Benjaminse A. April 2018, Zeist, The Netherlands
Romanian Society of Arthroscopy and Sports Trauma (SRATS) Congress 2018. Physiotherapy Symposium ‘Movement analysis as tools for screening; injury prevention and rehabilitation planning. Tips and tricks.’ Benjaminse A. March 2018. Bucharest, Romania
European master in health and physical activity. Erasmus+ Movement Therapy and Physical Activity for Elderly and Special Population - The Injured Athlete. University of Rome ‘Foro Italico’ Benjaminse A, February 2018, Rome, Italy
Teaching exercises during ACL injury prevention and rehabilitation: state of the art. Queen Mary University of London Benjaminse A, December 2017, London, Great Britain
Dag van het Sportonderzoek 2017. Benjaminse A, Groot W de. Motorisch leren in de sport en bij kinderen. November 2017. Zwolle, The Netherlands.
Masterclass TrainerCoach voetbal ism FC Groningen, KNVB & Instituut voor Sportstudies: Praktische en relevante inzichten van techniektraining. Talsma B, Benjaminse A. October 2017, Groningen, the Netherlands
Jaarcongres FSV Fysiek. Workshop: Optimizing landing strategies in cutting sports through motor learning; a practical hands on approach. Benjaminse A, May 2017, Groningen, the Netherlands
IOC World Conference on Prevention of Injury & Illness in Sport. The brain’s role in ACL injury prevention. Swanik B, Benjaminse A, Baumeister J, Ageberg E. April 2017. Monte-Carlo, Monaco.
2017 Danish Sports Medicine Congress. Landing Strategies Symposium - Feedback to optimize motor learning. Benjaminse A. February 2017. Copenhagen, Denmark
2017 Danish Sports Medicine Congress. Landing Strategies Workshop - Optimizing landing strategies in cutting sports; a practical hands on approach. Holden S and Benjaminse A, February 2017. Copenhagen, Denmark
Fysio & Podo Plenair. Collegetour ‘Motor Learning in Injury Prevention. Hogeschool Arnhem Nijmegen. Benjaminse A, October 2016. Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Masterclass TrainerCoach voetbal ism FC Groningen, BeQuick, KNVB & Instituut voor Sportstudies: Blessurepreventie in de praktijk. Benjaminse A, October 2016. Groningen, the Netherlands
31st Congress of the Society for Sports Orthopaedics and Traumatology (GOTS). Instruktionskurs: Die Bedeutung und praktische Anwendung von Funktionsanalysen der Knie-, Schulter- und Hüftgelenke in der Prävention und Rehabilitation von Sportverletzungen. Benjaminse A, Gokeler A. June 2016. Munich, Germany.
17th European Society of Sports Traumatology Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA) Congress. PT Symposium Motor control and motor learning. Motor learning strategies in ACL rehabilitation. Benjaminse A. May 2016. Barcelona, Spain.
17th European Society of Sports Traumatology Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA) Congress. PT Workshop Motor learning strategies – ACL injuries. Gokeler A, Benjaminse A. May 2016. Barcelona, Spain.
Romanian Society of Arthroscopy and Sports Trauma (SRATS) Congress 2016. Physiotherapy Symposium ‘The Shoulder’ A. Gokeler, A. Benjaminse. March 2016. Bucharest, Romania
Romanian Society of Arthroscopy and Sports Trauma (SRATS) Congress 2016. Physiotherapy Symposium ‘The Knee’ A. Gokeler, A. Benjaminse. March 2016. Bucharest, Romania
‘OCON Sport Symposium: ACL injury, current concepts and future directions’. Prevention of ACL injury Benjaminse A. De Grolsch Veste. March 2015. Enschede, the Netherlands
Jaarlijks FysioCongres KNGF. Innovatie in de knierevalidatie. Benjaminse A, Gokeler A, Myer GD, Otten E. June 2014. Maarssen, the Netherlands
ALV Vereniging voor SportPsychologie in Nederland (VSPN). Relatie neuropsychologische factoren en landingstechniek. Benjaminse A. March 2014. Hilversum, the Netherlands
7th Osnabrücker Symposium State of the Art in Orthopaedics, Traumatologie and Physical Therapy. Gokeler A, Benjaminse A, Padua D, Welling W, Alferink M, Otten E. Return to Sport Wissenschaft und Anwendung für die Praxis. March 2014. Osnabrück, Germany
“PAPENDAL” symposium 2012 Physiology and Gender. Benjaminse A. Gender differences and sports. Dutch Association for Physiology. November 2012. Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sportmedizin und Prevention (DGSP) Centenary Congress. Gokeler A, Benjaminse A, Myer G, Wulf G. Novel motor leaning to enhance movement patterns prior to return to sport after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. October 2012. Berlin, Germany
5th Osnabrücker Symposium State of the Art in Orthopaedics, Traumatologie and Physical Therapy. Gokeler A, Benjaminse A, Otten E. Rehabilitation after ACL-reconstruction. March 2012. Osnabrück, Germany
Nederlandse Orthopedische en Traumatologische Sportgeneeskunde (NOTS) meeting. Benjaminse A. Preventie van voorste kruisbandrupturen, screening en implementatie. Meander Medisch Centrum. February 2012. Amersfoort, the Netherlands
