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Research GELIFES Data Management

Research Data Policy

The Research Data Policy of the Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Sciences (GELIFES) is in place from 1 January, 2015. The institute policy is based on the regulations and policy of the University of Groningen, the Faculty of Science and Engineering, and national guidelines for scientific intergrity. Since many aspects of data management, including legal implementations and consequences, are still being developed, guidelines and regulations may be subject to change. Some useful links:

Data Management Plan

The Research Data Management Plan (RDMP) is the obligatory starting point for all research projects in the institute that are coordinated by a staff member (PI) of the institute. The RDMP should describe the collection, processing, storage and archiving of all project data. A general RDMP template (download) based on the default institute regulations is supplied that must be extended with the administrative details of a project, and should also document any specific arrangements concerning data ownership, storage and archiving that are not conform the institute’s standard policy.

Data Repository

Since 2013, all data produced within the institute is archived for purposes of both verification (safeguarding scientific integrity) and safekeeping of valuable datasets (remote backup). Safe storage will also facilitate the future accessibility of data sets after first publication. Archiving of all (published and unpublished) data in the institute’s data repository is required for all research projects coordinated by an institute staff member according to the standard data archiving procedure.

Contact: GELIFES data manager

Last modified:29 January 2025 12.25 p.m.