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About us FEB Research FEB Research Institute (FEBRI) Research programme OPERA EurOMA Forum Groningen 2014

Call for Abstract Submission


Papers on all topics related to research, teaching, and practice of Sustainable Operations and Supply Chains are invited. Possible topics:

  • Sustainable operations in a global environment
  • Sustainability in service supply chains
  • Socially responsible operations/supply chains
  • Internal and external organizational networks for sustainability
  • Sustainability certifications and management systems
  • Closed-loop supply chain management
  • Sustainable innovation
  • Product life-cycle management
  • Measuring supply chain sustainability performance
  • Managing sustainability trade-offs in supply chains


The Forum will use a combination of formats:

  • Keynote presentation by Robert Klassen, Ivey Business School, Canada
  • Formal presentations of full papers with discussants
  • Roundtable discussions of work-in-progress and paper ideas
  • Invited workshops around selected themes by researchers and practitioners


  • Potential contributors are invited to submit an extended abstract (500 words) for consideration for inclusion in the program by November 15, 2013. All abstracts will undergo a double blind review. Abstracts can be submitted online from October 11, 2013 onwards.
  • A decision regarding acceptance will be made by December 20, 2013.
  • In case of paper presentations (full or work-in-process), the final paper must be received by February 15, 2014.

Submission guideline

The abstract should focus on the main ideas of the paper, i.e. it should explain the purpose of the paper, the theoretical background, the research gap that is addressed, the approach taken, the methods of analysis (in empirical papers), main findings, and contributions (if already available).

Authors shouls also indicate in the abstract whether they prefer

  • formal presentation of a fully developed paper or
  • informal presentation of a working paper being paper ideas and work-in-progress in the paper discussion session.

The forum highly encourages the submission of working papers, either paper ideas or work-in-progress and will provide ample opportunities for feedback. A discussant will be assigned for each working paper in the roundtable presentation, where papers will be grouped around similar themes and/or methodologies. As a general guideline, fully developed papers should be elaborated papers based on an empirical study where the main findings and contributions are already clear. However, empirical papers that are not fully finalized, yet, as well as conceptual papers that make a substantial theoretical contribution to a wider audience in this field can also be considered for full paper presentations. The final decision whether the paper will be assigned to the full paper presentation session of roundtable working paper discussion session will be made by the scientific committee.

The abstract should comprise 500 words (and include all references. For the word count please only count the text without references.

In case of acceptance, the final paper must be received by February 15, 2014. All papers should follow the EUROMA instructions for preparing a full paper and not exceed 10 pages including references.

Last modified:14 January 2014 2.31 p.m.