Autumn 2022: Start Horizon 2021 project 'Upgrading Independent Knowledge on Contemporary China in Europe'; WP 2: Trade & Economy; Concerns a consortium with Gent (lead), Clingendael, and 13 EU universities
Autumn 2022: Special issue Asia-Europe Journal on EU-China Economic Diplomacy (coordinated by University of Groningen)
October/November 2022: Intensive course on the theme 'The Netherlands, the European Union and the Politics of EU-China Relations'. organized for Fudan students, taught by professors from University of Groningen
1 November 2022: start Marie Curie Fellowship Dr. Cristina Pinna on the theme 'China's soft power strategy in the context of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)'
April 2022: Oral research presentations for selection best student Dutch Studies class October 2021
1 October 2019, Guest lecture Prof. Gong Baihua (Fudan) on ‘Position on WTO reform from China and EU: comparison and cooperation’, Groningen, Harmony building
20 October – 7 November 2019, an intensive course on the theme ‘the Netherlands, the European Union and the Politics of EU-China Relations’ will be organized for Fudan students, taught by professors from the University of Groningen.
November 2019, presentation results KNAW/NWO project on EU-China Economic Diplomacy at Dutch Consulate in Shanghai
Late 2019, publication volume ‘Law and Diplomacy in the Management of EU-Asia Trade and Investment Relations’, with Routledge, co-edited by Frank Gaenssmantel and Chein-huei Wu
Summer 2019, presentation special issue Journal of European Integration History on ‘Europe and East Asia since 1945’, edited by Jan van der Harst
Summer 2019, presentation special issue Taiwan Journal of Political Sciences on ‘EU Foreign Policy and the Response from China’, co-edited by Frank Gaenssmantel
5 and 6 April 2019, Conference at Groningen University presenting the final results of the research done within the framework of the KNAW-funded project on EU-China Economic diplomacy
5 November 2018, Dutch business event at Fudan University
October/November 2018, Meetings at Fudan University on behalf of the KNAW-funded project on EU-China Economic diplomacy
In October/November 2018, an intensive course on the theme ‘the Netherlands, the European Union and the Politics of EU-China Relations’ was organized for Fudan students, taught by professors from the University of Groningen.
14 and 15 June 2018: Research Conference at Groningen University on ‘Europe and East Asia since 1945: An Historical survey’, in attendance of many international scholars (both Asian and European)
31 May and 1 June 2018, Research Workshop in Groningen on ‘EU Foreign Policy and the Response from East Asia’, centering on the relationship Taiwan, China, Europe
22 and 23 March 2018: Conference at Fudan University presenting the first results of the research done within the framework of the KNAW-funded project on EU-China Economic diplomacy, in attendance of scholars from Groningen University, Fudan University and Tsinghua University.
In October 2017, an intensive course on the theme ‘the Netherlands, the European Union and the Politics of EU-China Relations’ was organized for Fudan students, taught by lecturers from the University of Groningen.
27 October 2017: Dutch day at Fudan University
October 2017: Meetings at Fudan University on behalf of the KNAW-funded project on EU-China Economic diplomacy
On 12 September 2016, the University of Groningen organized a Workshop on the theme ‘One Belt One Road: China’s pivot towards Europe’, attended by Asian and European scholars.
On 7 and 8 July 2016, a Workshop was organized on the theme ‘Diplomatic vs. legal settlement of trade disputes in EU-Asian Relations (II)’ in Taipei, Taiwan, in cooperation with the Academia Sinica.
On 20 April 2016, a big international research conference was organized at Fudan University on the occasion of the 10-year existence of the DSC Fudan-Groningen. The theme concerned trade and investments in China-EU/Dutch relations, with special attention to the international implications of the Free Trade Zone in Shanghai and the One Belt One Road initiative of the Chinese government.
During a special Workshop in April 2016, the Fudan students of the October 2015 class (see above) have defended the findings of their research papers in front of a jury. The student with the best result for his/her paper (including the oral presentation at the Workshop) has gained a 6-month scholarship for study in Groningen during the second half of 2015 (first semester 2016-2017).
In October 2015, an intensive course around the theme ‘The Netherlands, the European Union and the Politics of EU-China Relations’ has been organized for Fudan students, taught by lecturers from the University of Groningen.
In October 2015, the DSC organized a simulation game ‘European Council’ for Fudan students. The participating students negotiated on certain pressing issues in the EU relationship with China. Each student represented a government leader of one of the EU member countries. This event was part of the 10-year celebration of DSC.
In October 2015, the DSC organized a simulation game ‘European Council’ for Fudan students. The participating students negotiated on certain pressing issues in the EU relationship with China. Each student represented a government leader of one of the EU member countries. This event was also part of the 10-year celebration of DSC.
In the spring of 2015, a photo book has been presented commemorating the 10-year celebration of the Dutch Studies Centre Fudan-Groningen (2005-2015).
