
New Energy Coalition
New Energy Coalition is a knowledge and network organization striving for a sustainable world by boosting the acceleration of the energy transition. This system transformation requires business enterprises, (knowledge) institutes and policy makers to innovate in close collaboration in order to achieve breakthroughs in technology and knowledge, in economic and societal implementations and in people’s mindset and behavior. As a catalyst, New Energy Coalition drives innovation and education by bringing together knowledge, policy and entrepreneurship.

Netherlands Energy Research Alliance – NERA
NERA aims for optimal knowledge sharing, coordination and cooperation in energy research for an effective and successful energy transition, offering a platform for the Dutch energy research community and informing, harmonizing and coordinating energy consortia and research initiatives. NERA represents the Dutch energy research field and community in the interaction with the relevant Top Sectors (Energy, High Tech Systems and Materials, Chemistry), and Ministries (Education, Culture and Science, Economic Affairs, Infrastructure and Environment) as in the Knowledge and Innovation Agendas (KIA’s) for the Climate and Energy Agreement.

European Energy Research Alliance – EERA
The European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) is an association of European public research centers and universities active in low-carbon energy research. EERA is the largest energy research community in Europe and it aims to strengthen, expand and optimize European energy research through its pan-European research programmes (EERA Joint Programmes) in order to reach a low-carbon future in accordance with the Paris Agreement. It acts as the research pillar in the European Union’s Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan), which aims to accelerate the development and deployment of low-carbon technologies.
The University of Groningen shares and supports the EERA's vision, mission and goals as stated in the Declaration of Support (Relating to the partnership of the University of Groningen and the EERA) and forms a great partnership in JP e3s.

European Platform of Universities Engaged in Energy Research - EPUE
The European Platform of Universities Engaged in Energy Research (EPUE) aims to facilitate the full participation of European universities in EU programs related to energy and environment, having the scope to create the Energy Union and the sustainable energy future of Europe. Universities that use this platform are members of the The European University Association (EUA) which represents more than 800 universities and national rectors ‘conferences in 48 European countries. EPUE connects EUA members and partners who are active in energy and environment research, education and innovation and represents universities in EU energy and climate policy.
Last modified: | 19 September 2024 10.28 a.m. |