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Research Zernike (ZIAM) Physics of nanodevices OptoSpintronics of Quantum Materials


Optospintronics group (July 2023). From left to right: Marcos, Tamas, Anders, Jan, Aaron, Freddie, Rixt, Stella, Cedric, Anna, Kostas, and Harshan.
Optospintronics group (October 2024)

Principal Investigator

Marcos H. D. Guimaraes
Marcos H. D. Guimaraes

Marcos H. D. Guimarães

Associate Professor

Email: m.h.guimaraes[at]rug[dot]nl
Room: 5113.0245
Phone: +31 50 36 37968


Samer Kurdi
Samer Kurdi

Samer Kurdi

NWO Veni Postdoctoral Fellow

Email: s.kurdi[at]rug[dot]nl

Room: 5113.0139
Phone: +31 50 36 34564

Research area: TR-MOKE and NV center magnetometry in 2D magnets

Daniel Vaquero Monte
Daniel Vaquero Monte

Daniel Vaquero Monte

Postdoctoral Fellow

Email: d.vaquero.monte[at]rug[dot]nl

Room: 5613.0242
Phone: +31 50 36 34564

Research area: Photocurrent spectroscopy and electroluminescence in 2D heterostructures

PhD Students

Cedric Cordero Silis
Cedric Cordero Silis

Cédric A. Cordero Silis

Email: c.a.cordero.silis[at]rug[dot]nl

Room: 5113.0227
Phone: +31 50 36 34880

Research area: Opto-Spintronics and Topology in 2D materials

Rixt Bosma
Rixt Bosma

Rixt Bosma

Email: r.bosma[at]rug[dot]nl

Room: 5113.0138
Phone: +31 50 36 34564

Research area: Ultrafast optics in 2D magnets

Teresa Lopez Carrasco
Teresa Lopez Carrasco

Teresa Lopez Carrasco

Email: m.t.lopez.carrasco[at]rug[dot]nl

Room: 5113.0225
Phone: +31 50 36 34880

Research area: OptoSpintronics in 2D semiconductor heterostructures

Georgios Stylianou
Georgios Stylianou

Georgios Stylianou

Email: g.stylianou[at]rug[dot]nl

Room: 5613.0
Phone: +31 50 36 34880

Research area: OptoSpintronics in 2D semiconductor heterostructures

Vitor Almada
Vitor Almada

Vitor de Melo Almada


Room: 5613.0
Phone: +31 50 36 34880

Research area: Opto-spintronics with 2D ferroelectrics

Master Students

Torben Pfeifer
Torben Pfeifer

Torben Pfeifer

Physics - MSc

Email: t.s.pfeifer[at]student[dot]rug[dot]nl

Room: 5116.02xx
Phone: +31 50 36 34564

Research area: Large-area exfoliation of 2D semiconductors

Bachelor Students

Charlotte Broekmeulen
Yusei Nozaki

Yusei Nozaki

Physics - BSc

Email: y.nozaki [at]student[dot]rug[dot]nl

Room: 5116.02xx
Phone: +31 50 36 34564

Research area: Photocurrent measurements in moiré heterostructures.


PhD Students

Aaron Mendoza (2019-2024)
Anna Marx (2019-2024), Software Engineer at Resato Hydrogen Technology, NL.
Adam J. Watson (2019-2023), Lithography System Engineer at ASML, NL
Freddie Hendriks (2019-2023), Software Developer at Lambert Instruments, NL.
Rafael Rojas-Lopez (2018-2023), Postdoc researcher at TU Dortmund, DE.
Jan Hidding (2018-2023), Postdoc researcher at TU Denmark, DK.

Master Students

Stella Arvaniti (Physics- 2022/2023)
Rixt Bosma (Nanoscience - 2022/2023)
Kostas Panagiotis Rampotis
(Nanoscience - 2023)
Harshan Madeshwaran
(Nanoscience - 2023)
Cédric Cordero
(Nanoscience - 2021/2022)
Qianshan Feng (Nanoscience - 2022)
Vishesh Saxena (Nanoscience - 2020/2021)
Pieter Brongers (Nanoscience - 2021)
Sytze Tirion (Applied Physics - 2019-2020)

Bachelor Students

Floris Labohm (Applied Physics - 2024/2025)
Martijn Takens
(Applied Physics - 2024/2025)
Charlotte Broekmeulen
(Applied Physics - 2024)
Julian Bernat
(Applied Physics - 2024)
Igor Denz
(Honours College Applied Physics - 2024)
Marcus Kanestrom
(Physics - 2023/2024)
Hamza Reedy (Applied Physics - 2023/2024)
Patrick Kormendy (Applied Physics - 2022/2023)
Anders Rasmussen (Physics - 2022/2023)
Ilija Gjerapic
(Honors College Applied Physics - 2022)
Rixt Bosma (Applied Physics - 2021)
Thomas Dam (Physics - 2021)
Klaiv Mertiri (Physics - 2021)

Last modified:13 February 2025 3.00 p.m.