Date |
Thesis | |
2025-02-25 |
More Precision in Depression Care: Optimizing Cost-Effectiveness and Personalized Treatment with Real-World Data |
Prof. Talitha Feenstra Dr Frederike Jörg |
2025-02-11 |
Exploring Patients’ Role in Medication Safety in Africa |
Prof. Eugène van Puijenbroek Prof. Katja Taxis Dr Florence van Hunsel |
The Context of Antibiotic Use in Primary Care and the Role of the Community Pharmacist |
Prof. Katja Taxis Prof. dr ir. Liset van Dijk Lisa Pont Ria Benkő |
2024-12-17 |
Utilisation and safety of psychotropics in pregnancy |
Prof. Eugène van Puijenbroek Prof. Eelko Hak |
2024-10-21 |
From administrative data to improved schizophrenia care: on economic modelling of psychotic disorders in a Dutch setting
Prof. Talitha Feenstra Prof. Richard Bruggeman Prof. Jochen Mierau Dr Ellen Visser |
2024-10-15 |
Assessing the Scale of Immunity Gaps Towards Measles Elimination: case studies and epidemiological profile of Nigeria |
Prof. Eelko Hak Prof. Elisabeth Sanders Prof. Susan Hahné |
Managing High Blood Pressure: Investigating the role of healthcare professionals and drug utilization |
Prof. Katja Taxis Prof. Maarten Postma |
Adverse drug reactions in the view of clinical pharmacology: a focus on the female population |
Prof. Eelko Hak Dr Henk Groen
International diversity in psychotropic medication use: a pharmacoepidemiological perspective |
Prof. Katja Taxis |
New medicines in primary care: perspectives and practices of healthcare professionals |
Prof. dr ir. Liset van Dijk
Economic evaluations of precision medicine: case studies in diabetes |
Prof. Talitha Feenstra Prof. Maarten Postma |
Pharmacy staff-patient interactions in challenging situations: understanding the roots and ways to flourish patient-centered communication |
Prof. dr ir. Liset van Dijk |
Treatment patterns and deprescribing in people with type 2 diabetes |
Prof. Eelko Hak |
The metabolization of drugs as a factor in the development of adverse drug reactions |
Prof. Eugène van Puijenbroek |
Perspectives on intranasal administration of corticosteroids: insights into different aspects related to patients, administration techniques and instructions |
Prof. Eric
van Roon |
Optimization of tuberculosis treatment in children and adolescents. Epidemiological and pharmacological approaches |
Prof. Katja Taxis |
Real-world studies of patients with myelodysplastic syndromes. Survival, treatment and outcomes in a population-based setting |
Prof. Eric
van Roon
Perspectives on medication safety and use. Pharmacoeconomics, public policy & practice and pharmacists education |
Prof. Maarten Postma Prof. Eugène van Puijenbroek |
Signal detection in Pharmcovigilance. Time for a new era? |
Prof. Eugène van Puijenbroek Prof. Eelko Hak |
Exploring drug safety of radiopharmaceuticals |
Prof. Eugène van Puijenbroek Prof. Jos Kosterink |
Real-worl studies of patients with mutiple myeloma. Future perspectives on symptom assessment and therapy |
Prof. Eric van Roon |
Ready to administer parental medication produced by hospital pharmacy |
Prof. K. Taxis Prof. M.J. Postma Prof. H.W. Frijlink |
Challenges in the use of preventive cardiovascular medications in Indonesia and The Netherlands |
Prof. E. Hak Prof. K. Taxis |
Adherence to antihypertensive or antihyperlipidemic co-medications in diabetis |
Prof. E. Hak Prof P. Denig |
Effectiveness and safety of medicines used in COPD patients: pharmacoepidemiological studies |
Prof. E. Hak Prof. M. Boezen |
Improving treatment outcomes of tuberculosis: towards an antimicrobial stewardship program |
Prof. E. Hak Prof. J.W. Alffenaar |
Exploring strategies to optimize pharmacotherapy with antiretrovirals in Papuans living with HIV |
