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Research GELIFES

Mini-symposium "The evolution of animal societies"

When:Th 20-10-2016 13:00 - 15:30
Where:Linnaeusborg, 5172.0571 (Blue Room)

This symposium is organized by TRÊS on the occasion of the thesis defense "The evolution of animal societies - An exploration of population structure, life-history and behavioural plasticity" of Andrés Quiñones.

13:00 - 15:30, Mini symposium 13:15 - 13:45 Andrés Quiñones (GELIFES) - The evolution of animal societies - An exploration of population structure, life-history and behavioural plasticity
13:45 - 14:15 Gijsbert Werner (University of Oxford) - Phylogenetic comparative analysis of predispositions driving transitions towards eusociality across insects
14:15 - 14:30 Coffee break
14:30 - 15:00 Tom Wenseleers (University of Leuven) - The evolution of conflict & cooperation - From insects to human societies and beyond
15:00 - 15:30 Olof Leimar (Stockholm University) - Integrating genetic polymorphism and phenotypic plasticity
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