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Research Bernoulli Institute Fundamental Computing


July 2024

  • Anton Chernev gives a contributed talk “A Categorical Representation of Thin Trees” at the conference TACL 2024 (Topology, Algebra and Categories in Logic) in Barcelona, 1-5 July.
  • Clemens Kupke (University of Strathclyde) visits our group 8-12 July.
  • Jorge A. Pérez is now the representative for Computer Science in the board of the Bernoulli Institute.
  • Helle Hvid Hansen joins the steering committee for WoLLIC.
  • Implementing Intermediate Logics co-authored by Bastiaan Haaksema, Jens Otten, and Revantha Ramanayake was presented at the 5th International Workshop of ARQNL 2024 (Automated Reasoning in Quantified Non-Classical Logics), associated with IJCAR 2024, in Nancy, France on 1 July 2024.
  • Paper co-authored by Ivan Bliznets (in collaboration with Samuel Bismuth and Erel Segal-Halevi) is accepted for publication at SAGT 2024: Fair Division with Bounded Sharing.

June 2024 

  • The Fundamental Computing group successfully organized DisCoTec 2024 - the 19th International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques. The conferences and workshops attracted more than 90 international participants. 
  • Jorge A. Pérez delivered an invited talk at the 17th International Workshop on Interaction and Concurrency Experience (ICE 2024): Asynchronous Session Based Concurrency.
  • Paper co-authored by Juan Jaramillo, Dan Frumin, and Jorge A. Pérez is accepted for presentation at CONCUR 2024 (the 35th International Conference on Concurrency Theory): Around Classical and Intuitionistic Linear Processes.
  • Jorge A. Pérez served on the PhD examination committee for Jules Jacobs, who successfully defended his thesis (entitled Guarantees by Construction) on June 24, 2024 at the Radboud University, Nijmegen.
  • Anton Chernev attended the summer school of TACL 2024 (Topology, Algebra and Categories in Logic) in Barcelona, 25-28 June.
  • Vitor Greati gives a contributed talk “Knotted substructural logics have fast-growing complexity” at the Logic Colloquium 2024 in Gothenburg, Sweden, 24-28 June.
  • Amir Tabatabai (Czech Academy of Sciences) visits our group on 30 May-6 June.

May 2024

  • Jorge A. Pérez served on the PhD examination committee for Hans-Dieter Hiep, who successfully defended his thesis (entitled New Foundations for Separation Logic) on May 23, 2024 at Leiden University.
  • Paper The Interval Domain in Homotopy Type Theory co-authored by Dan Frumin is published in the volume Logics and Type Systems in Theory and Practice (Essays Dedicated to Herman Geuvers on The Occasion of His 60th Birthday, LNCS, volume 14560)
  • Paper co-authored by Vitor Greati and Revantha Ramanayake is accepted for AiML 2024 (Advances in Modal Logic):  Deducibility in the full Lambek calculus with weakening is HAck-complete

April 2024 

  • Bas van den Heuvel defended his thesis “Correctly Communicating Software: Distributed, Asynchronous, and Beyond" on April 2, 2024. Co-supervisors: Jorge A. Pérez and Gerard Renardel. Assessment committee: Marieke Huisman, Alexander Lazovik, Nobuko Yoshida. 
  • Our group hosted this month’s meeting of the NetTCS network, with presenters: Georgiana Caltais (UTwente), Berend van Starkenburg (Leiden), and Nobuko Yoshida (Oxford).
  • Jorge A. Pérez gives a talk at the Dutch Formal Methods Day, organized at Utrecht University: A Logical Basis for the Verification of Message-Passing Programs
  • Paper co-authored by Ivan Bliznets (in collaboration with Nikita Andreev, Madhumita Kundu, Saket Saurabh, Vikash Tripathi and Shaily Verma) is accepted for publication at IWOCA 2024: Parameterized Complexity of Paired Domination.
  • Timo Lang (University College London, UK) visits our group on April 16-May 3.
  • Reuben Rowe (Royal Holloway, UK) visits our group on April 22-26.
  • Raheleh Jalali (Czech Academy of Sciences) visits our group on April 24-26.

