Here you can find the scientific publications of the department of Otorhinolaryngology. The list is an automatic generated list based on the search results on Pubmed (based on the affiliation "(Otorhinolaryngology OR Audiology OR ENT) Groningen".
Horst JW, McGee JoAnn, Walsh EJ. Input-output curves of low and high spontaneous rate auditory nerve fibers are exponential near threshold. Hearing Research 367 (2018) 195-206. DOI
Maldonado L, Brait M, Izumchenko E, Begum S, Chatterjee A, Sen T, Loyo M, Barbosa A, Poeta ML, Makarev E, Zhavoronkov A, Fazio VM, Angioli R, Rabitti C, Ongenaert M, Van Criekinge W, Noordhuis MG, de Graeff P, Wisman GBA, van der Zee AGJ, Hoque MO. Integrated transcriptomic and epigenomic analysis of ovarian cancer reveals epigenetically silenced GULP1. Cancer Lett. 2018 Oct 1;433:242-251. DOI
El Boghdady N, Başkent D, Gaudrain E. Effect of frequency mismatch and band partitioning on vocal tract length perception in vocoder simulations of cochlear implant processing. J Acoust Soc Am. 2018 Jun;143(6):3505. doi: 10.1121/1.5041261.
Başkent D, Fuller CD, Galvin JJ 3rd, Schepel L, Gaudrain E, Free RH. Musician effect on perception of spectro-temporally degraded speech, vocal emotion, and music in young adolescents. J Acoust Soc Am. 2018 May;143(5):EL311. doi: 10.1121/1.5034489.
de Wit E, Steenbergen B, Visser-Bochane MI, van der Schans CP, van Dijk P, Luinge MR. Response to the Letter to the Editor From Moncrieff (2017) Regarding de Wit et al. (2016), "Characteristics of Auditory Processing Disorders: A Systematic Review". J Speech Lang Hear Res. 2018 Jun 19;61(6):1517-1519. DOI
Pals C, Sarampalis A, van Dijk M, Başkent D. Effects of Additional Low-Pass-Filtered Speech on Listening Effort for Noise-Band-Vocoded Speech in Quiet and in Noise. Ear Hear. 2018 May 11. doi: 10.1097/AUD.0000000000000587.
Tamati TN, Janse E, Başkent D. Perceptual Discrimination of Speaking Style Under Cochlear Implant Simulation. Ear Hear. 2018 May 8. doi: 10.1097/AUD.0000000000000591.
Başkent D, Luckmann A, Ceha J, Gaudrain E, Tamati TN. The discrimination of voice cues in simulations of bimodal electro-acoustic cochlear-implant hearing. J Acoust Soc Am. 2018 Apr;143(4):EL292. doi: 10.1121/1.5034171.
Hanemaaijer SH, van Gijn SE, Oosting SF, Plaat BEC, Moek KL, Schuuring EM, van der Laan BFAM, Roodenburg JLN, van Vugt MATM, van der Vegt B, Fehrmann RSN.Data-Driven prioritisation of antibody-drug conjugate targets in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Oral Oncol. 2018 May;80:33-39. doi: 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2018.03.005.
Fuller CD, Galvin JJ 3rd, Maat B, Başkent D, Free RH. Comparison of Two Music Training Approaches on Music and Speech Perception in Cochlear Implant Users. Trends Hear. 2018 Jan-Dec;22:2331216518765379. doi: 10.1177/2331216518765379.
Lansaat L, Kleijn B, Hilgers F, Laan BV, Brekel MVD. Comparative Study Between Peristomal Patches in Patients with Definitive Tracheostomy. Int Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2018 Apr;22(2):130-135. doi: 10.1055/s-0037-1603921. Epub 2017 Jun 16. PubMed PMID: 29619100; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5882377.
Klont F, Bras L, Wolters JC, Ongay S, Bischoff R, Halmos GB, Horvatovich P. Assessment of Sample Preparation Bias in Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics. Anal Chem. 2018 Apr 17;90(8):5405-5413. doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.8b00600. Epub 2018 Apr 6. PubMed PMID: 29608294; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5906755.
Boeve K, Schepman KP, Schuuring E, Roodenburg JLN, Halmos GB, van Dijk BAC, Boorsma RAC, de Visscher JGAM, Brouwers AH, van der Vegt B, Witjes MJH. High sensitivity and negative predictive value of sentinel lymph node biopsy in a retrospective early stage oral cavity cancer cohort in the Northern Netherlands. Clin Otolaryngol. 2018 Mar 25. doi: 10.1111/coa.13107. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 29575685.
Lodder WL, Dorgelo B, Lancaster J, Hanlon R, Wieshmann H, de Bock GH, van der Laan BFAM. Semi-automatic tumour volume measurements on MR-Imaging using smartbrush(®) in oropharyngeal carcinomas; our experience in 5 patients. Clin Otolaryngol. 2018 Mar 15. doi: 10.1111/coa.13097. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 29543405.
Mennink LM, Van Dijk JMC, Van Der Laan BFAM, Metzemaekers JDM, Van Laar PJ, Van Dijk P. The relation between flocculus volume and tinnitus after cerebellopontine angle tumor surgery. Hear Res. 2018 Apr;361:113-120. doi: 10.1016/j.heares.2018.01.009. Epub 2018 Jan 31. PubMed PMID: 29398141.
Talmi YP, Takes RP, Alon EE, Nixon IJ, López F, de Bree R, Rodrigo JP, Shaha AR, Halmos GB, Rinaldo A, Ferlito A. Prognostic value of lymph node ratio in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Head Neck. 2018 May;40(5):1082-1090. doi: 10.1002/hed.25080.
Spruijt NE, Beenakker M, Verbeek M, Heinze ZCM, Breugem CC, Mink van der Molen AB. Reliability of the Dutch Cleft Speech Evaluation Test and Conversion to the Proposed Universal Scale. J Craniofac Surg. 2018 Mar;29(2):390-395. doi: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000004261.
Schlee W, Hall DA, Canlon B, Cima RFF, de Kleine E, Hauck F, Huber A, Gallus S, Kleinjung T, Kypraios T, Langguth B, Lopez-Escamez JA, Lugo A, Meyer M, Mielczarek M, Norena A, Pfiffner F, Pryss RC, Reichert M, Requena T, Schecklmann M, van Dijk P, van de Heyning P, Weisz N, Cederroth CR. Innovations in Doctoral Training and Research on Tinnitus: The European School on Interdisciplinary Tinnitus Research (ESIT) Perspective. Front Aging Neurosci. 2018 Jan 12;9:447. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2017.00447.
van den Bovenkamp K, Dorgelo B, Noordhuis MG, van der Laan BFAM, van der Vegt B, Bijl HP, Roodenburg JL, van Dijk BAC, Oosting SF, Schuuring EMD, Langendijk JA, Halmos GB, Plaat BEC. Viable tumor in salvage neck dissections in head and neck cancer: Relation with initial treatment, change of lymph node size and human papillomavirus. Oral Oncol. 2018 Feb;77:131-136. doi: 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2017.12.017.
Lansaat L, van der Noort V, Bernard SE, Eerenstein SEJ, Plaat BEC, Langeveld TAPM, Lacko M, Hilgers FJM, de Bree R, Takes RP, van den Brekel MWM; Dutch Head and Neck Society. Predictive factors for pharyngocutaneous fistulization after total laryngectomy: a Dutch Head and Neck Society audit. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2018 Mar;275(3):783-794. doi: 10.1007/s00405-017-4861-8.
Lodder WL, van der Laan BFAM, Lesser TH, Leong SC. The impact of acoustic neuroma on long-term quality-of-life outcomes in the United Kingdom. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2018 Mar;275(3):709-717. doi: 10.1007/s00405-018-4864-0.
de Kleijn BJ, van As-Brooks CJ, Wedman J, van der Laan BFAM. Clinical feasibility study of protrach dualcare a new speaking valve with heat and moisture exchanger for tracheotomized patients. Laryngoscope Investig Otolaryngol. 2017 Nov 27;2(6):453-458. doi: 10.1002/lio2.124.
San Giorgi MRM, Dikkers FG. Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis: >2 Entities. J Infect Dis. 2018 Apr 11;217(9):1504. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jix674.
Riecke L, Formisano E, Sorger B, Başkent D, Gaudrain E. Neural Entrainment to Speech Modulates Speech Intelligibility. Curr Biol. 2018 Jan 22;28(2):161-169.e5. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2017.11.033.
de Kleijn BJ, Kraeima J, Wachters JE, van der Laan BFAM, Wedman J, Witjes MJH, Halmos GB. Virtual 3D planning of tracheostomy placement and clinical applicability of 3D cannula design: a three-step study. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2018 Feb;275(2):451-457. doi: 10.1007/s00405-017-4819-x.
de Geus CM, Free RH, Verbist BM, Sival DA, Blake KD, Meiners LC, van Ravenswaaij-Arts CMA. Guidelines in CHARGE syndrome and the missing link: Cranial imaging. Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet. 2017 Dec;175(4):450-464. doi: 10.1002/ajmg.c.31593.
