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Inaugural/Valedictory lectures

Information for this page can be sent to FEBRI's secretary Hanneke Tamling


Friday 6 December
Inaugural lecture Edlira Shehu. Title: tba. Time: 16.15 hrs.

Friday 11 October
Inaugural lecture Milena Nikolova. Title: tba. Time: 16.15 hrs.

Friday 28 June
Inaugural lecture Jessica de Bloom. Title: Time is honey. Time: 16.15 hrs.

Friday 21 June
Inaugural lecture Sandra Phlippen. Title: Pathways to climate resilience. Time: 16.15 hrs.

Friday 19 April
Inaugural lecture Corinne Noordhoff. Title: Future Ready Retail. Time: 16.15 hrs.


Friday 8 December
Inaugural lecture Viola Angelini. Title: Title: Growing older in good wealth and health. Time: 16.15 hrs.

Friday 16 June
Inaugural lecture Huib Cense. Title: tba. Time: 16.15 hrs.

Friday 2 June
Inaugural lecture Maarten Gijsenberg. Title: tba. Time: 16.15 hrs.

Friday 12 May
Inaugural lecture Roland Mees. Title: Understanding ourselves in times of climate change. Time: 14.15 hrs.

Friday 17 March
Inaugural lecture Ulrike Schultze. Title: tba. Time: 14.15 hrs.

Friday 24 February
Inaugural lecture Florian Noseleit, Title: tba. Time: 16.15 hrs.


Tuesday 26 October
Inaugural lecture Pedro de Faria. Title: The stars look very different today: Innovation in times of knowledge dispersion. Time: 16.15 hrs.


Tuesday 3 March
Inaugural lecture Prof.dr. J. van Doorn. Title: En(i)g? Robots en kunstmatige intelligentie in de dienstverlening. Time: 16.15 hrs.


Tuesday 21 May
Inaugural lecture Taco van der Vaart. Title: De patiënt of de patiëntenstroom centraal? Een supply chain perspectief op de zorg. Time: 16.15 hrs.

Tuesday 22 January
Inaugural lecture Nancy Kamp-Roelands. Title: Change. Time: 16.15 hrs.

Tuesday 15 January
Inaugural lecture Jana Oehmichen. Title: Corporate governance and strategy – preparing firms and their stakeholders for the digital era. Time: 16.15 hrs.


Tuesday 19 June
Inaugural lecture David Langley. Title: A new era of organizational relationships. Time: 16.15 hrs.

Tuesday 6 March
Inaugural lecture Robert Inklaar. Title: De groei voorbij? Productiviteit en welvaart in de 21e eeuw. Time: 16.15 hrs.


Friday 29 September
Valedictory Lecture Liesbeth Kneppers-Heijnert. Title: Over Grenzen. Time: 12.30 hrs. Place: Auditorium Gasunie.

Tuesday 4 April
Inaugural lecture Floor Rink. Title: Betrokken, maar onafhankelijk: Streven naar een betere positionering van toezicht. Time: 16.15 hrs.

Tuesday 28 March
Inaugural lecture Bart Los. Title: Regionale ongelijkheid in tijden van globalisering. Time: 16.15 hrs.

Tuesday 21 March
Inaugural lecture Jan Riezebos. Title: Op weg naar beter onderwijs. Time: 16.15 hrs.

Tuesday 14 March
Inaugural lecture Dirk Bezemer. Title: Schuiven met schuld. Time: 17.00 hrs.

Tuesday 10 January
Inaugural lecture Pieter Jansen. Title: Balanceren tussen wetenschap en ambacht, een pleidooi voor pragmatisch management control onderzoek. Time: 16.15 hrs.


Tuesday 1 November
Inaugural lecture Alan Muller. Title: Internationalization and the quest for legitimacy: the shape of U and other stuff. Time: 16.15 hrs.


Tuesday 12 May
Inaugural lecture Koert van Ittersum. Title: Marketing en consumenten welzijn. Time: 16.15 hrs.

Tuesday 14 April
Inaugural lecture Niels Hermes. Title: Internationale financiering. Time: 16.15 hrs.


Tuesday 22 April
Inaugural lecture Prof. Lex Hoogduin. Title: Economie van Complexiteit en Onzekereheid in Financiële Markten en Financiële Instituties. Time: 16.15 hrs.