March 2024 

  • Revantha Ramanayake will serve as PC co-Chair for the 5th International Workshop (associated with IJCAR 2024) on Automated Reasoning in Quantified Non-Classical Logics (ARQNL 2024)
  • Revantha Ramanayake joins the Programme Committee of the Proof Society Workshop and School (PS 2024)
  • Paper co-authored by Aloïs Rosset, Maaike Zwart, Helle Hvid Hansen and Jörg Endrullis is accepted for publication at CMCS 2024 (Coalgebraic Methods for Computer Science 2024): Correspondence between Composite Theories and Distributive Laws.

February 2024 

  • Ivan Bliznets gave a talk “Exact and Parameterized Algorithms for Choosability” at SOFSEM 2024 in Cochem (49th International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science).
  • Paper co-authored by Ivan Bliznets (in collaboration with Markus Hecher) is accepted for publication at TAMC 2024: Tight Double Exponential Lower Bounds.
  • Paper co-authored by Ivan Bliznets (in collaboration with Anton Bukov and Danil Sagunov) was published at Theoretical Computer Science journal: Fair division with minimal withheld information in social networks.
  • Helle Hvid Hansen is invited to give a plenary lecture at AiML 2024 (15th International Conference on Advances in Modal Logic), Prague, Czech Republic. (Cancelled due to illness)

January 2024 

  • Revantha Ramanayake’s research proposal, entitled “A mathematical recipe for taming logical complexity” has been awarded funding by the NWO (Dutch Research Council). Congratulations!
  • Paper co-authored by Alen Arslanagic and Jorge A. Pérez (with BSc student Anda-Amelia Palamariuc) is accepted for publication at Information and Computation: Minimal Session Types for the π-calculus.
  • Nobuko Yoshida (Oxford University) visits our group on January 8-11, 2022.
  • Revantha Ramanayake joins the Programme Committee of NCL'24: Non-Classical Logics: Theory and Applications XI.

December 2023

  • Paper co-authored by Ivan Bliznets (in collaboration with Vasily Alferov and Kirill Brilliantov) is accepted for publication at AAAI 2024: Parameterization of (Partial) Maximum Satisfiability Above Matching in the Variable-Clause Graph.
  • Helle Hvid Hansen is invited to give a plenary lecture at WoLLIC 2024 (30th Workshop on Logic, Language, information and Computation), Bern, Swizterland. (Cancelled due to illness)

November 2023

  • Ivan Bliznets joins our group as a tenure-track assistant professor. Welcome Ivan!
  • Revantha Ramanayake gives a talk at the Australasian Logic Colloquium 2023 (hybrid) on 6 November 2023.
  • Paper co-authored by Dan Frumin (in collaboration with Amin Timany and Lars Birkedal) is accepted for publication at POPL 2024: Modular Denotational Semantics for Effects with Guarded Interaction Trees
  • Two papers co-authored by Ivan Bliznets are accepted for publication at SOFSEM 2024:
    - “Parameterized Algorithms for Covering by Arithmetic Progressions”  joint work with Jesper Nederlof and Krisztina Szilagyi.
    -“Exact and Parameterized Algorithms for Choosability” joint work with Jesper Nederlof.

October 2023

  • Luís Caires (INESC-ID / Instituto Superior Tecnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal) visits our group on October 2-4.
  • Vitor Greati visits Agata Ciabattoni’s group at TU Wien, Vienna, Austria, October 2-6.
  • Revantha Ramanayake joins the program committee of AiML 2024 (Advances in Modal Logic) to be held in Prague, Czech Republic, August 19-23, 2024.
  • Revantha Ramanayake joins the steering committee of TABLEAUX (International Conference on Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods)
  • Anton Chernev presents at the NetTCS seminar (Network Types, Coalgebras, Semantics in NL), October 26.