Ramakers GGJ, Kraaijenga VJC, Smulders YE, van Zon A, Stegeman I, Stokroos RJ, Free RH, Frijns JHM, Huinck WJ, Van Zanten GA, Grolman W. Tinnitus after Simultaneous and Sequential Bilateral Cochlear Implantation. Front Surg. 2017 Nov 13;4:65. doi: 10.3389/fsurg.2017.00065.
Halmos GB, Bras L, Siesling S, van der Laan BFAM, Langendijk JA, van Dijk BAC. Age-specific incidence and treatment patterns of head and neck cancer in the Netherlands-A cohort study. Clin Otolaryngol. 2018 Feb;43(1):317-324. doi: 10.1111/coa.12991. Epub 2017 Oct 12.
Saija JD, Başkent D, Andringa TC, Akyürek EG. Visual and auditory temporal integration in healthy younger and older adults. Psychol Res. 2017 Sep 4. doi: 10.1007/s00426-017-0912-4.
Ten Dam E, Feijen RA, van den Berge MJC, Hoving EW, Kuijlen JM, van der Laan BFAM, Vermeulen KM, Krabbe PFM, Korsten-Meijer AGW. Development of the Endoscopic Endonasal Sinus and Skull Base Surgery Questionnaire. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2017 Nov;7(11):1076-1084. doi: 10.1002/alr.22000.
Gaudrain E, Başkent D. Discrimination of Voice Pitch and Vocal-Tract Length in Cochlear Implant Users. Ear Hear. 2018 Mar/Apr;39(2):226-237. doi: 10.1097/AUD.0000000000000480.
van den Berge MJC, van Dijk JMC, Posthumus IA, Smidt N, van Dijk P, Free RH. Microvascular decompression of the cochleovestibular nerve for treatment of tinnitus and vertigo: a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data. J Neurosurg. 2017 Sep;127(3):588-601. doi: 10.3171/2016.8.JNS16992.
Saija JD, Başkent D, Andringa TC, Akyürek EG. Visual and auditory temporal integration in healthy younger and older adults. Psychol Res. 2017 Sep 4. doi: 10.1007/s00426-017-0912-4.
Kraaijenga VJC, Ramakers GGJ, Smulders YE, van Zon A, Stegeman I, Smit AL, Stokroos RJ, Hendrice N, Free RH, Maat B, Frijns JHM, Briaire JJ, Mylanus EAM, Huinck WJ, Van Zanten GA, Grolman W. Objective and Subjective Measures of Simultaneous vs Sequential Bilateral Cochlear Implants in Adults: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2017 Sep 1;143(9):881-890. doi: 10.1001/jamaoto.2017.0745.
de Wit E, van Dijk P, Hanekamp S, Visser-Bochane MI, Steenbergen B, van der Schans CP, Luinge MR. Same or Different: The Overlap Between Children With Auditory Processing Disorders and Children With Other Developmental Disorders: A Systematic Review. Ear Hear. 2017 Aug 31. doi: 10.1097/AUD.0000000000000479.
Ten Dam E, Feijen RA, van den Berge MJC, Hoving EW, Kuijlen JM, van der Laan BFAM, Vermeulen KM, Krabbe PFM, Korsten-Meijer AGW. Development of the Endoscopic Endonasal Sinus and Skull Base Surgery Questionnaire. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2017 Aug 23. doi: 10.1002/alr.22000.
Gaudrain E, Başkent D. Discrimination of Voice Pitch and Vocal-Tract Length in Cochlear Implant Users. Ear Hear. 2017 Aug 9. doi: 10.1097/AUD.0000000000000480.
Zhai TT, van Dijk LV, Huang BT, Lin ZX, Ribeiro CO, Brouwer CL, Oosting SF, Halmos GB, Witjes MJH, Langendijk JA, Steenbakkers RJHM, Sijtsema NM. Improving the prediction of overall survival for head and neck cancer patients using image biomarkers in combination with clinical parameters. Radiother Oncol. 2017 Aug;124(2):256-262. doi: 10.1016/j.radonc.2017.07.013.
Clarke J, Kazanoğlu D, Başkent D, Gaudrain E. Effect of F0 contours on top-down repair of interrupted speech. J Acoust Soc Am. 2017 Jul;142(1):EL7. doi: 10.1121/1.4990398.
van den Bovenkamp K, Noordhuis MG, Oosting SF, van der Laan BFAM, Roodenburg JL, Bijl HP, Halmos GB, Plaat BEC. Clinical outcome of salvage neck dissections in head and neck cancer in relation to initial treatment, extent of surgery and patient factors. Clin Otolaryngol. 2017 Jun;42(3):693-700. doi: 10.1111/coa.12818.
Neijenhuis K, de Wit E, Luinge M. Perspectives of Dutch health professionals regarding auditory processing disorders; a focus group study. Int J Audiol. 2017 Jul 13:1-9. doi: 10.1080/14992027.2017.1347290.
van Zon A, Smulders YE, Stegeman I, Ramakers GG, Kraaijenga VJ, Koenraads SP, Zanten GA, Rinia AB, Stokroos RJ, Free RH, Frijns JH, Huinck WJ, Mylanus EA, Tange RA, Smit AL, Thomeer HG, Topsakal V, Grolman W. Stable benefits of bilateral over unilateral cochlear implantation after two years: A randomized controlled trial. Laryngoscope. 2017 May;127(5):1161-1168. doi: 10.1002/lary.26239.
Zou J, Feng H, Sood R, Kinnunen PKJ, Pyykko I. Biocompatibility of Liposome Nanocarriers in the Rat Inner Ear After Intratympanic Administration. Nanoscale Res Lett. 2017 Dec;12(1):372. doi: 10.1186/s11671-017-2142-5.
Sommers LW, Steenbakkers RJHM, Bijl HP, Vemer-van den Hoek JGM, Roodenburg JLN, Oosting SF, Halmos GB, de Rooij SE, Langendijk JA. Survival Patterns in Elderly Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients Treated With Definitive Radiation Therapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2017 Mar 6. DOI
Yuan Y, Kluiver J, Koerts J, de Jong D, Rutgers B, Razak FRA, Terpstra M, Plaat B, Nolte IM, Diepstra A, Visser L, Kok K, van den Berg A. miR-24-3p Is Overexpressed in Hodgkin Lymphoma and Protects Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg Cells from Apoptosis. Am J Pathol. 2017 Apr 19. DOI
Gaudrain E, Deeks JM, Carlyon RP. Temporal Regularity Detection and Rate Discrimination in Cochlear-Implant Listeners. J Assoc Res Otolaryngol. 2017 Apr;18(2):387-397. doi: 10.1007/s10162-016-0586-4.