In April 2015, the Centre for East Asian Studies Groningen, together with DSC and the Confucius Institute Groningen, organized a China Platform eventin the Zittingszaal of the Faculty RCS in the Oude Boteringestraat 38. This inter-faculty event brought together all those coming from China and working on China within the University of Groningen on a senior (non-student) level: academic and administrative staff, researchers, PhD candidates, etc. The main topic discussed was the cultural dimension of doing research in China and the Netherlands. What are the similarities and differences between our research backgrounds, cultures and attitudes? Which problems and opportunities do Chinese PhD's encounter when working at a Dutch University or Dutch PhD's at a Chinese University? What are the do's and dont's in setting up a collaboration project between Dutch and Chinese Universities (both in teaching and research), etc.
20-31 October 2014 : Intensive course for Fudan students.The course, entitled ‘The Netherlands, the European Union and the Politics of EU-China Relations’ was taught by two Groningen lecturers: Dr. Frank Gaenssmantel and Prof. Jan van der Harst.
28 October 2014 : Visit of the Dutch Minister of Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, Mrs. Liliane Ploumen , to the Dutch Studies Centre in Shanghai. Mrs. Ploumen gave an excellent presentation on the intrinsic interrelationship between the two pillars of her portfolio, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation.
On Friday morning 30 April 2010 Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende visited the Dutch Studies Centre at Fudan University. He gave a lecture on the Netherlands, the EU and China, followed by a discussion with Fudan students.
28/29 April 2010 : Workshop at Fudan University: Fudan students gave oral presentations on the papers they had written for the Dutch Studies course in December 2009. The student with the best paper and presentation will be awarded a six-month scholarship at the University of Groningen.
March 2010: publication (by Fudan’s publishing house) of the proceedings of the DSC workshop of May 2008. The Chinese contributions have been translated into English and the English contributions (by the Dutch speakers) into Chinese.
9 and 10 December 2009 : a two-day conference on Sino-European relations (the socio-economic and political dimension) at the University of Groningen, under the title China and the EU: Concord or Conflict?’ A high-profiled meeting with participation of leading scholars in the area (economists, political scientists, IR specialists, etc.) from both the Netherlands and China.
September 2009 - January 2010: Research seminar “The Netherlands, the EU and the rise of China”, offered at Groningen University for MA students International Relations. Lecturers: Prof. dr. Jan van der Harst and Drs. Pieter Swieringa.
19 October – 2 November 2009 : a two-week seminar course at Fudan, along the lines of the intensive course of October 2008 described above.
Early September 2009 : the welcoming in Groningen of the Fudan student who has won the prize of best student of the DSC class of October 2008.
June 2009 : the book editing and final publication (by Fudan’s publishing house) of the proceedings of the DSC workshop of May 2008. The Chinese contributions are presently translated into English and the English contributions (by the Dutch speakers) will be translated into Chinese. The book will be officially presented both in Shanghai and Groningen in the spring of 2009.
June 2009 : a workshop at Fudan on health care and longterm care (a comparative perspective between China and the EU), organized by Prof. Ding as a joint activity of CES and DSC.
19-23 October 2009 : Dutch cultural week at Fudan. For a whole week, the Fudan campus will witness various activities related to the Netherlands and Dutch culture: lectures, speech contest, music, art exhibition, food, etc. The bilateral workshop, entitled “China , the EU and the Netherlands: towards a comprehensive partnership”, was held at Fudan University i n May 2008. The workshop could be considered the formal “kick-off” of the Dutch Studies Centre. Around 60 people attended this event, which was opened by Prof. Yuan Zhigang , the Dean of the School of Economics at Fudan U niversity and attended by the Dutch consul-general in Shanghai, Dr. Eric Verwaal. Ten papers were presented by both Chinese and Dutch scholars and officials. The topics covered Sino-EU (multilateral) relations and Sino-Dutch (bilateral) relations, as well as issues purely related to the Netherlands (social security system, health care, etc.). Speakers included Prof. Mei Zhaorong (former Chinese ambassador to Germany), Dr. Eric Verwaal, Dr. Ingrid d’Hooghe (Dutch Institute for International Relations “Clingendael”), Dr. Frans Greidanus (Philips Research Shanghai), Dr. Luo Changyuan, Prof. Ding and Prof. Van der Harst. It was a stimulating start of the Dutch Studies Centre, in terms of its contents, mutual cooperation and publicity.
In October 2008, the academic director of DSC Prof. Jan van der Harst (Department of International Relations, University of Groningen) and the Chair of DSC Prof. Ding Chun (CES, Fudan) organized an intensive teaching course at Fudan on “The Netherlands and the EU: From Founding Father to Difficult Partner”. Twenty Fudan students (originating from the majors Economics and Law) attended this course, which dealt with the organisation and performance of Dutch European policy since the Treaty of Maastricht (1992), placed in a multidisciplinary International Relations perspective. Pivotal to the course was research into the extent to which the Netherlands position in the EU has changed under the influence of recent enlargement and institutional reform. After the course, all participating students wrote an individual paper on a topic related to the central theme of the course. The student with the highest grade is selected for a 6-month scholarschip in Groningen.

The Dutch Minister of Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, Mrs. Liliane Ploumen gave a presentation in Fudan University

Mrs. Liliane Ploumen gave a presentation in Fudan University
Last modified: | 26 February 2024 1.49 p.m. |