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Research Zernike (ZIAM) Polymer Science Kamperman Group



Pelras, T., Es Sayed, J., Pierik, J., Giuntoli, A., Hofman, A. H., Loos, K., & Kamperman, M. (2025). Influence of counterions on the thermal and solution properties of strong polyelectrolytes. Polymer Chemistry, 16(1), 69-81.


Kwant, A., Es Sayed, J., Kamperman, M., Burgess, J., Slebos, D. J., & Pouwels, S. D. (2025). Sticky Science: Using Complex Coacervate Adhesives for Biomedical Applications. Advanced healthcare materials, 14(2), Article 2402340.
van Westerveld, L., Pelras, T., Hofman, A. H., Loos, K., Kamperman, M., & Es Sayed, J. (2024). Effect of Polyelectrolyte Charge Density on the Linear Viscoelastic Behavior and Processing of Complex Coacervate Adhesives. Macromolecules, 57(2), 652-663.
Amirsadeghi, A., Gudeti, P. K. R., Tock, S., Koch, M., Parisi, D., Kamperman, M., & Włodarczyk-Biegun, M. K. (2024). Melt Electrowriting of Elastic Scaffolds Using PEOT-PBT Multi-block Copolymer. Advanced healthcare materials, 14(3), Article 2402914.
Gładysz, M. Z., Ubels, D., Koch, M., Amirsadeghi, A., Alleblas, F., van Vliet, S., Kamperman, M., Siebring, J., Nagelkerke, A., & Włodarczyk-Biegun, M. K. (2024). Melt Electrowriting of Polyhydroxyalkanoates for Enzymatically Degradable Scaffolds. Advanced healthcare materials, Article 2401504. Advance online publication.
Rampratap, P., Lasorsa, A., Arunachalam, A., Kamperman, M., Walvoort, M. T. C., & van der Wel, P. C. A. (2024). Resolving Atomic-Level Dynamics and Interactions of High-Molecular-Weight Hyaluronic Acid by Multidimensional Solid-State NMR. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 16(33), 43317–43328.
Es Sayed, J., Mukherjee, A., El Aani, S., Vengallur, N., Koch, M., Giuntoli, A., & Kamperman, M. (2024). Structure-Property Relationships of Granular Hybrid Hydrogels Formed through Polyelectrolyte Complexation. Macromolecules, 57(7), 3190-3201.
Khoonkari, M., Liang, D., Kamperman, M., van Rijn, P., & Kruyt, F. A. E. (2024). The unfolded protein response sensor PERK mediates mechanical stress-induced maturation of focal adhesion complexes in glioblastoma cells. FEBS Letters, 598(24), 3021-3035.


