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Onderzoek Department of Genetics
University Medical Center Groningen

Céline Martineau wins ParisTech Thesis Award

24 november 2011

Céline Martineau was awarded the ParisTech Thesis Award 2011 for her PhD thesis entitled “Functional specificities among yeast cytosolic Hsp70s”.

Placed under the grand-sponsorship of the National Academy of Technologies of France, every year the thesis award rewards three doctors from ParisTech schools’ laboratories, pre-selected among the 500 graduates from the previous year.

The purpose of the ParisTech thesis award is to distinguish young researchers whose work, of very high scientific quality, has enabled a research advance based on one or more of the following criteria:  

  • Contribution to the advancement of scientific knowledge;
  • Technological innovation; and
  • Contribution to the understanding of society problems.

Céline, who is now a postdoc working under Rosalind Franklin Fellow, Ellen Nollen, performed her PhD thesis under the supervision of Mehdi Kabani, at the Micalis Institute and the Laboratory of Structural Enzymology and Biochemistry (France).

See publications in Pubmed by Céline Martineau

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