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About us FEB Research FEB Research Institute (FEBRI) Research programme OPERA 10th Service Operations Management Forum and 8th International Seminar on Service Modularity

Organizing committee

The SOMF and the Seminar on Service Modularity are organized by the Operations Management Department of the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Groningen. Please feel free to contact us for further information about this event: Manda Broekhuis and Thomas Bortolotti are responsible for the organization of this event.


Secretariat: Astrid Beerta

Venue: Groningen, within easy reach of Schiphol Airport, closest airport Groningen airport (limited destinations)

Fee: The participant fee of 200 Euro includes all refreshments and lunches. A dinner, not included in the participant fee, will be organized in an affordable local restaurant. Fee for PhD students: 100 Euro

Detailed programme: The detailed program will be announced later on the website

Contact: somf-sm2019


Those who have already committed to the continuity of the Service Modularity Seminar series include Chris Voss, Juliana Hsuan, Thomas Frandsen, Anu Bask, Saara Brax, Mervi Rajahonka, Des Doran, Tilo Böhmann and Regine Dörbecker.

Last modified:27 July 2018 11.45 a.m.