Prof. K. Taxis Prof. B. Wilffert |
Describing in older people. Development and evaluation of complex healthcare interventions |
Prof. dr K. Taxis
Prof. dr L.G. Pont
Information technology and medication safety |
Prof. dr K. Taxis
Prof. dr P.M.L.A. van den Bemt
Prof. dr J.J. de Gier
Somatic monitoring of patients with mood and anxiety disorders: Problem definition, implementation and further explorations |
Prof. dr E.N. van Roon
Prof. dr R.A. Schoevers |
The public health impact of vaccination programmes in the Netherlands |
Prof. dr M.J. Postma
Prof. dr J. Wallinga |
Distress and health-related quality of life in Indonesian type 2 diabetes mellitus outpatients |
Prof. dr M.J. Postma
Women's health from a global economic perspective |
Prof. dr M.J. Postma
Patient participation in pharmacovigilance |
Prof. dr E.P. van Puijenbroek
Prof. dr K. Taxis
Medication use for acute coronary syndrome in Vietnam |
Prof. dr K. Taxis
Prof. dr B. Wilffert
Prof. dr T.T. Pham
Improving influenza prevention. Why universal influenza vaccines are needed |
Prof. dr E. Hak |
ADHD and atopic diseases. Pharmacoepidemiological studies |
Prof. dr E. Hak
Prof. dr P.J. Hoekstra Dr T.W. de Vries |
Exploring optimal pharmacotherapy after bariatric surgery: where two worlds meet |
Prof. dr E.N. van Roon
Prof. dr B. Wilffert |
Paving ways for personalizing drug therapy during pregnancy |
Prof. dr B. Wilffert
Dr J.E.H. Bergman |
HPV vaccination in Indonesia: A health-economic & comparative perspective |
Prof. dr M.J. Postma
Prof. dr B. Wilffert |
Health economics of blood transfusion in Zimbabwe |
Prof. dr M.J. Postma
Dr M. van Hulst Dr S. Khoza |
Risk modelling of transfusion transmissible infections |
Prof. dr M.J. Postma
Dr M. van Hulst |
Health economics of tick-borne diseases |
Prof. dr M.J. Postma
Prof. dr K. Poelstra |
Health economics of screening for hypertension in Vietnam |
Prof. dr M.J. Postma
Dr C.C.M. Schuiling-Veninga Dr Nguyen Thi Bach Yen Dr E.P. Wright |
Health economics of targeted cancer therapies: A comparative analysis for Serbia and the Netherlands |
Prof. dr M.J. Postma
Dr P. Pechlivanglou |
Real-world influenza vaccine effectiveness: New designs and methods to adjust for confounding and bias |
Prof. dr E. Hak
Prof. dr E.R. van den Heuvel |
Economics of stratified medicine |
Prof. dr M.J. Postma
Dr M. Nuijten Dr K. Redekop |
Optimizing treatment with psychotropic agents through precision drug therapy: It is not about the mean |
Prof. dr B. Wilffert
Prof. dr E. Hak |
Age-period-cohort methodology: Confounding by birth cohort in cardiovascular pharmacoepidemiology |
Prof. dr E. Hak
Prof. dr S. Vansteelandt |
Data quality and methodology in studies on maternal medication use in relation to congenital anomalies
Prof. dr I.M. van Langen
Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg |
Statin treatment in type 2 diabetes patients |
Prof. dr E. Hak
Prof. dr P. Denig Prof. dr M.J. Postma |
Medication use during pregnancy and atopic |
Prof. dr E. Hak
Prof. dr S.S. Jick |
Priscilla Zetstra-van der Woude Data collection on risk factors in pregnancy |
Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg
Pharmacoeconomics of cardiovascular disease prevention |
Prof. dr M.J. Postma
Self-controlled designs to control confounding |
Prof. dr E. Hak
Early detection of mental and motor symptoms in the Wernicke-Korakoff Syndrome |
Prof. dr C.I. Mulder
Prof. dr A.J.M. Loonen |
Enhancing adherence in patients with COPD: Targets, interventions & cost-effectiveness |
Prof. dr M.J. Postma
Prof. dr T. van der Molen |
The influence and impact of the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PERFAR) on blood transfusin services in Africa. Case studies from Namibia |