Khoonkari, M., Sayed, J. E., Oggioni, M., Amirsadeghi, A., Parisi, D., Kruyt, F., Rijn, P. V., Włodarczyk‐Biegun, M. K., & Kamperman, M. (2023). Bioinspired Processing: Complex Coacervates as Versatile Inks for 3D Bioprinting. Advanced materials, 35(28), Article 2210769.
Sun, J., Monreal Santiago, G., Yan, F., Zhou, W., Rudolf, P., Portale, G., & Kamperman, M. (2023). Bioinspired Processing of Keratin into Upcycled Fibers through pH-Induced Coacervation. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 11(5), 1985-1994.
Es Sayed, J., Caïto, C., Arunachalam, A., Amirsadeghi, A., van Westerveld, L., Maret, D., Mohamed Yunus, R. A., Calicchia, E., Dittberner, O., Portale, G., Parisi, D., & Kamperman, M. (2023). Effect of Dynamically Arrested Domains on the Phase Behavior, Linear Viscoelasticity and Microstructure of Hyaluronic Acid - Chitosan Complex Coacervates. Macromolecules, 56(15), 5891–5904.
Mukherjee, A., Dianatdar, A., Gładysz, M. Z., Hemmatpour, H., Hendriksen, M., Rudolf, P., Włodarczyk-Biegun, M. K., Kamperman, M., Prakash Kottapalli, A. G., & Bose, R. K. (2023). Electrically Conductive and Highly Stretchable Piezoresistive Polymer Nanocomposites via Oxidative Chemical Vapor Deposition. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 15, 31899−31916.
van Westerveld, L., Es Sayed, J., de Graaf, M., Hofman, A. H., Kamperman, M., & Parisi, D. (2023). Hydrophobically modified complex coacervates for designing aqueous pressure-sensitive adhesives. Soft Matter, 19(45), 8832-8848.
Wu, X., Vedelaar, T., Li, R., Schirhagl, R., Kamperman, M., & Włodarczyk-Biegun, M. K. (2023). Melt electrowritten scaffolds containing fluorescent nanodiamonds for improved mechanical properties and degradation monitoring. Bioprinting, 32, Article e00288.
Pelras, T., Eisenga, A., Érsek, G., Altomare, A., Portale, G., Kamperman, M., & Loos, K. (2023). One-Pot Synthesis of Strong Anionic/Charge-Neutral Amphiphilic Block Copolymers. Acs Macro Letters, 12, 1071-1078.
Maan, A., Graafsma, C., Hofman, A., Pelras, T., de Vos, W. M., & Kamperman, M. (2023). Scalable Fabrication of Reversible Antifouling Block Copolymer Coatings via Adsorption Strategies. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15(15), 19682-19694.
Maan, A., Hofman, A., Pelras, T., Ruhof, I., Kamperman, M., & de Vos, W. M. (2023). Toward Effective and Adsorption-Based Antifouling Zipper Brushes: Effect of pH, Salt, and Polymer Design. ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 5(10), 7968–7981.


Kembaren, R., Westphal, A. H., Kamperman, M., Kleijn, J. M., & Borst, J. W. (2022). Charged Polypeptide Tail Boosts the Salt Resistance of Enzyme-Containing Complex Coacervate Micelles. Biomacromolecules, 23(3), 1195-1204.
Kembaren, R., Kleijn, J. M., Borst, J. W., Kamperman, M., & Hofman, A. H. (2022). Enhanced stability of complex coacervate core micelles following different core-crosslinking strategies. Soft Matter, 18(15), 3052-3062.
Zielinski, P., Kamperman, M., & Wlodarczyk-Biegun, M. (2022). MELT ELECTROWRITTEN SCAFFOLDS FOR SOFT-TO-HARD TISSUE INTERFACES: MECHANICAL AND BIOLOGICAL EVALUATION. Tissue Engineering. Part A, 28(1), S490.
Es Sayed, J., Khoonkari, M., Oggioni, M., Perrin, P., Sanson, N., Kamperman, M., & Włodarczyk-Biegun, M. K. (2022). Multi-Responsive Jammed Micro-Gels Ink: Toward Control over the Resolution and the Stability of 3D Printed Scaffolds. Advanced Functional Materials, 32(48), Article 2207816.
Khoonkari, M., Liang, D., Kamperman, M., Kruyt, F. A. E., & van Rijn, P. (2022). Physics of Brain Cancer: Multiscale Alterations of Glioblastoma Cells under Extracellular Matrix Stiffening. Pharmaceutics, 14(5), Article 1031.
Hofman, A. H., Pedone, M., & Kamperman, M. (2022). Protected Poly(3-sulfopropyl methacrylate) Copolymers: Synthesis, Stability, and Orthogonal Deprotection. ACS Polymers Au, 2(3), 169-180.
Es Sayed, J., Brummer, H., Stuart, M. C. A., Sanson, N., Perrin, P., & Kamperman, M. (2022). Responsive Pickering Emulsions Stabilized by Frozen Complex Coacervate Core Micelles. Acs Macro Letters, 11(1), 20-25.
Pelras, T., Hofman, A. H., Germain, L. M. H., Maan, A. M. C., Loos, K., & Kamperman, M. (2022). Strong Anionic/Charge-Neutral Block Copolymers from Cu(0)-Mediated Reversible Deactivation Radical Polymerization. Macromolecules, 55(19), 8795–8807.
Khoonkari, M., Liang, D., Lima, M. T., van der Land, T., Liang, Y., Sun, J., Dolga, A., Kamperman, M., van Rijn, P., & Kruyt, F. A. E. (2022). The Unfolded Protein Response Sensor PERK Mediates Stiffness-Dependent Adaptation in Glioblastoma Cells. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(12), Article 6520.
Sayed, J. E., & Kamperman, M. (2022). Ultra-sounding out a technique that sticks. Science, 377(6607), 707-708.
Sun, J., Monreal Santiago, G., Zhou, W., Portale, G., & Kamperman, M. (2022). Water-Processable, Stretchable, and Ion-Conducting Coacervate Fibers from Keratin Associations with Polyelectrolytes. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 10(48), 15968-15977.