September 2023

  • Alen Arslanagić defends his PhD thesis “Minimal Structures for Program Analysis and Verification” on September 12, 2023. Co-supervisors: Jorge A. Pérez and Gerard Renardel. Assessment committee: Marcello Bonsangue, Paola Giannini, Tijs van der Storm.
  • Dan Frumin joins our group as a tenure-track assistant professor. Welcome back, Dan!
  • Channa Dias Perera (BSc student) presented the main results of his BSc thesis (on deadlock-freedom for message-passing processes) at EXPRESS/SOS 2023 (Combined 30th International Workshop on Expressiveness in Concurrency and 20th Workshop on Structural Operational Semantics).
  • Paper co-authored by Vitor Greati (in collaboration with Sérgio Marcelino and Umberto Rivieccio) is accepted for publication at Studia Logica: “Finite Hilbert systems for Weak Kleene logics”.
  • Vitor Greati attends MOSAIC 2023 (Modalities in Substructural Logic II: Theory, Methods and Applications, Vienna, Austria) and presents “Decidability and upper bounds for (weakly commutative) knotted substructural logics”, a joint work with Nick Galatos, Revantha Ramanayake and Gavin St. John, September 27-29.
  • Vitor Greati presents his Master’s thesis “Hilbert-style systems for two-dimensional notions of consequence” in Vienna, Austria, as the runner up of the VCLA Outstanding Master Thesis Award, September 26.
  • Revantha Ramanayake is an invited speaker at LATD 2023 (Logic Algebra and Truth Degrees) in Tbilisi, Georgia, September 11-15, 2023.
  • Helle Hvid Hansen attends TbiLLC 2023 (14th Tbilisi Symposium on Logic, Language and Computation) as PC chair in Telavi, Georgia, September 18-22, 2023.

August 2023

  • Paper co-authored by Bas van den Heuvel, Joseph Paulus and Jorge A. Pérez (with collaborator Daniele-Nantes Sobrinho) is accepted for publication at APLAS 2023 (21st Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems): Typed Non-determinism in Functional and Concurrent Calculi.
  • Revantha Ramanayake joins the program committee of WoLLIC 2024 (30th Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation) to be held at the University of Bern, Switzerland, June 10-13, 2024.
  • Michel Viana Smykalla visits our group from the University of São Paulo for a two-month research visit under a Strategic Partnership Framework (SPF) travel grant hosted by Revantha Ramanayake.

July 2023

  • Paper co-authored by Joseph Paulus and Jorge A. Pérez (with collaborator Daniele-Nantes Sobrinho) is accepted for publication at the Journal of Logical Methods in Computer Science: Non-Deterministic Functions as Non-Deterministic Processes (Extended Version)
  • Paper co-authored by Joseph Paulus and Jorge A. Pérez (with collaborator Daniele-Nantes Sobrinho) is accepted for publication at PPDP 2023 (25th International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming): Termination in Concurrency, Revisited.
  • Paper co-authored by Bas van den Heuvel, Jorge A. Perez and Rares Dobre (BSc student) is accepted at RV 2023 (the 23rd International Conference on Runtime Verification): Monitoring Blackbox Implementations of Multiparty Session Protocols
  • Jorge A. Pérez joins the Dagstuhl Seminar 24051 “Next Generation Protocols for Heterogeneous Systems” as invited participant.
  • Anton Chernev and Helle Hvid Hansen visit collaborator Clemens Kupke at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, on July 3-6.
  • Anton Chernev gives a talk at the MSP101 seminar at the U. Strathclyde.
  • Anton Chernev attends and gives a talk at HIGHLIGHTS 2023 of Logic, Games and Automata at the University of Kassel, July 24-28.
  • Helle Hvid Hansen visits Larry Moss at Indiana University, Bloomington, on July 17-25.

June 2023

  • The Fundamental Computing group will organize and host DisCoTec 2024 - the 19th International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques. DisCoTec is one of the major events sponsored by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) and the European Association for Programming Languages and Systems (EAPLS).
  • Amir Tabatabai gives a talk at the GroLog Seminar on June 1.
  • Amir Tabatabai has an abstract accepted at TbiLLC 2023 (14th Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation): On Geometric Implications.
  • Nicolás Cardozo (University of Los Andes, Colombia) visits our group on June 12-13, 2023.
  • Joseph Paulus and Jorge A. Pérez visit collaborators Daniele Nantes-Sobrinho (Imperial College London) and Nobuko Yoshida (University of Oxford) on June 19-23.
  • Francisco Dalmas is co-organiser of the Dutch Logic PhD Day 2023, which takes place at the University of Groningen on June 23.
  • Anton Chernev gives a talk at the Dutch Logic PhD Day 2023 on June 23.