van den Berge MJC, Free RH, Arnold R, de Kleine E, Hofman R, van Dijk JMC, van Dijk P. Cluster Analysis to Identify Possible Subgroups in Tinnitus Patients. Front Neurol. 2017 Apr 3;8:115. DOI
Lodder WL, Adan GH, Chean CS, Lesser TH, Leong SC. Validation of the facial dysfunction domain of the Penn Acoustic Neuroma Quality-of-Life (PANQOL) Scale. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2017 Apr 8. DOI
Plaat BE, Zwakenberg MA, van Zwol JG, Wedman J, van der Laan BF, Halmos GB, Dikkers FG. Narrow-band imaging in transoral laser surgery for early glottic cancer in relation to clinical outcome. Head Neck. 2017 Mar 29. DOI
van der Meer L, Hofman R, Free R. Preoperative CT Assessment in CI: Dehiscence of the Labyrinthine Segment of the Facial Nerve Causing Facial Nerve Stimulation. Otol Neurotol. 2017 Mar 28. DOI
Wachters JE, Schrijvers ML, Slagter-Menkema L, Mastik M, Langendijk JA, de Bock GH, Roodenburg JL, van der Laan BF, van der Wal JE, Schuuring E. Phosphorylated FADD is not prognostic for local control in T1-T2 supraglottic laryngeal carcinoma treated with radiotherapy. Laryngoscope. 2017 Mar 17. DOI
Jager-Wittenaar H, Dijkstra PU, Dijkstra G, Bijzet J, Langendijk JA, van der Laan BF, Roodenburg JL. High prevalence of cachexia in newly diagnosed head and neck cancer patients: An exploratory study. Nutrition. 2017 Mar;35:114-118. DOI
Buijssen KJ, Oosterhof JJ, Basil L, Waters M, Duits MA, Busscher HJ, van der Mei HC, van der Laan BF. Influence of surface roughness on silicone rubber voice prostheses on in vitro biofilm formation and clinical lifetime in laryngectomized patients. Clin Otolaryngol. 2017 Feb 25. DOI
San Giorgi MR, de Groot OS, Dikkers FG. Quality and readability assessment of websites related to recurrent respiratory papillomatosis. Laryngoscope. 2017 Feb 24. DOI
Ye Z, Goutman JD, Pyott SJ, Glowatzki E. mGluR1 enhances efferent inhibition of inner hair cells in the developing rat cochlea. J Physiol. 2017 Feb 17. DOI
van den Berge MJ, van Dijk JM, Free RH, Stienstra J, van Dijk P, van der Laan BF. Effect of Direct Stimulation of the Cochleovestibular Nerve on Tinnitus: A Long-Term Follow-Up Study. World Neurosurg. 2017 Feb;98:571-577. DOI
Lansaat L, de Kleijn BJ, Hilgers FJ, van der Laan BF, van den Brekel MW. A prospective multicenter clinical feasibility study of a new automatic speaking valve for postlaryngectomy voice rehabilitation. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2017 Feb;274(2):1005-1013. DOI
San Giorgi MR, Aaltonen LM, Rihkanen H, Tjon Pian Gi RE, van der Laan BF, Hoekstra-Weebers JE, Dikkers FG. Validation of the Distress Thermometer and Problem List in Patients with Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2017 Jan;156(1):180-188. DOI
van Brederode TD, Halmos GB, Stenekes MW. Functional outcome after one-stage flap reconstruction of the hypopharynx following tumor ablation. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2017 Feb;274(2):969-976. DOI
Visser-Bochane MI, Gerrits E, van der Schans CP, Reijneveld SA, Luinge MR. Atypical speech and language development: a consensus study on clinical signs in the Netherlands. Int J Lang Commun Disord. 2017 Jan;52(1):10-20. DOI
San Giorgi MRM, Aaltonen LM, Rihkanen H, Tjon Pian Gi REA, van der Laan BFAM, Hoekstra-Weebers JEHM, Dikkers FG. Quality of life of patients with recurrent respiratory papillomatosis. Laryngoscope. 2017 Aug;127(8):1826-1831. DOI
van den Bovenkamp K, Noordhuis MG, Oosting SF, van der Laan BF, Roodenburg JL, Bijl HP, Halmos GB, Plaat BE. Clinical outcome of salvage neck dissections in head and neck cancer in relation to initial treatment, extent of surgery and patient factors. Clin Otolaryngol. 2016 Dec 29. DOI [Epub ahead of print]
van der Laan TP, Iepsma R, Witjes MJ, van der Laan BF, Plaat BE, Halmos GB. Meta-analysis of 701 published cases of sinonasal neuroendocrine carcinoma: The importance of differentiation grade in determining treatment strategy. Oral Oncol. 2016 Dec;63:1-9. DOI
van den Berge MJ, van Dijk JM, Free RH, Stienstra J, van Dijk P, van der Laan BF. Effect of Direct Stimulation of the Cochleovestibular Nerve on Tinnitus: A Long-Term Follow-Up Study. World Neurosurg. 2017 Feb;98:571-577. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2016.11.036
San Giorgi MR, Aaltonen LM, Rihkanen H, Tjon Pian Gi RE, van der Laan BF, Hoekstra-Weebers JE, Dikkers FG. Quality of life of patients with recurrent respiratory papillomatosis. Laryngoscope. 2016 Nov 15. DOI
Gaudrain E, Deeks JM, Carlyon RP. Temporal Regularity Detection and Rate Discrimination in Cochlear-Implant Listeners. J Assoc Res Otolaryngol. 2016 Sep 29. DOI
Vesseur A, Free R, Langereis M, Snels C, Snik A, Ravenswaaij-Arts Cv, Mylanus E. Suggestions for a Guideline for Cochlear Implantation in CHARGE Syndrome. Otol Neurotol. 2016 Oct;37(9):1275-83. DOI
Jacobs E, Langereis MC, Frijns JH, Free RH, Goedegebure A, Smits C, Stokroos RJ, Ariens-Meijer SA, Mylanus EA, Vermeulen AM. Benefits of simultaneous bilateral cochlear implantation on verbal reasoning skills in prelingually deaf children. Res Dev Disabil. 2016 Nov;58:104-13. DOI
Kraaijenga VJ, van Zon A, Smulders YE, Ramakers GG, Van Zanten GA, Stokroos RJ, Huinck WJ, Frijns JH, Free RH, Grolman W. Development of a Squelch Effect in Adult Patients After Simultaneous Bilateral Cochlear Implantation. Otol Neurotol. 2016 Oct;37(9):1300-6. DOI
Jansen F, Cnossen IC, Eerenstein SE, Coupé VM, Witte BI, van Uden-Kraan CF, Doornaert P, Braunius WW, De Bree R, Hardillo JA, Honings J, Halmos GB, Leemans CR, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM. Effectiveness and cost-utility of a guided self-help exercise program for patients treated with total laryngectomy: protocol of a multi-center randomized controlled trial. BMC Cancer. 2016 Aug 2;16:580. DOI
Haisma MS, Plaat BE, Bijl HP, Roodenburg JL, Diercks GF, Romeijn TR, Terra JB. Multivariate analysis of potential risk factors for lymph node metastasis in patients with cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2016 Oct;75(4):722-30. DOI
Oosting SF, Chen TW, Huang SH, Wang L, Waldron J, Gilbert R, Goldstein D, Halmos GB, Witjes MJ, Gietema JA, O'Sullivan B, Langendijk JA, Siu LL, Hansen AR. A comparison of weekly versus 3-weekly cisplatin during adjuvant radiotherapy for high-risk head and neck cancer. Oral Oncol. 2016 Aug;59:43-9. DOI
Terra JB, Gaster MB, Halmos GB, Roodenburg JL, van der Vegt B, Romeijn TR, Bijl HP. Local control of 151 head and neck cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma after radiotherapy: a retrospective study on efficacy and prognostic factors. Clin Otolaryngol. 2016 Jul 16. DOI
Clausen MJ, Melchers LJ, Mastik MF, Slagter-Menkema L, Groen HJ, Laan BF, van Criekinge W, de Meyer T, Denil S, van der Vegt B, Wisman GB, Roodenburg JL, Schuuring E. RAB25 expression is epigenetically downregulated in oral and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma with lymph node metastasis. Epigenetics. 2016 Sep;11(9):653-663. DOI
Os AD, Karakullukcu B, Leemans CR, Halmos GB, Roodenburg JL, Weert SV, Karagozoglu KH, Witjes MJ. Management of the clinically N0 neck in squamous cell carcinoma of the maxillary alveolus and hard palate. Head Neck. 2016 Dec;38(12):1794-1798. DOI
Vesseur AC, Verbist BM, Westerlaan HE, Kloostra FJ, Admiraal RJ, van Ravenswaaij-Arts CM, Free RH, Mylanus EA. CT findings of the temporal bone in CHARGE syndrome: aspects of importance in cochlear implant surgery. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2016 Dec;273(12):4225-4240. DOI
Guerrero-Preston R, Godoy-Vitorino F, Jedlicka A, Rodríguez-Hilario A, González H, Bondy J, Lawson F, Folawiyo O, Michailidi C, Dziedzic A, Thangavel R, Hadar T, Noordhuis MG, Westra W, Koch W, Sidransky D. 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing identifies microbiota associated with oral cancer, human papilloma virus infection and surgical treatment. Oncotarget. 2016 Aug 9;7(32):51320-51334. DOI
Goutman JD, Pyott SJ. Whole-Cell Patch-Clamp Recording of Mouse and Rat Inner Hair Cells in the Intact Organ of Corti. Methods Mol Biol. 2016;1427:471-85. DOI
Tjon Pian Gi RE, San Giorgi MR, Pawlita M, Michel A, van Hemel BM, Schuuring EM, van den Heuvel ER, van der Laan BF, Dikkers FG. Immunological response to quadrivalent HPV vaccine in treatment of recurrent respiratory papillomatosis. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2016 Oct;273(10):3231-6. DOI
Hazenberg AJ, Hazenberg BP, Dikkers FG. Long-term follow-up after surgery in localized laryngeal amyloidosis. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2016 Sep;273(9):2613-20. DOI
