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G.P. (Gavin) Blasdel, PhD

Postdoctoral Researcher

History and archaeology of the eastern Mediterranean, especially in the Hellenistic and Roman periods; Roman Athens; Greek and Latin epigraphy; euergetism and honorific monuments

Drs. R.P. (Bob) van der Borg

Study advisor

Prof. dr. F.J. (Felix) Budelmann

Professor of Classics

Greek literature, especially poetry and drama, cognitive humanities, temporality, literary theory, visualisation, performance

Dr. M. (Marta) Capano


Greek linguistics – especially ancient Greek phonology –, language contact, bilingualism, and the languages attested in inscriptions from ancient Sicily, the history of Greek in Medieval southern Italy, and its interactions with Romance languages

Dr. B. (Bart) Danon

Assistant Professor of Ancient History

Socio-economic history of Roman Empire, Ancient economic inequality. Roman slavery, Roman urbanisation, Mass violence and genocide in Roman warfare. Military logistics in the Late Roman Republic.

Dr. C.P. (Chris) Dickenson

Lecturer of Ancient History and Classical Archeology

Public Space, Public Life, and Statues and monuments in Hellenistic and Roman Greece and in the ancient world more broadly

Dr. T.M. (Tamara) Dijkstra

Postdoctoral researcher

Death, funerary ritual and commemoration in the Greco-Roman world

Postdoctoral researcher

Greek literature (esp. drama), ancient Greek literary criticism, figurative language, ancient Greek scholarship and scholia.

Prof.dr. M.A. (Annette) Harder

Emeritus Professor of Greek Language and Literature

Hellenistic Poetry, Callimachus, Greek Tragedy, literary papyri, mythographic papyri

Dr. R. (Rebecca) Van Hove

Assistent Professor of Ancient History

History of archaic and classical Greece, Ancient religion, Divination, - Athenian law and rhetoric, Greek epigraphy, Cultural history

Dr. L.M. (Leanne) Jansen

Assistant Professor

Ancient rhetorical tradition & literary criticism, Cicero and his reception throughout antiquity, Roman historiography of the Empire, The classical tradition in the Renaissance, esp. during Quattrocento Florence.

Dr. L.A. (Albert) Joosse

Assistant Professor in Ancient Philosophy

Plato and Platonism, ancient philosophy of friendship, self-knowledge, literary aspects of philosophical texts

Prof dr. L. (Lidewijde) de Jong

Associate Professor of Classical Archaeology and Rosalind Franklin Fellow

Archaeology of the Hellenistic and Roman Near East, Mortuary Studies, Ancient Empires, Globalization and Identity, Diversity and Sustainability, Archaeological Heritage in Conflict zones, and Digitalization/Digital Databases

Dr. J.J.H. (Jacqueline) Klooster

Assistant Professor of Greek Language and Literature

Hellenistic Poetry, Ancient Biography, Greece under Rome, Sociology of culture and literature

A.C. (Anna) Moles, PhD

Assistant Professor of Mediterranean Archaeology and Human Osteoarchaeology

Human Osteoarchaeology, Greek and Roman Archaeology, Mortuary Archaeology, Archaeology of Crete

Prof.dr. R.R. (Ruurd) Nauta

Emeritus Professor of Latin Language and Literature

Latin literature of the Late Republic and Early Empire, Literary Theory

Prof.dr. O.M. (Onno) van Nijf

Professor of Ancient History

Political, cultural and social history of the Greek city in the Hellenistic and Roman periods; sport history, Greek festivals, epigraphy, citizenship, funerary culture

Dr. S. (Saskia) Peels-Matthey

Assistant Professor of Greek Linguistics

Ancient Greek religion, Ancient Greek literature, Greek epigraphy, digital humanities

Dr. J. (Jeremia) Pelgrom

Assistant Professor of Ancient History

Roman Imperialism and Colonialism, Roman Republic, Roman Rural History, Hellenistic Italy, History of Ideas, Landscape archaeology

Dr. R.F. (Remco) Regtuit

Assistant Professor of Greek Language and Literature

Greek language and literature, Aristophanes, scholia, textual criticism

Prof dr. B.L. (Bettina) Reitz-Joosse

Professor of Latin Literature and Culture

Latin literature of the Late Republic and Early Empire, text and material culture in the Roman world, Fascist Latin literature

Dr. K.M. (Katharina) Schön

Postdoctoral Researcher

Researcher in the project 'Anchoring the Fascist Revolution'

Dr. A.J.L. (Bram) van der Velden

Assistant Professor in Latin Language and Literature

Ancient Latin commentary writing, Late Antique Latin literature, History of classical scholarship, Reception studies

Prof.dr. S. (Sofia) Voutsaki

Professor of Greek Archaeology

Aegean prehistory (specialisation: Greek mainland in the Bronze Age), Classical archaeology, integration of archaeological methods and scientific techniques (especially stable isotope analysis, ancient DNA analysis), mortuary studies, archaeological theory (gender archaeology, household archaeology; analysis of imagery), history of Greek archaeology in the 19th-20th centuries and the role of archaeology in contemporary society

Prof.dr. G.C. (Gerry) Wakker

Professor of Greek Language and Literature

Ancient Greek Linguistics (esp. syntax, semantics and pragmatics) and Ancient Greek Literature; Discourse Analysis

H.G.D. (Hamish) Williams, PhD


Ancient epic (Homer, Virgil), Classical reception studies, Minoans in modern literature, J.R.R. Tolkien, fantasy literature, historical fiction, genre studies, utopianism in literature, hospitality narratives, sublime narratives, the sea, mythmaking.

Drs. B.H. (Dynke) van der Wijk

Teacher training

Didactics of teaching Latin and Greek at secondary school level

Dr. C.G. (Christina) Williamson

Associate Professor of Ancient History

Urbanization, landscape, deep-mapping, network theory, ritual performance, cultural interaction, collective identity, territorial formation, Hellenistic Asia Minor

Last modified:20 February 2025 12.47 p.m.