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Research GELIFES GREEN Lequime Lab



Brait, N., Hackl, T., & Lequime, S. (2025). detectEVE: Fast, Sensitive and Precise Detection of Endogenous Viral Elements in Genomic Data. Molecular Ecology Resources, Article e14083. Advance online publication.


Mateescu, I., & Lequime, S. (2025). Dengue-mediated changes in the vectorial capacity of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae): Manipulation of transmission or infection by-product? Journal of Medical Entomology, 62(1), 19-28.
Ritsch, M., Brait, N., Harvey, E., Marz, M., & Lequime, S. (2024). Endogenous viral elements: Insights into data availability and accessibility. Virus Evolution, 10(1), veae099.


Brait, N., Hackl, T., Morel, C., Exbrayat, A., Gutierrez, S., & Lequime, S. (2024). A tale of caution: How endogenous viral elements affect virus discovery in transcriptomic data. Virus Evolution, 10(1), Article vead088.
Viginier, B., Cappuccio, L., Garnier, C., Martin, E., Maisse, C., Valiente Moro, C., Minard, G., Fontaine, A., Lequime, S., Ratinier, M., Arnaud, F., & Raquin, V. (2023). Chikungunya intra-vector dynamics in Aedes albopictus from Lyon (France) upon exposure to a human viremia-like dose range reveals vector barrier’s permissiveness and supports local epidemic potential. Peer Community Journal, 3, Article e96.
van der Loos, L. M., De Coninck, L., Zell, R., Lequime, S., Willems, A., De Clerck, O., & Matthijnssens, J. (2023). Highly divergent CRESS DNA and picorna-like viruses associated with bleached thalli of the green seaweed Ulva. Microbiology Spectrum, 11(5), Article e0025523.
Selhorst, P., Lequime, S., Dudas, G., Proesmans, S., Lutumba, P., Katshongo, F., Ramadan, K., Micalessi, I., Ahuka-Mundeke, S., Vanlerberghe, V., Van Esbroeck, M., & Ariën, K. (2023). Phylogeographic analysis of dengue virus serotype 1 and cosmopolitan serotype 2 in Africa. International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 133, 46-52.
Lequime, S. (2023). The sociality continuum of viruses: A commentary on Leeks et al. 2023. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 36(11), 1568-1570.


Lensink, M. J., Li, Y., & Lequime, S. (2022). Aquatic flaviviruses. Journal of Virology, 96(17), Article e0043922.
Patrono, L. V., Vrancken, B., Budt, M., Düx, A., Lequime, S., Boral, S., Gilbert, M. T. P., Gogarten, J. F., Hoffmann, L., Horst, D., Merkel, K., Morens, D., Prepoint, B., Schlotterbeck, J., Schuenemann, V. J., Suchard, M. A., Taubenberger, J. K., Tenkhoff, L., Urban, C., ... Calvignac-Spencer, S. (2022). Archival influenza virus genomes from Europe reveal genomic variability during the 1918 pandemic. Nature Communications, 13(1), 2314.
Li, Y. Q., Bletsa, M., Zisi, Z., Boonen, I., Gryseels, S., Kafetzopoulou, L. E., Webster, J. P., Catalano, S., Pybus, O. G., Van de Perre, F., Li, H. T., Li, Y. Y., Li, Y. C., Abramov, A., Lymberakis, P., Lemey, P., & Lequime, S. (2022). Endogenous viral elements in shrew genomes provide insights into Pestivirus ancient history. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 39(10), Article msac190.
Masika, F. B., Lequime, S., Alicai, T., Athman, S. Y., Ipulet, P., Ddamulira, G., & Tugume, A. K. (2022). First report of Pepo aphid-borne yellows virus infecting watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) in Uganda. New Disease Reports, 46(1), Article e12110.
Mongelli, V., Lequime, S., Kousathanas, A., Gausson, V., Blanc, H., Nigg, J., Quintana-Murci, L., Elena, S. F., & Saleh, M.-C. (2022). Innate immune pathways act synergistically to constrain RNA virus evolution in Drosophila melanogaster. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 6, 565–578.
Gestuveo, R. J., Parry, R., Dickson, L. B., Lequime, S., Sreenu, V. B., Arnold, M. J., Khromykh, A. A., Schnettler, E., Lambrechts, L., Varjak, M., & Kohl, A. (2022). Mutational analysis of Aedes aegypti Dicer 2 provides insights into the biogenesis of antiviral exogenous small interfering RNAs. PLoS Pathogens, 18(1), Article e1010202.
Sourrouille, Z. A., Schwarzer, S., Lequime, S., Oksanen, H. M., & Quax, T. E. F. (2022). The viral susceptibility of the Haloferax species. Viruses, 14(6), Article 1344.