Vesseur A, Langereis M, Free R, Snik A, van Ravenswaaij-Arts C, Mylanus E. Influence of hearing loss and cognitive abilities on language development in CHARGE Syndrome. Am J Med Genet A. 2016 Aug;170(8):2022-30. DOI
Manley GA, van Dijk P. Frequency selectivity of the human cochlea: Suppression tuning of spontaneous otoacoustic emissions. Hear Res. 2016 Jun;336:53-62. DOI
Luinge MR. Controversial issues in the early identification of atypical language development in young children. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2016 Sep;58(9):895-6. DOI
San Giorgi MR, Helder HM, Lindeman RJ, de Bock GH, Dikkers FG. The association between gastroesophageal reflux disease and recurrent respiratory papillomatosis: A systematic review. Laryngoscope. 2016 Oct;126(10):2330-9. DOI
Marcotti W, Corns LF, Goodyear RJ, Rzadzinska AK, Avraham KB, Steel KP, Richardson GP, Kros CJ. The acquisition of mechano-electrical transducer current adaptation in auditory hair cells requires myosin VI. J Physiol. 2016 Jul 1;594(13):3667-81. DOI
Gaudrain E, Başkent D. Erratum: Factors limiting vocal-tract length discrimination in cochlear implant simulations [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 137(3), 1298-1308 (2015)]. J Acoust Soc Am. 2016 Apr;139(4):1734. DOI
Bhargava P, Gaudrain E, Başkent D. The Intelligibility of Interrupted Speech: Cochlear Implant Users and Normal Hearing Listeners. J Assoc Res Otolaryngol. 2016 Oct;17(5):475-91. DOI
Wagner A, Pals C, de Blecourt CM, Sarampalis A, Başkent D. Does Signal Degradation Affect Top-Down Processing of Speech? Adv Exp Med Biol. 2016;894:297-306. DOI
Lanting C, Woźniak A, van Dijk P, Langers DR. Tinnitus- and Task-Related Differences in Resting-State Networks. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2016;894:175-87. DOI
Zwakenberg MA, Dikkers FG, Wedman J, Halmos GB, van der Laan BF, Plaat BE. Narrow band imaging improves observer reliability in evaluation of upper aerodigestive tract lesions. Laryngoscope. 2016 Oct;126(10):2276-81. DOI
Wagner AE, Toffanin P, Başkent D. The Timing and Effort of Lexical Access in Natural and Degraded Speech. Front Psychol. 2016 Mar 30;7:398. DOI
Başkent D, Gaudrain E. Musician advantage for speech-on-speech perception. J Acoust Soc Am. 2016 Mar;139(3):EL51-6. DOI
Reijntjes DO, Pyott SJ. The afferent signaling complex: Regulation of type I spiral ganglion neuron responses in the auditory periphery. Hear Res. 2016 Jun;336:1-16. DOI
Teymoortash A, Ferlito A, Halmos GB. Treatment in elderly patients with head and neck cancer : A challenging dilemma. HNO. 2016 Apr;64(4):217-20. DOI
Dikkers FG, Klussmann JP, Bernal-Sprekelsen M, Mazurek C, Szyfter W. Live surgery broadcast: who is benefiting? Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2016 Jun;273(6):1331-3. DOI
Teymoortash A, Bohne F, Kissing L, Daniel H, Kurt B, Wilhelm T, Halmos GB, Hoch S. Oncological and surgical outcome of total laryngectomy in combination with neck dissection in the elderly. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2016 Jul;273(7):1825-33. DOI
van der Heijden M, Dikkers FG, Halmos GB. Treatment outcome of supraglottoplasty vs. wait-and-see policy in patients with laryngomalacia. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2016 Jun;273(6):1507-13. DOI
Etzel JA, Valchev N, Gazzola V, Keysers C. Is Brain Activity during Action Observation Modulated by the Perceived Fairness of the Actor? PLoS One. 2016 Jan 28;11(1):e0145350. DOI
Turcan I, Pasmooij AM, van den Akker PC, Lemmink H, Halmos GB, Sinke RJ, Jonkman MF. Heterozygosity for a Novel Missense Mutation in the ITGB4 Gene Associated With Autosomal Dominant Epidermolysis Bullosa. JAMA Dermatol. 2016 May 1;152(5):558-62. DOI
Horváth T, Polony G, Fekete Á, Aller M, Halmos G, Lendvai B, Heinrich A, Sperlágh B, Vizi ES, Zelles T. ATP-Evoked Intracellular Ca²⁺ Signaling of Different Supporting Cells in the Hearing Mouse Hemicochlea. Neurochem Res. 2016 Feb;41(1-2):364-75. DOI
Smulders YE, van Zon A, Stegeman I, Rinia AB, Van Zanten GA, Stokroos RJ, Hendrice N, Free RH, Maat B, Frijns JH, Briaire JJ, Mylanus EA, Huinck WJ, Smit AL, Topsakal V, Tange RA, Grolman W. Comparison of Bilateral and Unilateral Cochlear Implantation in Adults: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2016 Mar;142(3):249-56. DOI
Corns LF, Johnson SL, Kros CJ, Marcotti W. Tmc1 Point Mutation Affects Ca2+ Sensitivity and Block by Dihydrostreptomycin of the Mechanoelectrical Transducer Current of Mouse Outer Hair Cells. J Neurosci. 2016 Jan 13;36(2):336-49. DOI
Christianen ME, van der Schaaf A, van der Laan HP, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Doornaert P, Chouvalova O, Steenbakkers RJ, Leemans CR, Oosting SF, van der Laan BF, Roodenburg JL, Slotman BJ, Bijl HP, Langendijk JA. Swallowing sparing intensity modulated radiotherapy (SW-IMRT) in head and neck cancer: Clinical validation according to the model-based approach. Radiother Oncol. 2016 Feb;118(2):298-303. DOI
Arens C, Piazza C, Andrea M, Dikkers FG, Tjon Pian Gi RE, Voigt-Zimmermann S, Peretti G. Proposal for a descriptive guideline of vascular changes in lesions of the vocal folds by the committee on endoscopic laryngeal imaging of the European Laryngological Society. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2016 May;273(5):1207-14. DOI
Smulders YE, van Zon A, Stegeman I, van Zanten GA, Rinia AB, Stokroos RJ, Free RH, Maat B, Frijns JH, Mylanus EA, Huinck WJ, Topsakal V, Grolman W. Cost-Utility of Bilateral Versus Unilateral Cochlear Implantation in Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Otol Neurotol. 2016 Jan;37(1):38-45. DOI
Coca-Pelaz A, Devaney KO, Rodrigo JP, Halmos GB, Strojan P, Mendenhall WM, Eisbruch A, Smee R, Kusafuka K, Rinaldo A, Ferlito A. Should patients with laryngeal small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma receive prophylactic cranial irradiation? Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2016 Oct;273(10):2925-30. DOI
Heeringa AN, van Dijk P. The immediate effects of acoustic trauma on excitation and inhibition in the inferior colliculus: A Wiener-kernel analysis. Hear Res. 2016 Jan;331:47-56. DOI
Sexton JE, Desmonds T, Quick K, Taylor R, Abramowitz J, Forge A, Kros CJ, Birnbaumer L, Wood JN. The contribution of TRPC1, TRPC3, TRPC5 and TRPC6 to touch and hearing. Neurosci Lett. 2016 Jan 1;610:36-42. DOI
Wondergem M, Lieben G, Bouman S, van den Brekel MW, Lohuis PJ. Patients' satisfaction with facial prostheses. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2016 May;54(4):394-9. DOI
de Bree R, van der Putten L, van Tinteren H, Wedman J, Oyen WJ, Janssen LM, van den Brekel MW, Comans EF, Pruim J, Takes RP, Hobbelink MG, Valdés Olmos R, van der Laan BF, Boers M, Hoekstra OS, Leemans CR. Effectiveness of an (18)F-FDG-PET based strategy to optimize the diagnostic trajectory of suspected recurrent laryngeal carcinoma after radiotherapy: The RELAPS multicenter randomized trial. Radiother Oncol. 2016 Feb;118(2):251-6. DOI
San Giorgi MR, van den Heuvel ER, Tjon Pian Gi RE, Brunings JW, Chirila M, Friedrich G, Golusinski W, Graupp M, Horcasitas Pous RA, Ilmarinen T, Jackowska J, Koelmel JC, Ferran Vilà F, Weichbold V, Wierzbicka M, Dikkers FG. Age of onset of recurrent respiratory papillomatosis: a distribution analysis. Clin Otolaryngol. 2016 Oct;41(5):448-53. DOI
Clausen MJ, Melchers LJ, Mastik MF, Slagter-Menkema L, Groen HJ, van der Laan BF, van Criekinge W, de Meyer T, Denil S, Wisman GB, Roodenburg JL, Schuuring E. Identification and validation of WISP1 as an epigenetic regulator of metastasis in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Genes Chromosomes Cancer. 2016 Jan;55(1):45-59. DOI
Cnossen IC, van Uden-Kraan CF, Eerenstein SE, Jansen F, Witte BI, Lacko M, Hardillo JA, Honings J, Halmos GB, Goedhart-Schwandt NL, de Bree R, Leemans CR, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM. An online self-care education program to support patients after total laryngectomy: feasibility and satisfaction. Support Care Cancer. 2016 Mar;24(3):1261-8. DOI
Mellerio JE, Robertson SJ, Bernardis C, Diem A, Fine JD, George R, Goldberg D, Halmos GB, Harries M, Jonkman MF, Lucky A, Martinez AE, Maubec E, Morris S, Murrell DF, Palisson F, Pillay EI, Robson A, Salas-Alanis JC, McGrath JA. Management of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma in patients with epidermolysis bullosa: best clinical practice guidelines. Br J Dermatol. 2016 Jan;174(1):56-67. DOI
Nelissen RC, den Besten CA, Faber HT, Dun CA, Mylanus EA, Hol MK. Loading of osseointegrated implants for bone conduction hearing at 3 weeks: 3-year stability, survival, and tolerability. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2016 Jul;273(7):1731-7. DOI