May 2023

  • Jan Rooduijn (University of Amsterdam) visits our group on May 4, and gives a talk at the GroLog Seminar.

April 2023

  • Paper co-authored by Juan C. Jaramillo and Jorge A. Pérez (with collaborator Carlos Ramirez) is accepted at the Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming: Session-Based Concurrency in Maude: Executable Semantics and Type Checking.
  • Paper co-authored by Revantha Ramanayake is accepted at LICS 2023 (Logic in Computer Science): Cut-restriction from cuts to analytic cuts.
  • Joseph Paulus and Juan C. Jaramillo give contributed talks at PLACES 2023: 14th Workshop on Programming Language Approaches to Concurrency and Communication-cEntric Software (co-located with ETAPS).
  • Jorge A. Pérez joins the program committee of ST30, a workshop celebrating the 30 Years of Session Types, co-located with SPLASH 2023, to be held in Lisbon (Portugal), October 22-23, 2023.
  • Clément Aubert (Augusta University, US) visits our group on April 11-14 and delivers a CS colloquium entitled “The Correctness of Concurrencies in (Reversible) Concurrent Calculi”.

March 2023

  • Jorge A. Pérez will serve as PC co-chair for RADICAL 2023, a workshop co-located with CONCUR 2023, to be held in Antwerp (Belgium), September 18, 2023.
  • Jorge A. Pérez joins the program committee of EXPRESS/SOS 2023, a workshop co-located with CONCUR 2023, to be held in Antwerp (Belgium), September 18, 2023.

February 2023

  • Revantha Ramanayake will serve as PC co-chair for TABLEAUX 2023 to be held at the Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic, September 18-21, 2023.

January 2023

  • Revantha Ramanayake joins the program committee of CLAR 2023 to be held at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China, September 10-12, 2023.

December 2022

November 2022

  • We have an opening for an Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) position! The application deadline is 8 January 2023.
  • Amir Tabatabai gives a talk at the 4th Workshop on Proof Theory and its Applications to be held in Utrecht.
  • Helle Hvid Hansen gives an invited talk on 18 Nov 2022 at ALICE & EVE 2022, a one-day workshop to celebrate women in computer science, this year hosted by Delft University of Technology. (Cancelled due to illness)
  • Revantha Ramanayake gives an invited talk on 15 Nov 2022 at the University of Pennsylvania Logic and Computation Seminar.
  • Amir Tabatabai served on the PhD promotion committee for Iris van der Giesssen, who successfully defended her thesis entitled Uniform Interpolation and Admissible Rules. Proof-theoretic investigations into (intuitionistic) modal logics on 2nd Nov 2022 at Utrecht University.
  • Amir Tabatabai gave an invited talk at the workshop Proof-theoretic and Algebraic Aspects of (Intuitionistic) Modal Logics held in Utrecht.
  • Helle Hvid Hansen joins the programme committee of FORTE 2023 to be held at NOVA University Lisbon, Portugal, 19-23 June 2023.

October 2022

  • Giulio Guerrieri (Aix-Marseille Université) visits our group on October 3-6, 2022.
  • Helle Hvid Hansen serves as PC co-chair for WoLLIC 2023 to be held at Dalhousie University, 11-14 July 2023.
  • Helle Hvid Hansen serves on the PhD examination committee for Jana Wagemaker, who successfully defended her thesis entitled Extensions of (Concurrent) Kleene Algebra on 24 Oct 2022 at the Radboud University, Nijmegen.
  • Claudio Mezzina (University of Urbino) visits our group on October 25-27, 2022.
  • Georgiana Caltais (U.Twente) visits our group on 26 Oct 2022 and delivers a Computer Science colloquium.
  • Jorge A. Pérez is invited to attend and give a talk at the workshop “New challenges in programming language semantics” at the Lorentz Center, Leiden.

