Episode 1: The didactics of pronunciation with Grégory Miras, University of Rouen, France

In this episode, I talk to Gregory Miras from the University of Rouen Normandie about pronunciation. We go over several misconceptions about accents, the development of pronunciation in learners, effective exercises to improve one’s accent and the challenge of assessing pronunciation. We also discuss his new book “Didactique de la prononciation en langues étrangères”, published by Didier.
Episode 2: The use of virtual exchanges (tandems) in the language classroom with Marco Cappellini, Aix en Provence, France

In this episode, I talk to Marco Cappellini from the University of Aix Marseille about virtual exchanges in the language classroom. We present the different types of exchanges that exist and their characteristics, and then we reflect on the skills that these exchanges allow to work on, such as language and intercultural skills. We also give examples at secondary school, high school or university level.
Episode 3: Assessment in the language classroom with Charline Rouffet, Hogeschool Utrecht

In this episode, I talk with Charline Rouffet, teacher trainer at the Hogeschool Utrecht and PhD student in language teaching. We talk about formative assessment of productive skills, constructive alignment and the preliminary results of her research project.
Episode 4: Challenges and advantages of multilingual classrooms with Emmanuelle le Pichon-Vorstman

In this episode, I talk with Emmanuelle le Pichon-Vorstman after the publication of her new book co-authored with Nathalie Auger "Défis et richesses des classes multilingues". Together we talk about inclusiveness, translanguaging, plurilingualism. We discuss research findings on the subject and give ideas for activities for teachers who would like to do more to integrate different languages in their classrooms.
Episode 5: Flow in second language learning with Jean-Marc Dewaele

In this episode, I discuss with Prof. Jean-Marc Dewaele from Birkbeck University in London the concept of "flow" and its role in learning a foreign language. Flow is a mental state of concentration that makes one forget time and gives a positive feeling of accomplishment. We talk about the research on flow and the concept of engagement in language learning. We also talk about other important factors in learning such as anxiety. We describe ways to create a flowing environment in the classroom and we explain how learners from different levels or cultures experience flow.
Last modified: | 28 March 2023 09.33 a.m. |