Filippov, A. D., Sprakel, J., & Kamperman, M. (2021). Complex coacervation and metal-ligand bonding as synergistic design elements for aqueous viscoelastic materials. Soft Matter, 17(12), 3294-3305.
Sharma, P., Saggiomo, V., Van Der Doef, V., Kamperman, M., & A. Dijksman, J. (2021). Hooked on mushrooms: Preparation and mechanics of a bioinspired soft probabilistic fastener. Biointerphases, 16(1), Article 011002.


Kembaren, R., Fokkink, R., Westphal, A. H., Kamperman, M., Kleijn, J. M., & Borst, J. W. (2020). Balancing Enzyme Encapsulation Efficiency and Stability in Complex Coacervate Core Micelles. Langmuir, 36(29), 8494-8502.
Mintis, D. G., Dompe, M., Kamperman, M., & Mavrantzas, V. G. (2020). Effect of Polymer Concentration on the Structure and Dynamics of Short Poly(N,N-dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate) in Aqueous Solution: A Combined Experimental and Molecular Dynamics Study. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 124(1), 240-252.
Dompé, M., Vahdati, M., Van Ligten, F., Cedano-Serrano, F. J., Hourdet, D., Creton, C., Zanetti, M., Bracco, P., Van Der Gucht, J., Kodger, T., & Kamperman, M. (2020). Enhancement of the Adhesive Properties by Optimizing the Water Content in PNIPAM-Functionalized Complex Coacervates. ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2(4), 1722-1730.
Dompé, M., Cedano-Serrano, F. J., Vahdati, M., Hourdet, D., Van der Gucht, J., Kamperman, M., & Kodger, T. E. (2020). Hybrid Complex Coacervate. Polymers, 12(2), Article 320.
Maan, A. M. C., Hofman, A. H., de Vos, W. M., & Kamperman, M. (2020). Recent Developments and Practical Feasibility of Polymer-Based Antifouling Coatings. Advanced Functional Materials, 30(32), Article 2000936.
van Hees, I. A., Hofman, A. H., Dompé, M., der Gucht, J., & Kamperman, M. (2020). Temperature-Responsive Polyelectrolyte Complexes for Bio-Inspired Underwater Adhesives. European Polymer Journal, 141, Article 110034.
Dompe, M., Cedano-Serrano, F. J., Vahdati, M., Sidoli, U., Heckert, O., Synytska, A., Hourdet, D., Creton, C., van der Gucht, J., Kodger, T., & Kamperman, M. (2020). Tuning the Interactions in Multiresponsive Complex Coacervate-Based Underwater Adhesives. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(1), Article 100.


