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Hanisch, M. (2024). Prescriptive Theorizing in Management Research: A New Impetus for Addressing Grand Challenges. Journal of Management Studies, forthcoming.

Hastürk, U., A.H. Schrotenboer, E. Ursavas, and K.J. Roodbergen (2024). Stochastic Cyclic Inventory Routing with Supply Uncertainty: A Case in GreenHydrogen Logistics. Transportation Science, forthcoming.

Kwaak, C. van der (2024). Unintended Consequences of Central Bank Lending in Financial Crises. Economic Journal, 134 (658), 728-765.

Schippers, A.L., and A.R. Soetevent (2024). Sharing with minimal regulation? Evidence from neighborhood book exchange. European Economic Review, 161, 104639.

Shehu, E., B. Veseli, M. Clement, and K.P. Winterich (2023). Improving Blood Donor Retention and Donor Relationships with Past Donation Use Appeals. Journal of Service Research, forthcoming.


Becker, M. and M.J. Gijsenberg (2023). Consistency and commonality in advertising content: Helping or Hurting? International Journal of Research in Marketing. 40 (1), 128-145.

Belderbos, R., B. Leten, N.H. Nguyen, and M. Vercauteren (2023). Multinational firms and the quest for global talent: Employing (skilled) foreign workers at home and abroad. Journal of International Business Studies, forthcoming

Besharov, M., and B. Mitzinneck (2023). The Multiple Facets of Corporate Purpose: An Analytical Typology. Strategy Science, 8 (2), 121-321

Beugelsdijk, S., S. Brakman, H. Garretsen, C. van Marrewijk, and S. Murtinu (2023). International Economics and Business: Nations and Firms in the Global Economy.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 306 p.

Boot, T. (2023). Joint inference based on Stein-type averaging estimators in the linear regression model. Journal of Econometrics, 235 (2), 1542-1563.

Bothello, J., I. Ioannis, V.A. Porumb, and Y. Zengin-Karaibrahimoglu (2023). CSR decoupling within business groups and the risk of perceived greenwashing. Strategic Management Journal, 44 (13), 3217-3251

Cavallo, A., R.C. Feenstra, and R. Inklaar (2023). Product Variety, the Cost of Living and Welfare Across Countries. American Economic Journal. Macroeconomics, 15 (4), 44-60

Czura, K., and S. Klonner (2023). Financial market responses to a natural disaster: Evidence from credit networks and the Indian Ocean tsunami. Journal of Development Economics, 160, 102996

Dijk, H., and J. Mierau (2023). Mental health over the life course: Evidence for a U-Shape? Health Economics, 32 (1), 155-174.

Fernández-Val, I., A. van Vuuren, F. Vella, and F. Peracchi (2023). Selection and the Distribution of Female Real Hourly Wages in the United States. Quantitative Economics. 14 (2), 571-607.

Fluit, M., T. Bortolotti, M. Broekhuis, and M. van Teerns (2023). Segmenting Citizens According to their Self-sufficiency : A Tool for Local Government. Social Science & Medicine, 335, 116246.

Gray, W.S., J.S. Bunderson, G.S. van der Vegt, F. Rink and Y. Gedik (2023). Leveraging Knowledge Diversity in Hierarchically Differentiated Teams: The Critical Role of Hierarchy Stability. Academy of Management Journal, 66 (2).

Hanisch, M., J.J. Reuer, C. Haeussler, and S.V. Devarakonda (2023). Hybrid Administrative Interfaces: Authority Delegation and Reversion in Strategic Alliances. Organization Science, forthcoming.

Holthöwer, J., and J. van Doorn (2023). Robots do not judge: Service robots can alleviate embarrassment in service encounters.  Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 51, 767-784.

Hope, O.K., V.A. Porumb, S. Rusanescu, and D. Vyas (2023). Private Information and Bank-Loan Pricing: The Effect of Upcoming Corporate Spinoffs. Contemporary Accounting Research, 40 (4), 23732408.

Kleibergen, F., L. Kong, and Z. Zhan (2023). Identification Robust Testing of Risk Premia in Finite Samples. Journal of Financial Econometrics, 21 (2), 263-297.

Mickeler, M., P. Khashabi, M. Kleine, and T. Kretschmer (2023). Knowledge seeking and anonymity in digital work settings. Strategic Management Journal, 44 (10), 2413-2442.

