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Memory and Heritage network (Faculty of Arts)

This network aims to establish a space for interdisciplinary discussions on heritage and memory. It seeks to bring together scholars working in different areas, and using different methods. Topics include, but are not limited to: the (un)making of heritage, political, international, economic, and cultural processes around heritage and memory, agents involved in heritage and commemoration, contested and critical heritage. This group meets once a month. Contacts: drs. Hannah Malone (h.o.malone and Mayada Madbouly (m.m.s.madbouly

Digital Challenges (Faculty of Arts and Jantina Tammes School)

In cooperation with the Jantina Tammes School and the Centre for Digital Humanities, this series of seminars will put scholars and experts from different disciplines in contact to tackle common challenges in digital applications and brainstorm solutions and best strategies. Examples of topics under discussion are: AI ethics and hurdles, Digital inclusion, Digital infrastructure, and Data quality & machine actionability. Contact the series organiser, dr. Manuela Ritondale (m.ritondale for more information.

Last modified:09 April 2024 3.27 p.m.