September 2022

August 2022

  • Amir Tabatabai gave a talk at AiML 2022.
  • Vitor Greati gave a talk at IJCAR 2022 on 9 August 2022 (Haifa, Israel)
  • Jorge A. Pérez delivered a “flitslezing” (flash lecture) at the Noorderzon Festival entitled “Can we rely on software?”
  • Paper co-authored by Bas van den Heuvel and Jorge A. Pérez is accepted at EXPRESS/SOS 2022 : "Asynchronous Functional Sessions: Cyclic and Concurrent".
  • Jorge A. Pérez joins the program committee of PLDI 2023.
  • Revantha Ramanayake gave an invited talk at the conference BLAST 2022 on 11 August 2022.
  • Johannes Marti (ILLC, UvA) visits our group on 31 August 2022.

July 2022

  • Vitor Greati gave a talk at Trends in Logic XXII on July 19 2022 (Cagliari, Italy, online)
  • Revantha Ramanayake gave an invited talk at the inaugural Dutch Logic PhD day organised by the VvL at Utrecht University on 1 July 2022.
  • Contribution co-authored by Dilek Dustegor titled Interactive online experiments: a generic framework is accepted at Enlight Teaching and Learning conference 2022.
  • Francisco Trucco co-organises the Dutch Logic PhD Day 2022.
  • Helle Hvid Hansen joins the Steering Committee of CMCS and CALCO.
  • Nobuko Yoshida (Imperial College) visits our group on July 11-14, 2022.

June 2022

  • Paper authored by Amir Tabatabai titled Mining the Surface: Witnessing the Low Complexity Theorems of Arithmetic is accepted at WoLLIC 2022.
  • Amir Tabatabai co-delivered the course Proof Theory, Logic and Algebra in the summer school associated to TACL 2022.
  • The paper Scalable Typestate Analysis for Low-Latency Environments, co-authored by Alen Arslanagic and Jorge A. Pérez (and presented at iFM'22, see news below), received the “Best Artifact Award”. Congratulations!
  • Paper co-authored by Bas van den Heuvel and Jorge A. Pérez is accepted at Science of Computer Programming: A Decentralized Analysis of Multiparty Protocols.
  • Revantha Ramanayake gives an invited talk at the special session on Logic in Computer Science at the ASL Logic Colloquium 2022 in Reykjavik (27 June-1 July 2022).
  • Juan Camilo Londoño and Vitor Greati join our group as PhD students. Welcome Juan and Vitor!
  • Vitor Greati gives a talk at the kick-off workshop of the project Structure vs Invariants in Proofs at the University of Birmingham.
  • Revantha Ramanayake gives an invited talk at the kick-off workshop of the project Structure vs Invariants in Proofs at the University of Birmingham.
  • Tobias Kappé (ILLC, UvA) visits our group on 28-29 June 2022.
  • Jorge A. Pérez and Dan Frumin deliver a lecture on “Session Types for Message-Passing Concurrency” at the IPA Course on Formal Methods 2022.

May 2022

  • Paper co-authored by Dilek Dustegor is accepted at Energies: Bayesian Optimization Algorithm-Based Statistical and Machine Learning Approaches for Forecasting Short-Term Electricity Demand
  • Paper co-authored by Amir Tabatabai titled Uniform Lyndon Interpolation for Intuitionistic Monotone Modal Logic is accepted at AiML 2022.
  • Paper authored by Amir Tabatabai titled Provability Logics of Hierarchies is accepted at AiML 2022.

April 2022

  • The I/O Magazine April 2022 edition (published by the IPN) features a portrait of the Fundamental Computing group.
  • Amir Tabatabai joins our group as a postdoctoral researcher. Welcome Amir!
  • Helle Hvid Hansen serves on the PhD committee for Atefeh Zafarghandi who successfully defended her thesis entitled Abstract Dialectical Frameworks: Semantics, Discussion Games, and Variations at the University of Groningen on 19 April 2022.
  • Helle Hvid Hansen organizes and attends (as PC chair) the 16th Workshop on Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science (CMCS 2022) , satellite workshop of ETAPS, in Munich.

