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Fang Li

More Precision in Depression Care: Optimizing Cost-Effectiveness and Personalized Treatment with Real-World Data

Prof. Talitha Feenstra

Dr Frederike Jörg


George Tsey Sabblah

Exploring Patients’ Role in Medication Safety in Africa

Prof. Eugène van Puijenbroek

Prof. Katja Taxis

Dr Florence van Hunsel


Maarten Lambert

The Context of Antibiotic Use in Primary Care and the Role of the Community Pharmacist

Prof. Katja Taxis

Prof. dr ir. Liset van Dijk

Lisa Pont

Ria Benkő



Utilisation and safety of psychotropics in pregnancy

Prof. Eugène van Puijenbroek

Prof. Eelko Hak


Steef Konings

From administrative data to improved schizophrenia care: on economic modelling of psychotic disorders in a Dutch setting

Prof. Talitha Feenstra

Prof. Richard Bruggeman

Prof. Jochen Mierau

Dr Ellen Visser


Anne Eudes Jean Baptiste

Assessing the Scale of Immunity Gaps Towards Measles Elimination: case studies and epidemiological profile of Nigeria

Prof. Eelko Hak

Prof. Elisabeth Sanders

Prof. Susan Hahné


Indrė Trečiokienė

Managing High Blood Pressure: Investigating the role of healthcare professionals and drug utilization

Prof. Katja Taxis

Prof. Maarten Postma


Hao Tran

Adverse drug reactions in the view of clinical pharmacology: a focus on the female population

Prof. Eelko Hak

Dr Henk Groen

Adrienne Chan

International diversity in psychotropic medication use: a pharmacoepidemiological perspective

Prof. Katja Taxis


Marloes Dankers

New medicines in primary care: perspectives and practices of healthcare professionals

Prof. dr ir. Liset van Dijk

Sajad Emamipour

Economic evaluations of precision medicine: case studies in diabetes

Prof. Talitha Feenstra

Prof. Maarten Postma


Laura Schackmann

Pharmacy staff-patient interactions in challenging situations: understanding the roots and ways to flourish patient-centered communication

Prof. dr ir. Liset van Dijk


Monika Oktora

Treatment patterns and deprescribing in people with type 2 diabetes

Prof. Eelko Hak


Naomi Jessurun

The metabolization of drugs as a factor in the development of adverse drug reactions

Prof. Eugène van Puijenbroek


Corine Rollema

Perspectives on intranasal administration of corticosteroids: insights into different aspects related to patients, administration techniques and instructions

Prof. Eric

van Roon


Fajri Gafar

Optimization of tuberculosis treatment in children and adolescents. Epidemiological and pharmacological approaches

Prof. Katja Taxis


Johanne Rozema

Real-world studies of patients with myelodysplastic syndromes. Survival, treatment and outcomes in a population-based setting

Prof. Eric
van Roon

Tanja Fens-Lazova

Perspectives on medication safety and use. Pharmacoeconomics, public policy & practice and pharmacists education

Prof. Maarten Postma

Prof. Eugène van Puijenbroek


Joep Scholl

Signal detection in Pharmcovigilance. Time for a new era?

Prof. Eugène van Puijenbroek

Prof. Eelko Hak


Nanno Schreuder

Exploring drug safety of radiopharmaceuticals

Prof. Eugène van Puijenbroek

Prof. Jos Kosterink


Berdien Oortgiesen

Real-worl studies of patients with mutiple myeloma. Future perspectives on symptom assessment and therapy

Prof. Eric van Roon


Karin Larmené-Beld

Ready to administer parental medication produced by hospital pharmacy

Prof. K. Taxis

Prof. M.J. Postma

Prof. H.W. Frijlink


Sylvi Irawati

Challenges in the use of preventive cardiovascular medications in Indonesia and The Netherlands

Prof. E. Hak

Prof. K. Taxis


Sofa Dewi Alfian

Adherence to antihypertensive or antihyperlipidemic co-medications in diabetis

Prof. E. Hak

Prof P. Denig


Yuanyuan Wang

Effectiveness and safety of medicines used in COPD patients: pharmacoepidemiological studies

Prof. E. Hak

Prof. M. Boezen


Ivan Pradipta

Improving treatment outcomes of tuberculosis: towards an antimicrobial stewardship program

Prof. E. Hak

Prof. J.W. Alffenaar


Elfride Sianturi

Exploring strategies to optimize pharmacotherapy with antiretrovirals in Papuans living with HIV