Dompe, M., Cedano-Serrano, F. J., Vahdati, M., van Westerveld, L., Hourdet, D., Creton, C., van der Gucht, J., Kodger, T., & Kamperman, M. (2020). Underwater Adhesion of Multiresponsive Complex Coacervates. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 7(4), Article 1901785.
Kamperman, M., Dompe, M., & Filippov, A. D. (2019). Adhesive composition. (Patent No. WO2019172764).
Hofman, A. H., Fokkink, R., & Kamperman, M. (2019). A mild and quantitative route towards well-defined strong anionic/hydrophobic diblock copolymers: Synthesis and aqueous self-assembly. Polymer Chemistry, 10(45), 6109-6115.
Feat, A., Federle, W., Kamperman, M., & van der Gucht, J. (2019). Coatings preventing insect adhesion: An overview. Progress in Organic Coatings, 134, 349-359.
van Assenbergh, P., Fokker, M., Langowski, J., van Esch, J., Kamperman, M., & Dodou, D. (2019). Pull-off and friction forces of micropatterned elastomers on soft substrates: the effects of pattern length scale and stiffness. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 10, 79-94.
Van Hees, I. A., Swinkels, P. J. M., Fokkink, R. G., Velders, A. H., Voets, I. K., Van Der Gucht, J., & Kamperman, M. (2019). Self-assembly of oppositely charged polyelectrolyte block copolymers containing short thermoresponsive blocks. Polymer Chemistry, 10(23), 3127-3134.
Feat, A., Federle, W., Kamperman, M., Murray, M., van der Gucht, J., & Taylor, P. (2019). Slippery paints: Eco-friendly coatings that cause ants to slip. Progress in Organic Coatings, 135, 331-344.
Dompe, M., Cedano-Serrano, F. J., Heckert, O., van den Heuvel, N., van der Gucht, J., Tran, Y., Hourdet, D., Creton, C., & Kamperman, M. (2019). Thermoresponsive Complex Coacervate-Based Underwater Adhesive. Advanced materials, 31(21), Article 1808179.


Hofman, A. H., van Hees, I. A., Yang, J., & Kamperman, M. (2018). Bioinspired Underwater Adhesives by Using the Supramolecular Toolbox. Advanced materials, 30(19), Article 1704640.
Yang, J., Włodarczyk-Biegun, M. K., Filippov, A., Akerboom, S., Dompé, M., van Hees, I. A., Mocan, M., & Kamperman, M. (2018). Functional Polymeric Materials Inspired by Geckos, Mussels, and Spider Silk. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 219(16), Article 1800051.
Mocan, M., Kamperman, M., & Leermakers, F. A. M. (2018). Microphase segregation of diblock copolymers studied by the self-consistent field theory of Scheutjens and Fleer. Polymers, 10(1), Article 78.
Filippov, A. D., van Hees, I. A., Fokkink, R., Voets, I. K., & Kamperman, M. (2018). Rapid and Quantitative De-tert-butylation for Poly(acrylic acid) Block Copolymers and Influence on Relaxation of Thermoassociated Transient Networks. Macromolecules, 51(20), 8316-8323.
Mocan, M., Wahdat, H., van der Kooij, H. M., de Vos, W. M., & Kamperman, M. (2018). Systematic variation of membrane casting parameters to control the structure of thermo-responsive isoporous membranes. Journal of Membrane Science, 548, 502-509.
Langowski, J. K. A., Dodou, D., Kamperman, M., & van Leeuwen, J. L. (2018). Tree frog attachment: Mechanisms, challenges, and perspectives. Frontiers in Zoology, 15(1), Article 32.


Cetintas, M., De Grooth, J., Hofman, A. H., Van der Kooij, H. M., Loos, K., De Vos, W. M., & Kamperman, M. (2017). Free-standing thermo-responsive nanoporous membranes from high molecular weight PS-PNIPAM block copolymers synthesized via RAFT polymerization. Polymer Chemistry, 8(14), 2235-2243.
Vasilak, L., Tanu Halim, S. M., Das Gupta, H., Yang, J., Kamperman, M., & Turak, A. (2017). Statistical Paradigm for Organic Optoelectronic Devices: Normal Force Testing for Adhesion of Organic Photovoltaics and Organic Light-Emitting Diodes. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 9(15), 13347-13356.