Bletsa, M., Vrancken, B., Gryseels, S., Boonen, I., Fikatas, A., Li, Y., Laudisoit, A., Lequime, S., Bryja, J., Makundi, R., Meheretu, Y., Akaibe, B. D., Mbalitini, S. G., Van de Perre, F., Van Houtte, N., Těšíková, J., Wollants, E., Van Ranst, M., Pybus, O. G., ... Lemey, P. (2021). Molecular detection and genomic characterization of diverse hepaciviruses in African rodents. Virus Evolution, 7(1), Article veab036.
O’Connor, O., Ou, T. P., Aubry, F., Dabo, S., Russet, S., Girault, D., In, S., Minier, M., Lequime, S., Hoem, T., Boyer, S., Dussart, P., Pocquet, N., Burtet-Sarramegna, V., Lambrechts, L., Duong, V., & Dupont-Rouzeyrol, M. (2021). Potential role of vector-mediated natural selection in dengue virus genotype/lineage replacements in two epidemiologically contrasted settings. Emerging Microbes and Infections, 10(1), 1346-1357.
Aubry, F., Jacobs, S., Darmuzey, M., Lequime, S., Delang, L., Fontaine, A., Jupatanakul, N., Miot, E. F., Dabo, S., Manet, C., Montagutelli, X., Baidaliuk, A., Gámbaro, F., Simon-Lorière, E., Gilsoul, M., Romero-Vivas, C. M., Cao-Lormeau, V.-M., Jarman, R. G., Diagne, C. T., ... Lambrechts, L. (2021). Recent African strains of Zika virus display higher transmissibility and fetal pathogenicity than Asian strains. Nature Communications, 12(1), 1-14. Article 916.


Vrancken, B., & Lequime, S. (2020). Een verhelderende kijk in het duistere verleden. Analyse, 75(5).
Dellicour, S., Lequime, S., Vrancken, B., Gill, M. S., Bastide, P., Gangavarapu, K., Matteson, N. L., Tan, Y., du Plessis, L., Fisher, A. A., Nelson, M. I., Gilbert, M., Suchard, M. A., Andersen, K. G., Grubaugh, N. D., Pybus, O. G., & Lemey, P. (2020). Epidemiological hypothesis testing using a phylogeographic and phylodynamic framework. Nature Communications, 11(1), Article 5620.
Lequime, S., Harrivelle, P.-B., & Louis, T. (2020). Épisode 1 - La Lumière de l'Évolution. Digital or Visual Products, VirEvo @virevo6268.
Lequime, S., Harrivelle, P.-B., & Louis, T. (2020). Épisode 2 - Reconstruire le Passé. Digital or Visual Products, VirEvo @virevo6268.
Lequime, S., Harrivelle, P.-B., & Louis, T. (2020). Épisode 3 - Comprendre les Épidémies. Digital or Visual Products, VirEvo @virevo6268.
Bellone, R., Lequime, S., Jupille, H., Göertz, G. P., Aubry, F., Mousson, L., Piorkowski, G., Yen, P.-S., Gabiane, G., Vazeille, M., Sakuntabhai, A., Pijlman, G. P., de Lamballerie, X., Lambrechts, L., & Failloux, A.-B. (2020). Experimental adaptation of dengue virus 1 to Aedes albopictus mosquitoes by in vivo selection. Scientific Reports, 10(1), Article 18404.
Faye, O., de Lourdes Monteiro, M., Vrancken, B., Prot, M., Lequime, S., Diarra, M., Ndiaye, O., Valdez, T., Tavarez, S., Ramos, J., da Veiga Leal, S., Pires, C., Moreira, A., Tavares, M. F., Fernandes, L., Barreto, J. N., do Céu Teixeira, M., de Lima Mendonça, M. D. L., Gomes, C. C. D. S. L., ... Simon-Loriere, E. (2020). Genomic epidemiology of 2015-2016 Zika virus outbreak in Cape Verde. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 26(6), 1084-1090.
Altinli, M., Lequime, S., Atyame, C., Justy, F., Weill, M., & Sicard, M. (2020). Wolbachia modulates prevalence and viral load of Culex pipiens densoviruses in natural populations. Molecular Ecology, 29(20), 4000-4013.
Düx, A., Lequime, S., Patrono, L. V., Vrancken, B., Boral, S., Gogarten, J. F., Hilbig, A., Horst, D., Merkel, K., Prepoint, B., Santibanez, S., Schlotterbeck, J., Suchard, M. A., Ulrich, M., Widulin, N., Mankertz, A., Leendertz, F. H., Harper, K., Schnalke, T., ... Calvignac-Spencer, S. (2020). Measles virus and rinderpest virus divergence dated to the sixth century BCE. Science, 368(6497), 1367-1370.
Lequime, S., Dehecq, J.-S., Matheus, S., de Laval, F., Almeras, L., Briolant, S., & Fontaine, A. (2020). Modeling intra-mosquito dynamics of Zika virus and its dose-dependence confirms the low epidemic potential of Aedes albopictus. PLoS Pathogens, 16(12), Article e1009068.
Suzuki, Y., Baidaliuk, A., Miesen, P., Frangeul, L., Crist, A. B., Merkling, S. H., Fontaine, A., Lequime, S., Moltini-Conclois, I., Blanc, H., van Rij, R. P., Lambrechts, L., & Saleh, M.-C. (2020). Non-retroviral endogenous viral element limits cognate virus replication in Aedes aegypti ovaries. Current Biology, 30(18), 3495-3506.e6.
Lequime, S., Paul, B., Dellicour, S., Lemey, P., & Baele, G. (2020). nosoi: A stochastic agent-based transmission chain simulation framework in R. Methods in ecology and evolution, 11(8), 1002-1007.
Lequime, S., Bastide, P., Dellicour, S., Lemey, P., & Baele, G. (2020). nosoi package for R: stochastic agent-based transmission chain simulator. Software
Baidaliuk, A., Lequime, S., Moltini-Conclois, I., Dabo, S., Dickson, L. B., Prot, M., Duong, V., Dussart, P., Boyer, S., Shi, C., Matthijnssens, J., Guglielmini, J., Gloria-Soria, A., Simon-Lorière, E., & Lambrechts, L. (2020). Novel genome sequences of cell-fusing agent virus allow comparison of virus phylogeny with the genetic structure of Aedes aegypti populations. Virus Evolution, 6(1), Article veaa018.