van Zon A, Smulders YE, Ramakers GG, Stegeman I, Smit AL, Van Zanten GA, Stokroos RJ, Hendrice N, Free RH, Maat B, Frijns JH, Mylanus EA, Huinck WJ, Topsakal V, Tange RA, Grolman W. Effect of unilateral and simultaneous bilateral cochlear implantation on tinnitus: A Prospective Study. Laryngoscope. 2016 Apr;126(4):956-61. DOI
Rosen CA, Mau T, Remacle M, Hess M, Eckel HE, Young VN, Hantzakos A, Yung KC, Dikkers FG. Nomenclature proposal to describe vocal fold motion impairment. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2016 Aug;273(8):1995-9. DOI
Korfage A, Raghoebar GM, Noorda WD, Plaat BE, Vissink A, Visser A. Recommendations for implant-retained nasal prostheses after ablative tumor surgery: Minimal surgical aftercare, high implant survival, and satisfied patients. Head Neck. 2016 Apr;38 Suppl 1:E619-24. DOI
Timmermans AJ, Harmsen HJ, Bus-Spoor C, Buijssen KJ, van As-Brooks C, de Goffau MC, Tonk RH, van den Brekel MW, Hilgers FJ, van der Laan BF. Biofilm formation on the Provox ActiValve: Composition and ingrowth analyzed by Illumina paired-end RNA sequencing, fluorescence in situ hybridization, and confocal laser scanning microscopy. Head Neck. 2016 Apr;38 Suppl 1:E432-40. DOI
Horváth T, Polony G, Fekete Á, Aller M, Halmos G, Lendvai B, Heinrich A, Sperlágh B, Vizi ES, Zelles T. ATP-Evoked Intracellular Ca2+ Signaling of Different Supporting Cells in the Hearing Mouse Hemicochlea. DOI
Smulders YE, van Zon A, Stegeman I, Rinia AB, Van Zanten GA, Stokroos RJ, Hendrice N, Free RH, Maat B, Frijns JH, Briaire JJ, Mylanus EA, Huinck WJ, Smit AL, Topsakal V, Tange RA, Grolman W. Comparison of Bilateral and Unilateral Cochlear Implantation in Adults: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2016 Jan 21. DOI
Corns LF, Johnson SL, Kros CJ, Marcotti W. Tmc1 Point Mutation Affects Ca2+ Sensitivity and Block by Dihydrostreptomycin of the Mechanoelectrical Transducer Current of Mouse Outer Hair Cells. J Neurosci. 2016 Jan 13. DOI
Overeem AW, Posovszky C, Rings EH, Giepmans BN, van IJzendoorn SC. The role of enterocyte defects in the pathogenesis of congenital diarrheal disorders. Dis Model Mech. 2016 Jan 1. DOI
Christianen ME, van der Schaaf A, van der Laan HP, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Doornaert P, Chouvalova O, Steenbakkers RJ, Leemans CR, Oosting SF, van der Laan BF, Roodenburg JL, Slotman BJ, Bijl HP, Langendijk JA. Swallowing sparing intensity modulated radiotherapy (SW-IMRT) in head and neck cancer: Clinical validation according to the model-based approach. DOI
Arens C, Piazza C, Andrea M, Dikkers FG, Tjon Pian Gi RE, Voigt-Zimmermann S, Peretti G. Proposal for a descriptive guideline of vascular changes in lesions of the vocal folds by the committee on endoscopic laryngeal imaging of the European Laryngological Society. DOI
Smulders YE, van Zon A, Stegeman I, van Zanten GA, Rinia AB, Stokroos RJ, Free RH, Maat B, Frijns JH, Mylanus EA, Huinck WJ, Topsakal V, Grolman W. Cost-Utility of Bilateral Versus Unilateral Cochlear Implantation in Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial. DOI
Bell A, Wit HP. The vibrating reed frequency meter: digital investigation of an early cochlear model. DOI
Galvin JJ, Oba SI, Baskent D, Chatterjee M, Fu QJ. Envelope Interactions in Multi-Channel Amplitude Modulation Frequency Discrimination by Cochlear Implant Users. DOI
Fuller C, Gilbers D, Broersma M, Goudbeek M, Free R, Baskent D. Normal-Hearing Listeners’ and Cochlear Implant Users’ Perception of Pitch Cues in Emotional Speech DOI
Bell A, Wit HP. The vibrating reed frequency meter: digital investigation of an early cochlear model. PeerJ. 2015 Oct 13;3:e1333. DOI
Wierzbicka M, Sjogren EV, Dikkers FG. What more can be done to popularize phonosurgical ideas in everyday handling of vocal folds? Otolaryngol Pol. 2015 Nov 10;69(6):1-10. DOI
Coca-Pelaz A, Devaney KO, Rodrigo JP, Halmos GB, Strojan P, Mendenhall WM, Eisbruch A, Smee R, Kusafuka K, Rinaldo A, Ferlito A. Should patients with laryngeal small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma receive prophylactic cranial irradiation? Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2015 Nov 3. DOI
Heeringa AN, van Dijk P. The immediate effects of acoustic trauma on excitation and inhibition in the inferior colliculus: A Wiener-kernel analysis. Hear Res. 2015 Oct 30;331:47-56. DOI
Sexton JE, Desmonds T, Quick K, Taylor R, Abramowitz J, Forge A, Kros CJ, Birnbaumer L, Wood JN. The contribution of TRPC1, TRPC3, TRPC5 and TRPC6 to touch and hearing. Neurosci Lett. 2015 Oct 28;610:36-42. DOI
Takes RP, Wierzbicka M, D'Souza G, Jackowska J, Silver CE, Rodrigo JP, Dikkers FG, Olsen KD, Rinaldo A, Brakenhoff RH, Ferlito A. HPV vaccination to prevent oropharyngeal carcinoma: What can be learned from anogenital vaccination programs? Oral Oncol. 2015 Dec;51(12):1057-60. doi: 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2015.10.011. DOI
Wondergem M, Lieben G, Bouman S, van den Brekel MW, Lohuis PJ. Patients' satisfaction with facial prostheses. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2015 Oct 21. pii: S0266-4356(15)00582-3. DOI
de Bree R, van der Putten L, van Tinteren H, Wedman J, Oyen WJ, Janssen LM, van den Brekel MW, Comans EF, Pruim J, Takes RP, Hobbelink MG, Valdés Olmos R, van der Laan BF, Boers M, Hoekstra OS, Leemans CR. Effectiveness of an 18F-FDG-PET based strategy to optimize the diagnostic trajectory of suspected recurrent laryngeal carcinoma after radiotherapy: The RELAPS multicenter randomized trial. Radiother Oncol. 2015 Oct 15. pii: S0167-8140(15)00552-6. DOI
San Giorgi M, van den Heuvel ER, Tjon Pian Gi RE, Brunings JW, Chirila M, Friedrich G, Golusinski W, Graupp M, Horcasitas Pous RA, Ilmarinen T, Jackowska J, Koelmel JC, Ferran Vilà F, Weichbold V, Wierzbicka M, Dikkers FG. Age of onset of Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis: a distribution analysis. Clin Otolaryngol. 2015 Oct 13. DOI
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Clausen MJ, Melchers LJ, Mastik MF, Slagter-Menkema L, Groen HJ, van der Laan BF, van Criekinge W, de Meyer T, Denil S, Wisman GB, Roodenburg JL, Schuuring E. Identification and validation of WISP1 as an epigenetic regulator of metastasis in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Genes Chromosomes Cancer. 2015 Sep 22. DOI
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Christianen ME, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Doornaert P, Chouvalova O, Steenbakkers RJ, Koken PW, René Leemans C, Oosting SF, Roodenburg JL, van der Laan BF, Slotman BJ, Bijl HP, Langendijk JA. Patterns of long-term swallowing dysfunction after definitive radiotherapy or chemoradiation. Radiother Oncol. 2015 Aug 25. pii: S0167-8140(15)00402-8. DOI
Mellerio JE, Robertson SJ, Bernardis C, Diem A, Fine JD, George R, Goldberg D, Halmos GB, Harries M, Jonkman MF, Lucky A, Martinez AE, Maubec E, Morris S, Murrell DF, Palisson F, Pillay EI, Robson A, Salas-Alanis JC, McGrath JA. Management of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma in patients with epidermolysis bullosa - best clinical practice guidelines. Br J Dermatol. 2015 Aug 24. DOI
van Zon A, Smulders YE, Ramakers GG, Stegeman I, Smit AL, Van Zanten GA, Stokroos RJ, Hendrice N, Free RH, Maat B, Frijns JH, Mylanus EA, Huinck WJ, Topsakal V, Tange RA, Grolman W. Effect of unilateral and simultaneous bilateral cochlear implantation on tinnitus: A randomized controlled trial. Laryngoscope. 2015 Aug 8. DOI
Bruine de Bruin L, Bollineni VR, Wachters JE, Schuuring E, van Hemel BM, van der Wal JE, Slagter-Menkema L, de Bock GH, Steenbakkers RJ, Langendijk JA, Pruim J, van der Laan BF, Halmos GB. Assessment of hypoxic subvolumes in laryngeal cancer with 18F-fluoroazomycinarabinoside (18F-FAZA)-PET/CT scanning and immunohistochemistry. Radiother Oncol. 2015 Aug 3. pii: S0167-8140(15)00364-3. DOI
Wit HP, Bell A. Analysis of an impulse response measured at the basilar membrane of the chinchilla. J Acoust Soc Am. 2015 Jul;138(1):94. DOI
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Seco CZ, Giese AP, Shafique S, Schraders M, Oonk AM, Grossheim M, Oostrik J, Strom T, Hegde R, van Wijk E, Frolenkov GI, Azam M, Yntema HG, Free RH, Riazuddin S, Verheij JB, Admiraal RJ, Qamar R, Ahmed ZM, Kremer H. Novel and recurrent CIB2 variants, associated with nonsyndromic deafness, do not affect calcium buffering and localization in hair cells. Eur J Hum Genet. 2015 Jul 15. DOI
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F. G. Dikkers, J. B. G. M. Verheij, and M. van Mechelen. Hereditary congenital unilateral deafness: a new disorder?