Prof. dr M.J. Postma
Prof. dr T.S. van der Werf |
Integrated Pharmaceutical Care. Cooperation between pharmacist, general practioner, and patient and the development of a pharmaceutical care plan |
Prof. dr J.J. de Gier
Prof. dr J.R.B.J. Brouwers Prof. dr P.A. de Graeff |
Novel economic perspectives on prevention and treatment: case studies for paediatric, adolescent and adult infectious and chronic diseases |
Prof. dr M.J. Postma
Dr M. Connolly |
Exploring new ways of measuring the economic value of vaccination with an application to the prevention of rotaviral disease |
Prof. dr M.J. Postma
Prof. dr O. Ethgen |
Modelling chronic diseases for reimbursement purposes |
Prof. dr M.J. Postma
Prof. dr E. Buskens Prof. dr B.A. van Hout |
Medication Safety in Vietnamese Hospitals. A focus on medication errors and safety culture |
Prof. dr K. Taxis
Prof. dr F.M. Haaijer-Ruskamp Prof. dr J.R.B.J. Brouwers |
Economic evaluations of non-traditional vaccinations in middle-income countries: Indonesia as a reference case |
Prof. dr M.J. Postma
Dr K. Lestari |
Newly introduced vaccines. Effectiveness and deterninants of acceptance |
Prof. dr E. Hak
Prof. dr R.P. Stolk |
Driving-impairing Medicines and Traffic Safety. Patients' Perspectives |
Prof. dr J.J. de Gier
Dr ir. L. van Dijk |
Influenza vaccination of health care workers |
Prof. dr E. Hak
Improving the physical health of people with severe mental illness : the need for tailor made care and uniform evaluation of interventions
Prof. dr A.J.M. Loonen
Prof. dr M.J. Postma Dr M.J.T. Oud Dr P.F.M. Krabbe |
Inequality Aversion to Posterity: Discounting Human Lives |
Prof. dr M.J. Postma
Clinical Pharmacology of Tuberculosis Drugs and Tuberculosis Control in Developing World. The involvement of Private Pharmacy and the individualization of treatment using Dried blood spot |
Prof. dr J.R.B.J. Brouwers
Prof. dr D.R.A. Uges Prof. dr V.H. Le†/ Prof. dr D.H. Nguyen |
Designing Health Care Services Using Systems Thinking: A Theory, A Method and their Application in the Dutch Community Pharmacy |
Prof. dr J.J. de Gier
Prof. dr J.J. van der Werf |
Antibiotic drug use in children. Pharmacoepidemiologic, practical, social en enviromental perspectives in the Netherlands |
Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg
Dr T.W. de Vries |
Health-economic Modelling of Human Papillomavirus Vaccination |
Prof. dr M.J. Postma
Prof. dr J.C. Wilschut Prof. dr C.A.H.H. Daemen Prof. dr H.W. Nijman |
Depressive Symptoms in Patients with Schizophrenia. Count symptoms that Count |
Prof. dr K. Taxis
Prof. dr D. Wiersma |
Cost and Effectiveness of Extended Vaccination Strategies against Pertussis and Pneumococcal Disease |
Prof. dr M.J. Postma
Prof. dr E. Hak |
The Epidemiology and Cost-effectiveness of Vaccination Strategies against Infectious Diseases: a Focus on Varicella Zoster, Pandemic influenza A/H1N1 2009, Streptococcus Pneumonia |
Prof. dr M.J. Postma
Prof. dr W.J. Edmunds Prof. dr E. Miller |
Clinical Pharmacology of Antidepressants During Pregnancy |
Prof. dr B. Wilffert
Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg |
Applying and Extending Mixed-effects Models in Health Economics and Outcomes Research |
Prof. dr M.J. Postma
Prof. dr J.E. Wieringa |
Drug Related Safety Issues Affecting Precnancy Outcome and Concerning Risk Minimisation Measures. Emphasis on Pregnancy Prevention Programmes |
Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg
Q Fever During Pregnancy. Lessons From the Dutch Epidemic |
Prof. dr E. Hak
Prof. dr J.G. Aarnoudse |
Web-based intensive monitoring : a patient based pharmacovigilance tool |