Peng, C., T.H.A. Bijmolt, F. Voelkner, and H. Zhao (2023). A Meta-Analysis of Brand Extension Success: The Effects of Parent Brand Equity and Extension Fit. Journal of Marketing, 87 (6), 906-927.

Pulles, N.J., C. Ellegaard, and J. Veldman (2023). The Interplay Between Supplier-Specific Investments and Supplier Dependence: Do Two Pluses Make a Minus? Journal of Management, 49 (4), 1187-1495.

Rauf, A. (2023). Bank stability and the price of loan commitments. Journal of Financial Intermediation, 54, 101027.

Schamp, C., M. Heitmann, T.H.A. Bijmolt, and R. Katzenstein (2023). The Effectiveness of Cause-Related Marketing: A MetaAnalysis on Consumer Responses. Journal of Marketing Research, 60 (1), 189-215

Slager, R., K. Chuah, J.P. Gond, S. Furnari, and M. Homanen (2023). Tailor-to-Target: Configuring Collaborative Shareholder Engagements on Climate Change. Management Science, 69 (12). 7151-7882.

Sobrepere I Profitós, X., T. Keil, and P. Kuusela (2022). The Two Blades of the Scissors: Performance Feedback and Intrinsic Attributes in Organizational Risk Taking. Administrative Science Quaterly, 67 (4), 1012-1048.

Taylor, K.M., and E. Rosca (2023), Sink, Swim, or Drift : How Social Enterprises Use Supply Chain Social Capital to Balance Tensions Between Impact and Viability. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 59 (2), 62-86.

Tjaberings, J., S. Fazi, and E. Ursavas (2022). Evaluating Operational Strategies for the Installation of Offshore Wind Turbine Substructures. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 170, 112951.

Tong, X., K. Linderman, and Q. Zhu (2023). Managing a portfolio of environmental projects : Focus, balance, and environmental management capabilities. Journal of Operations Management, 69 (1), 127-158


Aresu, S., R. Hooghiemstra, and A. Melis (2022). Integration of CSR Criteria Into Executive Compensation Contracts: A Cross-Country Analysis. Journal of Management, 49 (8), 2766-2804.

Arque-Castells, P., and D.F. Spulber (2022). Measuring the Private and Social Returns to R&D: Unintended Spillovers versus Technology Markets. Journal of Political Economy, 130 (7), 1860-1918.

Berg, G.J. van den, and J. Vikstrom (2022). LongRun Effects of Dynamically Assigned Treatments: A New Methodology and an Evaluation of Training Effects on Earnings. Econometrica, 90 (3). 1337-1354.

Distel, A., W. Sofka, P. de Faria, et al. (2022). Dynamic capabilities for hire – How former host-country entrepreneurs as MNC subsidiary managers affect performance. Journal of International Business Studies, 53 (4). 657-688.

Haan, J. de, and R. Wiese (2022). The impact of product and labour market reform on growth: Evidence for OECD countries based on local projections. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 37 (4), 746-770.

Slager, R., J.P. Gond (2022). The Politics of Reactivity : Ambivalence in corporate responses to corporate social responsibility ratings. Organization Studies, 43 (1), 59-80 .


Bakir, I. , M. Yildirim, and E. Ursavas (2021). An Integrated Optimization Framework for Multi-Component Predictive Analytics in Wind Farm Operations & Maintenance. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 138 (March), 110639.

Berg, G.J. van den , E. Mammen, L. Janys, and J.P. Nielsen (2021). A General Semiparametric Approach to Inference with Marker-Dependent Hazard Rate Models. Journal of Econometrics, 221 (1), 43-67.

Bhattacharya, A. , N.A. Morgan, and L.L. Rego (2021). Customer Satisfaction And Firm Profits In Monopolies: A Study Of Utilities. Journal of Marketing Research, 58 (1), 202-222.

Broek, M. uit het, A. Schrotenboer, B. Jargalsaikhan, K.J. Roodbergen, and L. Callegari Coelho (2021). Asymmetric Multidepot Vehicle Routing Problems: Valid Inequalities and a Branch-and-cut Algorithm. Operations Research, 69 (2), 380-409.