March 2022

  • Francisco Trucco Dalmas joins our group as a PhD student. Welcome Francisco!
  • Revantha Ramanayake gives a research talk at the TULIPS Seminar (Utrecht University)
  • Helle Hvid Hansen serves on the program committee of LOFT 2022.
  • Paper by Alois Rosset (PhD student at VUA, co-supervised by Helle Hvid Hansen) is accepted at CMCS 2022.
  • Revantha Ramanayake joins the program committee of ARQNL 2022.
  • Paper co-authored by Alen Arslanagic and Jorge A. Pérez is accepted at iFM'22Scalable Typestate Analysis for Low-Latency Environments
  • Graciela Nava Guerrero (co-supervised by Helle Hvid Hansen) successfully defended her thesis entitled An Agent-based Exploration of Complex Heat Transitions in the Netherlands at the Delft University of Technology on 25 March 2022. Congratulations, Graciela!

February 2022

  • Paper co-authored by Jorge A. Pérez is accepted at WRLA 2022: Executable Semantics and Type Checking for Session-Based Concurrency in Maude

January 2022

  • Jorge A. Pérez joins the program committee of ESOP 2023.
  • Paper co-authored by Jorge A. Pérez is accepted at ACM TOPLAS: Session Coalgebras: A Coalgebraic View on Regular and Context-Free Session Types
  • Helle Hvid Hansen serves as co-chair of the program committee for CMCS 2022.
  • Jovana Dedeić (PhD student at Novi Sad, Serbia, co-supervised by Jorge A. Pérez) successfully defended her PhD. Congratulations Jovana!
  • Paper co-authored by Dan Frumin presented at CPP 2022: Mechanized Verification of a Fine-Grained Concurrent Queue from Meta’s Folly Library.
  • Paper by Dan Frumin receives Distinguished Paper Award at CPP 2022: Semantic cut elimination for the logic of bunched implications, formalized in Coq. Congratulations, Dan!

November 2021

  • Adrián Puerto Aubel joins our group as a postdoctoral researcher. Welcome Adrian!

October 2021

  • Come work with us! We have three fully-funded PhD positions available. See our Vacancies page for more information.
  • Jules Jacobs (Radboud University) is our first in-person visitor after the pandemic, giving a talk on “Mechanized Deadlock Freedom for Session Types”.
  • Stephanie Balzer (Carnegie Mellon University) gave an online talk for our group on “Session Logical Relations for Noninterference”.
  • Helle Hvid Hansen joins the organization team of GroLog, the Logic seminar at the University of Groningen.

September 2021

  • Jorge A. Pérez gives a talk at the GroLog seminar: “The Logical Foundations of Message-Passing Concurrency”.
  • Revantha Ramanayake gives a plenary talk at TABLEAUX 2021.
  • Paper co-authored by Jorge A. Pérez is accepted at JLAMP: Comparing Type Systems for Deadlock Freedom
  • Paper co-authored by Jorge A. Pérez is accepted at LMCS: Causal Consistency for Reversible Multiparty Protocols
  • Revantha Ramanayake joins the program committee of NCL 2022.
  • Jorge A. Pérez joins the program committee of PLACES 2022.
  • Jorge A. Pérez (virtually) attends the Daghstul seminar 21372Behavioural Types: Bridging Theory and Practice.
  • Revantha Ramanayake joins the program committee of AiML 2022

August 2021

  • Helle Hvid Hansen (virtually) attends CALCO 2021 & MFPS XXXVII
  • Revantha Ramanayake joins the program committee of LICS 2022.
  • Dilek Dustegor joins our group as Lecturer. Welcome, Dilek!

