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Research ENTEG Discrete Technology & Production Automation

People and Contact

+31 50 363 8493
Postal address
University of Groningen
Nijenborgh 4
NL-9747 AG Groningen
The Netherlands
Frederika Fokkens
Prof Ming Cao

M.I. Acuautla Meneses, Prof+31 50 36 36797Associate Professor
S. Ahmed, PhD+31 50 36 34484Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Systems and Control
A. Aswath
M.C. Barcaru
ing. S. Busman+31 6 5881 6980Lab support officer
M. Cao, Prof+31 50 36 38712Full Professor, Networks and Robotics / Chair, Discrete Technology & Production Automation / Director, Jantina Tammes School of Digital Society, Technology and AI
T. Cao
prof. dr. M. Cucuzzella+31 50 36 34484
E. De la Cruz Piña+31 50 36 34484
drs. ir. B.J. Dijkstra
Y. Dou+31 50 36 34484PhD student
F.G. Fokkens+31 50 36 38493Secretary
Z. Fu
L.F. Garcia Arias, MSc+31 50 36 34484PhD student
R.C. Gavin+31 50 36 34484PhD Student
Y.W. Hadi+31 50 36 34484PhD student
dr. B. Haghighat+31 50 36 34484Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Robotics and Automation
B. Hu, MSc+31 50 36 34484
B. Jayawardhana, ProfTelProfessor in Mechatronics and Control of Nonlinear Systems
B. Jin, M+31 50 36 34484
A. Jindal, Dr+31 50 36 34484
ir. J.R. Keulen+31 50 36 34484PhD student
L. Liu+31 50 36 34484PhD student
X. Liu+31 50 36 34484PhD student
Y. Liu+31 50 36 34484PhD student
Z. Liu
dr. T. Mokabber+31 50 36 34484Research & Education Officer
L. Ong
S. Pei
H.A. Phillips Brenes, MSc+31 50 36 34484
M.R.R. Rosa+31 50 36 34484PhD student
M.B. Saltik, PhD+31 50 36 34484
S. Sanchez Escalonilla Plaza, MSc+31 50 36 34484
M.L. Santiago
K. Shi+31 50 36 34484PhD student
L. Shi
T.J.J. Siemensma, MSc+31 50 36 34484
V.K. Singh, PhD+31 50 36 34484
ir. M. F. Stoffijn
S. Taleb, MSc+31 50 36 34484
M. Ugalde Reygadas, MSc+31 50 36 34484
X. Wang, PhD+31 50 36 34484
M.D. Wildeboer, MScPhD student
E. Wilhelm, Dr+31 50 36 34484Assistant Professor in Control of Robotic Systems for Assistance and Rehabilitation
L. Xu, MSc+31 50 36 34484
B. Yu+31 50 36 34484PhD student
H. Zhang+31 50 36 34484
Q.Z. Zhang+31 50 36 34484PhD student
Y. Zhang+31 50 36 34484PhD student
L. ZhouPhD student
Last modified:10 January 2024 4.51 p.m.