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Theses defenses

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Thursday 20 June
Thesis defense Ioanna Tziolas. Title: Spatial Interactions and Common Factors in Economic Growth and Trade.Promotor: Prof. J.P. Elhorst, copromotor: Dr. P. Milionis. Time: 14.30 hrs.

Monday 1 July
Thesis defense Jeroen van der Vaart. Title: Health risks in old age: Implications for Household Savings and Insurance.Promotor: Prof. R.J.M. Alessie, co-promotores: Dr. M. Groneck, and Dr. R. van Ooijen. Time: 16.15 hrs.

Thursday 4 July
Thesis defense Edwina Wong. Title: Between the cracks: Looking Beyond White Feminism in DEI interventions for women.Promotores: Prof. F.A. Rink, and Prof. M.K. Ryan, co-promotor: Dr. T. Kerby. Time: 9.00 hrs.

Monday 8 July
Thesis defense Elena Agachi. Title: Preventive health program adoption, engagement, and effectiveness.Promotores: Prof. K. van Ittersum, Prof. T.H.A. Bijmolt, and Prof. J.O. Mierau. Time: 11.00 hrs.

Thursday 11 July
Thesis defense Fabian Ahrens. Title: Synthesizing and extending behavioral research on boards of directors.Promotor: Prof. F.A. Rink, co-promotores: Dr. L.B. Mulder and Dr. D.B. Veltrop. Time: 14.30 hrs.

Thursday 19 September
Thesis defense Jhordano Aguilar Loyo. Title: Grouping in Panel Data Models. Promotor: Prof. G.J. van den Berg, co-promotores: Dr. L. Dam and Dr. T. Boot. Time: 12.45 hrs.

Thursday 19 September
Thesis defense Oliver Herrmann. Title: Is your vote vital? Five essays on voter behavior. Promotor: Prof. L. Schoonbeek, co-promotor: Dr. R.M. Jong A Pin. Time: 16.15 hrs.

Thursday 26 September
Thesis defense Anna Dreischerf. Title: From caveats to catalyst: Accelerating urban freight transport sustainability through public initiatives. Promotor: Prof. D.P. van Donk, co-promotores: Dr. P. Buijs, and Dr. W.M.C. van Wezel. Time: 14.30 hrs.

Thursday 10 October
Thesis defense Jana Holthöwer. Title: Robots to the Rescue? Shaping Service Experiences in Healthcare and Beyond. Promotores: Prof. J. van Doorn and Prof. K. van Ittersum. Time: 16.15 hrs.

Thursday 7 November
Thesis defense Amber Werkman. Title: Waist versus Waste: Understanding the Interface Between Consumer Food Consumption and Waste. Promotores: Prof. J. van Doorn, and Prof. K. van Ittersum. Time: 16.15 hrs.

Friday 11 November
Thesis defense Martin Pit. Title: Beyond the Contract: Exploring the Multi-faceted Nature of Governance and Disruptions in Strategic Alliances. Promotores: Prof. F.A. Rink and Prof. D.L.M. Faems, co-promotor: Dr. I. Estrada Vacquero. Time: 12.45 hrs.

Last modified:18 June 2024 2.57 p.m.