Deutschmann, J.W., A. Postepska, and L. Sarr (2021). Measuring Willingness to Pay for Reliable Electricity: Evidence from Senegal. World Development, 138, 105209.

Elhorst, J.P. , M. Gross, and E. Tereanu, E. (2021). Cross‐sectional Dependence and Spillovers in Space and Time: Where Spatial Econometrics and Global VAR Models Meet. Journal of Economic Surveys, 35 (1), 192-226.

Elhorst, P. , and D. Faems (2021). Evaluating Proposals in Innovation Contests: Exploring Negative Scoring Spillovers in the Absence of a Strict Evaluation Sequence. Research Policy, 50 (4), 104198.

Galama, J.T., and B. Scholtens (2021). A Meta-analysis of the Relationship between Companies’ Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Financial Performance. Environmental Research Letters, 16 (4), 043006.

Groneck, M. , and J. Wallenius (2021). It Sucks to Be Single! Marital Status and Redistribution of Social Security. Economic Journal, 131 (633), 327-371.

Jargalsaikhan, B. , W. Romeijnders, and K.J. Roodbergen (2021). A Compact Arc-based ILP Formulation for the Pickup and Delivery Problem with Divisible Pickups and Deliveries. Transportation Science, 55 (2), 336-352.

Karhade, P.P., and J.Q. Dong (2021). Innovation Outcomes of Digitally Enabled Collaborative Problemistic Search Capability. MIS Quarterly, 45 (2), 693-718.

Konings, S.R.A., R. Bruggeman, E. Visser, R.A. Schoevers, J.O. Mierau, and T.L. Feenstra (2021). Episode Detection Based on Personalized Intensity of Care Thresholds: A Schizophrenia Case Study. Social Science & Medicine, 270, 113507.

Lecce, G. , L. Ogliari, and M.P. Squicciarini (2021). Birth and Migration of Scientists: Does Religiosity Matter? Evidence from 19th-century France. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 187, 274-289.

Liu, Y., T. Vriend, and O. Janssen (2021). To Be (Creative), or Not to Be (Creative)? A Sensemaking Perspective to Creative Role Expectations. Journal of Business and Psychology, 36 (1), 139-153.

Morgenroth, T., M.G. Senden, A. Lindqvist, E.A. Renstrom, M.K. Ryan, and T.A. Morton (2021). Defending the Sex/Gender Binary: The Role of Gender Identification and Need for Closure. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 12 (5), 731-740.

Nardi, M. de, G. Fella, M. Knoef, G. Paz-Pardo, and R. van Ooijen (2021). Family and Government Insurance: Wage, Earnings, and Income Risks in the Netherlands and the U.S. Journal of Public Economics, 193 (Jan.), 104327.

Neves-Moreira, F. , J. Veldman, and R.H. Teunter (2021). Service Operation Vessels for Offshore Wind Farm Maintenance: Optimal Stock Levels. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 146, 111158.

Nikolova, M. , and B.N. Nikolaev (2021). Family Matters: The Effects of Parental Unemployment in Early Childhood and Adolescence on Subjective Well-being Later in Life. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 181, 312-331.

Nisa, C.F., J.J. Bélanger, D.G. Faller, N.R. Buttrick, J.O. Mierau, et al. (2021). Lives versus Livelihoods? Perceived economic risk has a stronger association with support for COVID-19 preventive measures than perceived health risk. Scientific Reports, 11 (1), 9669.

Oehmichen, J., S. Firk , M. Wolff, and F. Maybuechen (2021). Standing out from the Crowd: Dedicated Institutional Investors and Strategy Uniqueness. Strategic Management Journal, 42 (6), 1083-1108.

Scholtens, B. , and E. Witteveen (2021). Shocks, Stocks and Ratings: The Financial Community Response to Global Environmental and Health Controversies. Global Environmental Change, 68, 102245.

Slager, R. , J.P. Gond, and D. Crilly (2021). Reactivity to Sustainability Metrics: A Configurational Study of Motivation and Capacity. Business Ethics Quarterly, 31 (2), 275-307.

Steel, P., S. Beugelsdijk, and H. Aguinis (2021). The Anatomy of an Award-winning Meta-analysis: Recommendations for Authors, Reviewers, and Readers of Meta-analytic Reviews. Journal of International Business Studies, 52, 23-44.

