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Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development
Bringing sustainability science forward
Rudolf Agricola School Research Sustainable Landscapes & Regions

TriWadWalk Online Lecture Series

Welcome to the TriWadWalk Lecture Series! Our programme of lectures highlights a selection of key issues pertaining to nature conservation and socio-ecological transformation at the Wadden Sea. The lectures provide insights into current social science based on Wadden Sea research and will hopefully serve as inspiration for critical and creative thinking about society-environment relations at the Wadden Sea.

Programme of Lectures

1. Danish Wadden Sea National Park (Nationalpark Vadehavet): Why is the Wadden Sea UNESCO World Heritage?

2. Prof. Marie Fujitani, University of Bremen: Tourism and National Parks: Dynamic Linkages and Contradictions

3. Dr. Christian Wittlich, University of Bremen: National Parks in the Context of Sustainability (Powerpoint only)

4. Prof. Janne Liburd, University of Southern Denmark: Towards Sustainable Development of Cultured World Heritage Nature.

5. Dr. Frans J. Sijtsma, University of Groningen: Sustainable nature-based tourism: Reflections from the Wadden area Part1, Part2 Part3 Part 4

6. Dr. Cormac Walsh, Leuphana University Lüneburg: Relational Values in Wadden Sea Nature Conservation

7. Prof. Ingo Mose, Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg: A New Biosphere Region at the Wadden Sea (slides only)

8. Dr. Tanja Behrendt, Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg: Water and Climate in Coastal Regions

9. Jan Spiekermann, Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Climate Adaptive Water Management in Coastal Lowlands (slides only)

10. Dr. Annet Kempenaar, University of Groningen: Future Perspectives on the Dutch Wadden Coast

11. Dr. Cormac Walsh, Leuphana University Lüneburg: Climate Change and Nature Protection in Schleswig-Holstein

12. Dr. Michael Fink, University of Hamburg: Societal Perceptions of Blue Carbon

The Videos

Danish Wadden Sea National Park (Nationalpark Vadehavet): Why is the Wadden Sea UNESCO World Heritage?

Prof. Marie Fujitani, University of Bremen: Tourism and National Parks: Dynamic Linkages and Contradictions

Prof. Janne Liburd, University of Southern Denmark: Towards Sustainable Development of Cultured World Heritage Nature

Dr. Frans J. Sijtsma, University of Groningen: Sustainable nature-based tourism: Reflections from the Wadden area: Part 1

Dr. Frans J. Sijtsma, University of Groningen: Sustainable nature-based tourism: Reflections from the Wadden area: Part 2

Dr. Frans J. Sijtsma, University of Groningen: Sustainable nature-based tourism: Reflections from the Wadden area: Part 3

Dr. Frans J. Sijtsma, University of Groningen: Sustainable nature-based tourism: Reflections from the Wadden area: Part 4

Dr. Cormac Walsh, Leuphana University Lüneburg: Relational Values in Wadden Sea Nature Conservation

Dr. Tanja Behrendt, Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg: Water and Climate in Coastal Regions

Dr. Annet Kempenaar, University of Groningen: Future Perspectives on the Dutch Wadden Coast

Dr. Cormac Walsh, Leuphana University Lüneburg: Climate Change and Nature Protection in Schleswig-Holstein

Dr. Michael Fink, University of Hamburg: Societal Perceptions of Blue Carbon

Last modified:02 June 2023 2.33 p.m.