July 2021

  • Helle Hvid Hansen gives an invited talk at the Modal and Epistemic Logic session of the Logic Colloquium 2021. (Cancelled due to illness)
  • Helle Hvid Hansen is mentoring at the Adjoint School 2021
  • Revantha Ramanayake joins the program committee of CLAR 2021
  • Paper co-authored by Alen Arslanagic and Jorge A. Pérez is accepted at PPDP 2021Minimal session types for the pi-calculus

June 2021

  • Jorge A. Pérez joins the program committee of REBLS 2021
  • Jorge A. Pérez gives an invited presentation at the IPA online afternoon on Formal Methods
  • Paper co-authored by Bas van den Heuvel and Jorge A. Pérez is accepted at ICE 2021: Deadlock Freedom for Asynchronous and Cyclic Process Networks
  • Oral communication by Jovana Dedeic, Vanja Pantovic, and Jorge A. Pérez is accepted at ICE 2021: On Encoding Primitives for Compensation Handling as Adaptable Processes
  • Paper co-authored by Revantha Ramanayake is accepted at TABLEAUX 2021: Cut-elimination for provability logic by terminating proof search: formalised and deconstructed using Coq
  • Revantha Ramanayake gives an invited talk at the Alophis Logic Seminar

May 2021

April 2021

  • Paper co-authored by Joseph Paulus and Jorge A. Pérez is accepted at FSCD 2021: Non-Deterministic Functions as Non-Deterministic Processes.
  • Paper co-authored by Revantha Ramanayake is accepted at LICS 2021 : Decidability and Complexity in Weakening and Contraction Hypersequent Substructural Logics.
  • Paper co-authored by Revantha Ramanayake is accepted for publication in the ACM Transactions on Computational Logic: Display to Labeled Proofs and Back Again for Tense Logics.
  • Helle Hvid Hansen gives research talks at the TULIPS Seminar (Utrecht University) and the GroLog seminar (University of Groningen).
  • Jorge A. Pérez joins the program committee of PPDP 2021
  • New “lespakket” on “Program Correctness” produced in collaboration with the Scholierenacademie: see here for details.

March 2021

  • Revantha Ramanayake joins our group as Assistant Professor. Welcome, Revantha!
  • Frank Feys joins our group as a PhD student. Welcome, Frank!
  • Helle Hvid Hansen gives an invited 2-part tutorial at the online Workshop on Polynomial Functors (Topos Institute).
  • Helle Hvid Hansen and Revantha Ramanayake join the program committee of WoLLIC 2021.
  • Helle Hvid Hansen has been invited to co-chair the program committee of Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science (CMCS 2022).
  • Jorge A. Pérez joins the program committee of TYPES 2021
  • Dan Frumin successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congratulations, Dr. Dan!
  • Paper co-authored by Revantha Ramanayake is accepted for publication in the Journal of Symbolic Logic: Bounded Sequent Calculi and Restricted Embeddings: Hypersequent Logics.
  • Revantha Ramanayake will co-chair the program committee of the VCLA International Student Awards 2021.

February 2021

January 2021

  • Jorge A. Pérez gives an invited talk at the Mathematical Foundation group of the University of Bath, entitled Linearity, Control Effects, and Behavioral Types

December 2020

  • Helle Hvid Hansen joins the program committee of Women in Logic (WiL 2021), a satellite workshop of LICS 2021 aimed to promote excellent logic research by women.

October 2020

  • Helle Hvid Hansen joins the program committee of ICLA 2021.
  • Helle Hvid Hansen will co-chair the program committee of TbiLLC 2022 (postponed from 2021).

September 2020

  • Dan Frumin joins our group as a postdoctoral researcher. Welcome, Dan!
  • Jorge A. Pérez joins the program committee of LSFA 2021

News from before September 2020:

Jun 2020

Helle Hvid Hansen joins our group as associate professor and Rosalind Franklin Fellow. Welcome Helle!

Mar 2020

Work with us! We have a vacancy on "Theory of Computation" at the level of assistant (tenure-track), associate, or full professor. Apply by May 5, 2020!

Feb 2020

We hosted several visitors: Claudio Mezzina (University of Urbino), Mauricio Ayala (University of Brasilia), Kirstin Peters (TU Darmstadt).

Jan 2020

Mauricio Cano successfully defended his PhD thesis - congratulations!

Oct 2019

Bas van den Heuvel joins our group as PhD student.