Stiegert, P. , S. Täuber, M. Leliveld, and J. Oehmichen (2021). The Stereotype Rub-off Effect – Organizational Stereotypes Modulate Behavioural Expectations, Expectancy Violation and Punishment after Transgressions. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 165, 127-138.

To, M.L., C.K. Lam, O. Janssen, and X.S. Lin (2021). Anger Displays and Integrative Behavior among Work Dyads in Teams: A Regulatory Fit Approach. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42 (4), 464-482.

Vahle-Hinz, T., J. de Bloom, C. Syrek, and J. Kuehnel (2021). Putting the Episodic Process Model to the Test: Explaining Intraindividual Fluctuations in Job Performance Across the Working Day. Journal of Business and Psychology, 36 (1), 71-84.

Veltrop, D. , P.J. Bezemer, A, Pugliese, G. Nicholson (2021). Too Unsafe to Monitor? How Board–CEO Cognitive Conflict and Chair Leadership Shape Outside Director Monitoring. Academy of Management Journal, 64(1), 207-234.

Xue, D., R. Teunter, S. Zhu, and W. Zhou (2021). Entering the High-end Market by Collecting and Remanufacturing a Competitor's High-end Cores. Omega, 99, 102168.

Zhuk, S., O. Iftime, J.P. Epperlein, and A. Polyakov (2021). Minimax Sliding Mode Control Design for Linear Evolution Equations with Noisy Measurements and Uncertain Inputs. Systems & Control Letters, 147, 104830.


Ahmad, S. , R. Lensink, and A. Mueller (2020). The Double Bottom Line of Microfinance: A Global Comparison between Conventional and Islamic Microfinance. World Development, 136, 105130.

Albalooshi, S. , M. Moeini Jazani, B.M. Fennis, and L. Warlop (2020). Reinstating the Resourceful Self : When and How Self-affirmations Improve Executive Performance of the Powerless. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 46 (2), 189-203.

Alessie, R.J.M. , V. Angelini, J.O. Mierau, and L. Viluma (2020). Moral Hazard and Selection for Voluntary Deductibles. Health Economics, 29 (10), 1251-1269.

Ambos, T.C., B. Cesinger, F. Eggers, and S. Kraus (2020). How Does De Globalization Affect Location Decisions? A Study of Managerial Perceptions of Risk and Return. Global Strategy Journal, 10 (1), 210-236.

Becker, B., M. Bos, and K. Roszbach (2020). Bad Times, Good Credit. Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, 52 (S1), 107-142.

Beesten, E.R. van, and W. Romeijnders (2020). Convex Approximations for Two-stage Mixed-integer Mean-risk Recourse Models with Conditional Value-at-risk. Mathematical Programming, 181 (2), 473-507.

Bekker, P., and J. van Essen (2020). ML and GMM with Concentrated Instruments in the Static Panel Data Model. Econometric Reviews, 39 (2), 181-195.

Belissa, T.K., R. Lensink, and M. van Asseldonk (2020). Risk and Ambiguity Aversion Behavior in Index-based Insurance Uptake Decisions: Experimental Evidence from Ethiopia. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 180 (Dec.), 718-730.

Berg, G.J. van den , P. Bonev, and E. Mammen (2020). Nonparametric Instrumental Variable Methods for Dynamic Treatment Evaluation. Review of Economics and Statistics, 102 (2), 355-367.

Berg, G.J. van den, A. Bozio, M. Costa Dias (2020). Policy Discontinuity and Duration Outcomes. Quantitative Economics, 11 (3), 871-916.

Besedeš, T., T. Kohl, and J. Lake (2020). Phase out Tariffs, Phase in Trade? Journal of International Economics, 127 (Nov.), 103385.

Blimpo, M.P., A. Postepska, and Y. Xu (2020). Why is Household Electricity Uptake Low in Sub-Saharan Africa. World Development, 133 (Sept.), 105002.

Bloom, J. de , H. Vaziri, L. Tay, and M. Kujanpää, M. (2020). An Identity-based Integrative Needs Model of Crafting: Crafting within and across Life Domains. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105 (12), 1423–1446.

Boer, W.I.J. de, L.H. Dekker, R.H. Koning, G.J. Navis, and J.O. Mierau (2020). How Are Lifestyle Factors Associated with Socioeconomic Differences in Health Care Costs? Evidence from Full Population Data in the Netherlands. Preventive Medicine, 130 (Jan.), 105929.

