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Onderzoek Mexico Study Centre

News & Activities


Mariana Yampolsky: Photographer of 20th Century Mexico

Co-organized by Dr. Camilla Sutherland and Dr. Bob de Jonge, the exhibition Mariana Yampolsky: Photographer of 20th Century Mexico is on display at the University Museum Groningen until the end of September 2023.

Supported by funds awarded by the Embassy of Mexico in the Netherlands, ICOG, and a Faculty Impact Grant, the exhibition opened in June 2023. The inaugural event included words from Rector Cisca Wijmenga, Vice-Dean Joost Keizers, the Mexican Ambassador José Antonio Zabalgoitia, and a lecture by María De Mária Campos of the Yampolsky Archive, Universidad Iberoamericana. Following a tour of the exhibition, guests enjoyed a drinks reception accompanied by traditional Mexican music.

Yampolsky’s photographs offer a unique insight into Mexican society of the mid-20th century. While firmly rooted in the Mexican context, her works capture universal themes that speak to us across cultures and are still strikingly relevant to our present time. This exhibition showcases and promotes Yampolsky’s work as a pioneering woman photographer.

We hope that many of you will visit the exhibition this coming month!

Previous events:

Contemporary Issues in Latin American Studies / Temas Contemporáneos en los Estudios Latinoamericanos

Online lectures organized by the Center of Mexican and Latin-American Studies

March 24 2021: Black Lives Matter in Latin America

13:00 (Boston), 14:00 (Porto Alegre), 18:00 (Groningen)

Danilo Contreras (Wellesley College) “BLM in Latin America: Promise and Peril in a Pandemic"

Marçal de Menezes Paredes (PUCRS) "'People who have no virtue end up enslaving': denouncing systemic racism within regional symbols in southern Brazil."


CHS & DemCP colloquium - HERMAN BENNETT (City University of New York/Freie Universität Berlin): "The Problematics of Blackness: Slaves, Mexicans & Representing Past"

When: Mo 16-03-2020 16:00 - 18:00
Where: Room A7, Academy building

How do hegemonic representations of the past configure subject position and citizenship in the present? Bennett explores this dynamic in reference to Mexico’s under-examined African past and the ways those allegedly understood to be ‘black’ see themselves in relation to the dominant narratives of the past.

Read more about the colloquium


In collaboration with the English Department, the Mexico Study Centre is pleased to be hosting a talk by a colleague from UCL (now based at Universidad de Santiago de Chile), Dr. Jèssica Pujol Duran. The event will take place next Wednesday, 19th February, 15:00-17:00 in Academie A7. Dr. Pujol's work examines interactions between Latin American and European avant-gardes in the 1970s and should be of wide appeal! Below you will find further details.



In this seminar paper I will examine how a few Latin American avant-garde artists
and poets in exile became part of Fluxus, an international constellation of artists  whose ideas revitalised the concept of the avant-garde after the war. This movement became an active collaboration through the productions of the Beau Geste Press, which was co-founded by Felipe Ehrenberg, Martha Hellion and David Mayor in 1971 and lasted until 1976. The press, located in a farmhouse, not only published and disseminated the work of Cecilia Vicuña, Ulises Carrión, Claudio Bertoni, and Ehrenberg himself, but also operated as “a community of duplicators, printers and craftsmen” that replaced the concept of individual creation with a practice of communal production. I will refer to Victor Turner’s concept of liminality to contend that the Beau Geste Press, which represented the beginning and end of this communitas, developed in a space that was liminal on different levels: at the level of the subjective experience of exile; of artistic production, which can be inferred from their emphasis on procedural techniques over finished artistic products; and at the level of language, because they are Spanish-speaking authors in England, who turn a potential problem into hybrid forms.
Jèssica Pujol Duran (Barcelona, 1982) is a Postdoctoral researcher at Universidad de Santiago de Chile (Chile). Her project is on Spanish American Experimental Poetics in the 1970s and is funded by the National Funding for Scientific and Technological Development, Fondecyt. In 2016, she earned a PhD in Comparative Literature at University College London, entitled ‘From Experimental to Experimentalism: Italo Calvino and Julio Cortázar in Paris 1963-1973’, supervised by Prof. Stephen Hart, Dr. Claire Lindsay and Dr. Florian Mussgnug. She was Postgraduate Teaching Assistant at UCL for three years; Associate Tutor at the University of Surrey in 2013/2014, and at Queen Mary University in 2014; Visiting Lecturer at Kingston University in 2016 and she has taught a master’s course at the Instituto de Estudios Avanzados (USACH) on ‘Experimental Literature: From Naturalism to the Post-Avant-Garde’. She has published peer-reviewed articles and a chapter on Experimental Literature and Experimental Translation and attended several conferences on the field of comparative literature and Spanish American studies worldwide. In the UK she edits Alba Londres. Culture in Translation, a magazine that publishes Latin American poetry in translation in the UK.
Laatst gewijzigd:22 augustus 2024 11:01