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A. F. Holm, M. J. Staal, J. J. A. Mooij, and F. W. J. Albers. Neurostimulation as a new treatment for severe tinnitus: a pilot study.
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L. Q. Schwandt, R. van Weissenbruch, H. C. van der Mei, H. J. Busscher, and F. W. J. Albers. Effect of dairy products on the lifetime of Provox2 voice prostheses in vitro and in vivo.
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W. L. Valk, H. P. Wit, J. M. Segenhout, F. Dijk, J. J. L. van der Want, and F. W. J. Albers. Morphology of the endolymphatic sac in the guinea pig after an acute endolymphatic hydrops.
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J. Wedman and R. van Weissenbruch. Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis.
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Before 2005
R. A. Feijen, J. M. Segenhout, F. W. J. Albers, and H. P. Wit. Cochlear aqueduct flow resistance depends on round window membrane position in guinea pigs.
J Assoc Res Otolaryngol. 2004 ; 5 4: 404--410 Digital Object Identifier:
J. J. H. Oosterhof, H. C. van der Mei, H. J. Busscher, R. H. Free, H. J. Kaper, R. van Weissenbruch, and F. W. J. Albers. In vitro leakage susceptibility of tracheoesophageal shunt prostheses in the absence and presence of a biofilm. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater. 2005 ; 73 1: 23--28 Digital Object Identifier: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/jbm.b.30167
J. R. de Boer, J. Pruim, F. W. J. Albers, F. Burlage, W. Vaalburg, and B. F. A. M. van der Laan. Prediction of survival and therapy outcome with 11C-tyrosine PET in patients with laryngeal carcinoma. J Nucl Med. 2004 ; 45 12: 2052--2057 Digital Object Identifier:
A. G. W. Meijer, H. P. Wit, and F. W. J. Albers. Relation between change of hearing and (modified) Amsterdam Inventory for Auditory Disability and Handicap Score. Clin Otolaryngol Allied Sci. 2004 ; 29 6: 565--570 Digital Object Identifier: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2273.2004.00844.x
L. Q. Schwandt, R. Van Weissenbruch, I. Stokroos, H. C. Van der Mei, H. J. Busscher, and F. W. J. Albers. Prevention of biofilm formation by dairy products and N-acetylcysteine on voice prostheses in an artificial throat. Acta Otolaryngol. 2004 ; 124 6: 726--731 Digital Object Identifier:
E. O. Laurens-Thalen, H. P. Wit, J. M. Segenhout, and F. W. J. Albers. Direct measurement flow resistance of cochlear aqueduct in guinea pigs. Acta Otolaryngol. 2004 ; 124 6: 670--674 Digital Object Identifier:
W. L. Valk, H. P. Wit, and F. W. J. Albers. Effect of acute inner ear pressure changes on low-level distortion product otoacoustic emissions in the guinea pig. Acta Otolaryngol. 2004 ; 124 8: 929--936 Digital Object Identifier: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00016480410017396
H. Bartels, F. G. Dikkers, J. E. van der Wal, H. M. Lokhorst, and B. P. C. Hazenberg. Laryngeal amyloidosis: localized versus systemic disease and update on diagnosis and therapy. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2004 ; 113 9: 741--748 Digital Object Identifier:
W. L. Valk, H. P. Wit, and F. W. J. Albers. Evaluation of cochlear function in an acute endolymphatic hydrops model in the guinea pig by measuring low-level DPOAEs. Hear Res. 2004 ; 192 1-2: 47--56 Digital Object Identifier: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.heares.2003.12.021
J. J. Oosterhof, G. J. Elving, I. Stokroos, A. van Nieuw Amerongen, H. C. van der Mei, H. J. Busscher, R. van Weissenbruch, and F. W. Albers. The influence of antimicrobial peptides and mucolytics on the integrity of biofilms consisting of bacteria and yeasts as affecting voice prosthetic air flow resistances. Biofouling. 2003 ; 19 6: 347--353 Digital Object Identifier:
M. L. Y. M. Oei, H. M. Segenhout, F. Dijk, I. Stokroos, J. J. L. van der Want, and F. W. J. Albers. Functional and anatomic alterations in the gentamicin-damaged vestibular system in the guinea pig. Otol Neurotol. 2004 ; 25 1: 57--64 Digital Object Identifier:
B. O. Westerlaken, R. J. Stokroos, I. J. M. Dhooge, H. P. Wit, and F. W. J. Albers. Treatment of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss with antiviral therapy: a prospective, randomized, double-blind clinical trial. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2003 ; 112 11: 993--1000 Digital Object Identifier:
J. R. De Boer, J. Pruim, F. Burlage, A. Krikke, A. T. M. G. Tiebosch, F. W. J. Albers, W. Vaalburg, and B. F. A. M. Van Der Laan. Therapy evaluation of laryngeal carcinomas by tyrosine-pet. Head Neck. 2003 ; 25 8: 634--644 Digital Object Identifier: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/hed.10273
R. H. Free, H. C. Van der Mei, G. J. Elving, R. Van Weissenbruch, F. W. J. Albers, and H. J. Busscher. Influence of the Provox Flush, blowing and imitated coughing on voice prosthetic biofilms in vitro. Acta Otolaryngol. 2003 ; 123 4: 547--551 Digital Object Identifier:
A. G. W. Meijer, H. P. Wit, E. M. TenVergert, F. W. J. Albers, and J. E. P. Muller Kobold. Reliability and validity of the (modified) Amsterdam Inventory for Auditory Disability and Handicap. Int J Audiol. 2003 ; 42 4: 220--226 Digital Object Identifier:
Van Cruijsen N, Wit HP, Albers FWJ. Psychological aspects of Meniere's disease.
Acta Otolaryngol. 2003 ; 123 3: 340--347 Digital Object Identifier:
Goorhuis-Brouwer SM, Knijff WA. Language disorders in young children: when is speech therapy recommended?
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De Boer JR, Pruim J, van der Laan BFAM, Que TH, Willemsen ATM, Albers FWJ, Vaalburg W. L-1-11C-tyrosine PET in patients with laryngeal carcinomas: comparison of standardized uptake value and protein synthesis rate.
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Goorhuis-Brouwer SM, Dikkers FG, Robinson PH, Kerstjens-Frederikse WS. Specific language impairment in children with velocardiofacial syndrome: four case studies.
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Horst JW, Wit HP, Albers FWJ. Quantification of audiogram fine-structure as a function of hearing threshold.
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H. P. Wit, R. A. Feijen, and F. W. J. Albers. Cochlear aqueduct flow resistance is not constant during evoked inner ear pressure change in the guinea pig.