Prof. dr A.C. van Grootheest
Prof. dr J.J. de Gier |
The value of personalized approaches to improve pharmacotherapy in renal disease |
Prof. dr M.J. Postma
Prof. dr G. Navis |
Psychotropic medications and traffic safety. Contributions to risk assessment and risk communication |
Prof. dr J.J. de Gier
Prof. dr. L.T.W de Jong-van den Berg |
Health economics of new and under-used vaccines in developing countries: state-of-the-art analyses for hepatitis B and rotavirus in Vietnam |
Prof. dr M.J. Postma
Risk assessment of antiepileptic drugs in pregnancy |
Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg
Prof. dr H. Dolk |
The contribution of direct patient reporting to pharmacovigilance |
Prof. dr A.C. van Grootheest
Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg |
Patterns of somatic disease in residential psychiatric patients : surveys of dyspepsia, diabetes and skin disease |
Prof. dr A.J.M. Loonen
Prof. dr J.R.B.J. Brouwers |
Cost-effectiveness of controlling infectious diseases from a public health perspective |
Prof. dr M.J. Postma
Dr J. Wallinga |
Pharmaceutical care by clinical pharmacists in patients with musculoskeletal disease |
Prof. dr J.R.B.J. Brouwers
The Economics of assisted reproduction. Costs and consequences of fertility treatments |
Prof. dr M.J. Postma
Prof. dr W. Ledger |
The use of a birth defects case-control monitoring system in studying the safety of medication use in pregnancy |
Prof. dr C.H.C.M. Buijs
Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg |
Drug safety in patients with psychotic disorders |
Prof. dr K. Taxis
Prof. dr J.R.B.J. Brouwers |
Health-economics of interventions aimed at infectious diseases: dynamic modeling inevitable for reliable decision making |
Prof. dr M.J. Postma
Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg |
Pharmacogenetics of Antipsychotic-Induced Parkinsonism and Tardive Dyskenesia: a Focus on African-Caribbeans and Slavonic Caucasians |
Prof. dr J.R.B.J. Brouwers
Prof. dr A.J.M. Loonen |
The optimization of coumarin anticoagulant therapy: Pharmacogenetics and computer assisted dose finding |
Prof. dr J.R.B.J. Brouwers
Prof. dr J. v.d. Meer |
Health economics of cardiovascular & renal disease prevention : from clinical trials to real-life settings |
Prof. dr M.J. Postma
Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg Prof. dr P.E. de Jong |
Cost-effectiveness of infectious disease interventions : combining economic modelling and web technology to support decision making |
Prof. dr M.J. Postma
Drug use in pregnancy. Exploring the field of DMARDs in pregnancy |
Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg
Prof. dr J.R.B.J. Brouwers Prof. dr M.A.F.J. van de Laar |
Practice research in the field of gout. Clinical pharmacology of antihyperuricemic drugs |
Prof. dr J.R.B.J. Brouwers
Prof. dr M.A.F.J. v.d. Laar |
Improving care in paediatric asthma: patients, prescriptions, pharmacovigilance, pathogens, and particles |
Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg
Prof. dr E.J. Duiverman |
Benzodiazepines and traffic safety. Forensic, analytical-toxicological and epidemiological aspects of driving under the influence of benzodiazepines |
Prof. dr D.R.A. Uges
Prof. dr A.C.G. Egberts Prof. dr J.J. de Gier |
Drug safety in pregnancy. Studying and communicating teratogenic risks |
Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg
Prof. dr J.R.B.J. Brouwers |
Stimulant treatment in children: a Dutch perspective |
Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg
Drug use in a population screening: Pharmacoepidemiological and pharmacoeconomical aspects |
Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg
