SEA ASEAN news 2017

November 21, 2017, De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines
Prof. Ronald Holzhacker, Director of SEA ASEAN, delivering a lecture to De Le Salle University bachelor and master students of international relations and development studies, on the topic of the sustainable development goals and Southeast Asia.

November 21, 2017, De La Salle University, Manila
The SEA ASEAN director attending the 'NGO Summit for Dutch Strategic Partners' and meeting the Netherlands Ambassador to the Philippines, Ms. Marion Derckx with colleagues from De La Salle University.

November 17, 2017
Meeting of the SEA ASEAN director with the Netherlands Ambassador to Myanmar, Mr. Wouter Jurgens, to discuss Dutch-Myanmar relations, the upcoming Asia Europe ASEM meeting, and opportunities for Myanmar students to study for a master or PhD at the University of Groningen.

November 14, 2017, Mandalay, Myanmar
Visit of the SEA ASEAN director to the University of Mandalay, for conversations with the Pro-Rector and the Head of the Anthropology department, Prof. Thidar Htwe Win to discuss bachelor exchange under the EU - Share program, and potential new opportunities for master and PhD study at the University of Groningen.
November 10, 2017, Bangkok
Meeting of Prof. Ronald Holzhacker at the UN ESCAP - Economics and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific - with Naylin Oo, UN Regional Advisor on ASEAN, concerning the sustainable development goals in SE Asia. Mr. Oo, a citizen of Myanmar, has agreed to serve as a key note speaker for the launch of our upcoming book on national and regional approaches to the SDGs in Southeast Asia and ASEAN in Brussels.

November 9, 2017
Visit of Prof. Ronald Holzhacker and Tim Zwaagstra, Groningen international officer, to Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, with the international office. In addition, meeting with Prof. Saikaew Thipakorn, to discuss the sustainable development goals and agricultural cooperation between Japanese and Thai cooperatives.

October 6, 2017
Visit of Dean Oscar Couwenberg (Spatial Sciences) and Prof. Ronald Holzhacker (Director, SEA ASEAN) to Dean Erwan Purwanto (FISOPOL) at Gadjah Mada University to discuss research cooperation, double degree master programs, and bachelor exchange.

October 4, 2017
Key-Note address by Dr. Ir. Subandi Sardjoko, Deputy Minister for Development of Human Resources, Societal and Cultural Affairs, at the UGM ASEAN Studies Center and RUG SEA ASEAN Centre 'International Working Conference on Regional and National Approaches toward the Sustainable Development Goals in Southeast Asia and ASEAN.

October 3-5, 2017, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
SEA ASEAN and its partners at Gadjah Mada University, FISOPOL and the Asean Centre, held an insightful conference with scholars from across the region on national and regional approaches to the sustainability development goals. Download the conference handbook. 'The conference had the pleasure to welcome key-note speaker Dr. Ir. Subandi Sardjoko, Deputy Minister for Development of Human Resources, Societal and Cultural Affairs (Bappenas).' Here pictured with Prof. Ronald Holzhacker and Dean Oscar Couwenberg.'

September 19, 2017
Discussion today across the University of Groningen on the international classroom project. We addressed, How to make the university relevant and welcoming for our Dutch and international students.

Fall conference: Challenges of Governance in Southeast Asia and ASEAN
12 & 13 September 2017, Groningen, the Netherlands

SEA ASEAN awarded Erasmus+ grant
The Groningen Research Centre for Southeast Asia and ASEAN (SEA ASEAN) has been awarded an Eramus+ grant from the European Union as part of the BRECIL consortium to improve the capacity to conduct social science research in Southeast Asia. Specifically, BRECIL aims to develop human and social capital to facilitate individual learning and institutional mechanisms in social science research in higher education institutions in Malaysia and Laos. The grant will allow SEA ASEAN to play a key role in facilitating capacity building and research governance in the region.

SEA ASEAN Centre Update: Best Paper Nomination and Recent Publication in Asia-Pacific Journal
Two PhD candidates of the Groningen Research Centre for Southeast Asia and ASEAN (SEA ASEAN) have recently achieved significant success on their way toward the completion of their dissertations at the University of Groningen.
Ms. Nureni Wijayati , a University of Groningen PhD candidate and lecturer at Universitas Indonesia, Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Accounting, was recently nominated for ‘Best Paper ’at the 6th International Accounting Conference.Last night, on August 28 in Yogyakarta, her paper was selected second best of all entries at the three day conference by the accounting profession. The paper is titled ‘The Changing Political Landscape in Indonesia and the Value of Political Connections’ (Nureni Wijayati, Niels Hermes, Ronald L. Holzhacker).
The abstract notes that the paper investigates ‘the value of political connections during the democratic era in Indonesia. We consider that a substantial change in the political and economic framework matters in shedding light on the value of political connections. Employing a sample of 356 non-financial institution listed firms in Indonesia for the period 2000 – 2011, we find that the value of political connections shrinks in the democratic era (that is, after 2004) as the performance of firms with politically connected board members is lower than their performance during the pre-democratic era. This outcome suggests that having politically connected board members is less important during a democratic regime. Overall, our findings suggest that democracy is a moderating factor that drives businesses to be more transparent and fair in managing business transactions.’
Mr. Kuswanto , University of Groningen PhD candidate and civil servant with the Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs, has recently published an article in the Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration, September 2017. The article is titled ‘Bargaining between local governments and multinational corporations in a decentralized system of governance: the cases of Ogan Komering Ilir and Banyuwangi districts in Indonesia’ (Kuswanto, Herman Hoen, and Ronald Holzhacker). The paper investigates the relationships between local governments and multi-national corporations regarding foreign direct investment. The authors stress the importance of the direct bargaining by local governments with MNCs to enhance local interests to ensure ‘sound social-economic development at the local level.’