Eerste Lijns Advies Noord Nederland (ELANN) Symposium State of the Art in ACL Reconstruction. Benjaminse A, Gokeler A. Motor learning in ACL injury prevention. December 2011. Groningen, the Netherlands
Eerste Lijns Advies Noord Nederland (ELANN) Symposium State of the Art in ACL Reconstruction. Gokeler A, Benjaminse A, Otten E. New trends in ACL Rehabilitation. December 2011. Groningen, the Netherlands
Intensive Program on Sport Performance: A Lifespan Challenge (IP-SPALC) Benjaminse A. From laboratory to field research: it's application in ACL injury prevention. May 2011. Rome, Italy
9th Groningen Sports Medicine Symposium. Otten E, Benjaminse A, Gokeler A. Synthese van het onderzoek naar leren, cognitie en gedrag bij preventie en herstel na (knie) blessure. January 2011. Groningen, the Netherlands
Symposium ’30 years NAOG’. Benjaminse A, Sell TC. Workshop Neuromuscular training of the injured knee and shoulder. May 2010. Utrecht, the Netherlands
Noordelijk Coach Platform (NoCP). Benjaminse A. Sportlab Measurements - Motion analysis with VICON. Hanze University, School of Sport Studies, October 2008. Groningen, the Netherlands
Jubileumcongres Instituut voor Sportstudies: 'Kenniswerkers in beweging’. Benjaminse A. Sportlab Measurements - Motion analysis with VICON. Hanze University, School of Sport Studies, October 2008. Groningen, the Netherlands
Coaches Workshop Mt. Lebanon High School District. Benjaminse A. Hands on demonstration for coaches, athletic trainers and teachers: ACL prevention program / warm up exercises. April 2008. Mt. Lebanon, PA, USA
Weekly ASMI Sports Medicine Conference. Benjaminse A. The Gender Bias: Biomechanical and Neuromuscular Differences in Athletic Tasks. A Critical Look at the Implications for ACL Injury and Prevention Programs. January 2006. Birmingham, AL, USA
Annual Congress The Royal Dutch Society for Physical Therapy (KNGF). Benjaminse A, Gokeler A, van der Schans CP. Clinical Diagnosis of Anterior and Posterior Cruciate Ligament Rupture. A Meta-Analysis. November 2004. The Hague, the Netherlands
Scientific Platform Presentations
9th International Society of Biomechanics in Sport Conference. Optimal movement for lower extremity injury prevention; how to create an optimal learning environment for youth soccer girls. Nijmeijer EM, Elferink-Gemser MT, Otten B, Benjaminse A. September 2021. Canberra, Australia (online)
Virtual 45th American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting 2021 An unanticipated side-step cut produces altered knee mechanics. McCrory S, Cortes N, Nijmeijer E, J. Bosma J, Bombach J, Benjaminse A. August 2021.
19th European Society of Sports Traumatology Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA) Congress. Autonomy on timing of feedback enhances movement technique - tips & tricks for ACL injury prevention. Benjaminse A, Otten B, Bombach JJC, Nijmeijer EM, Bosma J, McCrory S, Singh H, Cortes N. May 2021. Milan, Italy
19th European Society of Sports Traumatology Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA) Congress. Return to Sport Criteria Fail to Identify Patients Who Are At Risk for Second ACL Injury. Welling W, Benjaminse A, Lemmink KAMP, Gokeler A. May 2021. Milan, Italy
Sports, Medicine and Health Summit. Foundation of Move Healthy – the voice of teacher and trainer. Benjaminse A. April 2021
Nauta J, de Jong J, Mombarg R, Martelaer K, Nørager Johansen D, Skovgaard T, Szabo-Alexi P, Dragos P, Verhagen E, Benjaminse A. IOC World Conference on Prevention of Injury & Illness in Sport. November 2021
18th European Society of Sports Traumatology Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA) Congress. External focus instructions and feedback improve movement quality with effects sustained over time. Relevant to use in ACL injury prevention. Benjaminse A, Welling W., Otten E, Gokeler A. May 2018. Glasgow, Great Britain
18th European Society of Sports Traumatology Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA) Congress. Video Analysis of the Single Leg Hop Test in Patients After an ACL Reconstruction. Welling W, Benjaminse A, Seil R, Lemmink KAPM, Gokeler A. May 2018. Glasgow, Great Britain
Benjaminse A, Janssen I, Postma W, Otten B. 2D Video Feedback Improves Landing Technique in Elite Female Handball Players. IOC World Conference on Prevention of Injury & Illness in Sport. Symposium: The brain’s role in ACL injury prevention. April 2017. Monte-Carlo, Monaco
Benjaminse A, Welling W, Otten B, Gokeler A. Transfer of a Jump-Landing Task to Sidestep Cutting: Implications for ACL Injury Prevention. IOC World Conference on Prevention of Injury & Illness in Sport. Symposium: The brain’s role in ACL injury prevention. April 2017. Monte-Carlo, Monaco
Benjaminse A, Postma W, Janssen I, Otten E. Het effect van video feedback op landingstechniek in professionele handbalsters. Dag van het Sportonderzoek 2016. November 2016. Groningen, The Netherlands.