Prof. K. Taxis

Prof. B. Wilffert


Heleen van der Meer

Describing in older people. Development and evaluation of complex healthcare interventions

Prof. dr K. Taxis
Prof. dr L.G. Pont

Willem van der Veen

Information technology and medication safety

Prof. dr K. Taxis
Prof. dr P.M.L.A. van den Bemt
Prof. dr J.J. de Gier

Mirjam Simoons

Somatic monitoring of patients with mood and anxiety disorders: Problem definition, implementation and further explorations

Prof. dr E.N. van Roon

Prof. dr R.A. Schoevers

Maarten van Wijhe

The public health impact of vaccination programmes in the Netherlands

Prof. dr M.J. Postma

Prof. dr J. Wallinga

Ury Arifin

Distress and health-related quality of life in Indonesian type 2 diabetes mellitus outpatients

Prof. dr M.J. Postma

Neily Zakiyah

Women's health from a global economic perspective

Prof. dr M.J. Postma

Leàn Rolfes

Patient participation in pharmacovigilance

Prof. dr E.P. van Puijenbroek
Prof. dr K. Taxis

Thang Nuyen

Medication use for acute coronary syndrome in Vietnam

Prof. dr K. Taxis
Prof. dr B. Wilffert
Prof. dr T.T. Pham

Eva van Doorn

Improving influenza prevention. Why universal influenza vaccines are needed

Prof. dr E. Hak

Prof. dr A.L.W. Huckriede


Jurjen van der Schans

ADHD and atopic diseases. Pharmacoepidemiological studies

Prof. dr E. Hak

Prof. dr P.J. Hoekstra

Dr T.W. de Vries

Jan Peter Yska

Exploring optimal pharmacotherapy after bariatric surgery: where two worlds meet

Prof. dr E.N. van Roon

Prof. dr B. Wilffert

Nur Aizati Athirah Daud

Paving ways for personalizing drug therapy during pregnancy

Prof. dr B. Wilffert

Dr J.E.H. Bergman

Didik Setiawan

HPV vaccination in Indonesia: A health-economic & comparative perspective

Prof. dr M.J. Postma

Prof. dr B. Wilffert

Nyashadzaishe Mafirakureva

Health economics of blood transfusion in Zimbabwe

Prof. dr M.J. Postma

Dr M. van Hulst

Dr S. Khoza

Tonderai Mapako

Risk modelling of transfusion transmissible infections

Prof. dr M.J. Postma

Dr M. van Hulst

Renata Šmit

Health economics of tick-borne diseases

Prof. dr M.J. Postma

Prof. dr K. Poelstra

Lan Nguyen

Health economics of screening for hypertension in Vietnam

Prof. dr M.J. Postma

Dr C.C.M. Schuiling-Veninga

Dr Nguyen Thi Bach Yen

Dr E.P. Wright

Jovan Mihajlović

Health economics of targeted cancer therapies: A comparative analysis for Serbia and the Netherlands

Prof. dr M.J. Postma

Dr P. Pechlivanglou

Maryam Darvishian

Real-world influenza vaccine effectiveness: New designs and methods to adjust for confounding and bias

Prof. dr E. Hak

Prof. dr E.R. van den Heuvel

Hans-Joerg Fugel

Economics of stratified medicine

Prof. dr M.J. Postma

Dr M. Nuijten

Dr K. Redekop

Lisette Berm

Optimizing treatment with psychotropic agents through precision drug therapy: It is not about the mean

Prof. dr B. Wilffert

Prof. dr E. Hak

Maarten Bijlsma

Age-period-cohort methodology: Confounding by birth cohort in cardiovascular pharmacoepidemiology

Prof. dr E. Hak

Prof. dr S. Vansteelandt

Linda de Jong

Data quality and methodology in studies on maternal medication use in relation to congenital anomalies
Prof. dr I.M. van Langen

Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg

Dianna de Vries

Statin treatment in type 2 diabetes patients

Prof. dr E. Hak

Prof. dr P. Denig

Prof. dr M.J. Postma

Bianca Mulder

Medication use during pregnancy and atopic

Prof. dr E. Hak

Prof. dr S.S. Jick

Priscilla Zetstra-van der Woude

Data collection on risk factors in pregnancy

Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg

Jelena Stevanovic

Pharmacoeconomics of cardiovascular disease prevention

Prof. dr M.J. Postma

Koen Pouwels

Self-controlled designs to control confounding

Prof. dr E. Hak

Jan Wijnia

Early detection of mental and motor symptoms in the Wernicke-Korakoff Syndrome

Prof. dr C.I. Mulder

Prof. dr A.J.M. Loonen

Job van Boven

Enhancing adherence in patients with COPD: Targets, interventions & cost-effectiveness