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T. J. Warmerdam, F. H. H. J. Schroder, H. P. Wit, and F. W. J. Albers. Perilymphatic and endolymphatic pressures during endolymphatic hydrops. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2003 ; 260 1: 9--11 Digital Object Identifier: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00405-002-0518-2
Elving GJ, Van Weissenbruch R, Busscher HJ, van der Mei HC, Albers FWJ. The influence of radiotherapy on the lifetime of silicone rubber voice prostheses in laryngectomized patients.
Laryngoscope. 2002 ; 112 9: 1680--1683 Digital Object Identifier:
Valk WL, Oei MLYM, Segenhout JM, Dijk F, Stokroos I, Albers FWJ. The glycocalyx and stereociliary interconnections of the vestibular sensory epithelia of the guinea pig. A freeze-fracture, low-voltage cryo-SEM, SEM and TEM study.
ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec. 2002 ; 64 4: 242--246 Digital Object Identifier:
De Boer JR, van der Laan BFAM, Pruim J, Que TH, Burlage F, Krikke A, Willemsen A T M, Tiebosch G, Albers FWJ, Vaalburg W. Carbon-11 tyrosine PET for visualization and protein synthesis rate assessment of laryngeal and hypopharyngeal carcinomas.
Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2002 ; 29 9: 1182--1187 Digital Object Identifier: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00259-002-0863-9
E. de Kleine, D. J. M. Mateijsen, H. P. Wit, and F. W. J. Albers. Evoked otoacoustic emissions in patients with Meniere's disease.
Otol Neurotol. 2002 ; 23 4: 510--516 Digital Object Identifier:
S. I. Basha and L. H. Durham. An unusual case of dysphagia: retained Groningen valve. J Laryngol Otol. 2002 ; 116 5: 392--394 Digital Object Identifier:
E. Thalen, H. Wit, H. Segenhout, and F. Albers. Inner ear pressure changes following square wave intracranial or ear canal pressure manipulation in the same guinea pig. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2002 ; 259 4: 174--179 Digital Object Identifier:
A. G. W. Meijer, J. Verheul, F. W. J. Albers, and H. M. Segenhout. Cartilage interposition in ossiculoplasty with hydroxylapatite prostheses: a histopathologic study in the guinea pig. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2002 ; 111 4: 364--369 Digital Object Identifier:
S. M. Goorhuis-Brouwer and W. A. Knijff. Efficacy of speech therapy in children with language disorders: specific language impairment compared with language impairment in comorbidity with cognitive delay. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2002 ; 63 2: 129--136 Digital Object Identifier:
E. A. Dunnebier, J. M. Segenhout, F. Dijk, H. P. Wit, and F. W. J. Albers. Cochlear ultrastructure in two-phase endolymphatic hydrops in the guinea-pig. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2002 ; 259 1: 17--23 Digital Object Identifier:
R. A. Feijen, J. M. Segenhout, F. W. J. Albers, and H. P. Wit. Change of guinea pig inner ear pressure by square wave middle ear cavity pressure variation. Acta Otolaryngol. 2002 ; 122 2: 138--145 Digital Object Identifier:
D. J. M. Mateijsen, P. W. J. Van Hengel, A. P. Krikke, W. M. Van Huffelen, H. P. Wit, and F. W. J. Albers. Three-dimensional Fourier transformation constructive interference in steady state magnetic resonance imaging of the inner ear in patients with unilateral and bilateral Meniere's disease. Otol Neurotol. 2002 ; 23 2: 208--213 Digital Object Identifier:
R. P. Chung, A. S. Dagli, J. Geskus, M. D. de Bruin, and H. F. Mahieu. The ultra-low resistance Groningen voice prosthesis: clinical experiences. Rev Laryngol Otol Rhinol (Bord). 2001 ; 122 2: 129--133 Digital Object Identifier:
D. J. Mateijsen, P. W. Hengel, H. Kingma, M. A. Oreel, H. P. Wit, and F. W. Albers. Vertigo and electronystagmography in uni- and bilateral Meniere's disease. ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec. 2001 ; 63 6: 341--348 Digital Object Identifier:
D. J. Mateijsen, P. W. Van Hengel, W. M. Van Huffelen, H. P. Wit, and F. W. Albers. Pure-tone and speech audiometry in patients with Meniere's disease. Clin Otolaryngol Allied Sci. 2001 ; 26 5: 379--387 Digital Object Identifier:
R. H. Free, H. J. Busscher, G. J. Elving, H. C. van der Mei, R. van Weissenbruch, and F. W. Albers. Biofilm formation on voice prostheses: in vitro influence of probiotics. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2001 ; 110 10: 946--951 Digital Object Identifier:
E. A. Dunnebier, J. M. Segenhout, F. Dijk, and F. W. Albers. Sensory cell damage in two-phase endolymphatic hydrops: a morphologic evaluation of a new experimental model by low-voltage scanning techniques. Otol Neurotol. 2001 ; 22 5: 655--661 Digital Object Identifier:
D. J. Mateijsen, C. M. Kingma, P. E. De Jong, H. P. Wit, and F. W. Albers. Aldosterone assessment in patients with Meniere's disease. ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec. 2001 ; 63 5: 280--286 Digital Object Identifier:
E. de Kleine, H. P. Wit, P. Avan, and P. van Dijk. The behavior of evoked otoacoustic emissions during and after postural changes. J Acoust Soc Am. 2001 ; 110 2: 973--980 Digital Object Identifier:
E. O. Thalen, H. P. Wit, J. M. Segenhout, and F. W. Albers. Dynamics of inner ear pressure change caused by intracranial pressure manipulation in the guinea pig. Acta Otolaryngol. 2001 ; 121 4: 470--476 Digital Object Identifier:
C. Leunisse, R. van Weissenbruch, H. J. Busscher, H. C. van der Mei, F. Dijk, and F. W. Albers. Biofilm formation and design features of indwelling silicone rubber tracheoesophageal voice prostheses--an electron microscopical study. J Biomed Mater Res. 2001 ; 58 5: 556--563 Digital Object Identifier:
A. F. Holm and W. J. Fokkens. Topical corticosteroids in allergic rhinitis; effects on nasal inflammatory cells and nasal mucosa. Clin Exp Allergy. 2001 ; 31 4: 529--535 Digital Object Identifier:
T. J. Warmerdam, F. H. Schroder, H. P. Wit, and F. W. Albers. Perilymphatic and endolymphatic pressure in the guinea pig after distal dissection of the endolymphatic sac. Otol Neurotol. 2001 ; 22 3: 373--376 Digital Object Identifier:
D. J. Mateijsen, H. J. Rosingh, H. P. Wit, and F. W. Albers. Perilymphatic pressure measurement in patients with Meniere's disease. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2001 ; 258 1: 1--4 Digital Object Identifier:
M. L. Oei, J. M. Segenhout, H. P. Wit, and F. W. Albers. The vestibular evoked response to linear, alternating, acceleration pulses without acoustic masking as a parameter of vestibular function. Acta Otolaryngol. 2001 ; 121 1: 62--67 Digital Object Identifier:
E. de Kleine, H. P. Wit, P. van Dijk, and P. Avan. The behavior of spontaneous otoacoustic emissions during and after postural changes. J Acoust Soc Am. 2000 ; 107 6: 3308--3316 Digital Object Identifier:
H. P. Wit, T. J. Warmerdam, and F. W. Albers. Measurement of the mechanical compliance of the endolymphatic compartments in the guinea pig. Hear Res. 2000 ; 145 1-2: 82--90 Digital Object Identifier:
R. H. Free, H. C. Van der Mei, F. Dijk, R. Van Weissenbruch, H. J. Busscher, and F. W. Albers. Biofilm formation on voice prostheses: influence of dairy products in vitro. Acta Otolaryngol. 2000 ; 120 1: 92--99 Digital Object Identifier:
R. van Weissenbruch, M. Kunnen, F. W. Albers, P. B. van Cauwenberge, and A. M. Sulter. Cineradiography of the pharyngoesophageal segment in postlaryngectomy patients. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2000 ; 109 3: 311--319 Digital Object Identifier:
A. G. Meijer, B. O. Westerlaken, and F. W. Albers. The groningen cartilage cutting device: a new instrument for tympanoplasty. Laryngoscope. 1999 ; 109 12: 2025--2027 Digital Object Identifier:
J. Wiebe Horst and E. de Kleine. Audiogram fine structure and spontaneous otoacoustic emissions in patients with Meniere's disease. Audiology. 1999 ; 38 5: 267--270 Digital Object Identifier:
F. G. Dikkers and P. G. Nikkels. Lamina propria of the mucosa of benign lesions of the vocal folds. Laryngoscope. 1999 ; 109 10: 1684--1689 Digital Object Identifier:
C. Leunisse, R. van Weissenbruch, H. J. Busscher, H. C. van der Mei, and F. W. Albers. The artificial throat: a new method for standardization of in vitro experiments with tracheo-oesophageal voice prostheses. Acta Otolaryngol. 1999 ; 119 5: 604--608 Digital Object Identifier:
