The seat of the Horst Gerson Lectures Foundation is at the
Department of the History of Art + Architecture
University of Groningen
P.O. Box 716
NL-9700 AS Groningen
The Netherlands
tel. (+31) (0)50 363 6091
Secretarial functions are fulfilled by:
Annemarie Kok
Ann-Sophie Lehmann (head), professor of art history and material culture, University of Groningen
Annemarie Kok (secretary), postdoctoral researcher in art history, University of Groningen
Anton den Held (treasurer), retired banker
Thony Visser, dean of the Faculty of Arts, University of Groningen
Klaas van Berkel, professor of early modern and modern history, University of Groningen
Andreas Blühm, director of the Groninger Museum
Volker Manuth, professor of early modern art history, University of Nijmegen
Gary Schwartz, independent art historian
Wietske van der Graaf, independent art historian
Horst Gerson’s sons Hans and Flip and their families are honored guests of the university and the board at the Gerson Lectures.

Last modified: | 27 March 2023 10.18 a.m. |