Bösehans, G., J.W. Bolderdijk, and J. Wan (2020). Pay More, Fly More? Examining the Potential Guilt-reducing and Flight-encouraging Effect of an Integrated Carbon Offset. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 71 (Oct.), 101469

Bolt, J. , and L. Gardner (2020). How Africans Shaped British Colonial Institutions: Evidence from Local Taxation. Journal of Economic History, 80 (4), 1189-1223.

Bongiorno, R., C. Langbroek, P.G. Bain, M. Ting, and M.K. Ryan (2020). Why Women Are Blamed for Being Sexually Harassed: The Effects of Empathy for Female Victims and Male Perpetrators. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 44 (1), 11-27.

Boot, T. , and A. Pick (2020). Does Modeling a Structural Break Improve Forecast Accuracy? Journal of Econometrics, 215 (1), 35-59.

Brake, H.J. van de, F. Walter, F.A. Rink, P.J.M.D. Essens, and G.S. van der Vegt (2020). Multiple Team Membership and Job Performance: The Role of Employees' Information-sharing Networks. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 93 (4), 967-987.

Brake, H.J. van de , F. Walter, F.A. Rink, P.J.M.D. Essens, and G.S. van der Vegt (2020). Benefits and Disadvantages of Individuals’ Multiple Team Membership: The Moderating Role of Organizational Tenure. Journal of Management Studies, 57 (8), 1502-1530.

Brans, H., and B. Scholtens (2020). Under his Thumb : The Effect of President Donald Trump’s Twitter Messages on the US Stock Market. PLoS ONE, 15 (3), e0229931.

Broek, M.A.J. uit het, R.H. Teunter, B. de Jonge, J. Veldman , and N.D. van Foreest (2020). Condition-Based Production Planning : Adjusting Production Rates to Balance Output and Failure Risk. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 22 (4), 645-867.

Bulte, E., S. Di Falco, and R. Lensink (2020). Randomized Interventions and "Real" Treatment Effects: A Cautionary Tale and an Example. World Development, 127 (Mar.), 104790.

Bulte, E.H., F. Cecchi, R. Lensink, A. Marr and M. van Asseldonk (2020). Does Bundling Crop Insurance with Certified Seeds Crowd-in Investments? Experimental Evidence from Kenya. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 180 (Dec.), 744-757.

Cerqueiro, G., S. Ongena, and K. Roszbach (2020). Collateral Damaged? Priority Structure, Credit Supply, and Firm Performance. Journal of Financial Intermediation, 44 (Oct.), 100824.

Dietzenbacher, E. , I. Cazcarro, and I. Arto (2020). Towards a More Effective Climate Policy on International Trade. Nature Communications, 11 (1), 1130.

Dietzenbacher, E. , V. Kulionis, and F. Capurro (2020). Measuring the Effects of Energy Transition : A Structural Decomposition Analysis of the Change in Renewable Energy Use between 2000 and 2014. Applied Energy, 258 (Jan.), 114040.

Dural-Selcuk, G., R. Rossi, O.A. Kilic, and S.A. Tarim (2020). The Benefit of Receding Horizon Control: Near-optimal Policies for Stochastic Inventory Control. Omega, 97, 102091.

Elhorst, J.P. , J.L. Madre, and A. Pirotte (2020). Car Traffic, Habit Persistence, Cross-sectional Dependence, and Spatial Heterogeneity: New Insights Using French Department Data. Transportation Research. Part A: Policy and Practice, 132 (Feb.), 614-632.

Estrada, I. , and J.Q. Dong (2020). Learning from Experience? Technological Investments and the Impact of Coopetition Experience on Firm Profitability. Long Range Planning, 53 (1), 101866.

Evans, A., W. Sleegers, and Z. Mlakar (2020). Individual Differences in Receptivity to Scientific Bullshit. Judgement and Decision Making, 15 (3), 401-412.

Faems, D., B. Bos, F. Noseleit, and B. Leten (2020). Multistep Knowledge Transfer in Multinational Corporation Networks: When Do Subsidiaries Benefit From Unconnected Sister Alliances? Journal of Management, 46 (3), 414-442.