Prof. dr M.J. Postma

Prof. dr T. van der Molen

John Pitman

The influence and impact of the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PERFAR) on blood transfusin services in Africa. Case studies from Namibia

Prof. dr M.J. Postma

Prof. dr T.S. van der Werf

Marlies Geurts

Integrated Pharmaceutical Care. Cooperation between pharmacist, general practioner, and patient and the development of a pharmaceutical care plan

Prof. dr J.J. de Gier

Prof. dr J.R.B.J. Brouwers

Prof. dr P.A. de Graeff

Nikolas Kotsopoulos

Novel economic perspectives on prevention and treatment: case studies for paediatric, adolescent and adult infectious and chronic diseases

Prof. dr M.J. Postma

Dr M. Connolly

Bo Standaert

Exploring new ways of measuring the economic value of vaccination with an application to the prevention of rotaviral disease

Prof. dr M.J. Postma

Prof. dr O. Ethgen

Bart Heeg

Modelling chronic diseases for reimbursement purposes

Prof. dr M.J. Postma

Prof. dr E. Buskens

Prof. dr B.A. van Hout

Thao Huong Nguyen

Medication Safety in Vietnamese Hospitals. A focus on medication errors and safety culture

Prof. dr K. Taxis

Prof. dr F.M. Haaijer-Ruskamp

Prof. dr J.R.B.J. Brouwers

Auliya Suwantika

Economic evaluations of non-traditional vaccinations in middle-income countries: Indonesia as a reference case

Prof. dr M.J. Postma

Dr K. Lestari

Giedre Gefenaite

Newly introduced vaccines. Effectiveness and deterninants of acceptance

Prof. dr E. Hak

Prof. dr R.P. Stolk

Susana Monteiro

Driving-impairing Medicines and Traffic Safety. Patients' Perspectives

Prof. dr J.J. de Gier

Dr ir. L. van Dijk

Josien Riphagen-Dalhuisen

Influenza vaccination of health care workers

Prof. dr E. Hak

Fenneke van Hasselt

Improving the physical health of people with severe mental illness : the need for tailor made care and uniform evaluation of interventions

Prof. dr A.J.M. Loonen

Prof. dr M.J. Postma

Dr M.J.T. Oud

Dr P.F.M. Krabbe

Mehraj Parouty

Inequality Aversion to Posterity: Discounting Human Lives

Prof. dr M.J. Postma

Hoa Dinh Vu

Clinical Pharmacology of Tuberculosis Drugs and Tuberculosis Control in Developing World. The involvement of Private Pharmacy and the individualization of treatment using Dried blood spot

Prof. dr J.R.B.J. Brouwers

Prof. dr D.R.A. Uges

Prof. dr V.H. Le†/ Prof. dr D.H. Nguyen

Timothy Broesamle

Designing Health Care Services Using Systems Thinking: A Theory, A Method and their Application in the Dutch Community Pharmacy

Prof. dr J.J. de Gier

Prof. dr J.J. van der Werf

Josta de Jong

Antibiotic drug use in children. Pharmacoepidemiologic, practical, social en enviromental perspectives in the Netherlands

Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg

Dr T.W. de Vries

Tjalke Westra

Health-economic Modelling of Human Papillomavirus Vaccination

Prof. dr M.J. Postma

Prof. dr J.C. Wilschut

Prof. dr C.A.H.H. Daemen

Prof. dr H.W. Nijman

Irene Lako

Depressive Symptoms in Patients with Schizophrenia. Count symptoms that Count

Prof. dr K. Taxis

Prof. dr D. Wiersma

Mark Rozenbaum

Cost and Effectiveness of Extended Vaccination Strategies against Pertussis and Pneumococcal Disease

Prof. dr M.J. Postma

Prof. dr E. Hak

Albert Jan van Hoek

The Epidemiology and Cost-effectiveness of Vaccination Strategies against Infectious Diseases: a Focus on Varicella Zoster, Pandemic influenza A/H1N1 2009, Streptococcus Pneumonia

Prof. dr M.J. Postma

Prof. dr W.J. Edmunds

Prof. dr E. Miller

Peter ter Horst

Clinical Pharmacology of Antidepressants During Pregnancy

Prof. dr B. Wilffert

Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg

Petros Pechlivanoglou

Applying and Extending Mixed-effects Models in Health Economics and Outcomes Research