Yang, J., Bos, I., Pranger, W., Stuiver, A., Velders, A. H., Cohen Stuart, M. A., & Kamperman, M. (2016). A clear coat from a water soluble precursor: A bioinspired paint concept. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 4(18), 6868-6877.
Włodarczyk-Biegun, M. K., Farbod, K., Werten, M. W. T., Slingerland, C. J., De Wolf, F. A., Van Den Beucken, J. J. J. P., Leeuwenburgh, S. C. G., Cohen Stuart, M. A., & Kamperman, M. (2016). Fibrous hydrogels for cell encapsulation: A modular and supramolecular approach. PLoS ONE, 11(5), Article e0155625.
Włodarczyk-Biegun, M. K., Slingerland, C. J., Werten, M. W. T., Van Hees, I. A., De Wolf, F. A., De Vries, R., Stuart, M. A. C., & Kamperman, M. (2016). Heparin as a Bundler in a Self-Assembled Fibrous Network of Functionalized Protein-Based Polymers. Biomacromolecules, 17(6), 2063-2072.
Włodarczyk-Biegun, M. K., Werten, M. W. T., Posadowska, U., Storm, I. M., de Wolf, F. A., van den Beucken, J. J. J. P., Leeuwenburgh, S. C. G., Cohen Stuart, M. A., & Kamperman, M. (2016). Nanofibrillar hydrogel scaffolds from recombinant protein-based polymers with integrin- and proteoglycan-binding domains. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part A, 104(12), 3082-3092.
Yang, J., Saggiomo, V., Velders, A. H., Stuart, M. A. C., & Kamperman, M. (2016). Reaction pathways in catechol/primary amine mixtures: A window on crosslinking chemistry. PLoS ONE, 11(12), Article e0166490.
Cetintas, M., & Kamperman, M. (2016). Self-assembly of PS-b-PNIPAM-b-PS block copolymer thin films via selective solvent annealing. Polymer, 107, 387-397.
Akerboom, S., Kamperman, M., & Leermakers, F. A. M. (2016). Three-gradient regular solution model for simple liquids wetting complex surface topologies. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 7(1), 1377-1396.


Akerboom, S., Pujari, S. P., Turak, A., & Kamperman, M. (2015). Controlled Fabrication of Polypyrrole Surfaces with Overhang Structures by Colloidal Templating. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 7(30), 16507-16517.
Akerboom, S., Appel, J., Labonte, D., Federle, W., Sprakel, J., & Kamperman, M. (2015). Enhanced adhesion of bioinspired nanopatterned elastomers via colloidal surface assembly. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 12(102), Article 20141061.
Posadowska, U., Parizek, M., Filova, E., Wlodarczyk-Biegun, M., Kamperman, M., Bacakova, L., & Pamula, E. (2015). Injectable nanoparticle-loaded hydrogel system for local delivery of sodium alendronate. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 485(1-2), 31-40.
Yang, J., Keijsers, J., Van Heek, M., Stuiver, A., Cohen Stuart, M. A., & Kamperman, M. (2015). The effect of molecular composition and crosslinking on adhesion of a bio-inspired adhesive. Polymer Chemistry, 6(16), 3121-3130.


Włodarczyk-Biegun, M. K., Werten, M. W. T., De Wolf, F. A., Van Den Beucken, J. J. J. P., Leeuwenburgh, S. C. G., Kamperman, M., & Cohen Stuart, M. A. (2014). Genetically engineered silk-collagen-like copolymer for biomedical applications: Production, characterization and evaluation of cellular response. Acta Biomaterialia, 10(8), 3620-3629.
Yang, J., Cohen Stuart, M. A., & Kamperman, M. (2014). Jack of all trades: Versatile catechol crosslinking mechanisms. Chemical Society Reviews, 43(24), 8271-8298.


Paretkar, D., Kamperman, M., Martina, D., Zhao, J., Creton, C., Lindner, A., Jagota, A., McMeeking, R., & Arzt, E. (2013). Preload-responsive adhesion: Effects of aspect ratio, tip shape and alignment. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 10(83), Article 20130171.
Lunkenbein, T., Kamperman, M., Schieder, M., With, S., Li, Z., Sai, H., Förster, S., Wiesner, U., & Breu, J. (2013). Towards mesoporous Keggin-type polyoxometalates-systematic study on organic template removal. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 1(20), 6238-6248.


