Lab for Sustainable Urbanization
Our lab focuses on sustainable urbanization, and in particular on how land use and the governance of ‘what to put where’ connect to sustainable development impacts in cities and their regional hinterlands. Our approach takes root in the understanding of city performance and transformations in terms of well-being, biodiversity, climate adaptation, digitalization, real estate and infrastructure, and more that ties in with urban growth and resilience. We seek to generate cutting-edge science and distinctive scientific impact products, in close collaboration with societal partners – with the aim to smartly inform the future-proofing of the world’s cities.

Contact - Academic Leads
Dr. Michiel N. Daams (Faculty of Spatial Sciences)
E-mail: m.n.daams
Prof. Ron Holzhacker (Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Spatial Sciences)
E-mail: r.l.holzhacker
Prof. Ming Cao (Faculty of Science and Engineering)
E-mail: m.cao
Further Reading
Last modified: | 13 August 2024 1.52 p.m. |