Prof. dr M.J. Postma

Prof. dr J.E. Wieringa

Ineke Crijns

Drug Related Safety Issues Affecting Precnancy Outcome and Concerning Risk Minimisation Measures. Emphasis on Pregnancy Prevention Programmes

Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg

Janna Munster

Q Fever During Pregnancy. Lessons From the Dutch Epidemic

Prof. dr E. Hak

Prof. dr J.G. Aarnoudse


Linda Harmark

Web-based intensive monitoring : a patient based pharmacovigilance tool

Prof. dr A.C. van Grootheest

Prof. dr J.J. de Gier

Stefan Vegter

The value of personalized approaches to improve pharmacotherapy in renal disease

Prof. dr M.J. Postma

Prof. dr G. Navis

Silvia Ravera

Psychotropic medications and traffic safety. Contributions to risk assessment and risk communication

Prof. dr J.J. de Gier

Prof. dr. L.T.W de Jong-van den Berg

Hong Anh Thi Tu

Health economics of new and under-used vaccines in developing countries: state-of-the-art analyses for hepatitis B and rotavirus in Vietnam

Prof. dr M.J. Postma

Janneke Boersma-Jentink

Risk assessment of antiepileptic drugs in pregnancy

Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg

Prof. dr H. Dolk

Florence van Hunsel

The contribution of direct patient reporting to pharmacovigilance

Prof. dr A.C. van Grootheest

Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg

Evert Jan Mookhoek

Patterns of somatic disease in residential psychiatric patients : surveys of dyspepsia, diabetes and skin disease

Prof. dr A.J.M. Loonen

Prof. dr J.R.B.J. Brouwers

Anna Krabbe Lugner

Cost-effectiveness of controlling infectious diseases from a public health perspective

Prof. dr M.J. Postma

Dr J. Wallinga

Michiel Duyvendak

Pharmaceutical care by clinical pharmacists in patients with musculoskeletal disease

Prof. dr J.R.B.J. Brouwers

Mark Connolly

The Economics of assisted reproduction. Costs and consequences of fertility treatments

Prof. dr M.J. Postma

Prof. dr W. Ledger

Marian Bakker

The use of a birth defects case-control monitoring system in studying the safety of medication use in pregnancy

Prof. dr C.H.C.M. Buijs

Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg

Susanne Schorr

Drug safety in patients with psychotic disorders

Prof. dr K. Taxis

Prof. dr J.R.B.J. Brouwers

Robin de Vries

Health-economics of interventions aimed at infectious diseases: dynamic modeling inevitable for reliable decision making

Prof. dr M.J. Postma

Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg

Asmar Al Hadithy

Pharmacogenetics of Antipsychotic-Induced Parkinsonism and Tardive Dyskenesia: a Focus on African-Caribbeans and Slavonic Caucasians

Prof. dr J.R.B.J. Brouwers

Prof. dr A.J.M. Loonen

Maarten Beinema

The optimization of coumarin anticoagulant therapy: Pharmacogenetics and computer assisted dose finding

Prof. dr J.R.B.J. Brouwers

Prof. dr J. v.d. Meer

Cornelis Boersma

Health economics of cardiovascular & renal disease prevention : from clinical trials to real-life settings

Prof. dr M.J. Postma

Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg

Prof. dr P.E. de Jong

Gijs Hubben

Cost-effectiveness of infectious disease interventions : combining economic modelling and web technology to support decision making

Prof. dr M.J. Postma

Fokaline Vroom

Drug use in pregnancy. Exploring the field of DMARDs in pregnancy

Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg

Prof. dr J.R.B.J. Brouwers

Prof. dr M.A.F.J. van de Laar

Mark Reinders

Practice research in the field of gout. Clinical pharmacology of antihyperuricemic drugs

Prof. dr J.R.B.J. Brouwers

Prof. dr M.A.F.J. v.d. Laar

Tjalling de Vries

Improving care in paediatric asthma: patients, prescriptions, pharmacovigilance, pathogens, and particles

Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg

Prof. dr E.J. Duiverman

Beitske Smink

Benzodiazepines and traffic safety. Forensic, analytical-toxicological and epidemiological aspects of driving under the influence of benzodiazepines

Prof. dr D.R.A. Uges

Prof. dr A.C.G. Egberts

Prof. dr J.J. de Gier

Willemijn Meijer

Drug safety in pregnancy. Studying and communicating teratogenic risks

Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg

Prof. dr J.R.B.J. Brouwers

Adrianne Faber

Stimulant treatment in children: a Dutch perspective

Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg

Jarir Atthobari

Drug use in a population screening: Pharmacoepidemiological and pharmacoeconomical aspects

Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg

Prof. dr P.E. de Jong

Rogier Klok

Pharmacoeconomic Analysis of Proton Pump Inhibitor Therapy and interventions to Control Helicobacter pylori Infection

Prof. dr J.R.B.J. Brouwers

Prof. dr M.J. Postma

Frank Jansman

Chemotherapy for patients with colorectal Cancer

Prof. dr J.R.B.J. Brouwers

Prof. dr D.Th. Sleijfer


Eric van Roon

Practice research in the field of rheumatoid arthritis

Prof. dr J.R.B.J. Brouwers

Prof. dr M.A.F.J. van de Laar


Ada Stuurman-Bieze

Interventions on the principle of Pulmonary Medication Profiles

Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg

Dr Th.F.J. Tromp


Andrea Tramarin

The changing economic burden of HIV/AIDS in Italy

Prof. dr J.R.B.J. Brouwers

Dr M.J. Postma


Jasper Bos

Pharmacoeconomics in infectious disease. The evaluation of prevention programmes

Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg

Dr M.J. Postma


Vera Deneer

Episodic tretment and prevention of paroxysmal atrial fibrilation: studies on flecainide and sotalol

Prof. dr J.R.B.J. Brouwers

Prof. dr J.H. Kingma


Kees van Grootheest

Improving Pharmacovigilance and the Role of the Pharmacist

Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg

Dr E.P. van Puijenbroek


Eric Schirm

Drug Exposure from conception till adulthood

Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg

Dr H. Tobi


Claudia Rijcken

Pharmacy Data as a Tool for assessing Antypsychotic Drug Use

Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg


Taco Monster

Assessing drug influences on urinary albumin excretion

Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg

Prof. dr P.E. de Jong

Dr H. Tobi


Karen van Dijk

Pharmacotherapy in frail elderly

Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg

Prof. J.R.B.J. Brouwers


Patricia van den Bemt

Drug safety in hospitalised patients

Prof. dr J.R.B.J. Brouwers

Prof. dr A.C.G. Egberts


Nicolien Wieringa

Connecting pre-marketing clinical research and medical practice: the case of the cardiovascular drugs

Prof. dr R. Vos

Prof. dr P.A. de Graeff


Hermien de Walle

Awareness and use of folic acid in the Netherlands: from science to practice

Prof. dr C.H.C.M. Buys

Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg


Roel Fijn

Managing Rational Pharmacotherapy in Hospitals: what about drug formularies and pharmacotherapeutic guidelines?

Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg

Prof. dr J.R.B.J. Brouwers


Marc Weeber

Literature-based Discovery in Biomedicine

Prof. dr R. Vos

Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg


Jennita Reefhuis

The Use of Birth Defect Registries for Etiological Research

Prof. dr C.H.C.M. Buys

Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg


Foppe van Mil

Pharmaceutical care, the future of pharmacy

Prof. dr Th.F.J. Tromp

Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg

Prof. dr J. McElnay


Corinne de Vries

Collaboration in healthcare, the tango to drug safety

Prof. dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg

Prof. dr Th.F.J. Tromp


Floor Rikken

Adverse Drug Reactions in a Different Context; a scientometric approach towards adverse drug reactions as a trigger for the development of new drugs

Prof. dr R. Vos

Prof. dr D.K.F. Meijer

Prof. dr W. van Rossum


Anke van Trigt

Making News about Medicines

Prof. dr Th.F.J. Tromp

Prof. dr M.N.G. Dukes

Prof. dr F.M. Haaijer-Ruskamp

Dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg


Miriam Sturkenboom

A Field-oriented Postmarketing Surveillance Study on the Teratogen Acitretin

Prof. dr H. Wesseling

Prof. dr D.K.F. Meijer

Dr L.T.W. de Jong-van den Berg


Lolkje de Jong-van den Berg

Drug Utilization Studies in Pregnancy; what can they contribute to safety assessment?

Prof. dr M.N.G. Dukes

Prof. dr H. Wesseling


Rein Vos

Drugs Looking for Diseases; a descriptive model for the process of innovative drug research with special reference to the development of beta blockers and the calcium antagonists

Prof. dr D.K.F. Meijer

Prof. dr A.J. Dunning

Prof. dr T.A.F. Kuipers

Dr H.W.H.J. Bodewitz

Laatst gewijzigd:26 februari 2025 10:02