Prof. dr P.E. de Jong |
Pharmacoeconomic Analysis of Proton Pump Inhibitor Therapy and interventions to Control Helicobacter pylori Infection |
Prof. dr J.R.B.J. Brouwers
Prof. dr M.J. Postma |
Chemotherapy for patients with colorectal Cancer |
Prof. dr J.R.B.J. Brouwers Prof. dr D.Th. Sleijfer |
Practice research in the field of rheumatoid arthritis |
Prof. dr J.R.B.J. Brouwers Prof. dr M.A.F.J. van de Laar |
Interventions on the principle of Pulmonary Medication Profiles |
Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg Dr Th.F.J. Tromp |
The changing economic burden of HIV/AIDS in Italy |
Prof. dr J.R.B.J. Brouwers Dr M.J. Postma |
Pharmacoeconomics in infectious disease. The evaluation of prevention programmes |
Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg Dr M.J. Postma |
Episodic tretment and prevention of paroxysmal atrial fibrilation: studies on flecainide and sotalol |
Prof. dr J.R.B.J. Brouwers Prof. dr J.H. Kingma |
Improving Pharmacovigilance and the Role of the Pharmacist |
Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg Dr E.P. van Puijenbroek |
Drug Exposure from conception till adulthood |
Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg Dr H. Tobi |
Pharmacy Data as a Tool for assessing Antypsychotic Drug Use |
Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg |
Assessing drug influences on urinary albumin excretion |
Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg Prof. dr P.E. de Jong Dr H. Tobi |
Pharmacotherapy in frail elderly |
Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg Prof. J.R.B.J. Brouwers |
Drug safety in hospitalised patients |
Prof. dr J.R.B.J. Brouwers Prof. dr A.C.G. Egberts |
Connecting pre-marketing clinical research and medical practice: the case of the cardiovascular drugs
Prof. dr R. Vos Prof. dr P.A. de Graeff |
Awareness and use of folic acid in the Netherlands: from science to practice |
Prof. dr C.H.C.M. Buys Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg |
Managing Rational Pharmacotherapy in Hospitals: what about drug formularies and pharmacotherapeutic guidelines? |
Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg Prof. dr J.R.B.J. Brouwers |
Literature-based Discovery in Biomedicine |
Prof. dr R. Vos Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg |
The Use of Birth Defect Registries for Etiological Research
Prof. dr C.H.C.M. Buys Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg |
Pharmaceutical care, the future of pharmacy |
Prof. dr Th.F.J. Tromp Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg Prof. dr J. McElnay |
Collaboration in healthcare, the tango to drug safety |
Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg |
Adverse Drug Reactions in a Different Context; a scientometric approach towards adverse drug reactions as a trigger for the development of new drugs |
Prof. dr R. Vos |
Making News about Medicines |
Prof. dr Th.F.J. Tromp Prof. dr M.N.G. Dukes Prof. dr F.M. Haaijer-Ruskamp Dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg |
A Field-oriented Postmarketing Surveillance Study on the Teratogen Acitretin |
Prof. dr H. Wesseling Prof. dr D.K.F. Meijer Dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg |
Drug Utilization Studies in Pregnancy; what can they contribute to safety assessment? |
Prof. dr M.N.G. Dukes Prof. dr H. Wesseling |
Drugs Looking for Diseases; a descriptive model for the process of innovative drug research with special reference to the development of beta blockers and the calcium antagonists |
Prof. dr D.K.F. Meijer Prof. dr A.J. Dunning Prof. dr T.A.F. Kuipers Dr H.W.H.J. Bodewitz |
Laatst gewijzigd: | 26 februari 2025 10:02 |