June 15, 2017:
Event held at the Residence of the Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Hong Kong
The alumni in Hong Kong enjoyed an evening at the residence of the Consul General in Hong Kong. Annemieke Ruigrok, the Consul-General at Consulate-General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Hong Kong was pleased to meet the alumni of the University of Groningen.
During the event, Prof. Ronald Holzhacker, Director of the Groningen Research Centre for Southeast Asia and ASEAN, first discussed his work and the team of 18 Ph.D. candidates researching various aspects of governance from Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam. Last year his research team organized in Groningen a Conference: Bridging East Asia & Southeast Asia. This September his research team is organizing a conference in Groningen on 'Challenges of Governance in Southeast Asia.' This will be followed by a major conference in October organized with partners at Gadjah Mada University in Indonesia, with invited professors from Southeast Asia and ASEAN centers from leading universities in the region, focused on 'National and Regional Approaches to the Sustainable Development Goals in Southeast Asia and ASEAN.' The aim of the conference is to analyze and help disseminate examples of learning across the region, to speed progress toward the economic, social, and environmental goals established by countries in Southeast Asia as part of the United Nations process.
The Inner circle of the Hong Kong Chapter: Charles Drapers (International Organisations, 1990), Hanco Halbertsma (Bedrijfskunde, 1988), Monique Bakker (Economics and Business, 2013), Wilko Wielinga (Business Administration, 2008) and Willem Jan Hoogland (Rechtsgeleerdheid, 1999)understand the need for networking and collaborating with the UG Alumni. In the coming months, they would like to organize more such events to know and meet you all. In addition to these events, the University of Groningen is also considering to organize a fundraising dinner, probably in collaboration with the Consulate-General of the Kingdon of the Netherlands in Hong Kong.

June 8-13, 2017
Ronald Holzhacker visiting Prof. Chun DING, Jean Monnet Chair and Director of the Centre for European Studies Fudan University, Shanghai. Prof. Chun Ding also serves as the Director of the Dutch Studies Centre established between the University of Groningen and the University of Fudan ( The two discussed Chinese - European relations, China-US relations, and relations between China and Southeast Asia. They intend to continue to work together to link research related to the Dutch Studies Centre and SEA ASEAN in Groningen and Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
June 6, 2017
Lecture today at the Center for Humanitarian Law, Royal University of Law and Economics, Phnom Penh.

June 6, 2017
Lecture today in Groningen at the SEA ASEAN Centre, Academy Building, on 'The Protracted Peace Process in the Philippines.

May 18, 2017
Discussion on the synergies between the Sustainable Development Goals during the Open Science Meeting at UGM.

May 18, 2017
Opening of the 14th Asian Law Conference in Manila 'A uniting force? 'Asian values' and the Law' by Judge Raul Pangalangan. Tomorrow presentation by Sea ASEAN Phd candidate Stanati Netipatalachoochote and director, Ronald Holzhacker.

May 15, 2017
Relaxed SEA ASEAN dinner outside in Yogyakarta during the Open Science Meeting, here focused on Prof. Erik Heeres, Environmental Technology, and his recent and soon to be PhD graduates from our partners in Bandung.

May 15, 2017
Open Science Meeting, UGM, organized by the Netherlands and Indonesian Academy of Sciences. Here Dyah Rahmawati Hizburon, Vice Dean, dept of geography, UGM, former master student, Faculty of Spatial Sciences, RUG.

March 14, 2017
In the afternoon of March 22 from 1.30-3.30 in the Old Court Room, we have invited Rafendi Djamin (former) AICHR Representative from Indonesia to speak. His biography outlining his many years of work on behalf of human rights in Indonesian and ASEAN is attached below. He is an engaged and inspiring speaker, and understands well the interaction between civil society and institutions in advancing human rights in Southeast Asia.
Click here for the full invitation.

February 10, 2017
A festive SEA ASEAN dinner featuring Indonesian and Thai cuisine was held at Ron's home this weekend. We welcomed our newest PhD candidate, Isti, from Gadjah Mada University, School of Architecture and Planning. She will be researching sustainable transport issues over the next 4 years in Groningen. The dinner also featured special guest, Yuyun, visiting from the Hague, to discuss innovative ideas of bringing together PhD candidates from across the Netherlands who are studying issues related to ASEAN governance and integration, and comparative Southeast Asian studies. As the dinner guests began to bike home, the full moon began to appear in the night sky over Groningen.

Januari 27, 2017
The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Mira Woldberg, the head of the South and Southeast Asia Desk, invited some of the SEA ASEAN PhD candidates to attend a special Asia Carousel event on 'Islam in Indonesia' to the Hague on Friday. Later, the Director of SEA ASEAN, Ronald Holzhacker, met with Ms. Woldberg to also discuss developments in Myanmar.The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Mira Woldberg, the head of the South and Southeast Asia Desk, invited some of the SEA ASEAN PhD candidates to attend a special Asia Carousel event on 'Islam in Indonesia' to the Hague on Friday. Later, the Director of SEA ASEAN, Ronald Holzhacker, met with Ms. Woldberg to also discuss developments in Myanmar.

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Last modified: | 09 December 2022 11.05 a.m. |