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Research Department of Genetics
University Medical Center Groningen

JSM Newsflashes win prizes

The department's JSM students win science prizes
22 May 2014

Two first-year JSM (Junior Scientific Masterclass) students in Sebo Withoff's mentor group (2014) have won prizes at the concluding symposium on May 12th. One of the students' exercises was to write and present a Newsflash (2-3 pages on a scientific breakthrough, written for the layman). The students could choose a recent paper to base their newsflash on. Seth Tabishgou won the report prize (€250). Bob Schut was runner-up for the presentation prize. See their JSM newsflashes:

Franken yeast: The man-made chromosome by Seth Tabishgou

Drug holiday by Bob Schut

Last modified:14 December 2023 08.16 a.m.
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