F. W. Coster, S. M. Goorhuis-Brouwer, H. Nakken, and H. C. Spelberg. Specific language impairments and behavioural problems. Folia Phoniatr Logop. 1999 ; 51 3: 99--107 Digital Object Identifier:
H. P. Wit, E. O. Thalen, and F. W. Albers. Dynamics of inner ear pressure release, measured with a double-barreled micropipette in the guinea pig. Hear Res. 1999 ; 132 1-2: 131--139 Digital Object Identifier:
J. Verheul, J. M. Segenhout, E. A. Dunnebier, F. W. Albers, E. H. Blaauw, and H. P. Wit. Ultrastructure of the endolymphatic sac in two-phase endolymphatic hydrops in the guinea pig. Acta Otolaryngol. 1999 ; 119 3: 345--350 Digital Object Identifier:
R. J. Stokroos, F. W. Albers, and J. Schirm. Therapy of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss: antiviral treatment of experimental herpes simplex virus infection of the inner ear. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 1999 ; 108 5: 423--428 Digital Object Identifier:
T. J. Warmerdam, F. H. Schroder, H. P. Wit, and F. W. Albers. Perilymphatic and endolymphatic pressure in the normal guinea pig. ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec. 1999 ; 61 2: 71--73 Digital Object Identifier:
F. W. Albers. Complications of otitis media: the importance of early recognition. Am J Otol. 1999 ; 20 1: 9--12 Digital Object Identifier:
J. Lyzenga and J. W. Horst. Frequency discrimination of stylized synthetic vowels with two formants. J Acoust Soc Am. 1998 ; 104 5: 2956--2966 Digital Object Identifier:
W. M. van Huffelen, N. J. Mateijsen, and H. P. Wit. Classification of patients with Meniere's disease using otoacoustic emissions. Audiol Neurootol. 1998 ; 3 6: 419--430 Digital Object Identifier:
R. J. Stokroos, F. W. Albers, and E. M. Tenvergert. Antiviral treatment of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss: a prospective, randomized, double-blind clinical trial. Acta Otolaryngol. 1998 ; 118 4: 488--495 Digital Object Identifier:
P. van Dijk and H. P. Wit. Correlated amplitude fluctuations of spontaneous otoacoustic emissions. J Acoust Soc Am. 1998 ; 104 1: 336--343 Digital Object Identifier:
R. J. Stokroos, F. W. Albers, and J. Schirm. The etiology of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss. Experimental herpes simplex virus infection of the inner ear. Am J Otol. 1998 ; 19 4: 447--452 Digital Object Identifier:
H. J. Rosingh, H. P. Wit, and F. W. Albers. Perilymphatic pressure dynamics following posture change in patients with Meniere's disease and in normal hearing subjects. Acta Otolaryngol. 1998 ; 118 1: 1--5 Digital Object Identifier:
H. J. Rosingh, H. P. Wit, and F. W. Albers. Limitations of the MMS-10 tympanic displacement analyser. Audiology. 1998 ; 37 1: 1--6 Digital Object Identifier:
J. Lyzenga and J. W. Horst. Frequency discrimination of stylized synthetic vowels with a single formant. J Acoust Soc Am. 1997 ; 102 3: 1755--1767 Digital Object Identifier:
R. van Weissenbruch, F. W. Albers, S. Bouckaert, H. J. Nelis, G. Criel, J. P. Remon, and A. M. Sulter. Deterioration of the Provox silicone tracheoesophageal voice prosthesis: microbial aspects and structural changes. Acta Otolaryngol. 1997 ; 117 3: 452--458 Digital Object Identifier:
H. J. Rosingh, H. P. Wit, A. M. Sulter, and F. W. Albers. Longitudinal non-invasive perilymphatic pressure measurement in patients with Meniere's disease. ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec. 1997 ; 59 3: 135--140 Digital Object Identifier:
R. van Weissenbruch, S. Bouckaert, J. P. Remon, H. J. Nelis, R. Aerts, and F. W. Albers. Chemoprophylaxis of fungal deterioration of the Provox silicone tracheoesophageal prosthesis in postlaryngectomy patients. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 1997 ; 106 4: 329--337 Digital Object Identifier:
E. A. Dunnebier, J. M. Segenhout, H. P. Wit, and F. W. Albers. Two-phase endolymphatic hydrops: a new dynamic guinea pig model. Acta Otolaryngol. 1997 ; 117 1: 13--19 Digital Object Identifier:
A. M. Sulter and H. P. Wit. Glottal volume velocity waveform characteristics in subjects with and without vocal training, related to gender, sound intensity, fundamental frequency, and age. J Acoust Soc Am. 1996 ; 100 5: 3360--3373 Digital Object Identifier:
E. A. Dunnebier, J. M. Segenhout, H. P. Wit, and F. W. Albers. Endolymphatic hydrops after total dissection or cauterization of the distal portion of the endolymphatic sac. ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec. 1996 ; 58 5: 271--276 Digital Object Identifier:
H. P. Wit, P. van Dijk, and H. M. Segenhout. Frequency response for electromotility of isolated outer hair cells of the guinea pig. Hear Res. 1996 ; 98 1-2: 165--168 Digital Object Identifier:
H. J. Rosingh, H. P. Wit, and F. W. Albers. Non-invasive perilymphatic pressure measurement in patients with Meniere's disease. Clin Otolaryngol Allied Sci. 1996 ; 21 4: 335--338 Digital Object Identifier:
A. M. Sulter and F. W. Albers. The effects of frequency and intensity level on glottal closure in normal subjects. Clin Otolaryngol Allied Sci. 1996 ; 21 4: 324--327 Digital Object Identifier:
A. M. Sulter, H. K. Schutte, and D. G. Miller. Standardized laryngeal videostroboscopic rating: differences between untrained and trained male and female subjects, and effects of varying sound intensity, fundamental frequency, and age. J Voice. 1996 ; 10 2: 175--189 Digital Object Identifier:
H. J. Rosingh, H. P. Wit, and F. W. Albers. Non-invasive perilymphatic pressure measurement in normal hearing subjects using the MMS-10 tympanic displacement analyser. Acta Otolaryngol. 1996 ; 116 3: 382--387 Digital Object Identifier:
R. J. Stokroos and F. W. Albers. Therapy of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss. A review of the literature. Acta Otorhinolaryngol Belg. 1996 ; 50 1: 77--84 Digital Object Identifier:
R. J. Stokroos and F. W. Albers. The etiology of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss. A review of the literature. Acta Otorhinolaryngol Belg. 1996 ; 50 1: 69--76 Digital Object Identifier:
A. M. Sulter, H. K. Schutte, and D. G. Miller. Differences in phonetogram features between male and female subjects with and without vocal training. J Voice. 1995 ; 9 4: 363--377 Digital Object Identifier:
E. A. Dunnebier, J. M. Segenhout, D. Kalicharan, W. L. Jongebloed, H. P. Wit, and F. W. Albers. Low-voltage field-emission scanning electron microscopy of non-coated guinea-pig hair cell stereocilia. Hear Res. 1995 ; 90 1-2: 139--148 Digital Object Identifier:
F. G. Dikkers and P. G. Nikkels. Benign lesions of the vocal folds: histopathology and phonotrauma. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 1995 ; 104 9 Pt 1: 698--703 Digital Object Identifier:
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H. J. Rosingh and F. G. Dikkers. Thyroplasty to improve the voice in patients with a unilateral vocal fold paralysis. Clin Otolaryngol Allied Sci. 1995 ; 20 2: 124--126 Digital Object Identifier:
P. M. van de Ven and H. K. Schutte. The pharyngocele: infrequently encountered and easily misdiagnosed. J Laryngol Otol. 1995 ; 109 3: 247--249 Digital Object Identifier:
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F. G. Dikkers and A. M. Sulter. Suspension microlaryngoscopic surgery and indirect microlaryngostroboscopic surgery for benign lesions of the vocal folds. J Laryngol Otol. 1994 ; 108 12: 1064--1067 Digital Object Identifier:
F. W. Albers, R. Van Weissenbruch, and J. W. Casselman. 3DFT-magnetic resonance imaging of the inner ear in Meniere's disease. Acta Otolaryngol. 1994 ; 114 6: 595--600 Digital Object Identifier:
A. M. Sulter, H. P. Wit, H. K. Schutte, and D. G. Miller. A structured approach to voice range profile (phonetogram) analysis. J Speech Hear Res. 1994 ; 37 5: 1076--1085 Digital Object Identifier:
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H. P. Wit, B. J. Tideman, and J. M. Segenhout. Modulation of microphonics: a new method to study the vestibular system. Adv Otorhinolaryngol. 1988 ; 42 : 59--64 Digital Object Identifier:
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