Tuesday 8 April
Inaugural lecture Prof. Bert Schoonbeek. Title: Toegepaste speltheorie. Time: 16.15 hrs.

Tuesday 11 March
Inaugural lecture Prof. Machiel Mulder. Title: Regulering van Energiemarkten. Time: 16.15 hrs.

Tuesday 21 January
Inaugural lecture Prof. Adriaan Soetevent. Title: De microstructuur van markt en samenleving. Time: 16.15 hrs.


Tuesday 8 October
Inaugural lecture Prof. J.M. Berk. Title: Geld en Bankwezen. Time: 16.15 hrs.

Tuesday 7 May
Inaugural lecture Jaap Wieringa. Title: Machtige methoden. Time: 16.15 hrs.

Tuesday 9 April
Inaugural lecture Boudewijn de Bruin. Title: Dat had je moeten weten. Time: 16.15 hrs.


Tuesday 11 December
Inaugural lecture Paul Elhorst. Title: Van ruimtelijke econometrie naar regionaal beleid. Time: 16.15 hrs.

Tuesday 11 December
Inaugural lecture Herman de Jong. Title: De crisis van de jaren dertig: verloren jaren of een grote
sprong voorwaarts? Time: 14.00 hrs.

Tuesday 30 October
Inaugural lecture Dries Faems. Title: Organizing for explorative innovation within and between firms. Time: 16.15 hrs.

Tuesday 2 October
Inaugural lecture Laurens Sloot. Title: Retail in transitie. Time: 16.15 hrs.

Tuesday 26 June
Inaugural lecture Ruud Teunter. Title: Voorraad: minder is meer. Time: 16.15 hrs.

Tuesday 5 June
Inaugural lecture Prof. Bob Fennis. Title: On resisting and yielding to temptations: Influence and persuasion in the consumer sphere. Time: 16.15 hrs.

Tuesday 1 May
Inaugural lecture Prof. Paula Dirks. Title: Management accounting informatie: Een kwestie van balans? Time: 16.15 hrs.


Tuesday 22 November
Inaugural lecture Maarten Allers. Title: Doel en middelen in de financiële verhouding tussen overheden. Time: 16.15 hrs.

Thursday 10 November
Valedictory lecture prof.dr. Dirk Jan Kamann.

Tuesday 8 November
Inaugural lecture prof.dr. Kees Jan Roodbergen. Title: Quantitative logistics. Time: 16.00 hrs.

Tuesday 8 November
Inaugural lecture prof.dr. Iris Vis. Title: Industrial Engineering. Time: 16.00 hrs.

Tuesday 18 October
Inaugural lecture prof.dr. Dirk Pieter van Donk. Title: Operations management. Time: 16.15 hrs.

Monday 19 September
Valedictory lecture prof.dr. Peter Leeflang.

Tuesday 13 September
Inaugural lecture prof.dr. Kasper Roszbach. Title: Monitoring monitors. Time: 16.15 hrs.

Tuesday 26 April
Inaugural lecture prof.dr. Marcel Timmer. Title: Global value Chains. Time: 16.15 hrs.

Tuesday 29 March
Inaugural lecture prof.dr. Bernard Nijstad. Title: Moeilijke beslissingen. Time: 16.15 hrs.


Tuesday 19 October
Inaugural lecture prof.dr. S. Beugelsdijk. Title: Academic building, international business research: Homo ludens ontmoet homo economicus. Time: 16.15 hrs.

Tuesday 19 January
Inaugural lecture prof.dr. J.W. Velthuijsen.Title: Inhoud en leeropdracht: Financiering en controlling in de energiesector. Time: 16.15 hrs.

Tuesday 6 October
Inaugural lecture dr. W.G.M. Holterman. Title: Op waarde gewaardeerd: Hoe de waarderingsprofessie kan bijdragen aan succesvolle fusies en overnames. Time: 16.15 hrs.

Monday 16 March
Inaugural lecture dr. F.R. Smets: Tien jaar EMU en economisch onderzoek: Uitkomst en uitdaging
Time: 16.15 hrs.

Inaugural lecture Maarten Allers. Title: Doel en middelen in de financiële verhouding tussen overheden. Time: 16.15 hrs.

Last modified:22 July 2024 10.56 a.m.