Benjaminse A, Postma W, Janssen I, Otten E. The effect of video feedback on landing technique in elite female team handball players, implications for ACL injury prevention. 17th European Society of Sports Traumatology Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA) Congress. May 2016. Barcelona, Spain
Dallinga JM, Benjaminse A, Gokeler A, Cortes N, Otten E, Lemmink KAPM. Innovative feedback on jump-landing strategies improves landing technique in male team sport athletes. 20th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS). June 2015, Malmö, Sweden
Gokeler A, Welling W, Otten, E, Benjaminse A. Enhanced Retention of Drop Vertical Jump Landing Strategies Assessed with the Landing Error Scoring System. ACL Research Retreat V. March 2015. Greensboro, NC, USA
Benjaminse A, Otten B, Gokeler A, Diercks RL, Lemmink KAPM. Sex Specific Motor Learning Strategies: Implications for ACL Injury Prevention. ACL Research Retreat V. March 2015. Greensboro, NC, USA
15th European Society of Sports Traumatology Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA) Congress. Novel screening and individualized feedback techniques in ACL injury prevention to enhance retention and transfer. Benjaminse A, Gokeler A, Myer GD, Otten E. May 2014. Amsterdam, the Netherlands
15th European Society of Sports Traumatology Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA) Congress. Motor Learning Rehabilitation Strategies after ACL Reconstruction in order to Return to Sport. Gokeler A, Benjaminse A, Padua DA, Welling W, Alferink M, Otten B. May 2014. Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Benjaminse A, Meijer M, Cortes N, Gokeler A. Relationship jump-landing technique and neuropsychological characteristics, implications for ACL injury prevention IOC World Conference on Prevention of Injury & Illness in Sport. April 2014. Monte-Carlo, Monaco.
Dallinga JM, Benjaminse A, Gokeler A, Otten E, Lemmink KAPM. Effect of an internally versus externally focussed ACL injury prevention program on injury risk. IOC World Conference on Prevention of Injury & Illness in Sport. April 2014. Monte-Carlo, Monaco.
ACL Study Group Meeting. Invited Scientist Program. The effect of instruction on reducing peak vertical ground reaction force in recreational athletes. Benjaminse A, Gokeler A, Leijten IAAM, Otten E. January 2014. Cape Town, South Africa
Effect of verbal feedback instructions on landing mechanics in patient after ACL reconstruction. Gokeler A, Benjaminse A, Welling W, Alferink M, Otten E. ACL Study Group Meeting. January 2014. Cape Town, South Africa
Relationship between neuropsychological performance and occurrence of knee injuries in team sports. Dallinga JM, Does, HTD van der, Benjaminse A, Lemmink, KAPM. 18th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS). June 2013. Barcelona, Spain
Effects of stiff and soft landing techniques on knee loading during a single-leg cross-over hop. Benjaminse A, Gokeler A, Cortes N, Otten, E. ACL Research Retreat V. March 2012. Greensboro, NC, USA
Cortes N, Greska E, Ambegaonkar JP, Benjaminse A, Onate JA. Landing Technique Affects Knee Position during a Pivot Task. ACL Research Retreat V. March 2012. Greensboro, NC, USA
Gokeler A, Bisschop MM, Benjaminse A, Arnold MP, Otten E. The quadriceps muscle weakness enigma after ACL-reconstruction.ACL Study Group Meeting. February 2012. Jackson Hole, WY, USA
Benjaminse A, Gokeler A, Fleisig GS, Sell TC, Otten E.What is the true evidence for gender related differences in ACL injury during plant and cut maneuvers? A systematic review. 14th European Society of Sports Traumatology Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA) Congress. June 2010. Oslo, Norway
Gokeler A, Benjaminse A, Ageberg E, Engebretsen L, Engelhardt M, Arnold MP, Postema K, Otten E, Dijkstra P. Proprioceptive Deficits after ACL-injury. Are They Clinically Relevant? A Systematic Review. ACL Study Group Meeting. February 2010. Phuket, Thailand
Sell TC, Benjaminse A, House A, Huang HC, Abt JP, Lephart SM. A Lack of Peripheral Fatigue Effects on Force Sense at the Knee. American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). May 2009. Seattle, WA, USA
Sell TC, Benjaminse A, Nagai T, Nakagawa T, Abt JP, Lephart SM, Fu FH. Restoration of Sagittal and Transverse Plane Proprioception Following Double Bundle Anatomic ACL. International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports (ISAKOS) Congress. April 2009. Osaka, Japan
