Target Field Lab as Target sequel
We see the mission of the Target Field Lab as a completely sequel of Target.
The Target Field Lab aims at a new form of support for SMEs for the development of smart systems for their Big Data projects. At the UG a lot of knowledge is available for the design and installation of such Big Data Mining systems:
- Artificial Intelligence (BI) develops deep learning | machine learning systems
- OmegaCEN is world leading in the development of data federations and highly advanced meta data systems
- CIT is an expert in the operations of very large (10+ Petabyte) storage systems, scalable database technology and large compute clusters
This knowledge, together with the actual demand from our small businesses - Target Holding BV and Horus VR - is required for setting up the infrastructure of a testing ground for the development of big data system. Since the involvement of these companies directly matches the demand of the market, Target and Target-Field Lab can thus be seen as two phases towards the realization of a profitable cluster - ecosystem of ICT-intensive companies in North Netherlands.
Target was the initial research phase; the Field Lab is the second phase. Here the battle is being struck from testbed to robust,operational, profitable, smart systems that facilitate commercial services. The USP of the testing ground is that it provides the additional software layer: literally up to the services itself. That is a step further than regular cloud systems.
Last modified: | 16 April 2019 2.05 p.m. |