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Research Arctic Centre Collaboration Dutch collaboration

APECS Netherlands


Via APECS mentors Annette Scheepstra and Maarten Loonen is the Arctic Centre supportingthe Dutch national committee of the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS-NL).

APECS facilitates international and interdisciplinary networking to share knowledge and experiences, provides opportunities for professional development, and promotes education and outreach to stimulate future generations of polar researchers.


The current APECS NL board members are:

  • Yousra Makanse, PhD candidate at Wageningen University and Research
  • Erika Varik, polar soical sciences aficionada and research assistant at University of Groningen
  • Youri Renkema, junior ecologist and Arctic enthousiast at Wageningen University and Research
  • Mareike Bach, PhD candidate at University of Groningen
  • Giulia Gai, PhD student in polar marine mammals ecotoxicology at the University of Groningen
  • Sterre Koops, climate change adaptation research at Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen
  • Annemijn Sandig, Aquatic ecologist at Wageningen Marine Research

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Last modified:10 July 2024 6.10 p.m.