Warren, S. C., Perkins, M. R., Adams, A. M., Kamperman, M., Burns, A. A., Arora, H., Herz, E., Suteewong, T., Sai, H., Li, Z., Werner, J., Song, J., Werner-Zwanziger, U., Zwanziger, J. W., Grätzel, M., Disalvo, F. J., & Wiesner, U. (2012). A silica sol-gel design strategy for nanostructured metallic materials. Nature Materials, 11(5), 460-467.
Lunkenbein, T., Kamperman, M., Li, Z., Bojer, C., Drechsler, M., Förster, S., Wiesner, U., Müller, A. H. E., & Breu, J. (2012). Direct synthesis of inverse hexagonally ordered diblock copolymer/polyoxometalate nanocomposite films. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 134(30), 12685-12692.
Cañas, N., Kamperman, M., Völker, B., Kroner, E., McMeeking, R. M., & Arzt, E. (2012). Effect of nano- and micro-roughness on adhesion of bioinspired micropatterned surfaces. Acta Biomaterialia, 8(1), 282-288.
Kamperman, M., & Synytska, A. (2012). Switchable adhesion by chemical functionality and topography. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22(37), 19390-19401.


Kaiser, J. S., Kamperman, M., de Souza, E. J., Schick, B., & Arzt, E. (2011). Adhesion of biocompatible and biodegradable micropatterned surfaces. International journal of artificial organs, 34(2), 180-184.
Kamperman, M., Arzt, E., & Del Campo, A. (2011). Bioinspired Patterned Adhesives. In A. del Campo, & E. Arzt (Eds.), Generating Micro- and Nanopatterns on Polymeric Materials (pp. 319-335). Wiley.
Paretkar, D., Kamperman, M., Schneider, A. S., Martina, D., Creton, C., & Arzt, E. (2011). Bioinspired pressure actuated adhesive system. Materials Science and Engineering C, 31(6), 1152-1159.
Lee, J., Jung, Y. S., Warren, S. C., Kamperman, M., Oh, S. M., Disalvo, F. J., & Wiesner, U. (2011). Direct access to mesoporous crystalline TiO2/carbon composites with large and uniform pores for use as anode materials in lithium ion batteries. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 212(4), 383-390.
Castellanos, G., Arzt, E., & Kamperman, M. (2011). Effect of viscoelasticity on adhesion of bioinspired micropatterned epoxy surfaces. Langmuir, 27(12), 7752-7759.
Kroner, E., Kamperman, M., & Arzt, E. (2011). Gecko-inspired adhesives from science to industrial application. Adhaesion Kleben und Dichten, 3, 40-44.
Li, R., Cornaby, S., Kamperman, M., & Smilgies, D. M. (2011). Nanocomposite characterization on multiple length scales using μSAXS. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 18(5), 697-701.


Kamperman, M., & Wiesner, U. (2010). Bioinspired Block Copolymer-Based Hybrid Materials. In K. Rurack, & R. Martínez-Máñez (Eds.), The Supramolecular Chemistry of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials (pp. 599-636). John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
Arora, H., Li, Z., Sai, H., Kamperman, M., Warren, S. C., & Wiesner, U. (2010). Block copolymer directed nanoporous metal thin films. Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 31(22), 1960-1964.
Kamperman, M., Kroner, E., Del Campo, A., McMeeking, R. M., & Arzt, E. (2010). Functional adhesive surfaces with "Gecko" effect: The concept of contact splitting. Advanced Engineering Materials, 12(5), 335-348.
Kamperman, M., Korley, L. T. J., Yau, B., Johansen, K. M., Joo, Y. L., & Wiesner, U. (2010). Nanomanufacturing of continuous composite nanofibers with confinement-induced morphologies. Polymer Chemistry, 1(7), 1001-1004.


