Announcement symposium Genome Analysis today
Dear colleagues,
Currently there are many opportunities to perform genetic research at a large scale, such as genome-wide gene expression, genotyping and sequencing. Within the UMCG these techniques are facilitated by the Genome Analysis Facility. In addition, the Genomics Coordination Center can assist in data analysis and storage.
Hereby, we would like to invite you for a symposium:
Genome Analysis today: high throughput genotyping, gene expression and next generation sequencing
Date: 9 May 2011
Time: 13.00-17.00
Location: Rode Zaal
13.00-14.30 Session 1: High throughput genotyping and gene expression
Jihane Romanos, Dept Genetics UMCG
Guido Dolmans, Dept. Plastic Surgery UMCG
Torsten Plösch, Dept. Pediatrics UMCG
15.00 - 17.00 Session 2: Next generation sequencing
Dineke Verbeek, Dept Genetics UMCG
Pranav Puri, Dept. Biochemistry, RuG
Bart Pannenbakker, Dept. Evolutionairy Genetics, RuG
Laurent Francioli, Dept Genetics UMCG
With this symposium we would like to inform you about the possibilities to perform your research in collaboration with the Genome Analysis Facility and the Genomics Coordination Center. In addition, the applications are discussed by users through presentations about their research. There will be opportunities to network with colleagues during a break and drinks afterwards.
If you are interested in joining this symposium, please register before 2 May with secretariaat.
Hope to see you there.
With best wishes,
The organizers,
Pieter van der Vlies (manager GAF)
Morris Swertz (head GCC)
Cleo van Diemen (coordinator NGS GAF)
Laatst gewijzigd: | 18 december 2023 08:30 |
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