Mar 2019

Jorge A. Pérez has been selected as a new member of the Young Academy Groningen, a club for "the University’s most talented, enthusiastic and ambitious young researchers".

Feb 2019

Joseph Paulus joins our group as PhD student.

Nov 2018

Jorge A. Pérez and Alen Arslanagic gave contributed talks in the First VERSEN Workshop on Programming Languages in The Netherlands.

Aug 2018

PhD opening to work in the VIDI project of Jorge A. Pérez. See the official vacancy for details and application procedure (deadline: October 1st, 2018).

July 2018

Jorge A. Pérez has been invited to co-chair the 39th International Conference on Formal Techniques for Distributed Objects, Components, and Systems (FORTE 2019)

June 2018

Jorge A. Pérez has been awarded a VIDI career grant by the NWO. See the press releases by NWO and RUG. Please visit the dedicated website for details on currently available vacancies.

Apr 2018

Alen Arslanagic joins our group as PhD student.

Jun 2016

Dr Luis Quesada (University College Cork, Ireland) visits our group.

Jun 2016

Jorge A. Pérez has been invited to serve in the PC of SAC 2017 (32nd ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing) - Track: Service-Oriented Architectures and Programming.

May 2016

Jorge A. Pérez has been invited to attend the Dagstuhl Seminar 17051 (Theory and Applications of Behavioural Types).

Apr 2016

Jorge A. Pérez has been invited to serve in the PC of EXPRESS/SOS 2016 (Combined 23rd International Workshop on Expressiveness in Concurrency and 13th Workshop on Structural Operational Semantics).

Apr 2016

Dr Claudio Mezzina (IMT Lucca, Italy) visits our group supported by EU COST Action 1405.

Mar 2016

Two new accepted papers (co-authored by Jorge A. Pérez) in FORTE 2016, the 36th IFIP International Conference on Formal Techniques for Distributed Objects, Components and Systems (FORTE).

Feb 2016

Dr Daniele Nantes (University of Brasilia, Brazil) visits our group.

Feb 2016

Dr Jovana Dedeić (University of Novi Sad, Serbia) visits our group supported by EU COST Action 1201 (BETTY).

Jan 2016

New accepted paper (co-authored by Jorge A. Pérez with Kouzapas and Yoshida) in ESOP 2016, the 25th European Symposium on Programming (ESOP).

Jan 2016

Dr Jaime Arias (INRIA Bordeaux, France) visits our group and delivers a Computer Science colloquium.

Jan 2016

Jorge A. Pérez is the editor of the conference report section of SIGLOG News, the newsletter of the ACM Special Interest Group on Logic and Computation (SIGLOG).

Sep 2015

The CONCUR 2015 paper co-authored by Jorge A. Pérez (with Kouzapas and Yoshida) has been selected among the best papers, and invited to the special issue to appear in Springer's Acta Informatica.

Sep 2015

Mr Mauricio Cano joins as a PhD student.

Ago 2015

Two new accepted papers in EXPRESS/SOS 2015, the combined 22th International Workshop on Expressiveness in Concurrency and 12th Workshop on Structural Operational Semantics.

Jun 2015

New accepted paper (co-authored by Jorge A. Pérez with Kouzapas and Yoshida) in CONCUR 2015, the 26th Conference on Concurrency Theory.

Jun 2015

Jorge A. Pérez has been invited to serve in the PC of SAC 2016 (31st ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing) - Track: Service-Oriented Architectures and Programming.

Jun 2015

New accepted paper in PPDP 2015, the 17th International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming.

Apr 2015

Jorge A. Pérez has been invited to serve in the PC of ICALP 2016 (43rd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming / Track B). ICALP is the premier European conference in Theoretical Computer Science.

Apr 2014

Jorge A. Perez joins as a tenure-track assistant professor.

Sep 2010

Wim H. Hesselink was the teacher of the course Automated Reasoning.

Sep 2011

Dr. Doina Bucur will teach a new version of the course Automated Reasoning in the year 2011-2012.

Last modified:20 July 2024 3.54 p.m.