The Proverbs Project and Noorderlichten (2018)

Proverb book
The 2018 cohort focused on two projects, both related to public engagement: Project 1 was to educate ECRs on how to engage to the public, both with children and adults, and to provide a platform (Noorderzon) where the gained knowledge and skills could be applied. The Scholierenacademie was involved in several sessions to give input on projects organized for children (55 ECR participated in these workshops). ZoooEva was hired to support, inspire and spark the public lectures provided by the ECRs.
Project 2 was to get early career researchers from different disciplines to collaborate in writing a book chapter that discusses the scientific merits of a well-known proverb.
Both YAG events were a great success: More than 1100 visitors visited the activities and the evening lectures provided by early career researchers. The proverb book (“Achterhaalde waarheid”) was published in 2021 by In Boekvorm Uitgevers, with 20 chapters written by 31 UG researchers. The book has been sold 753 times (including the 500 books the YAG bought), which according to the publisher is a good number. The book was also featured in the national press (e.g., NRC).

Last modified: | 08 June 2023 2.14 p.m. |