Faturay, F., Y.Y. Sun, E. Dietzenbacher, A. Malik, A. Geschke, and M. Lenzen (2020). Using Virtual Laboratories for Disaster Analysis - a Case Study of Taiwan. Economic Systems Research, 32 (1), 58-83.

Feenstra, S. , J. Jordan, F. Walter, and J.I. Stoker (2020). Antecedents of Leaders' Power Sharing : The Roles of Power Instability and Distrust. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 157 (Mar.), 115-128.

Feng, Y., X. Tong, and Q. Zhu (2020). The Market Value of Sustainable Practices in the Luxury Industry: An Identity Mismatch and Institutional Theoretical Perspective. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 137 (May), 101919.

Fokkema, J.E. , M.J. Land, L.C. Coelho, H. Wortmann, and G.B. Huitema (2020). A Continuous-time Supply-driven Inventory-constrained Routing Problem. Omega, 92 (Apr.), 102151.

Fromell, H. , D. Nosenzo and T. Owens (2020). Altruism, Fast and Slow? Evidence from a Meta-analysis and a New Experiment. Experimental Economics, 23 (4), 979-1001.

Gagliardini, P., and D. Ronchetti (2020). Comparing Asset Pricing Models by the Conditional Hansen-Jagannathan Distance. Journal of Financial Econometrics, 18 (2), 333-394.

Garcia, A. , R. Lensink, and M. Voors (2020). Does Microcredit Increase Aspirational Hope? Evidence from a Group Lending Scheme in Sierra Leone. World Development, 128 (Apr.), 104861.

Garretsen, H. , J.I. Stoker, and R.A. Weber (2020). Economic Perspectives on Leadership : Concepts, Causality, and Context in Leadership Research. The Leadership Quarterly, 31 (3), 101410.

Gupta, S., A. Leszkiewicz, K. Kumar, T. Bijmolt, and D. Potapov (2020). Digital Analytics: Modeling for Insights and New Methods. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 51, 26-43.

Hage, E. , M. van Offenbeek, and A. Boonstra (2020). New Rules of Engagement: How Adaptation to Online Media Changes Older Adults' Social Connectedness. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 25 (2), 182-197.

Heijnen, P. , and L. Schoonbeek (2020). Cross-shareholdings and Competition in a Rent-seeking Contest. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 71 (July), 102625.

Hinloopen, J., and A.R. Soetevent (2020). (Non-)Insurance Markets, Loss Size Manipulation and Competition: Experimental Evidence. Journal of Industrial Economics, 68 (4), 819-856.

Homburg, C., A. Vomberg, and S. Muehlhaeuser (2020). Design and Governance of Multichannel Sales Systems: Financial Performance Consequences in Business-to-Business Markets. Journal of Marketing Research, 57 (6), 1113-1134.

Klasing, M. , and P. Milionis (2020). The International Epidemiological Transition and the Education Gender Gap. Journal of Economic Growth, 25 (1), 37–86.

Kok, H., D. Faems, and P. de Faria (2020). Ties that Matter : The Impact of Alliance Partner Knowledge Recombination Novelty on Knowledge Utilization in R&D Alliances. Research Policy, 49 (7), 104011.

Kostova, T., S. Beugelsdijk, W.R. Scott, V.E. Kunst, C.H. Chua, and M. van Essen (2020). The Construct of Institutional Distance through the Lens of Different Institutional Perspectives: Review, Analysis, and Recommendations. Journal of International Business Studies, 51, 467–497.

Liu, J., H. Hu, X. Tong, and Q. Zhu (2020). Behavioral and Technical Perspectives of Green Supply Chain Mnagement Practices: Empirical Evidence from an Emerging Market. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 140 (Aug.), 102013 .

Lopez Alvarez, J.A. , P. Buijs, O.A. Kilic, and I.F.A. Vis (2020). An Inventory Control Policy for Liquefied Natural Gas as a Transportation Fuel. Omega, 90 (Jan.), 101985.

Lopez Alvarez, J.A., P. Buijs , R. Deluster, L.C. Coelho, and E. Ursavas (2020). Strategic and Operational Decision-making in Expanding Supply Chains for LNG as a Fuel. Omega, 97, 102093.