Baidaliuk, A., Miot, E. F., Lequime, S., Moltini-Conclois, I., Delaigue, F., Dabo, S., Dickson, L. B., Aubry, F., Merkling, S. H., Cao-Lormeau, V.-M., & Lambrechts, L. (2019). Cell-fusing agent virus reduces arbovirus dissemination in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in vivo. Journal of Virology, 93(18).
Altinli, M., Lequime, S., Courcelle, M., François, S., Justy, F., Gosselin-Grenet, A.-S., Ogliastro, M., Weill, M., & Sicard, M. (2019). Evolution and phylogeography of Culex pipiens densovirus. Virus Evolution, 5(2), Article vez053.
de Borba, L., Villordo, S. M., Marsico, F. L., Carballeda, J. M., Filomatori, C. V., Gebhard, L. G., Pallarés, H. M., Lequime, S., Lambrechts, L., Sánchez Vargas, I., Blair, C. D., & Gamarnik, A. V. (2019). RNA structure duplication in the dengue virus 3' UTR: Redundancy or host specificity? mBio, 10(1).


Peccoud, J., Lequime, S., Moltini-Conclois, I., Giraud, I., Lambrechts, L., & Gilbert, C. (2018). A survey of virus recombination uncovers canonical features of artificial chimeras generated during deep sequencing library preparation. G3 : Genes, Genomes, Genetics, 8(4), 1129-1138.
Fontaine, A., Lequime, S., Moltini-Conclois, I., Jiolle, D., Leparc-Goffart, I., Reiner, R. C., & Lambrechts, L. (2018). Epidemiological significance of dengue virus genetic variation in mosquito infection dynamics. PLoS Pathogens, 14(7), Article e1007187.


Lequime, S., & Lambrechts, L. (2017). Discovery of flavivirus-derived endogenous viral elements in Anopheles mosquito genomes supports the existence of Anopheles-associated insect-specific flaviviruses. Virus Evolution, 3(1), Article vew035.
Lequime, S., Richard, V., Cao-Lormeau, V.-M., & Lambrechts, L. (2017). Full-genome dengue virus sequencing in mosquito saliva shows lack of convergent positive selection during transmission by Aedes aegypti. Virus Evolution, 3(2), Article vex031.


Lequime, S., Paul, R. E., & Lambrechts, L. (2016). Determinants of arbovirus vertical transmission in mosquitoes. PLoS Pathogens, 12(5), Article e1005548.
Lambrechts, L., & Lequime, S. (2016). Evolutionary dynamics of dengue virus populations within the mosquito vector. Current opinion in virology, 21, 47-53.
Fontaine, A., Jiolle, D., Moltini-Conclois, I., Lequime, S., & Lambrechts, L. (2016). Excretion of dengue virus RNA by Aedes aegypti allows non-destructive monitoring of viral dissemination in individual mosquitoes. Scientific Reports, 6, Article 24885.
Lequime, S., Fontaine, A., Ar Gouilh, M., Moltini-Conclois, I., & Lambrechts, L. (2016). Genetic drift, purifying selection and vector genotype shape dengue virus intra-host genetic diversity in mosquitoes. PLoS genetics, 12(6), e1006111.


Lequime, S., & Lambrechts, L. (2014). Vertical transmission of arboviruses in mosquitoes: A historical perspective. Infection genetics and evolution, 28, 681-90.


Vrancken, B., Lequime, S., Theys, K., & Lemey, P. (2010). Covering all bases in HIV research: Unveiling a hidden world of viral evolution. Aids reviews, 12(2), 89-102.
Last modified:09 June 2023 8.36 p.m.