Crossland, E. J. W., Kamperman, M., Nedelcu, M., Ducati, C., Wiesner, U., Smilgies, D. .-M., Toombes, G. E. S., Hillmyer, M. A., Ludwigs, S., Steiner, U., & Snaith, H. J. (2009). A Bicontinuous Double Gyroid Hybrid Solar Cell. Nano Letters, 9(8), 2807-2812.
Kamperman, M., Burns, A., Weissgraeber, R., Van Vegten, N., Warren, S. C., Gruner, S. M., Baiker, A., & Wiesner, U. (2009). Integrating structure control over multiple length scales in porous high temperature ceramics with functional platinum nanoparticles. Nano Letters, 9(7), 2756-2762.
De Souza, E. J., Kamperman, M., Castellanos, G., Kroner, E., Armbruester, V., Romann, M. S., Schick, B., & Arzt, E. (2009). In vitro adhesion measurements between skin and micropatterned poly(dimethylsiloxane) surfaces. In Proceedings of the 31st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society: Engineering the Future of Biomedicine, EMBC 2009 (pp. 6018-6021). Article 5334532 (Proceedings of the 31st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society: Engineering the Future of Biomedicine, EMBC 2009). IEEE Computer Society.
Li, Z., Sai, H., Warren, S. C., Kamperman, M., Arora, H., Gruner, S. M., & Wiesner, U. (2009). Metal nanoparticle - Block copolymer composite assembly and disassembly. Chemistry of Materials, 21(23), 5578-5584.
Garcia, B. C., Kamperman, M., Ulrich, R., Jain, A., Gruner, S. M., & Wiesner, U. (2009). Morphology diagram of a diblock copolymer - Aluminosilicate nanoparticle system. Chemistry of Materials, 21(22), 5397-5405.


Lee, J., Christopher Orilall, M., Warren, S. C., Kamperman, M., Disalvo, F. J., & Wiesner, U. (2008). Direct access to thermally stable and highly crystalline mesoporous transition-metal oxides with uniform pores. Nature Materials, 7(3), 222-228.
Kamperman, M., & Wiesner, U. (2008). Mesostructured Polymer-Inorganic Hybrid Materials from Blocked Macromolecular Architectures and Nanoparticles. In M. Lazzari, & G. Liu (Eds.), Block Copolymers in Nanoscience (pp. 309-335). John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
Kamperman, M., Fierke, M. A., Garcia, C. B. W., & Wiesner, U. (2008). Morphology control in block copolymer/polymer derived ceramic precursor nanocomposites. Macromolecules, 41(22), 8745-8752.
Warren, S. C., Messina, L. C., Slaughter, L. S., Kamperman, M., Zhou, Q., Gruner, S. M., DiSalvo, F. J., & Wiesner, U. (2008). Ordered mesoporous materials from metal nanoparticle-block copolymer self-assembly. Science, 320(5884), 1748-1752.
Toombes, G. E. S., Mahajan, S., Weyland, M., Jain, A., Du, P., Kamperman, M., Gruner, S. M., Muller, D. A., & Wiesner, U. (2008). Self-assembly of four-layer woodpile structure from zigzag ABC copolymer/aluminosilicate concertinas. Macromolecules, 41(3), 852-859.


Kamperman, M., Du, P., Scarlat, R. O., Herz, E., Werner-Zwanziger, U., Graf, R., Zwanziger, J. W., Spiess, H. W., & Wiesner, U. (2007). Composition and morphology control in ordered mesostructured high-temperature ceramics from block copolymer mesophases. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 208(19-20), 2096-2108.
Verploegen, E., Dworken, B. T., Faught, M., Kamperman, M., Zhang, Y., & Wiesner, U. (2007). Tuning mechanical properties of block copolymer/aluminosilicate hybrid materials. Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 28(5), 572-578.


Kalra, V., Kakad, P. A., Mendez, S., Ivannikov, T., Kamperman, M., & Joo, Y. L. (2006). Self-assembled structures in electrospun poly(styrene-block-isoprene) fibers. Macromolecules, 39(16), 5453-5457.


Kamperman, M., Garcia, C. B. W., Du, P., Ow, H., & Wiesner, U. (2004). Ordered mesoporous ceramics stable up to 1500 °C from diblock copolymer mesophases. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 126(45), 14708-14709.
Last modified:09 June 2023 8.36 p.m.