Maas, W.J., M.M.H. Lahr, E. Buskens, D.J. van der Zee, M. Uyttenboogaart, and on behalf of CONTRAST Investigators (2020). Pathway Design for Acute Stroke Care in the Era of Endovascular Thrombectomy: A Critical Overview of Optimization Efforts. Stroke, 51 (11), 3452-3460.

Moraga González, J. , Z. Sandor, and M.R. Wildenbeest (2021). Simultaneous Search for Differentiated Products: The Impact of Search Costs and Firm Prominence. Economic Journal, 131 (635), 1308-1330.

Morgenroth, T., T.A. Kirby, M.K. Ryan, and A. Sudkamper (2020). The Who, When, and Why of the Glass Cliff Phenomenon: A Meta-Analysis of Appointments to Precarious Leadership Positions. Psychological Bulletin, 146 (9), 797-829.

Neves-Moreira, F. , M. Amorim-Lopes, and P. Amorim (2020). The Multi-period Vehicle Routing Problem with Refueling Decisions: Traveling Further to Decrease Fuel Cost? Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 133 (Jan.), 101817.

Nikolova, M. , and F. Cnossen (2020). What Makes Work Meaningful and Why Economists Should Care about It. Labour Economics, 65 (Aug.), 101847.

Oehmichen, J. , L. Jacobey, and M. Wolff (2020). Have We Made Ourselves (too) Clear? Performance Effects of the Incentive Explicitness in CEO Compensation. Long Range Planning, 53 (3), 101893.

Oh, C.H., D. Shapiro, S.S.H. Ho, and J. Shin (2020). Location Matters : Valuing Firm-specific Nonmarket Risk in the Global Mining Industry. Strategic Management Journal, 41 (7). 1210-1244.

Oumer, A. , R. Maseland, and H. Garretsen (2020). Was de Montesquieu (Only Half) Right? Evidence for a Stronger Work Ethic in Cold Climates. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 173, 256-269.

Potter, A., and M. Wilhelm (2020). Exploring Supplier-supplier Innovations within the Toyota Supply Network: A supply Network Perspective. Journal of Operations Management, 66 (7-8), 797-819.

Prossner, A.M.B., M. Judge, J.W. Bolderdijk, L. Blackwood, and T. Kurz (2020). 'Distancers' and 'Non-distancers'? The Potential Social-psychological Impact of Moralising Covid-19 Mitigating Practices on Sustained Behaviour Change. British Journal of Social Psychology. 59 (3), 653-662.

Qiao, K. , and L. Dam (2020). The Overnight Return Puzzle and the "T+1" Trading Rule in Chinese Stock Markets. Journal of Financial Markets, 50, 100534.

Rangaswamy, A., N. Moch, C. Felten, G. van Bruggen, J.E. Wieringa, and J. Wirtz (2020). The Role of Marketing in Digital Business Platforms. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 51, 72-90.

Riezebos, J. , and S.X. Zhu (2020). Inventory Control with Seasonality of Lead Times. Omega, 92 (Apr.), 102162.

Romeijnders, W. , and N. van der Laan (2020). Pseudo-Valid Cutting Planes for Two-Stage Mixed-Integer Stochastic Programs with Right-Hand-Side Uncertainty. Operations Research, 68 (4), 1199-1217.

Schmidt, J., and T.H.A. Bijmolt (2020). Accurately Measuring Willingness to Pay for Consumer Goods: A Meta-analysis of the Hypothetical Bias. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 48 (3), 499-518.

Schrotenboer, A. , E. Ursavas, and I. Vis (2020). Mixed Integer Programming models for Planning Maintenance at Offshore Wind Farms under Uncertainty. Transportation Research. Part C: Emerging Technologies, 112, 180-202.

Sun, L., R.H. Teunter, G. Hua, and T. Wu (2020). Taxi-hailing Platforms: Inform or Assign Drivers? Transportation Research. Part B: Methodological, 142, 197-212.

S urroca, J.A. , R.V. Aguilera, K. Desender, and J.A. Tribo (2020). Is Managerial Entrenchment Always Bad and Corporate Social Responsibility Always Good? A Cross national Examination of their Combined Influence on Shareholder Value. Strategic Management Journal, 41 (5), 891-920.

Täuber, S. (2020). Undoing Gender in Academia: Personal Reflections on Equal Opportunity Schemes. Journal of Management Studies, 57 (8), 1718-1724.

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