Sell TC, Benjaminse A, Nagai T, House A, Nakagawa T, Abt JP, Lephart SM, Fu FH. Restoration of Sagittal and Transverse Plane Proprioception Following Double Bundle Anatomic ACL Reconstruction. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS). February 2009. Las Vegas, NV, USA
Huang HC, Nagai T, Deluzio J, Benjaminse A, House AJ, Chu YC, Abt JP, Sell TC, Lephart SM. The Relationship among Body Composition, Anaerobic Power, Lactate Threshold and Maximal Oxygen Consumption in Male Soldiers. National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA) Annual Meeting. June 2008. St. Louis, MO, USA
Benjaminse A, Sell TC, House AJ, Huang HC, Abt JP, Lephart SM. The Effect of Fatigue on Force Sense of the Knee.3rd South Eastern Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics (SEASB). April 2008. Birmingham, AL, USA
Benjaminse A, Gokeler A, van der Schans, C.P. Clinical Diagnosis of an Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rupture. A Meta-Analysis.22nd GOTS Society for Orthopaedic Traumatologic Sports MedicineAnnual Congress. June 2007. Munich, Germany
Benjaminse A, Gokeler A, van der Schans CP.Clinical Diagnosis of an Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rupture. A Meta-Analysis. XVI International Congress on Sports Rehabilitation and Traumatology. April 2007. Milan, Italy
Benjaminse A. Gender Differences in Knee Biomechanics in Athletic Tasks. A Critical Look at the Implications for ACL Injury.1st South Eastern Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics (SEASB). March 2006. Atlanta, GA, USA
Committee activities
Member external committee PhD defense Stuart McCrory ‘Effects of feedback frequency and autonomy on lower extremity movement patterns’. May 2022, School of Kinesiology, Sports Medicine Assessment, Research & Testing (SMART) Laboratory George Mason University, United States of America
Member external committee PhD defense Aneurin Robyn. December 2021 Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Reading committee + Member external committee PhD defense Sander Bliekendaal ‘Who stays fit? Incidence, risk factors and prevention of sports injuries in physical education teacher education students. September 21, 2021, Department of Public and Occupational Health of Amsterdam UMC, the Netherlands
Member external committee PhD defense Michèle Keizer ‘Neuromuscular Control of Knee Laxity after an Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction’. February 3, 2021, University Medical Center Groningen, the Netherlands
Member external committee PhD defense Nicky van Melick ‘Return to play after ACL reconstruction in pivoting athletes, it’s time to reconstruct rehabilitation’. March 14, 2019, Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Scientific Committee - Dag van het Sportonderzoek 2016. November 2016. Groningen, The Netherlands.
Scientific Committee - ACL Research Retreat VII. March 2015. Greensboro, NC, USA
Editorial service
Manuscript Reviewer American Journal Sports Medicine
Manuscript Reviewer British Journal Sports Medicine
Manuscript Reviewer Clinical Biomechanics
Manuscript Reviewer Gait & Posture
Manuscript Reviewer Human Movement Science
Manuscript Reviewer International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching
Manuscript Reviewer International Journal of Sports Medicine
Manuscript Reviewer Journal of Applied Biomechanics
Manuscript Reviewer Journal of Athletic Training
Manuscript Reviewer Journal of Biomechanics
Manuscript Reviewer Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport
Manuscript Reviewer Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Manuscript Reviewer Journal of Sport Rehabilitation
Manuscript Reviewer Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy
Manuscript Reviewer Journal of Visualized Experiments
Manuscript Reviewer Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy
Manuscript Reviewer Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Manuscript Reviewer Physical Therapy in Sport
Manuscript Reviewer Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports
Manuscript Reviewer Sports Health
Manuscript Reviewer Sports Medicine
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